public function addSubcategory(Subcategory $subcategory) { $subcategoryId = $subcategory->getId(); if ($this->hasSubcategory($subcategoryId)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf('Subcategory %s already exists', $subcategoryId)); } $this->subcategories[$subcategoryId] = $subcategory; }
public function insert(Category $category, Subcategory $subcategory, Brand $brand, Item $item) { // $sql = "INSERT INTO item values (null, 'aalluu', 'asdfasd',true,true, '2015-10-10','asdfasf', 'asdfasd', 1, 1 ,1, 1)"; $sql = "INSERT INTO item values (null, '" . $item->getTitle() . "','" . $item->getDetail() . "',true,false, '" . $item->getDate() . "', '" . $item->getLocation() . "','asfasf'," . $category->getId() . "," . $subcategory->getId() . ", 1 ," . $brand->getId() . ")"; echo $sql; if ($this->conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { echo "Insert operation successful"; } else { echo "Error inserting: "; } }
/** * @param $id * @return string */ public function getByBusiness($business_id) { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT reuse_and_repair_db.Subcategory.subcategory_id, reuse_and_repair_db.Subcategory.subcategory_name FROM reuse_and_repair_db.Business\n INNER JOIN reuse_and_repair_db.Business_Subcategory ON reuse_and_repair_db.Business.business_id = reuse_and_repair_db.Business_Subcategory.fk_business_id\n \tINNER JOIN reuse_and_repair_db.Subcategory ON reuse_and_repair_db.Business_Subcategory.fk_subcategory_id = reuse_and_repair_db.Subcategory.subcategory_id\n WHERE reuse_and_repair_db.Business.business_id = ?\n \tORDER BY reuse_and_repair_db.Subcategory.subcategory_name;"; $prepared = $this->db->link->prepare($sql); $prepared->bindParam(1, $business_id); $success = $prepared->execute(); $all = $prepared->fetchAll(); foreach ($all as $row) { $subcategory = new Subcategory($row['subcategory_id'], $row['subcategory_name']); $this->results[] = $subcategory->jsonSerialize(); } return $this->getJSON(); }
function get_filters_names($conn) { $filter = array(); //Reputation Activities $filter['act'] = Reputation::get_reputation_activities($conn); //Product types $product_types = Product_type::get_list($conn); $filter['ptype'][0] = _('ANY'); foreach ($product_types as $ptype) { $filter['ptype'][$ptype->get_id()] = $ptype->get_name(); } //Subcategories $subcategories = Subcategory::get_list($conn); $filter['subcat'][0] = _('ANY'); foreach ($subcategories as $subc) { $filter['subcat'][$subc->get_id()] = $subc->get_name(); } //Categories $categories = Category::get_list($conn); $filter['cat'][0] = _('ANY'); foreach ($categories as $cat) { $filter['cat'][$cat->get_id()] = $cat->get_name(); } return $filter; }
function __construct($id = -1) { if (self::$conn == Null) { self::$conn = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', 'iti', 'eShop'); } if ($id != -1) { $query = "select * from subcategories where scID={$id} limit 1"; $result = mysqli_query(self::$conn, $query); $subcategory = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $this->scID = $subcategory['scID']; $this->scName = $subcategory['scName']; $this->cID = $subcategory['cID']; } }
if (ossim_error()) { die(ossim_error()); } $db = new ossim_db(); $conn = $db->connect(); // translate category id $category_name = ''; if ($category_id != "") { if ($category_list = Category::get_list($conn, "WHERE id = '{$category_id}'")) { $category_name = $category_list[0]->get_name(); } } //Subcategory $subcategory_name = ''; if ($subcategory_id != "") { if ($subcategory_list = Subcategory::get_list($conn, "WHERE id = '{$subcategory_id}'")) { $subcategory_name = $subcategory_list[0]->get_name(); } } $category_filter = $subcategory_name != "" ? "{$category_name} - {$subcategory_name}" : $category_name; $dt_url = "getpluginsid.php?plugin_id={$plugin_id}"; if ($category_id != "") { $dt_url .= "&category_id={$category_id}"; } if ($subcategory_id != "") { $dt_url .= "&subcategory_id={$subcategory_id}"; } $back_url = urlencode(preg_replace('/([&|\\?]msg\\=)(\\w+)/', '\\1', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])); ?>
</form> <!-- ............................. delete subcategories ....................................... --> <form method="post" action=""> <fieldset> <legend>DELETE</legend> <table class='table table-hover'> <tr> <thead> <th>Category</th> <th>Subcategory</th> <th>Action</th> </thead> </tr> <?php include '../../classes/subcategory.php'; $subcategory = new Subcategory(); foreach ($cData as $key => $cate) { $scData = $subcategory->getSubcategories($cate['cID']); $scCount = count($scData); echo "<tr>"; echo "<td class='cNameCol' value='" . $cate['cID'] . "' rowspan='" . $scCount . "'>" . $cate['cName'] . "</td>"; if ($scCount == 0) { echo "<td colspan='2'> --------- This Category is EMPTY --------- </td>"; echo "</tr>"; } else { echo "<td class='scNameCol'>" . $scData[0]['scName'] . "</td>"; echo "<td class='actCol danger'><a href='' class='deleteSC' value='" . $scData[0]['scID'] . "'>delete</a></td>"; echo "</tr>"; // echo "</section>"; // echo "</tbody>"; }
<td class="nobborder"> <?php echo gettext("Subcategory"); ?> : </td> <td class="nobborder left"> <div id="ajaxSubCategory"> <select name="subcategory"> <?php if ($plugin->get_subcategory_id() == '') { ?> <option value='NULL' SELECTED> </option> <?php } else { // Subcategory require_once 'classes/'; $list_subcategories = Subcategory::get_list($conn, 'WHERE cat_id=' . $plugin->get_category_id() . ' ORDER BY name'); foreach ($list_subcategories as $subcategory) { ?> <option value='<?php echo $subcategory->get_id(); ?> '<?php if ($plugin->get_subcategory_id() == $subcategory->get_id()) { echo ' SELECTED'; } ?> ><?php echo str_replace('_', ' ', $subcategory->get_name()); ?> </option> <?php
/** * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable. * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised. * @param integer the ID of the model to be loaded */ public function loadModel($id) { $model = Subcategory::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; }
/** * @param Subcategory $subcategory * @return bool */ public function setSubcategory(Subcategory $subcategory) { $this->subcategory = $subcategory; $this->id_subcategory = $subcategory->getId(); return true; }
function get_doc_info($conn, $rel) { $name = ''; $url = ''; $url_links['host'] = Menu::get_menu_url('/ossim/av_asset/common/views/detail.php?asset_id=KKKK', 'environment', 'assets', 'assets'); $url_links['net'] = Menu::get_menu_url('/ossim/av_asset/network/view/list.php', 'environment', 'assets', 'networks'); $url_links['host_group'] = Menu::get_menu_url('/ossim/av_asset/group/view/list.php', 'environment', 'assets', 'asset_groups'); $url_links['net_group'] = Menu::get_menu_url('/ossim/netgroup/netgroup.php', 'environment', 'assets', 'network_groups'); $url_links['incident'] = Menu::get_menu_url('/ossim/incidents/incident.php?id=KKKK', 'analysis', 'tickets', 'tickets'); $url_links['directive'] = Menu::get_menu_url('/ossim/directives/index.php?toggled_dir=KKKK&dir_info=1', 'configuration', 'threat_intelligence', 'directives'); $url_links['plugin_sid'] = Menu::get_menu_url('/ossim/forensics/base_qry_main.php?clear_allcriteria=1&search=1&sensor=&sip=&plugin=&ossim_risk_a=+&submit=Signature&search_str=KKKK', 'analysis', 'security_events', 'security_events'); $url_links['taxonomy'] = ""; $key = $rel['key']; switch ($rel['type']) { case 'directive': $name = $rel['key']; break; case 'incident': $sql = "SELECT title from incident where id=?"; $params = array($rel['key']); $rs = $conn->Execute($sql, $params); if (!$rs) { $name = _('Unknown'); } elseif (!$rs->EOF) { $name = $rs->fields["title"]; } break; case 'plugin_sid': $plugin = explode('##', $rel['key']); $pid = $plugin[1]; $sid = $plugin[0]; if ($pid != '' && $sid != '') { $name = Plugin_sid::get_name_by_idsid($conn, $pid, $sid); if (!preg_match('/:/', $name)) { $name = Plugin::get_name_by_id($conn, $pid) . ": " . $name; } $key = $name; } else { $name = _('Unknown, Please edit this relationship'); $key = ''; } break; case 'host': case 'host_group': case 'net': case 'net_group': $field = $rel['type'] == 'host' ? 'hostname' : 'name'; $sql = "SELECT {$field} as name from " . $rel['type'] . " where id=UNHEX(?)"; $params = array($rel['key']); $rs = $conn->Execute($sql, $params); if (!$rs) { $name = _('Unknown'); } elseif (!$rs->EOF) { $name = $rs->fields["name"]; } break; case 'taxonomy': $tax = explode('##', $rel['key']); $ptype = intval($tax[0]) != 0 ? Product_type::get_name_by_id($conn, $tax[0]) : _('ANY'); $cat = intval($tax[1]) != 0 ? Category::get_name_by_id($conn, $tax[1]) : _('ANY'); $subcat = intval($tax[2]) != 0 ? Subcategory::get_name_by_id($conn, $tax[2]) : _('ANY'); $name = _('Product Type') . ': ' . $ptype . ', ' . _('Category') . ': ' . $cat . ', ' . _('Subcategory') . ': ' . $subcat; break; default: $name = _('Unknown'); } $url = $url_links[$rel['type']]; $url = $url != '' ? str_replace('KKKK', $key, $url) : 'javascript:;'; return array($name, $url); }
public function hotsite($id, $url_name) { $user = User::find($id); if ($user->typeuser_id < 5) { $subcategories = SubCategory::where('category_id', 1)->get(); } else { $subcategories = Subcategory::where('category_id', 2)->get(); } $advertUser = Advert::where('user_id', $id)->where('status', '>', '0')->orderByRaw("RAND()")->paginate(18); $marcas = VeiculoMarca::get(); $advertAluga = Advert::where('user_id', $id)->where('tipo_anuncio', '=', 'aluga')->where('status', '>', '0')->count(); $advertVenda = Advert::where('user_id', $id)->where('tipo_anuncio', '=', 'venda')->where('status', '>', '0')->count(); if (empty($advertUser)) { return view('error.error404'); } else { return view('site.pages.hotsite', compact('advertUser', 'user', 'advertAluga', 'advertVenda', 'subcategories', 'marcas')); } }
/** * * @param $action string * @param $subcategoryId int * @return nothing * @author Tremor */ public function subcategoryAction($action, $subcategoryId = 0) { if (isset($subcategoryId) && !empty($subcategoryId) && !is_numeric($subcategoryId)) { return Redirect::to('admin/subcategory'); } switch ($action) { case 'add': $subcategory = new Subcategory(); $subcategory->save(); $newId = $subcategory->id; return Redirect::to('admin/subcategory/' . $newId); break; case 'edit': $post = Input::except('_token'); $subcategory = Subcategory::find($subcategoryId); foreach ($post as $key => $val) { if (isset($subcategory->{$key})) { $subcategory->{$key} = $key == 'alias' ? camel_case($val) : $val; } } $subcategory->save(); return Redirect::to('admin/subcategory/' . $subcategoryId); break; case 'delete': $category = Subcategory::find($subcategoryId); $category->delete(); break; default: break; } return Redirect::to('admin/subcategory'); }
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application Routes |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application. | It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to | and give it the Closure to execute when that URI is requested. | */ Route::get('invoice/outgoing/print/{num}', function ($num) { return $num; }); Route::get('invoice/incoming/print/{num}', function ($num) { return $num; }); Route::get('hash/{pass?}', function ($pass) { return Hash::make('pass'); }); Route::get('subcat/{id}', function ($id) { $subcategories = Subcategory::where('category_id', '=', $id)->get(); return $subcategories; }); Route::controller('admin', 'AdminController'); Route::controller('titles', 'TitlesController'); Route::controller('users', 'UsersController'); Route::controller('invoice', 'InvoiceController'); Route::controller('categories', 'CategoryController'); Route::controller('subcategories', 'SubcategoryController'); Route::controller('brands', 'BrandsController'); Route::controller('products', 'ProductsController');
if (isset($_GET['catID']) && isset($_GET['scatID']) && isset($_GET['newName'])) { if (!empty($_GET['catID']) && !empty($_GET['scatID']) && !empty($_GET['newName'])) { $subcategory = new Subcategory(); $subcategory->cID = $_GET['catID']; $subcategory->scID = $_GET['scatID']; $subcategory->scName = $_GET['newName']; $subcategory->update(); $responce = 'done'; } else { $responce = 'all data are required'; } } //-------------------------------- get subcategories of a specific category -------------------------------- if (isset($_GET['selected_cID'])) { if (!empty($_GET['selected_cID'])) { $subcategory = new Subcategory(); $responce = $subcategory->getSubcategories($_GET['selected_cID']); $responce = json_encode($responce); } } //-------------------------------------------- draw table ---------------------------------------------- if (isset($_GET['op'])) { if (!empty($_GET['op'])) { if ($_GET['op'] == 'drawTable') { $subcategory = new Subcategory(); $data = $subcategory->getCorrespondingCat(); $responce = json_encode($data); } } } echo $responce;
public function testPopulate() { $subCategory = new Subcategory(); $subCategory->setId(1234); $subCategory->setName("Self Service"); $category = new Category(); $category->setId(12); $category->setName("Restaurantes"); $category->setSubCategory($subCategory); $city = new City(); $city->setCountry("Brasil"); $city->setState("SP"); $city->setName("São Paulo"); $address = new Address(); $address->setCity($city); $address->setComplement("1 Andar"); $address->setDistrict("Vila Olímpia"); $address->setNumber("129"); $address->setStreet("Rua Funchal"); $address->setZipcode("04551-069"); $gasStation = new GasStation(array('price_gas' => 1, 23, 'price_vodka' => 23, 45)); $placeInfo = new PlaceInfo(); $placeInfo->setGasStation($gasStation); $data = new \stdClass(); $data->id = 123; $data->name = "Chegamos!"; $data->average_rating = 4; $data->review_count = 3; $data->category = $category; $data->subcategory = $subCategory; $data->address = $address; $data->point->lat = "-23.529366"; $data->point->lng = "-47.467117"; $data->main_url = ""; $data->other_url = ""; $data->icon_url = ""; $data->description = "Description"; $data->created = "01/12/2010 16:19"; $data->phone = "11 2222-3333"; $data->extended = $placeInfo; $data->num_visitors = 1024; $data->num_photos = 5; $this->object->populate($data); $this->assertEquals(123, $this->object->getId()); $this->assertEquals("Chegamos!", $this->object->getName()); $this->assertEquals(4, $this->object->getAverageRating()); $this->assertEquals("Bom", $this->object->getAverageRatingString()); $this->assertEquals(3, $this->object->getReviewCount()); $this->assertEquals("app\\models\\Category", \get_class((object) $this->object->getCategory())); $this->assertEquals("Restaurantes - Self Service", (string) $this->object->getCategory()); $this->assertEquals("app\\models\\Address", \get_class((object) $this->object->getAddress())); $this->assertEquals("Rua Funchal, 129 - Vila Olímpia<br/>São Paulo - SP", (string) $this->object->getAddress()); $this->assertEquals("-23.529366,-47.467117", (string) $this->object->getPoint()); $this->assertEquals("", $this->object->getMainUrl()); $this->assertEquals("", $this->object->getOtherUrl()); $this->assertEquals("", $this->object->getIconUrl()); $this->assertEquals("Description", $this->object->getDescription()); $this->assertEquals("01/12/2010 16:19", $this->object->getCreated()); $this->assertEquals("11 2222-3333", $this->object->getPhone()); $this->assertEquals("app\\models\\PlaceInfo", \get_class((object) $this->object->getPlaceInfo())); $this->assertEquals(1024, $this->object->getNumVisitors()); $this->assertEquals(5, $this->object->getNumPhotos()); }
/** * @param Subcategory $subcategory * @param $name * @param $descr * @param $short_descr * @param $price * @param $stock * @return array * @throws Exception */ public function create(Subcategory $subcategory, $name, $descr, $short_descr, $price, $stock) { $errors = array(); $item = new Item($this->db); try { $item->setName($name); $item->setDescription($descr); $item->setShortDescription($short_descr); $item->setPrice($price); $item->setStock($stock); } catch (Exception $e) { $errors[] = $e->getMessage(); } if (count($errors) == 0) { $name = $this->db->quote($item->getName()); $description = $this->db->quote($item->getDescription()); $shortDescription = $this->db->quote($item->getShortDescription()); $price = $this->db->quote($item->getPrice()); $stock = $this->db->quote($item->getStock()); $query = " INSERT INTO item(id_subcategory, name, descr, short_descr, price, stock)\n VALUES(" . $subcategory->getId() . ", " . $name . ", " . $description . ", " . $shortDescription . ", " . $price . ", " . $stock . ")"; $data = $this->db->exec($query); if ($data) { $id = $this->db->lastInsertId(); if ($id) { try { return $this->findById($id); } catch (Exception $e) { $errors[] = $e->getMessage(); return $errors; } } else { throw new Exception('Last insert error'); } } else { throw new Exception('Db error'); } } else { return $errors; } }
<span class="current">subcategory</span> </div> <div class="left_content"> <?php include 'categoriesBox.php'; include 'login.php'; include 'specialProductsBox.php'; ?> </div><!-- end of left content --> <div class="center_content"> <div class="center_title_bar">Search result</div> <?php include "../../classes/subcategory.php"; $subcat = new Subcategory(); $id = $_GET['id']; $data = $subcat->getSubcategories($id); if (empty($data)) { echo "<h2 style='margin-top:70px;margin-left:200px;'> No result to show </h2>"; } foreach ($data as $key => $row) { foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $name = $row["scName"]; $id = $row["scID"]; } echo "<div class='container' style='font-size:15px; width:500px;'>"; echo "<table class='table table-hover'>"; echo "<tr>"; //echo "<th>"; echo "<th> <a href='showprod.php?id={$id}'> {$name} </a></th>";
echo _("Select a category"); ?> -- </option> </select> <?php exit; } $db = new ossim_db(); $conn = $db->connect(); ?> <select class='vfield' name="subcategory" id="subcategory"> <?php // Subcategory require_once 'classes/'; $list_subcategories = Subcategory::get_list($conn, 'WHERE cat_id=' . $category_id . ' ORDER BY name'); foreach ($list_subcategories as $subcategory) { $selected = $category_id == $subcategory->get_id() ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; ?> <option value='<?php echo $subcategory->get_id(); ?> '<?php echo $selected; ?> ><?php echo str_replace('_', ' ', $subcategory->get_name()); ?> </option> <?php }
public function getRemove($id) { $subcategory = Subcategory::find($id); $subcategory->delete(); return Redirect::back()->with('success', 'Subcategory deleted successfully.'); }