  * Return an array of SMWLink objects that provide additional resources
  * for the given value. Captions can contain some HTML markup which is
  * admissible for wiki text, but no more. Result might have no entries
  * but is always an array.
 public function getInfolinks()
     if ($this->isValid() && !is_null($this->m_property)) {
         if (!$this->mHasSearchLink) {
             // add default search link
             $this->mHasSearchLink = true;
             $this->m_infolinks[] = SMWInfolink::newPropertySearchLink('+', $this->m_property->getLabel(), $this->getWikiValue());
         if (!$this->mHasServiceLinks && $this->serviceLinksRenderState) {
             // add further service links
     return $this->m_infolinks;
function renderFolkTagCloud($input, $args, $parser)
    # definition of variables
    $append = '';
    $count = 0;
    $max_tags = 1000;
    $min_count = 1;
    $increase_factor = 100;
    $min_font_size = 77;
    $font_size = 0;
    $htmlout = '';
    # disable cache
    # not needed with searchlink data
    # build URL path
    # global $wgServer, $wgArticlePath;
    # $path = $wgServer . $wgArticlePath;
    # default tagging property
    $tag_name = 'FolkTag';
    # use a user-defined tagging property as default
    global $wgFTCTagName;
    if (isset($wgFTCTagName)) {
        $tag_name = $wgFTCTagName;
    # use a user-defined tagging property for this tag cloud
    if (isset($args['property'])) {
        $tag_name = str_replace(' ', '_', ucfirst($args['property']));
    # maximum of tags shown
    if (isset($args['maxtags'])) {
        $max_tags = intval($args['maxtags']);
    # minimum frequency for tags to be shown
    if (isset($args['mincount'])) {
        $min_count = intval($args['mincount']);
    # increase factor
    if (isset($args['increasefactor'])) {
        $increase_factor = intval($args['increasefactor']);
    # minimum font size
    if (isset($args['minfontsize'])) {
        $min_font_size = intval($args['minfontsize']);
    # get database
    $db =& wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
    $store = new SMWSQLStore2();
    extract($db->tableNames('categorylinks', 'page'));
    # make tagging property an SMWPorpertyValue in order to access store
    $property = SMWPropertyValue::makeProperty($tag_name);
    # initialising result arrays
    $values = array();
    $result = array();
    $links = array();
    # if there is no filter category:
    if ($input == NULL) {
        $values = ft_getPropertyValues($property, $store);
        # $values = $store->getPropertyValues(NULL, $property);
    } else {
        $categories = explode(',', $input);
        # include subcategories:
        if (isset($args['subcategorylevel'])) {
            $subcategories = array();
            foreach ($categories as $category) {
                $subcategories = array_merge($subcategories, getSubCategories($category, intval($args['subcategorylevel'])));
            $categories = array_merge($categories, $subcategories);
        # start building sql
        $sql = "SELECT page_title, page_namespace\n\t\t\t\tFROM {$page}\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN {$categorylinks}\n\t\t\t\tON {$page}.page_id = {$categorylinks}.cl_from\n\t\t\t\tAND (";
        # disjunction of filter categories
        foreach ($categories as $category) {
            $category = trim($category);
            $category = str_replace(' ', '_', $category);
            $category = str_replace("'", "\\'", $category);
            $sql .= "{$categorylinks}.cl_to = '{$category}' OR ";
        # remainder of sql (FALSE is required to absorb the last OR)
        $sql .= "FALSE) GROUP BY page_title";
        # query
        $res = $db->query($sql);
        # parsing result of sql query: get name and namespace of pages placed in the
        # filter categories and look up all values of the given property for each page
        for ($i = 0; $i < $db->numRows($res); $i++) {
            $row = $db->fetchObject($res);
            $pagename = $row->page_title;
            $namespace = $row->page_namespace;
            $values = array_merge($values, $store->getPropertyValues(SMWWikiPageValue::makePage($pagename, $namespace), $property));
    # counting frequencies
    foreach ($values as $value) {
        # get surface form of property value
        $tag = $value->getShortHTMLText();
        # get Searchlink data for property and current property value
        $link = SMWInfolink::newPropertySearchLink($tag, $tag_name, $tag)->getHTML();
        if (array_key_exists($tag, $result)) {
            $result[$tag] += 1;
        } else {
            $result[$tag] = 1;
            $links[$tag] = $link;
    # sorting results
    # if too many tags are found, remove rear part of result array
    if (count($result) > $max_tags) {
        $result = array_slice($result, 0, $max_tags, true);
    # get minimum and maximum frequency for computing font sizes
    $min = end($result) or $min = 0;
    $max = reset($result) or $max = 1;
    if ($max == $min) {
        $max += 1;
    # sorting results by frequency
    if (isset($args['order'])) {
        if ($args['order'] != "frequency") {
            # ksort($result, SORT_STRING);
            uksort($result, 'compareLowercase');
    } else {
        uksort($result, 'compareLowercase');
    # start building html output
    $htmlOut = $htmlOut . "<div align=justify>";
    foreach ($result as $label => $count) {
        if ($count >= $min_count) {
            if (isset($args['increase'])) {
                # computing font size (logarithmic)
                if ($args[increase] = 'log') {
                    $font_size = $min_font_size + $increase_factor * (log($count) - log($min)) / (log($max) - log($min));
                } else {
                    $font_size = $min_font_size + $increase_factor * ($count - $min) / ($max - $min);
            } else {
                $font_size = $min_font_size + $increase_factor * ($count - $min) / ($max - $min);
            $style = "font-size: {$font_size}%;";
            # link to special page search by property with parameters
            # property=tagging property and value=current tag
            # find URL in searchlink data
            $matches = array();
            preg_match('/href="(.)*"/U', $links[$label], $matches);
            $url = $matches[0];
            # include freqency in brackets in output
            if ($args['count']) {
                $append = " ({$count})";
            # appending tag
            $currentRow = "<a style=\"{$style}\" {$url}>" . $label . $append . "</a>&#160; ";
            $htmlOut = $htmlOut . $currentRow;
    $htmlOut = $htmlOut . "</div>";
    return $htmlOut;
  * Creates the HTML for a bullet list with all the results of the set
  * query. Values can be highlighted to show exact matches among nearby
  * ones.
  * @param array $results (array of (array of one or two SMWDataValues))
  * @param integer $number How many results should be displayed? -1 for all
  * @param boolean $first If less results should be displayed than
  * 	given, should they show the first $number results, or the last
  * 	$number results?
  * @param boolean $highlight Should the results be highlighted?
  * @return string  HTML with the bullet list, including header
 private function makeResultList($results, $number, $first, $highlight = false)
     if ($number > 0) {
         $results = $first ? array_slice($results, 0, $number) : array_slice($results, $number);
     $html = '';
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         $listitem = $result[0]->getLongHTMLText($this->linker);
         if ($this->canShowSearchByPropertyLink($result[0])) {
             $value = $result[0] instanceof StringValue ? $result[0]->getWikiValueForLengthOf(72) : $result[0]->getWikiValue();
             $listitem .= '&#160;&#160;' . Infolink::newPropertySearchLink('+', $this->pageRequestOptions->propertyString, $value)->getHTML($this->linker);
         } elseif ($result[0]->getTypeID() === '_wpg') {
             // Add browsing link for wikipage results
             // Note: non-wikipage results are possible using inverse properties
             $listitem .= '&#160;&#160;' . Infolink::newBrowsingLink('+', $result[0]->getLongWikiText())->getHTML($this->linker);
         // Show value if not equal to the value that was searched
         // or if the current results are to be highlighted:
         if (array_key_exists(1, $result) && $result[1] instanceof DataValue && !$result[1]->getDataItem() instanceof \SMWDIError && (!$this->pageRequestOptions->value->getDataItem()->equals($result[1]->getDataItem()) || $highlight)) {
             $listitem .= "&#160;<em><small>" . $this->messageBuilder->getMessage('parentheses')->rawParams($result[1]->getLongHTMLText($this->linker))->escaped() . "</small></em>";
         // Highlight values
         if ($highlight) {
             $listitem = "<strong>{$listitem}</strong>";
         $html .= "<li>{$listitem}</li>";
     return "<ul>{$html}</ul>";
  * Produce a formatted string representation for showing a property and
  * its usage count in the list of used properties.
  * @since 1.8
  * @param DIProperty $property
  * @param integer $useCount
  * @return string
 protected function formatPropertyItem(DIProperty $property, $useCount)
     // Clear formatter before invoking messages
     $diWikiPage = $property->getDiWikiPage();
     $title = $diWikiPage !== null ? $diWikiPage->getTitle() : null;
     if ($useCount == 0 && !$this->settings->get('smwgPropertyZeroCountDisplay')) {
         return '';
     if ($property->isUserDefined()) {
         if ($title === null) {
             // Show even messed up property names.
             $typestring = '';
             $proplink = $property->getLabel();
             $this->getMessageFormatter()->addFromArray(array('ID: ' . (isset($property->id) ? $property->id : 'N/A')))->addFromKey('smw_notitle', $proplink);
         } else {
             list($typestring, $proplink) = $this->getUserDefinedPropertyInfo($title, $property, $useCount);
         $infoLink = '';
         // Add a link to SearchByProperty to hopefully identify the
         // "hidden" reference
         if ($useCount < 1) {
             $infoLink = '&#160;' . \SMWInfolink::newPropertySearchLink('+', $property->getLabel(), '')->getHTML($this->getLinker());
         $proplink .= $infoLink;
     } else {
         list($typestring, $proplink) = $this->getPredefinedPropertyInfo($property);
     if ($typestring === '') {
         // Built-ins have no type
         // @todo Should use numParams for $useCount?
         return $this->msg('smw_property_template_notype')->rawParams($proplink)->numParams($useCount)->text() . ' ' . $this->getMessageFormatter()->setType('warning')->escape(false)->getHtml();
     } else {
         // @todo Should use numParams for $useCount?
         return $this->msg('smw_property_template')->rawParams($proplink, $typestring)->numParams($useCount)->escaped() . ' ' . $this->getMessageFormatter()->setType('warning')->escape(false)->getHtml();