  * File upload
  * Perform the upload with all required checks: file size, image size form images (crop and resize), check for overwrite and add prefixes, store the file inthe right folder.
  * @param string	the name of the field
  * @param string	the path where to store the file. The standard path is APATH.'files/filemanager/ '
  * @param string	a prefix for the filename
  * @param boolean	zip the file  if it not an image and is set to true
  * @param array		the array contains (maximum width, maximum height, action_string, maximum file weight (kBytes) for images, maximum file weight (KBytes) for others documents). Possibles values for the action string are: 'NONE', 'CROP', 'RESIZE'
  * @param array		the array contains valid mime types
  * @return mixed	the filename string if upload only a file, an array of filename if upload many files
 public static function upload($file, $path, $prefix = '', $zip = 0, $limits = array(MAX_W, MAX_H, 'NONE', MAX_IMG, MAX_DOC), $mimes = array())
     if (isset($_GET[$file])) {
         self::$file = new Upload_file_xhr($file);
         return X4Files_helper::gupload_file($file, $path, $prefix, $zip, $limits, $mimes);
     } else {
         if (isset($_FILES[$file])) {
             return is_array($_FILES[$file]['name']) ? X4Files_helper::upload_files($file, $path, $prefix, $zip, $limits, $mimes) : X4Files_helper::upload_file($file, $path, $prefix, $zip, $limits, $mimes);