    public function cud($in)
        $wo = $this->wo;
        $tableName = $this->tableName;
        if (!WOOOF::hasContent($tableName)) {
            $wo->log(WOOOF_loggingLevels::WOOOF_ERROR, "1000 No value for tableName");
            return false;
        $tplContentTop = '';
        $tplContent = '';
        $tplErrorMessage = '';
        $tplMessage = '';
        $wo->debug("Generic.cud for '{$tableName}'.");
        $table = new WOOOF_dataBaseTable($wo->db, $tableName);
        if (!$table->constructedOk) {
            $wo->log(WOOOF_loggingLevels::WOOOF_ERROR, "1010 Failed to init '{$tableName}'!");
            return false;
        // form html
        // $htmlFragment = '';
        $id = $wo->getFromArray($in, '_id');
        $action = $wo->getFromArray($in, '_action');
        $do = $wo->getFromArray($in, '_doAction') == '1';
        $redirectToPageAfterSuccess = $wo->getFromArray($in, 'redirectToPageAfterSuccess', '');
        $showDetails = $wo->getFromArray($in, '_showDetails') == '1';
        if (!WOOOF::hasContent($action)) {
            if (WOOOF::hasContent($wo->getFromArray($in, '_editButton'))) {
                $action = 'edit';
            } elseif (WOOOF::hasContent($wo->getFromArray($in, '_deleteButton'))) {
                $action = 'delete';
            } elseif (WOOOF::hasContent($wo->getFromArray($in, '_viewButton'))) {
                $action = 'view';
        $tplContentTop .= "<h1>'{$tableName}' Form</h1>";
        $tplContentTop .= "<h2>[action: {$action}] [id: {$id}] [do: {$do}]</h2>";
        // Checks...
        if (!in_array($action, array('insert', 'edit', 'delete', 'view'))) {
            $wo->log(WOOOF_loggingLevels::WOOOF_ERROR, "1020 Unknown action [{$action}]");
            return false;
        // action is valid here...
        if (!WOOOF::hasContent($id) and $action != 'insert') {
            $wo->log(WOOOF_loggingLevels::WOOOF_ERROR, "1030 id must be provided for action [{$action}]");
            return false;
        if (WOOOF::hasContent($id) and $action == 'insert') {
            $wo->log(WOOOF_loggingLevels::WOOOF_ERROR, "1040 id must not be provided for action [{$action}]");
            return false;
        if ($action != 'view') {
            $tplContent .= <<<SOMEHTMLSTRING
\t\t\t<form method="post" action="_genericEdit.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">
\t\t\t\t<input type="hidden" name="_tableName" \tvalue="{$tableName}">\t\t\t\t
\t\t\t\t<input type="hidden" name="_doAction" \tvalue="1">\t\t\t\t
        $succ = false;
        $columnsToFill = array();
        for ($counter = 0; $counter < count($table->columns) / 2; $counter++) {
            $metaData = $table->columns[$counter]->getColumnMetaData();
            $columnsToFill[] = $metaData['name'];
        $submitButtonLabel = 'Save';
        $errorsString = '';
        // Do the action
        if ($do) {
            if ($action == 'insert') {
                $succ = $table->handleInsertFromPost($columnsToFill);
            } elseif ($action == 'edit') {
                // $_POST['name'] .= 'x'; 	// demonstrate post-processing / alteration of input
                $succ = $table->updateRowFromPost($id, $columnsToFill, $errorsString);
            } elseif ($action == 'delete') {
                $succ = $table->deleteRow($id);
            } else {
                $wo->handleShowStopperError("1050 Unexpected action [{$action}]");
            if ($succ !== FALSE) {
                // commit...
                // TODO: somehow display an ok message (at the page we will redirect)
                if ($redirectToPageAfterSuccess != '') {
                    header('Location: ' . $redirectToPageAfterSuccess);
                $tplMessage .= 'Action perfomed ok.';
                if ($action == 'insert') {
                    $action = 'edit';
                    $id = $succ;
            } else {
                // $succ is FALSE
                $tplErrorMessage .= "Failed to {$action}: " . $wo->getLastErrorAsStringAndClear() . ' ' . $errorsString . '<br>';
            // $succ or not
        // Draw the data
        // TODO: Allow optional htmlFragment param
        $formBody = '';
        if ($action == 'insert') {
            $formBody = $table->presentRowForInsert();
        } elseif ($action == 'edit') {
            $formBody = $table->presentRowForUpdate($id);
        } elseif ($action == 'view') {
            $formBody = $table->presentRowReadOnly($id);
        } elseif ($action == 'delete') {
            if (!$do or $succ === FALSE) {
                $submitButtonLabel = 'Delete';
                $formBody = $table->presentRowReadOnly($id);
        } else {
            $wo->log(WOOOF_loggingLevels::WOOOF_ERROR, "1060 Unknown action [{$action}]");
            return FALSE;
        if ($formBody === FALSE) {
            $tplContent .= "Failed to perform {$action}!";
            $tplErrorMessage .= $wo->getLastErrorAsStringAndClear() . '<br>';
        } else {
            $tplContent .= $formBody;
        // Finish up things
        if ($action != 'view') {
            // edit, insert, delete
            // $action and $id may change after their initial value.
            $tplContent .= <<<SOMEHTMLSTRING
\t\t\t\t<input type="hidden" name="_action" \tvalue="{$action}">\t\t\t\t
\t\t\t\t<input type="hidden" name="_id" \t\tvalue="{$id}">\t\t\t\t
\t\t\t\t<input class="btn btn-medium" type="submit" name="submit" value="{$submitButtonLabel}" >
        if ($action == 'view') {
            if ($showDetails) {
                $detailsContent = $this->viewDetailsRecords(array('id' => $id));
                if ($detailsContent === FALSE) {
                    return FALSE;
                $tplContent .= '<br><br>' . $detailsContent;
            } else {
                $tplContent .= '<a href="_genericEdit.php?_tableName=' . $tableName . '&_id=' . $id . '&_action=' . $action . '&_showDetails=1' . '">Show Details Records...</a>' . '<br>';
        // action is view
        $tplContent .= <<<SOMEHTMLSTRING
\t\t<a href="_genericList.php?_tableName={$tableName}">Goto '{$tableName}' list...</a>
        return array('contentTop' => $tplContentTop, 'content' => $tplContent, 'errorMessage' => $tplErrorMessage, 'message' => $tplMessage);