 * reminder form
 * @since 1.2.1
 * @deprecated 2.0.0
 * @package Redaxscript
 * @category Reminder
 * @author Henry Ruhs
function reminder_form()
    $output = Redaxscript\Hook::trigger(__FUNCTION__ . '_start');
    /* disable fields if attack blocked */
    if (ATTACK_BLOCKED > 9) {
        $code_disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
    /* captcha object */
    $captcha = new Redaxscript\Captcha(Redaxscript\Language::getInstance());
    /* collect output */
    $output .= '<h2 class="title_content">' . l('reminder') . '</h2>';
    $output .= form_element('form', 'form_reminder', 'js_validate_form form_default form_reminder', '', '', '', 'action="' . REWRITE_ROUTE . 'reminder" method="post"');
    $output .= form_element('fieldset', '', 'set_reminder', '', '', l('reminder_request') . l('point')) . '<ul>';
    $output .= '<li>' . form_element('email', 'email', 'field_text field_note', 'email', '', l('email'), 'maxlength="50" required="required" autofocus="autofocus"' . $code_disabled) . '</li>';
    /* collect captcha task output */
    $output .= '<li>' . form_element('number', 'task', 'field_text field_note', 'task', '', $captcha->getTask(), 'min="1" max="20" required="required"' . $code_disabled) . '</li>';
    $output .= '</ul></fieldset>';
    /* collect captcha solution output */
    $captchaHash = new Redaxscript\Hash(Redaxscript\Config::getInstance());
    $output .= form_element('hidden', '', '', 'solution', $captchaHash->getHash());
    /* collect hidden and button output */
    $output .= form_element('hidden', '', '', 'token', TOKEN);
    $output .= form_element('button', '', 'js_submit button_default', 'reminder_post', l('submit'), '', $code_disabled);
    $output .= '</form>';
    $output .= Redaxscript\Hook::trigger(__FUNCTION__ . '_end');
    $_SESSION[ROOT . '/reminder'] = 'visited';
    echo $output;
 * login form
 * @since 1.2.1
 * @deprecated 2.0.0
 * @package Redaxscript
 * @category Login
 * @author Henry Ruhs
function login_form()
    $output = Redaxscript\Hook::trigger(__FUNCTION__ . '_start');
    /* disable fields if attack blocked */
    if (ATTACK_BLOCKED > 9) {
        $code_disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
    /* captcha object */
    if (s('captcha') > 0) {
        $captcha = new Redaxscript\Captcha(Redaxscript\Language::getInstance());
    /* reminder question */
    if (s('reminder') == 1) {
        $legend = anchor_element('internal', '', 'link_legend', l('reminder_question') . l('question_mark'), 'reminder', '', 'rel="nofollow"');
    } else {
        $legend = l('fields_limited') . l('point');
    /* collect output */
    $output .= '<h2 class="title_content">' . l('login') . '</h2>';
    $output .= form_element('form', 'form_login', 'js_validate_form form_default form_login', '', '', '', 'action="' . REWRITE_ROUTE . 'login" method="post"');
    $output .= form_element('fieldset', '', 'set_login', '', '', $legend) . '<ul>';
    $output .= '<li>' . form_element('text', 'user', 'field_text field_note', 'user', '', l('user'), 'maxlength="50" required="required" autofocus="autofocus"' . $code_disabled) . '</li>';
    $output .= '<li>' . form_element('password', 'password', 'js_unmask_password field_text field_note', 'password', '', l('password'), 'maxlength="50" required="required" autocomplete="off"' . $code_disabled) . '</li>';
    /* collect captcha task output */
    if (LOGGED_IN != TOKEN && s('captcha') > 0) {
        $output .= '<li>' . form_element('number', 'task', 'field_text field_note', 'task', '', $captcha->getTask(), 'min="1" max="20" required="required"' . $code_disabled) . '</li>';
    $output .= '</ul></fieldset>';
    /* collect captcha solution output */
    if (s('captcha') > 0) {
        $captchaHash = new Redaxscript\Hash(Redaxscript\Config::getInstance());
        if (LOGGED_IN == TOKEN) {
            $output .= form_element('hidden', '', '', 'task', $captchaHash->getRaw());
        $output .= form_element('hidden', '', '', 'solution', $captchaHash->getHash());
    /* collect hidden and button output */
    $output .= form_element('hidden', '', '', 'token', TOKEN);
    $output .= form_element('button', '', 'js_submit button_default', 'login_post', l('submit'), '', $code_disabled);
    $output .= '</form>';
    $output .= Redaxscript\Hook::trigger(__FUNCTION__ . '_end');
    $_SESSION[ROOT . '/login'] = '******';
    echo $output;
 * contact form
 * @since 1.2.1
 * @deprecated 2.0.0
 * @package Redaxscript
 * @category Modules
 * @author Henry Ruhs
function contact_form()
    /* disable fields if attack blocked */
    if (ATTACK_BLOCKED > 9) {
        $code_readonly = $code_disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
    } else {
        if (LOGGED_IN == TOKEN) {
            $author = MY_USER;
            $email = MY_EMAIL;
            $code_readonly = ' readonly="readonly"';
    /* captcha object */
    if (s('captcha') > 0) {
        $captcha = new Redaxscript\Captcha(Redaxscript\Language::getInstance());
    /* collect output */
    $output = form_element('form', 'form_contact', 'js_validate_form form_default form_contact', '', '', '', 'method="post"');
    $output .= form_element('fieldset', '', 'set_contact', '', '', l('fields_required') . l('point')) . '<ul>';
    $output .= '<li>' . form_element('text', 'author', 'field_text field_note', 'author', $author, '* ' . l('author'), 'maxlength="50" required="required"' . $code_readonly) . '</li>';
    $output .= '<li>' . form_element('email', 'email', 'field_text field_note', 'email', $email, '* ' . l('email'), 'maxlength="50" required="required"' . $code_readonly) . '</li>';
    $output .= '<li>' . form_element('url', 'url', 'field_text', 'url', '', l('url'), 'maxlength="50"' . $code_disabled) . '</li>';
    $output .= '<li>' . form_element('textarea', 'text', 'js_auto_resize js_editor_textarea field_textarea field_note', 'text', '', '* ' . l('message'), 'rows="5" cols="100" required="required"' . $code_disabled) . '</li>';
    /* collect captcha task output */
    if (LOGGED_IN != TOKEN && s('captcha') > 0) {
        $output .= '<li>' . form_element('number', 'task', 'field_text field_note', 'task', '', $captcha->getTask(), 'min="1" max="20" required="required"' . $code_disabled) . '</li>';
    $output .= '</ul></fieldset>';
    /* collect captcha solution output */
    if (s('captcha') > 0) {
        if (LOGGED_IN == TOKEN) {
            $output .= form_element('hidden', '', '', 'task', $captcha->getSolution('raw'));
        $output .= form_element('hidden', '', '', 'solution', $captcha->getSolution());
    /* collect hidden and button output */
    $output .= form_element('hidden', '', '', 'token', TOKEN);
    $output .= form_element('button', '', 'js_submit button_default', 'contact_post', l('submit'), '', $code_disabled);
    $output .= '</form>';
    $_SESSION[ROOT . '/contact'] = 'visited';
    echo $output;
 * extras
 * @since 1.2.1
 * @deprecated 2.0.0
 * @package Redaxscript
 * @category Contents
 * @author Henry Ruhs
 * @param mixed $filter
function extras($filter = '')
    if ($filter == '') {
        $output .= Redaxscript\Hook::trigger(__FUNCTION__ . '_start');
    /* query extras */
    $extras = Redaxscript\Db::forTablePrefix('extras')->whereIn('language', array(Redaxscript\Registry::get('language'), ''));
    /* has filter */
    if ($filter) {
        $id = Redaxscript\Db::forTablePrefix('extras')->where('alias', $filter)->findOne()->id;
        /* handle sibling */
        $sibling = Redaxscript\Db::forTablePrefix('extras')->where('id', $id)->findOne()->sibling;
        /* query sibling collection */
        $sibling_array = Redaxscript\Db::forTablePrefix('extras')->whereIn('sibling', array($id, $sibling > 0 ? $sibling : null))->where('language', Redaxscript\Registry::get('language'))->select('id')->findArrayFlat();
        /* process sibling array */
        foreach ($sibling_array as $value) {
            $id_array[] = $value;
        $id_array[] = $sibling;
        $id_array[] = $id;
    } else {
        $id_array = $extras->where('status', 1)->orderByAsc('rank')->select('id')->findArrayFlat();
    /* query result */
    $result = $extras->whereIn('id', $id_array)->findArray();
    /* collect output */
    if ($result) {
        $accessValidator = new Redaxscript\Validator\Access();
        foreach ($result as $r) {
            $access = $r['access'];
            /* access granted */
            if ($accessValidator->validate($access, MY_GROUPS) === Redaxscript\Validator\ValidatorInterface::PASSED) {
                if ($r) {
                    foreach ($r as $key => $value) {
                        ${$key} = stripslashes($value);
                /* show if cagegory or article matched */
                if ($category == CATEGORY || $article == ARTICLE || $category == 0 && $article == 0) {
                    /* parser object */
                    $parser = new Redaxscript\Parser(Redaxscript\Registry::getInstance(), Redaxscript\Language::getInstance());
                    $parser->init($text, array('className' => array('readmore' => 'link_read_more', 'codequote' => 'js_code_quote box_code'), 'route' => $route));
                    /* collect headline output */
                    $output .= Redaxscript\Hook::trigger('extra_start', $r);
                    if ($headline == 1) {
                        $output .= '<h3 class="title_extra" id="extra-' . $alias . '">' . $title . '</h3>';
                    /* collect box output */
                    $output .= '<div class="box_extra">' . $parser->getOutput() . '</div>' . Redaxscript\Hook::trigger('extra_end', $r);
                    /* prepend admin dock */
                    if (LOGGED_IN == TOKEN && FIRST_PARAMETER != 'logout') {
                        $output .= admin_dock('extras', $id);
    if ($filter == '') {
        $output .= Redaxscript\Hook::trigger(__FUNCTION__ . '_end');
    echo $output;
        case USERS_NEW == 1:
        case USERS_EDIT == 1:
        case USERS_DELETE == 1:
        case USERS_EXCEPTION == 1:
            if (TABLE_PARAMETER == 'users') {
                include_once 'includes/admin_users.php';
/* module files as needed */
$modules_include = Redaxscript\Hook::get();
if ($modules_include) {
    /* language object */
    $language = Redaxscript\Language::getInstance();
    /* process modules */
    foreach ($modules_include as $value) {
        /* language */
        $language->load(array('modules/' . $value . '/languages/en.json', 'modules/' . $value . '/languages/' . LANGUAGE . '.json'));
        /* config */
        if (file_exists('modules/' . $value . '/config.php')) {
            include_once 'modules/' . $value . '/config.php';
        /* index */
        if (file_exists('modules/' . $value . '/index.php')) {
            include_once 'modules/' . $value . '/index.php';
/* call loader else render template */
 * language shortcut
 * @since 2.2.0
 * @deprecated 2.0.0
 * @package Redaxscript
 * @category Migrate
 * @author Henry Ruhs
 * @param string $key
 * @param string $index
 * @return string
function l($key = null, $index = null)
    $language = Redaxscript\Language::getInstance();
    $output = $language->get($key, $index);
    return $output;
 * extras
 * @since 1.2.1
 * @deprecated 2.0.0
 * @package Redaxscript
 * @category Contents
 * @author Henry Ruhs
 * @param mixed $filter
function extras($filter = '')
    if ($filter == '') {
        $output .= Redaxscript\Hook::trigger(__FUNCTION__ . '_start');
    /* query extras */
    $extras = Redaxscript\Db::forTablePrefix('extras')->whereIn('language', array(Redaxscript\Registry::get('language'), ''));
    /* setup filter */
    if (is_numeric($filter)) {
        $extras->where('rank', $filter);
    } else {
        if ($filter) {
            $extras->where('alias', $filter);
        } else {
            $extras->where('status', 1);
    /* query result */
    $result = $extras->findArray();
    /* collect output */
    if ($result) {
        $accessValidator = new Redaxscript\Validator\Access();
        foreach ($result as $r) {
            $access = $r['access'];
            /* if access granted */
            if ($accessValidator->validate($access, MY_GROUPS) === Redaxscript\Validator\ValidatorInterface::PASSED) {
                if ($r) {
                    foreach ($r as $key => $value) {
                        ${$key} = stripslashes($value);
                /* show if cagegory or article matched */
                if ($category == CATEGORY || $article == ARTICLE || $category == 0 && $article == 0) {
                    /* parser object */
                    $parser = new Redaxscript\Parser(Redaxscript\Registry::getInstance(), Redaxscript\Language::getInstance());
                    $parser->init($text, $route, array('className' => array('break' => 'link_read_more', 'code' => 'box_code')));
                    /* collect headline output */
                    $output .= Redaxscript\Hook::trigger('extra_start', $r);
                    if ($headline == 1) {
                        $output .= '<h3 class="title_extra">' . $title . '</h3>';
                    /* collect box output */
                    $output .= '<div class="box_extra">' . $parser->getOutput() . '</div>' . Redaxscript\Hook::trigger('extra_end', $r);
                    /* prepend admin dock */
                    if (LOGGED_IN == TOKEN && FIRST_PARAMETER != 'logout') {
                        $output .= admin_dock('extras', $id);
    if ($filter == '') {
        $output .= Redaxscript\Hook::trigger(__FUNCTION__ . '_end');
    echo $output;
 * admin delete
 * @since 1.2.1
 * @deprecated 2.0.0
 * @package Redaxscript
 * @category Admin
 * @author Henry Ruhs
function admin_delete()
    $tableParameter = Redaxscript\Registry::get('tableParameter');
    $idParameter = Redaxscript\Registry::get('idParameter');
    if ($tableParameter == 'categories' || $tableParameter == 'articles' || $tableParameter == 'extras' || $tableParameter == 'comments' || $tableParameter == 'groups' || $tableParameter == 'users') {
        Redaxscript\Db::forTablePrefix($tableParameter)->where('id', $idParameter)->findMany()->delete();
    /* query categories */
    if ($tableParameter == 'categories') {
        $categoryChildren = Redaxscript\Db::forTablePrefix($tableParameter)->where('parent', $idParameter);
        $categoryArray = array_merge($categoryChildren->findFlatArray(), [$idParameter]);
        $articleChildren = Redaxscript\Db::forTablePrefix('articles')->whereIn('category', $categoryArray);
        $articleArray = $articleChildren->findFlatArray();
        if (count($articleArray) > 0) {
            Redaxscript\Db::forTablePrefix('comments')->whereIn('article', $articleArray)->findMany()->delete();
        /* reset extras */
        Redaxscript\Db::forTablePrefix('extras')->whereIn('category', $categoryArray)->findMany()->set('category', 0)->save();
    /* query articles */
    if ($tableParameter == 'articles') {
        Redaxscript\Db::forTablePrefix('comments')->where('article', $idParameter)->findMany()->delete();
        /* reset extras */
        Redaxscript\Db::forTablePrefix('extras')->where('article', $idParameter)->findMany()->set('article', 0)->save();
        /* reset homepage */
        if ($idParameter == Redaxscript\Db::getSetting('homepage')) {
            Redaxscript\Db::forTablePrefix('settings')->where('name', 'homepage')->findOne()->set('value', 0)->save();
    /* handle exception */
    if ($tableParameter == 'users' && $idParameter == Redaxscript\Registry::get('myId')) {
        $logoutController = new Redaxscript\Controller\Logout(Redaxscript\Registry::getInstance(), Redaxscript\Language::getInstance(), Redaxscript\Request::getInstance());
        echo $logoutController->process();
    } else {
        $route = 'admin';
        if (Redaxscript\Registry::get('tableEdit') == 1 || Redaxscript\Registry::get('tableEdit') == 1) {
            $route .= '/view/' . $tableParameter;
        /* show success */
        $messenger = new Redaxscript\Admin\Messenger(Redaxscript\Registry::getInstance());
        echo $messenger->setRoute(Redaxscript\Language::get('continue'), $route)->doRedirect()->success(Redaxscript\Language::get('operation_completed'));
 * extras
 * @since 1.2.1
 * @deprecated 2.0.0
 * @package Redaxscript
 * @category Contents
 * @author Henry Ruhs
 * @param mixed $filter
function extras($filter = '')
    if ($filter == '') {
        $output .= Redaxscript\Hook::trigger(__FUNCTION__ . '_start');
    /* query extras */
    $query = 'SELECT id, title, text, category, article, headline, access FROM ' . PREFIX . 'extras WHERE (language = \'' . LANGUAGE . '\' || language = \'\')';
    if (is_numeric($filter)) {
        $query .= ' && rank = ' . $filter;
    } else {
        if ($filter) {
            $query .= ' && alias = \'' . $filter . '\'';
        } else {
            $query .= ' && status = 1';
    $query .= ' ORDER BY rank';
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    /* collect output */
    if ($result) {
        $accessValidator = new Redaxscript\Validator\Access();
        while ($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            $access = $r['access'];
            $check_access = $accessValidator->validate($access, MY_GROUPS);
            /* if access granted */
            if ($check_access == 1) {
                if ($r) {
                    foreach ($r as $key => $value) {
                        ${$key} = stripslashes($value);
                /* show if cagegory or article matched */
                if ($category == CATEGORY || $article == ARTICLE || $category == 0 && $article == 0) {
                    /* parser object */
                    $parser = new Redaxscript\Parser(Redaxscript\Registry::getInstance(), Redaxscript\Language::getInstance(), $text, $route, array('className' => array('break' => 'link_read_more', 'code' => 'box_code')));
                    /* collect headline output */
                    $output .= Redaxscript\Hook::trigger('extra_start', $id);
                    if ($headline == 1) {
                        $output .= '<h3 class="title_extra">' . $title . '</h3>';
                    /* collect box output */
                    $output .= '<div class="box_extra">' . $parser->getOutput() . '</div>' . Redaxscript\Hook::trigger('extra_end', $id);
                    /* prepend admin dock */
                    if (LOGGED_IN == TOKEN && FIRST_PARAMETER != 'logout') {
                        $output .= admin_dock('extras', $id);
    if ($filter == '') {
        $output .= Redaxscript\Hook::trigger(__FUNCTION__ . '_end');
    echo $output;
 * admin router
 * @since 1.2.1
 * @deprecated 2.0.0
 * @package Redaxscript
 * @category Admin
 * @author Henry Ruhs
function admin_router()
    $firstParameter = Redaxscript\Registry::get('firstParameter');
    $adminParameter = Redaxscript\Registry::get('adminParameter');
    $tableParameter = Redaxscript\Registry::get('tableParameter');
    $idParameter = Redaxscript\Registry::get('idParameter');
    $aliasParameter = Redaxscript\Registry::get('aliasParameter');
    $tokenParameter = Redaxscript\Registry::get('tokenParameter');
    $usersException = $tableParameter == 'users' && $idParameter == Redaxscript\Registry::get('myId');
    $messenger = new Redaxscript\Admin\Messenger(Redaxscript\Registry::getInstance());
    if (Redaxscript\Registry::get('adminRouterBreak') == 1) {
    /* last seen update */
    if ($firstParameter == 'admin' && !$adminParameter || $adminParameter == 'view' && $tableParameter == 'users' || Redaxscript\Registry::get('cronUpdate')) {
    /* validate routing */
    switch (true) {
        case $adminParameter && !in_array($adminParameter, ['new', 'view', 'edit', 'up', 'down', 'sort', 'publish', 'unpublish', 'enable', 'disable', 'install', 'uninstall', 'delete', 'process', 'update']):
        case $adminParameter == 'process' && !$_POST['new'] && !$_POST['edit']:
        case $adminParameter == 'update' && !$_POST['update']:
        case $adminParameter && !in_array($tableParameter, ['categories', 'articles', 'extras', 'comments', 'groups', 'users', 'modules', 'settings']):
        case !$aliasParameter && ($adminParameter == 'install' || $adminParameter == 'uninstall'):
        case !$idParameter && in_array($adminParameter, ['edit', 'up', 'down', 'publish', 'unpublish', 'enable', 'disable']) && $tableParameter != 'settings':
        case is_numeric($idParameter) && !Redaxscript\Db::forTablePrefix($tableParameter)->where('id', $idParameter)->findOne()->id:
            /* show error */
            echo $messenger->setRoute(Redaxscript\Language::get('back'), 'admin')->error(Redaxscript\Language::get('something_wrong'));
    /* define access variables */
    if ($adminParameter && $tableParameter) {
        if ($tableParameter == 'modules') {
            $install = Redaxscript\Registry::get('modulesInstall');
            $uninstall = Redaxscript\Registry::get('modulesUninstall');
        } else {
            if ($tableParameter != 'settings') {
                $new = Redaxscript\Registry::get('tableNew');
                if ($tableParameter == 'comments') {
                    $articles_total = Redaxscript\Db::forTablePrefix('articles')->count();
                    $articles_comments_disable = Redaxscript\Db::forTablePrefix('articles')->where('comments', 0)->count();
                    if ($articles_total == $articles_comments_disable) {
                        $new = 0;
                $delete = Redaxscript\Registry::get('tableDelete');
        $edit = Redaxscript\Registry::get('tableEdit');
    if ($edit == 1 || $delete == 1) {
        $accessValidator = new Redaxscript\Validator\Access();
        $access = Redaxscript\Db::forTablePrefix($tableParameter)->where('id', $idParameter)->findOne()->access;
        $check_access = $accessValidator->validate($access, Redaxscript\Registry::get('myGroups'));
    /* validate access */
    switch (true) {
        case $adminParameter == 'new' && $new == 0:
        case $adminParameter == 'view' && in_array($tableParameter, ['categories', 'articles', 'extras', 'comments', 'groups', 'users']) && $new == 0 && $edit == 0 && $delete == 0:
        case $adminParameter == 'view' && $tableParameter == 'settings':
        case $adminParameter == 'view' && $tableParameter == 'modules' && $edit == 0 && $install == 0 && $uninstall == 0:
        case $adminParameter == 'edit' && $edit == 0 && !$usersException:
        case in_array($adminParameter, ['up', 'down', 'sort', 'publish', 'unpublish', 'enable', 'disable']) && $edit == 0:
        case $adminParameter == 'install' && $install == 0:
        case $adminParameter == 'uninstall' && $uninstall == 0:
        case $adminParameter == 'delete' && $delete == 0 && !$usersException:
        case $adminParameter == 'process' && $_POST['new'] && $new == 0:
        case $adminParameter == 'process' && $_POST['edit'] && $edit == 0 && !$usersException:
        case $adminParameter == 'process' && $_POST['groups'] && !Redaxscript\Registry::get('groupsEdit'):
        case $adminParameter == 'update' && $edit == 0:
        case $idParameter == 1 && ($adminParameter == 'disable' || $adminParameter == 'delete') && ($tableParameter == 'groups' || $tableParameter == 'users'):
        case is_numeric($idParameter) && $tableParameter && $check_access == 0 && !$usersException:
            /* show error */
            echo $messenger->setRoute(Redaxscript\Language::get('back'), 'admin')->error(Redaxscript\Language::get('error_occurred'), Redaxscript\Language::get('access_no'));
    /* check token */
    if (in_array($adminParameter, ['up', 'down', 'sort', 'publish', 'unpublish', 'enable', 'disable', 'install', 'uninstall', 'delete']) && !$tokenParameter) {
        /* show error */
        echo $messenger->setRoute(Redaxscript\Language::get('back'), 'admin')->error(Redaxscript\Language::get('error_occurred'), Redaxscript\Language::get('token_no'));
    /* admin routing */
    if ($firstParameter == 'admin' && !$adminParameter) {
    switch ($adminParameter) {
        case 'new':
            if ($tableParameter == 'categories') {
                $categoryForm = new Redaxscript\Admin\View\CategoryForm(Redaxscript\Registry::getInstance(), Redaxscript\Language::getInstance());
                echo $categoryForm->render();
            if ($tableParameter == 'articles') {
                $articleForm = new Redaxscript\Admin\View\ArticleForm(Redaxscript\Registry::getInstance(), Redaxscript\Language::getInstance());
                echo $articleForm->render();
            if ($tableParameter == 'extras') {
                $extraForm = new Redaxscript\Admin\View\ExtraForm(Redaxscript\Registry::getInstance(), Redaxscript\Language::getInstance());
                echo $extraForm->render();
            if ($tableParameter == 'comments') {
                $commentForm = new Redaxscript\Admin\View\CommentForm(Redaxscript\Registry::getInstance(), Redaxscript\Language::getInstance());
                echo $commentForm->render();
            if ($tableParameter == 'groups') {
                $groupForm = new Redaxscript\Admin\View\GroupForm(Redaxscript\Registry::getInstance(), Redaxscript\Language::getInstance());
                echo $groupForm->render();
            if ($tableParameter == 'users') {
                $userForm = new Redaxscript\Admin\View\UserForm(Redaxscript\Registry::getInstance(), Redaxscript\Language::getInstance());
                echo $userForm->render();
        case 'view':
            if (in_array($tableParameter, ['categories', 'articles', 'extras', 'comments'])) {
            if (in_array($tableParameter, ['groups', 'users', 'modules'])) {
                call_user_func('admin_' . $tableParameter . '_list');
        case 'edit':
            if ($tableParameter == 'categories') {
                $categoryForm = new Redaxscript\Admin\View\CategoryForm(Redaxscript\Registry::getInstance(), Redaxscript\Language::getInstance());
                echo $categoryForm->render($idParameter);
            if ($tableParameter == 'articles') {
                $articleForm = new Redaxscript\Admin\View\ArticleForm(Redaxscript\Registry::getInstance(), Redaxscript\Language::getInstance());
                echo $articleForm->render($idParameter);
            if ($tableParameter == 'extras') {
                $extraForm = new Redaxscript\Admin\View\ExtraForm(Redaxscript\Registry::getInstance(), Redaxscript\Language::getInstance());
                echo $extraForm->render($idParameter);
            if ($tableParameter == 'comments') {
                $commentForm = new Redaxscript\Admin\View\CommentForm(Redaxscript\Registry::getInstance(), Redaxscript\Language::getInstance());
                echo $commentForm->render($idParameter);
            if ($tableParameter == 'groups') {
                $groupForm = new Redaxscript\Admin\View\GroupForm(Redaxscript\Registry::getInstance(), Redaxscript\Language::getInstance());
                echo $groupForm->render($idParameter);
            if ($tableParameter == 'users') {
                $userForm = new Redaxscript\Admin\View\UserForm(Redaxscript\Registry::getInstance(), Redaxscript\Language::getInstance());
                echo $userForm->render($idParameter);
            if ($tableParameter == 'modules') {
                $moduleForm = new Redaxscript\Admin\View\ModuleForm(Redaxscript\Registry::getInstance(), Redaxscript\Language::getInstance());
                echo $moduleForm->render($idParameter);
            if ($tableParameter == 'settings') {
                $settingForm = new Redaxscript\Admin\View\SettingForm(Redaxscript\Registry::getInstance(), Redaxscript\Language::getInstance());
                echo $settingForm->render();
        case 'up':
        case 'down':
        case 'sort':
        case 'publish':
        case 'enable':
        case 'unpublish':
        case 'disable':
        case 'install':
        case 'uninstall':
        case 'delete':
        case 'process':
        case 'update':
            call_user_func('admin_' . $adminParameter);
 * scripts transport
 * @since 1.2.1
 * @deprecated 2.0.0
 * @package Redaxscript
 * @category Loader
 * @author Henry Ruhs
 * @param string|boolean $minify
 * @return string
function scripts_transport($minify = '')
    /* extend redaxscript object */
    $public_registry = array('token', 'loggedIn', 'firstParameter', 'secondParameter', 'thirdParameter', 'adminParameter', 'tableParameter', 'idParameter', 'aliasParameter', 'lastParameter', 'firstTable', 'secondTable', 'thirdTable', 'lastTable', 'fullRoute', 'fullTopRoute', 'rewriteRoute', 'languageRoute', 'templateRoute', 'refreshRoute', 'myBrowser', 'myBrowserVersion', 'myEngine', 'myDesktop', 'myMobile', 'myTablet');
    /* collect output */
    $output = 'if (typeof rs === \'object\')' . PHP_EOL;
    $output .= '{' . PHP_EOL;
    /* languages object */
    $language = Redaxscript\Language::getInstance();
    /* add language */
    $output .= 'rs.language = ' . json_encode($language->get()) . ';' . PHP_EOL;
    /* add registry */
    $output .= 'rs.registry = {};';
    foreach ($public_registry as $value) {
        $output .= 'rs.registry.' . $value . ' = \'' . Redaxscript\Registry::get($value) . '\';' . PHP_EOL;
    /* baseURL fallback */
    $output .= 'if (rs.baseURL === \'\')' . PHP_EOL;
    $output .= '{' . PHP_EOL;
    $output .= 'rs.baseURL = \'' . ROOT . '\\/\';' . PHP_EOL;
    $output .= '}' . PHP_EOL;
    /* generator and version */
    $output .= 'rs.generator = \'' . l('name', '_package') . ' ' . l('version', '_package') . '\';' . PHP_EOL;
    $output .= 'rs.version = \'' . l('version', '_package') . '\';' . PHP_EOL;
    $output .= '}' . PHP_EOL;
    /* minify */
    if ($minify) {
        $minifier = new Redaxscript\Minifier();
        $output = $minifier->scripts($output);
    return $output;
 * extras
 * @since 1.2.1
 * @deprecated 2.0.0
 * @package Redaxscript
 * @category Contents
 * @author Henry Ruhs
 * @param mixed $filter
function extras($filter)
    if (!$filter) {
        $output .= Redaxscript\Hook::trigger('extraStart');
    $categoryId = Redaxscript\Registry::get('categoryId');
    $articleId = Redaxscript\Registry::get('articleId');
    $firstParameter = Redaxscript\Registry::get('firstParameter');
    /* query extras */
    $extras = Redaxscript\Db::forTablePrefix('extras')->whereLanguageIs(Redaxscript\Registry::get('language'));
    /* has filter */
    if ($filter) {
        $id = Redaxscript\Db::forTablePrefix('extras')->where('alias', $filter)->findOne()->id;
        /* handle sibling */
        $sibling = Redaxscript\Db::forTablePrefix('extras')->where('id', $id)->findOne()->sibling;
        /* query sibling collection */
        $sibling_array = Redaxscript\Db::forTablePrefix('extras')->whereIn('sibling', [$id, $sibling > 0 ? $sibling : null])->where('language', Redaxscript\Registry::get('language'))->select('id')->findFlatArray();
        /* process sibling array */
        foreach ($sibling_array as $value) {
            $id_array[] = $value;
        $id_array[] = $sibling;
        $id_array[] = $id;
    } else {
        $id_array = $extras->where('status', 1)->orderByAsc('rank')->select('id')->findFlatArray();
    /* query result */
    if ($id_array) {
        $result = $extras->whereIn('id', $id_array)->findArray();
    /* collect output */
    if ($result) {
        $accessValidator = new Redaxscript\Validator\Access();
        foreach ($result as $r) {
            $access = $r['access'];
            /* access granted */
            if ($accessValidator->validate($access, Redaxscript\Registry::get('myGroups')) === Redaxscript\Validator\ValidatorInterface::PASSED) {
                if ($r) {
                    foreach ($r as $key => $value) {
                        ${$key} = stripslashes($value);
                /* show if category or article matched */
                if ($category === $categoryId || $article === $articleId || !$category && !$article) {
                    /* parser */
                    $parser = new Redaxscript\Parser(Redaxscript\Registry::getInstance(), Redaxscript\Language::getInstance());
                    $parser->init($text, ['route' => $route]);
                    /* collect headline output */
                    $output .= Redaxscript\Hook::trigger('extraFragmentStart', $r);
                    if ($headline == 1) {
                        $output .= '<h3 class="rs-title-extra" id="extra-' . $alias . '">' . $title . '</h3>';
                    /* collect box output */
                    $output .= '<div class="rs-box-extra">' . $parser->getOutput() . '</div>' . Redaxscript\Hook::trigger('extraFragmentEnd', $r);
                    /* prepend admin dock */
                    if (Redaxscript\Registry::get('loggedIn') == Redaxscript\Registry::get('token') && $firstParameter != 'logout') {
                        $output .= admin_dock('extras', $id);
    if (!$filter) {
        $output .= Redaxscript\Hook::trigger('extraEnd');
    echo $output;
 * scripts transport
 * @since 1.2.1
 * @deprecated 2.0.0
 * @package Redaxscript
 * @category Loader
 * @author Henry Ruhs
 * @param string|boolean $minify
 * @return string
function scripts_transport($minify = '')
    /* languages object */
    $language = Redaxscript\Language::getInstance();
    /* languages transport */
    $output = 'var l = ' . json_encode($language->get()) . ';' . PHP_EOL;
    /* extend redaxscript object */
    /* collect output */
    $output .= 'if (typeof r === \'object\')' . PHP_EOL;
    $output .= '{' . PHP_EOL;
    /* add constants */
    $output .= 'r.constants = {};';
    foreach ($public_constants as $value) {
        $output .= 'r.constants.' . $value . ' = \'' . constant($value) . '\';' . PHP_EOL;
    /* baseURL fallback */
    $output .= 'if (r.baseURL === \'\')' . PHP_EOL;
    $output .= '{' . PHP_EOL;
    $output .= 'r.baseURL = \'' . ROOT . '\\/\';' . PHP_EOL;
    $output .= '}' . PHP_EOL;
    /* generator and version */
    $output .= 'r.generator = \'' . l('name', '_package') . ' ' . l('version', '_package') . '\';' . PHP_EOL;
    $output .= 'r.version = \'' . l('version', '_package') . '\';' . PHP_EOL;
    $output .= '}' . PHP_EOL;
    /* minify */
    if ($minify) {
        $output = minify('scripts', $output);
    return $output;