  * @return array|false Returns an array of albums or false on failure.
 public function get($public = true)
     // Call plugins
     Plugins::get()->activate(__METHOD__, 0, func_get_args());
     // Initialize return var
     $return = array('smartalbums' => null, 'albums' => null, 'num' => 0);
     // Get SmartAlbums
     if ($public === false) {
         $return['smartalbums'] = $this->getSmartAlbums();
     // Albums query
     if ($public === false) {
         $query = Database::prepare(Database::get(), 'SELECT id, title, public, sysstamp, password FROM ? ' . Settings::get()['sortingAlbums'], array(LYCHEE_TABLE_ALBUMS));
     } else {
         $query = Database::prepare(Database::get(), 'SELECT id, title, public, sysstamp, password FROM ? WHERE public = 1 AND visible <> 0 ' . Settings::get()['sortingAlbums'], array(LYCHEE_TABLE_ALBUMS));
     // Execute query
     $albums = Database::execute(Database::get(), $query, __METHOD__, __LINE__);
     if ($albums === false) {
         return false;
     // For each album
     while ($album = $albums->fetch_assoc()) {
         // Turn data from the database into a front-end friendly format
         $album = Album::prepareData($album);
         // Thumbs
         if ($public === true && $album['password'] === '0' || $public === false) {
             // Execute query
             $query = Database::prepare(Database::get(), "SELECT thumbUrl FROM ? WHERE album = '?' ORDER BY star DESC, " . substr(Settings::get()['sortingPhotos'], 9) . " LIMIT 3", array(LYCHEE_TABLE_PHOTOS, $album['id']));
             $thumbs = Database::execute(Database::get(), $query, __METHOD__, __LINE__);
             if ($thumbs === false) {
                 return false;
             // For each thumb
             $k = 0;
             while ($thumb = $thumbs->fetch_object()) {
                 $album['thumbs'][$k] = LYCHEE_URL_UPLOADS_THUMB . $thumb->thumbUrl;
         // Add to return
         $return['albums'][] = $album;
     // Num of albums
     $return['num'] = $albums->num_rows;
     // Call plugins
     Plugins::get()->activate(__METHOD__, 1, func_get_args());
     return $return;
  * Unsets the session values.
  * @return boolean Returns true when logout was successful.
 public function logout()
     // Call plugins
     Plugins::get()->activate(__METHOD__, 0, func_get_args());
     // Call plugins
     Plugins::get()->activate(__METHOD__, 1, func_get_args());
     return true;
  * @return boolean|string Returns true when successful.
  *                        Warning: Folder empty or no readable files to process!
  *                        Notice: Import only contained albums!
 public function server($path, $albumID = 0)
     // Parse path
     if (!isset($path)) {
         $path = LYCHEE_UPLOADS_IMPORT;
     if (substr($path, -1) === '/') {
         $path = substr($path, 0, -1);
     if (is_dir($path) === false) {
         Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Given path is not a directory (' . $path . ')');
         return false;
     // Skip folders of Lychee
     if ($path === LYCHEE_UPLOADS_BIG || $path . '/' === LYCHEE_UPLOADS_BIG || $path === LYCHEE_UPLOADS_MEDIUM || $path . '/' === LYCHEE_UPLOADS_MEDIUM || $path === LYCHEE_UPLOADS_THUMB || $path . '/' === LYCHEE_UPLOADS_THUMB) {
         Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'The given path is a reserved path of Lychee (' . $path . ')');
         return false;
     $error = false;
     $contains['photos'] = false;
     $contains['albums'] = false;
     // Call plugins
     // Note that updated albumId and path explicitly passed, rather
     // than using func_get_args() which will only return original ones
     Plugins::get()->activate(__METHOD__, 0, array($albumID, $path));
     // Get all files
     $files = glob($path . '/*');
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         // It is possible to move a file because of directory permissions but
         // the file may still be unreadable by the user
         if (!is_readable($file)) {
             $error = true;
             Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Could not read file or directory (' . $file . ')');
         if (@exif_imagetype($file) !== false) {
             // Photo
             $contains['photos'] = true;
             if ($this->photo($file, $albumID) === false) {
                 $error = true;
                 Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Could not import file (' . $file . ')');
         } else {
             if (is_dir($file)) {
                 // Folder
                 $album = new Album(null);
                 $newAlbumID = $album->add('[Import] ' . basename($file));
                 $contains['albums'] = true;
                 if ($newAlbumID === false) {
                     $error = true;
                     Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Could not create album in Lychee (' . $newAlbumID . ')');
                 $import = $this->server($file . '/', $newAlbumID);
                 if ($import !== true && $import !== 'Notice: Import only contains albums!') {
                     $error = true;
                     Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Could not import folder. Function returned warning.');
     // Call plugins
     // Note that updated albumId and path explicitly passed, rather
     // than using func_get_args() which will only return original ones
     Plugins::get()->activate(__METHOD__, 1, array($albumID, $path));
     // The following returns will be caught in the front-end
     if ($contains['photos'] === false && $contains['albums'] === false) {
         return 'Warning: Folder empty or no readable files to process!';
     if ($contains['photos'] === false && $contains['albums'] === true) {
         return 'Notice: Import only contained albums!';
     if ($error === true) {
         return false;
     return true;