	if (isset($project_templates) && !is_null($project_templates)) {
		foreach($project_templates as $template) {
			$project_templates_array[] = $template->getArrayInfo();
	if (isset($tasks)) {
		$ids = array();
		foreach($tasks as $task) {
			$ids[] = $task['id'];
			$tasks_array[] = ProjectTasks::getArrayInfo($task);

		$read_objects = ReadObjects::getReadByObjectList($ids, logged_user()->getId());
		foreach($tasks_array as &$data) {
			$data['isread'] = isset($read_objects[$data['id']]);
	if (is_array($internalMilestones)) {
		foreach($internalMilestones as $milestone) {
			$internal_milestones_array[] = $milestone->getArrayInfo();
	if (is_array($externalMilestones)) {
		foreach($externalMilestones as $milestone) {
			$external_milestones_array[] = $milestone->getArrayInfo();
 function list_all()
     $context = active_context();
     $start = array_var($_GET, 'start', 0);
     $limit = array_var($_GET, 'limit', config_option('files_per_page'));
     $order = array_var($_GET, 'sort');
     if ($order == "updatedOn" || $order == "updated" || $order == "date" || $order == "dateUpdated") {
         $order = "updated_on";
     $order_dir = array_var($_GET, 'dir');
     $page = (int) ($start / $limit) + 1;
     $hide_private = !logged_user()->isMemberOfOwnerCompany();
     if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'delete') {
         $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'webpages'));
         $succ = 0;
         $err = 0;
         foreach ($ids as $id) {
             $web_page = ProjectWebpages::findById($id);
             if (isset($web_page) && $web_page->canDelete(logged_user())) {
                 try {
                     ApplicationLogs::createLog($web_page, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_TRASH);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
             } else {
         if ($succ > 0) {
             flash_success(lang("success delete objects", $succ));
         if ($err > 0) {
             flash_error(lang("error delete objects", $err));
     } else {
         if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'markasread') {
             $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'ids'));
             $succ = 0;
             $err = 0;
             foreach ($ids as $id) {
                 $webpage = ProjectWebpages::findById($id);
                 try {
                     $webpage->setIsRead(logged_user()->getId(), true);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
             if ($succ <= 0) {
                 flash_error(lang("error markasread files", $err));
         } else {
             if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'markasunread') {
                 $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'ids'));
                 $succ = 0;
                 $err = 0;
                 foreach ($ids as $id) {
                     $webpage = ProjectWebpages::findById($id);
                     try {
                         $webpage->setIsRead(logged_user()->getId(), false);
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                 if ($succ <= 0) {
                     flash_error(lang("error markasunread files", $err));
             } else {
                 if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'archive') {
                     $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'webpages'));
                     $succ = 0;
                     $err = 0;
                     foreach ($ids as $id) {
                         $web_page = ProjectWebpages::findById($id);
                         if (isset($web_page) && $web_page->canEdit(logged_user())) {
                             try {
                                 ApplicationLogs::createLog($web_page, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_ARCHIVE);
                             } catch (Exception $e) {
                         } else {
                     if ($succ > 0) {
                         flash_success(lang("success archive objects", $succ));
                     if ($err > 0) {
                         flash_error(lang("error archive objects", $err));
     $res = ProjectWebpages::instance()->listing(array("order" => $order, "order_dir" => $order_dir));
     $object = array("totalCount" => $res->total, "start" => $start, "webpages" => array());
     if (isset($res->objects)) {
         $index = 0;
         $ids = array();
         foreach ($res->objects as $w) {
             $ids[] = $w->getId();
             $object["webpages"][] = array("ix" => $index++, "id" => $w->getId(), "object_id" => $w->getObjectId(), "ot_id" => $w->getObjectTypeId(), "name" => $w->getObjectName(), "description" => $w->getDescription(), "url" => $w->getUrl(), "updatedOn" => $w->getUpdatedOn() instanceof DateTimeValue ? $w->getUpdatedOn()->isToday() ? format_time($w->getUpdatedOn()) : format_datetime($w->getUpdatedOn()) : '', "updatedOn_today" => $w->getUpdatedOn() instanceof DateTimeValue ? $w->getUpdatedOn()->isToday() : 0, "updatedBy" => $w->getUpdatedByDisplayName(), "updatedById" => $w->getUpdatedById(), "memPath" => json_encode($w->getMembersToDisplayPath()));
         $read_objects = ReadObjects::getReadByObjectList($ids, logged_user()->getId());
         foreach ($object["webpages"] as &$data) {
             $data['isRead'] = isset($read_objects[$data['object_id']]);
 * Return manager instance
 * @access protected
 * @param void
 * @return LinkedObject 
 function manager() {
   if(!($this->manager instanceof ReadObject)) $this->manager = ReadObjects::instance();
   return $this->manager;
 } // manager
	function list_files() {
		// get query parameters 
		$start = (integer)array_var($_GET,'start');
		$limit = (integer)array_var($_GET,'limit');
		if (! $start) {
			$start = 0;
		if (! $limit) {
			$limit = config_option('files_per_page');
		$order = array_var($_GET,'sort');
		$order_dir = array_var($_GET,'dir');
		$page = (integer) ($start / $limit)+1;
		$hide_private = !logged_user()->isMemberOfOwnerCompany();
		$type = array_var($_GET,'type');
		$user = array_var($_GET,'user');

		// if there's an action to execute, do so 
		if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'delete') {
			$ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
			$succ = 0; $err = 0;
			foreach ($ids as $id) {
				$file = ProjectFiles::findById($id);
				if (isset($file) && $file->canDelete(logged_user())) {
						ApplicationLogs::createLog($file, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_TRASH);
					} catch(Exception $e){
				} else {
			if ($succ > 0) {
				flash_success(lang("success delete files", $succ));
			} else {
				flash_error(lang("error delete files", $err));

		} else if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'markasread') {
			$ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
			$succ = 0; $err = 0;
				foreach ($ids as $id) {
				$file = ProjectFiles::findById($id);
					try {
					} catch(Exception $e) {
						$err ++;
					} // try
			if ($succ <= 0) {
				flash_error(lang("error markasread files", $err));
		}else if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'markasunread') {
			$ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
			$succ = 0; $err = 0;
				foreach ($ids as $id) {
				$file = ProjectFiles::findById($id);
					try {

					} catch(Exception $e) {
						$err ++;
					} // try
			if ($succ <= 0) {
				flash_error(lang("error markasunread files", $err));
		 else if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'zip_add') {
		} else if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'archive') {
			$ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'ids'));
			$succ = 0; $err = 0;
			foreach ($ids as $id) {
				$file = ProjectFiles::findById($id);
				if (isset($file) && $file->canEdit(logged_user())) {
						ApplicationLogs::createLog($file, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_ARCHIVE);
					} catch(Exception $e){
				} else {
			if ($succ > 0) {
				flash_success(lang("success archive objects", $succ));
			} else {
				flash_error(lang("error archive objects", $err));
		Hook::fire('classify_action', null, $ret);		
		$join_params = null;
		if ($order == ProjectFiles::ORDER_BY_POSTTIME) {
			$order = '`created_on`';
		} else if ($order == ProjectFiles::ORDER_BY_MODIFYTIME) {
			$order = '`updated_on`';
		} else if ($order == ProjectFiles::ORDER_BY_SIZE) {
			$order = '`jt`.`filesize`';
			$join_params = array(
				'table' => ProjectFileRevisions::instance()->getTableName(),
				'jt_field' => 'object_id',
				'j_sub_q' => "SELECT max(`x`.`object_id`) FROM ".ProjectFileRevisions::instance()->getTableName()." `x` WHERE `x`.`file_id` = `e`.`object_id`"
		} else {
			$order = '`name`';
		} // if
		$extra_conditions = $hide_private ? 'AND `is_visible` = 1' : '';
		$context = active_context();
		$objects = ProjectFiles::instance()->listing(array(
			"order_dir" => $order_dir,
			"extra_conditions"=> $extra_conditions,
			"join_params"=> $join_params,
			"start"=> $start,
			"limit"=> $limit
		$custom_properties = CustomProperties::getAllCustomPropertiesByObjectType(ProjectFiles::instance()->getObjectTypeId());
		// prepare response object 
		$listing = array(
			"totalCount" => $objects->total,
			"start" => $start,
			"objType" => ProjectFiles::instance()->getObjectTypeId(),
			"files" => array(),
		if (is_array($objects->objects)) {
			$index = 0;
			$ids = array();
			foreach ($objects->objects as $o) {
				$coName = "";
				$coId = $o->getCheckedOutById();
				if ($coId != 0) {
					if ($coId == logged_user()->getId()) {
						$coName = "self";
					} else {
						$coUser = Contacts::findById($coId);
						if ($coUser instanceof Contact) {
							$coName = $coUser->getUsername();
						} else {
							$coName = "";

				if ($o->isMP3()) {
					$songname = $o->getProperty("songname");
					$artist = $o->getProperty("songartist");
					$album = $o->getProperty("songalbum");
					$track = $o->getProperty("songtrack");
					$year = $o->getProperty("songyear");
					$duration = $o->getProperty("songduration");
					$songInfo = json_encode(array($songname, $artist, $album, $track, $year, $duration, $o->getDownloadUrl(), $o->getFilename(), $o->getId()));
				} else {
					$songInfo = array();
				$ids[] = $o->getId();
				$values = array(
					"id" => $o->getId(),
					"ix" => $index++,
					"object_id" => $o->getId(),
					"ot_id" => $o->getObjectTypeId(),
					"name" => $o->getObjectName(),
					"type" => $o->getTypeString(),
					"mimeType" => $o->getTypeString(),
					"createdBy" => clean($o->getCreatedByDisplayName()),
					"createdById" => $o->getCreatedById(),
					"dateCreated" => $o->getCreatedOn() instanceof DateTimeValue ? ($o->getCreatedOn()->isToday() ? format_time($o->getCreatedOn()) : format_datetime($o->getCreatedOn())) : '',
					"dateCreated_today" => $o->getCreatedOn() instanceof DateTimeValue ? $o->getCreatedOn()->isToday() : 0,
					"updatedBy" => clean($o->getUpdatedByDisplayName()),
					"updatedById" => $o->getUpdatedById(),
					"dateUpdated" => $o->getUpdatedOn() instanceof DateTimeValue ? ($o->getUpdatedOn()->isToday() ? format_time($o->getUpdatedOn()) : format_datetime($o->getUpdatedOn())) : '',
					"dateUpdated_today" => $o->getUpdatedOn() instanceof DateTimeValue ? $o->getUpdatedOn()->isToday() : 0,
					"icon" => $o->getTypeIconUrl(),
					"size" => format_filesize($o->getFileSize()),
					"url" => $o->getOpenUrl(),
					"manager" => get_class($o->manager()),
					"checkedOutByName" => $coName,
					"checkedOutById" => $coId,
					"isModifiable" => $o->isModifiable() && $o->canEdit(logged_user()),
					"modifyUrl" => $o->getModifyUrl(),
					"songInfo" => $songInfo,
					"ftype" => $o->getType(),
					"url" => $o->getUrl(),
					"memPath" => json_encode($o->getMembersToDisplayPath()),
				if ($o->isMP3()) {
					$values['isMP3'] = true;
				Hook::fire('add_classification_value', $o, $values);
				foreach ($custom_properties as $cp) {
					$cp_value = CustomPropertyValues::getCustomPropertyValue($o->getId(), $cp->getId());
					$values['cp_'.$cp->getId()] = $cp_value instanceof CustomPropertyValue ? $cp_value->getValue() : '';
				$listing["files"][] = $values;
			$read_objects = ReadObjects::getReadByObjectList($ids, logged_user()->getId());
			foreach($listing["files"] as &$data) {
				$data['isRead'] = isset($read_objects[$data['object_id']]);
			tpl_assign("listing", $listing);
			throw new Error("Not array", $code);			
  * Prepares return object for a list of emails and messages
  * @param array $totMsg
  * @param integer $start
  * @param integer $limit
  * @return array
 private function prepareObject($totMsg, $start, $limit, $total)
     $object = array("totalCount" => $total, "start" => $start, "messages" => array());
     $custom_properties = CustomProperties::getAllCustomPropertiesByObjectType(ProjectMessages::instance()->getObjectTypeId());
     $ids = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $limit; $i++) {
         if (isset($totMsg[$i])) {
             $msg = $totMsg[$i];
             if ($msg instanceof ProjectMessage) {
                 $text = $msg->getText();
                 if (strlen($text) > 100) {
                     $text = substr_utf($text, 0, 100) . "...";
                 $object["messages"][$i] = array("id" => $i, "ix" => $i, "object_id" => $msg->getId(), "ot_id" => $msg->getObjectTypeId(), "type" => $msg->getObjectTypeName(), "name" => $msg->getObjectName(), "text" => html_to_text($text), "date" => $msg->getUpdatedOn() instanceof DateTimeValue ? $msg->getUpdatedOn()->isToday() ? format_time($msg->getUpdatedOn()) : format_datetime($msg->getUpdatedOn()) : '', "is_today" => $msg->getUpdatedOn() instanceof DateTimeValue ? $msg->getUpdatedOn()->isToday() : 0, "userId" => $msg->getCreatedById(), "userName" => $msg->getCreatedByDisplayName(), "updaterId" => $msg->getUpdatedById() ? $msg->getUpdatedById() : $msg->getCreatedById(), "updaterName" => $msg->getUpdatedById() ? $msg->getUpdatedByDisplayName() : $msg->getCreatedByDisplayName(), "memPath" => json_encode($msg->getMembersIdsToDisplayPath()));
                 $ids[] = $msg->getId();
                 foreach ($custom_properties as $cp) {
                     $object["messages"][$i]['cp_' . $cp->getId()] = get_custom_property_value_for_listing($cp, $msg);
     $read_objects = ReadObjects::getReadByObjectList($ids, logged_user()->getId());
     foreach ($object["messages"] as &$data) {
         $data['isRead'] = isset($read_objects[$data['object_id']]);
     return $object;
  * This function will return paginated result. Result is an array where first element is 
  * array of returned object and second populated pagination object that can be used for 
  * obtaining and rendering pagination data using various helpers.
  * Items and pagination array vars are indexed with 0 for items and 1 for pagination
  * because you can't use associative indexing with list() construct
  * @access public
  * @param array $arguments Query argumens (@see find()) Limit and offset are ignored!
  * @param integer $items_per_page Number of items per page
  * @param integer $current_page Current page number
  * @return array
 function paginate($arguments = null, $items_per_page = 10, $current_page = 1)
     if (isset($this) && instance_of($this, 'ReadObjects')) {
         return parent::paginate($arguments, $items_per_page, $current_page);
     } else {
         return ReadObjects::instance()->paginate($arguments, $items_per_page, $current_page);
     // if
 function list_files()
     // get query parameters
     $start = (int) array_var($_GET, 'start');
     $limit = (int) array_var($_GET, 'limit');
     if (!$start) {
         $start = 0;
     if (!$limit) {
         $limit = config_option('files_per_page');
     $order = array_var($_GET, 'sort');
     $order_dir = array_var($_GET, 'dir');
     $page = (int) ($start / $limit) + 1;
     $hide_private = !logged_user()->isMemberOfOwnerCompany();
     $type = array_var($_GET, 'type');
     $user = array_var($_GET, 'user');
     // if there's an action to execute, do so
     if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'delete') {
         $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
         $succ = 0;
         $err = 0;
         foreach ($ids as $id) {
             $file = ProjectFiles::findById($id);
             if (isset($file) && $file->canDelete(logged_user())) {
                 try {
                     ApplicationLogs::createLog($file, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_TRASH);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
             } else {
                 if (!$file instanceof ProjectFile) {
                     evt_add("popup", array('title' => lang('error'), 'message' => lang("file dnx")));
                 } else {
                     if (!$file->canDelete(logged_user())) {
                         evt_add("popup", array('title' => lang('error'), 'message' => lang("cannot delete file", $file->getObjectName())));
         if ($succ > 0) {
             flash_success(lang("success delete files", $succ));
         } else {
             flash_error(lang("error delete files", $err));
     } else {
         if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'markasread') {
             $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
             $succ = 0;
             $err = 0;
             foreach ($ids as $id) {
                 $file = ProjectFiles::findById($id);
                 try {
                     $file->setIsRead(logged_user()->getId(), true);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // try
             if ($succ <= 0) {
                 flash_error(lang("error markasread files", $err));
         } else {
             if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'markasunread') {
                 $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                 $succ = 0;
                 $err = 0;
                 foreach ($ids as $id) {
                     $file = ProjectFiles::findById($id);
                     try {
                         $file->setIsRead(logged_user()->getId(), false);
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                     // try
                 if ($succ <= 0) {
                     flash_error(lang("error markasunread files", $err));
             } else {
                 if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'zip_add') {
                 } else {
                     if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'archive') {
                         $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'ids'));
                         $succ = 0;
                         $err = 0;
                         foreach ($ids as $id) {
                             $file = ProjectFiles::findById($id);
                             if (isset($file) && $file->canEdit(logged_user())) {
                                 try {
                                     ApplicationLogs::createLog($file, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_ARCHIVE);
                                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                             } else {
                         if ($succ > 0) {
                             flash_success(lang("success archive objects", $succ));
                         } else {
                             flash_error(lang("error archive objects", $err));
     Hook::fire('classify_action', null, $ret);
     $join_params = null;
     $select_columns = null;
     $extra_conditions = "";
     if (strpos($order, 'p_') == 1) {
         $cpId = substr($order, 3);
         $order = 'customProp';
     if ($order == ProjectFiles::ORDER_BY_POSTTIME) {
         $order = '`created_on`';
     } else {
         if ($order == ProjectFiles::ORDER_BY_MODIFYTIME) {
             $order = '`updated_on`';
         } else {
             if ($order == ProjectFiles::ORDER_BY_SIZE) {
                 $order = '`jt`.`filesize`';
                 $join_params = array('table' => ProjectFileRevisions::instance()->getTableName(), 'jt_field' => 'file_id', 'e_field' => 'object_id');
                 $extra_conditions .= " AND `jt`.`object_id` = (SELECT max(`x`.`object_id`) FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_file_revisions `x` WHERE `x`.`file_id` = `e`.`object_id`)";
             } else {
                 if ($order == 'customProp') {
                     $order = 'IF(ISNULL(jt.value),1,0),jt.value';
                     $join_params['join_type'] = "LEFT ";
                     $join_params['table'] = "" . TABLE_PREFIX . "custom_property_values";
                     $join_params['jt_field'] = "object_id";
                     $join_params['e_field'] = "object_id";
                     $join_params['on_extra'] = "AND custom_property_id = " . $cpId;
                     $extra_conditions .= " AND ( custom_property_id = " . $cpId . " OR custom_property_id IS NULL)";
                     $select_columns = array("DISTINCT o.*", "e.*");
                 } else {
                     $order = '`name`';
     // if
     $extra_conditions .= $hide_private ? 'AND `is_visible` = 1' : '';
     // filter attachments of other people if not filtering
     $tmp_mids = array();
     foreach (active_context() as $selection) {
         if ($selection instanceof Member) {
             $d = $selection->getDimension();
             if ($d instanceof Dimension && $d->getIsManageable()) {
                 $tmp_mids[] = $selection->getId();
     if (count($tmp_mids) == 0) {
         if (Plugins::instance()->isActivePlugin('mail')) {
             $extra_conditions .= " AND IF(e.mail_id=0, true, EXISTS (SELECT mac.contact_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "mail_account_contacts mac \r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE mac.contact_id=o.created_by_id AND mac.account_id=(SELECT mc.account_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "mail_contents mc WHERE mc.object_id=e.mail_id)))";
     Hook::fire("listing_extra_conditions", null, $extra_conditions);
     $only_count_result = array_var($_GET, 'only_result', false);
     $context = active_context();
     $objects = ProjectFiles::instance()->listing(array("order" => $order, "order_dir" => $order_dir, "extra_conditions" => $extra_conditions, "show_only_member_objects" => user_config_option('show_only_member_files'), 'count_results' => false, 'only_count_results' => $only_count_result, "join_params" => $join_params, "start" => $start, "limit" => $limit, "select_columns" => $select_columns));
     $custom_properties = CustomProperties::getAllCustomPropertiesByObjectType(ProjectFiles::instance()->getObjectTypeId());
     // prepare response object
     $listing = array("totalCount" => $objects->total, "start" => $start, "objType" => ProjectFiles::instance()->getObjectTypeId(), "files" => array());
     if (is_array($objects->objects)) {
         $index = 0;
         $ids = array();
         foreach ($objects->objects as $o) {
             $coName = "";
             $coId = $o->getCheckedOutById();
             if ($coId != 0) {
                 if ($coId == logged_user()->getId()) {
                     $coName = "self";
                 } else {
                     $coUser = Contacts::findById($coId);
                     if ($coUser instanceof Contact) {
                         $coName = $coUser->getObjectName();
                     } else {
                         $coName = "";
             if ($o->isMP3()) {
                 $songname = $o->getProperty("songname");
                 $artist = $o->getProperty("songartist");
                 $album = $o->getProperty("songalbum");
                 $track = $o->getProperty("songtrack");
                 $year = $o->getProperty("songyear");
                 $duration = $o->getProperty("songduration");
                 $songInfo = json_encode(array($songname, $artist, $album, $track, $year, $duration, $o->getDownloadUrl(), $o->getFilename(), $o->getId()));
             } else {
                 $songInfo = array();
             $ids[] = $o->getId();
             $values = array("id" => $o->getId(), "ix" => $index++, "object_id" => $o->getId(), "ot_id" => $o->getObjectTypeId(), "name" => $o->getObjectName(), "type" => $o->getTypeString(), "mimeType" => $o->getTypeString(), "createdBy" => clean($o->getCreatedByDisplayName()), "createdById" => $o->getCreatedById(), "dateCreated" => $o->getCreatedOn() instanceof DateTimeValue ? $o->getCreatedOn()->isToday() ? format_time($o->getCreatedOn()) : format_datetime($o->getCreatedOn()) : '', "dateCreated_today" => $o->getCreatedOn() instanceof DateTimeValue ? $o->getCreatedOn()->isToday() : 0, "updatedBy" => clean($o->getUpdatedByDisplayName()), "updatedById" => $o->getUpdatedById(), "dateUpdated" => $o->getUpdatedOn() instanceof DateTimeValue ? $o->getUpdatedOn()->isToday() ? format_time($o->getUpdatedOn()) : format_datetime($o->getUpdatedOn()) : '', "dateUpdated_today" => $o->getUpdatedOn() instanceof DateTimeValue ? $o->getUpdatedOn()->isToday() : 0, "icon" => $o->getTypeIconUrl(), "size" => format_filesize($o->getFileSize()), "url" => $o->getOpenUrl(), "manager" => get_class($o->manager()), "checkedOutByName" => $coName, "checkedOutById" => $coId, "isModifiable" => $o->isModifiable() && $o->canEdit(logged_user()), "modifyUrl" => $o->getModifyUrl(), "songInfo" => $songInfo, "ftype" => $o->getType(), "url" => $o->getUrl(), "memPath" => json_encode($o->getMembersIdsToDisplayPath()), "genid" => gen_id());
             if ($o->isMP3()) {
                 $values['isMP3'] = true;
             Hook::fire('add_classification_value', $o, $values);
             foreach ($custom_properties as $cp) {
                 $values['cp_' . $cp->getId()] = get_custom_property_value_for_listing($cp, $o);
             $listing["files"][] = $values;
         $read_objects = ReadObjects::getReadByObjectList($ids, logged_user()->getId());
         foreach ($listing["files"] as &$data) {
             $data['isRead'] = isset($read_objects[$data['object_id']]);
         tpl_assign("listing", $listing);
     } else {
         throw new Error("Not array", $code);
	function delete($deleteMails = false){
		if ($deleteMails) {
			ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M');
			LinkedObjects::delete(array("(`object_id` IN (SELECT `object_id` FROM `".TABLE_PREFIX."mail_contents` WHERE `account_id` = " . DB::escape($this->getId()).")) 
				or (`rel_object_id` IN (SELECT `object_id` FROM `".TABLE_PREFIX."mail_contents` WHERE `account_id` = " . DB::escape($this->getId())."))")); 
      		SearchableObjects::delete(array("`rel_object_id` IN (SELECT `object_id` FROM `".TABLE_PREFIX."mail_contents` WHERE `account_id` = " . DB::escape($this->getId()).") "));
			ReadObjects::delete("`rel_object_id` IN (SELECT `object_id` FROM `".TABLE_PREFIX."mail_contents` WHERE `account_id` = " . DB::escape($this->getId()).") ");
			$account_email_ids = MailContents::findAll(array('id' => true, 'conditions' => '`account_id` = ' . DB::escape($this->getId()), 'include_trashed' => true));
			if (count($account_email_ids) > 0) {
				MailDatas::delete('id IN ('.implode(',', $account_email_ids).')');
				MailContents::delete('`account_id` = ' . DB::escape($this->getId()));
		if ($this->getIsImap()) {
			MailAccountImapFolders::delete('account_id = ' . $this->getId());
 private function getTasksInGroup($conditions, $start, $limit, $join_params = null, $group_by = null)
     $order = user_config_option('tasksOrderBy');
     $order_dir = 'DESC';
     switch ($order) {
         case 'name':
             $order_dir = 'ASC';
         case 'assigned_to':
             $order = 'assigned_to_contact_id';
             $order_dir = 'ASC';
         case 'due_date':
         case 'start_date':
         case 'created_on':
         case 'completed_on':
             $order = "({$order}='0000-00-00 00:00:00'), {$order}";
             $order_dir = 'ASC';
     //START tasks tree
     $list_subtasks = user_config_option('tasksShowSubtasksStructure') && !user_config_option('show_tasks_list_as_gantt');
     if ($list_subtasks) {
         $tasks_tree = ProjectTasks::instance()->listing(array("select_columns" => array("e.object_id", "e.parent_id", "e.depth", "e.parents_path"), "extra_conditions" => $conditions, "join_params" => $join_params, "group_by" => $group_by, "count_results" => false, "raw_data" => true))->objects;
         if (is_array($tasks_tree)) {
             $root_nodes = $this->getRootNodes($tasks_tree);
             if (is_array($root_nodes) && count($root_nodes) > 0) {
                 $see_roots_ids = implode(',', $root_nodes);
                 $conditions .= " AND e.object_id  IN ({$see_roots_ids})";
                 $total_see_roots_tasks = count($root_nodes);
             } else {
                 $total_see_roots_tasks = 0;
         } else {
             $total_see_roots_tasks = 0;
     } else {
         $total_see_roots_tasks = 0;
     //END tasks tree
     $tasks = ProjectTasks::instance()->listing(array("select_columns" => array("e.*", "o.*"), "extra_conditions" => $conditions, "join_params" => $join_params, "group_by" => $group_by, "start" => $start, "limit" => $limit, "order" => $order, "order_dir" => $order_dir, "count_results" => false, "raw_data" => true))->objects;
     $task_ids = array();
     $tasks_array = array();
     foreach ($tasks as $task) {
         $tasks_array[] = ProjectTasks::getArrayInfo($task);
         $task_ids[] = $task['object_id'];
     $read_objects = ReadObjects::getReadByObjectList($task_ids, logged_user()->getId());
     foreach ($tasks_array as &$data) {
         $data['isread'] = isset($read_objects[$data['id']]);
     $return_array = array();
     $return_array['total_roots_tasks'] = $total_see_roots_tasks;
     $return_array['tasks'] = $tasks_array;
     return $return_array;
 function delete($deleteMails = false)
     if ($deleteMails) {
         LinkedObjects::delete(array("(`object_id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "mail_contents` WHERE `account_id` = " . DB::escape($this->getId()) . ") and `object_manager` = 'MailContents') \n\t\t\t\tor (`rel_object_id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "mail_contents` WHERE `account_id` = " . DB::escape($this->getId()) . ") and `rel_object_manager` = 'MailContents')"));
         SearchableObjects::delete(array("`rel_object_manager` = 'MailContents' AND `rel_object_id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "mail_contents` WHERE `account_id` = " . DB::escape($this->getId()) . ") "));
         ReadObjects::delete("`rel_object_manager` = 'MailContents' AND `rel_object_id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "mail_contents` WHERE `account_id` = " . DB::escape($this->getId()) . ") ");
         $account_emails = MailContents::findAll(array('conditions' => '`account_id` = ' . DB::escape($this->getId()), 'include_trashed' => true));
         foreach ($account_emails as $email) {
         //MailContents::delete('`account_id` = ' . DB::escape($this->getId()));
     if ($this->getIsImap()) {
         MailAccountImapFolders::delete('account_id = ' . $this->getId());
  * Return manager instance
  * @access protected
  * @param void
  * @return LinkedObject 
 function manager()
     if (!$this->manager instanceof ReadObject) {
         $this->manager = ReadObjects::instance();
     return $this->manager;
  * Populates information about read status for the 
  * @param $objects_list
  * @return unknown_type
 private function populateIsRead($objects_list)
     if (is_array($objects_list) && count($objects_list) > 0 && $objects_list[0]->isReadMarkable()) {
         $ids = array();
         $objects = array();
         $manager_name = $objects_list[0]->getObjectManagerName();
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($objects_list); $i++) {
             $ids[] = $objects_list[$i]->getId();
             $objects[$objects_list[$i]->getId()] = $objects_list[$i];
             $objects_list[$i]->is_read[logged_user()->getId()] = false;
         if (count($ids > 0)) {
             $readObjects = ReadObjects::findAll(array('conditions' => 'user_id = \'' . logged_user()->getId() . '\' AND rel_object_manager = \'' . $manager_name . '\' AND rel_object_id in (' . implode(',', $ids) . ')'));
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($readObjects); $i++) {
                 $object = $objects[$readObjects[$i]->getRelObjectId()];
                 $object->is_read[logged_user()->getId()] = $readObjects[$i]->getIsRead();
 function clearReads()
     return ReadObjects::delete(array("`rel_object_id` = ?", $this->getId()));
 function clearReads()
     return ReadObjects::delete(array("`rel_object_manager` = ? AND `rel_object_id` = ?", $this->getObjectManagerName(), $this->getId()));