  * Returns a DataTable_Array containing values 
  * of the element $name from the archives in this Archive_Array.
  * The value to be returned are blob values (stored in the archive_numeric_* tables in the DB).	 * 
  * It can return anything from strings, to serialized PHP arrays or PHP objects, etc.
  * @param string $name Name of the mysql table field to load eg. Referers_keywordBySearchEngine 
  * @return Piwik_DataTable_Array containing the requested blob values for each Archive
 public function getBlob($name)
     $table = $this->getNewDataTableArray();
     foreach ($this->archives as $archive) {
         $blob = $archive->getBlob($name);
         $subTable = new Piwik_DataTable_Simple();
         $subTable->loadFromArray(array('blob' => $blob));
         $table->addTable($subTable, $archive->getPrettyDate());
         $this->loadMetaData($table, $archive);
     return $table;
  * This method post processes the data resulting from the API call.
  * - If the data resulted from the API call is a Piwik_DataTable then 
  * 		- we apply the standard filters if the parameters have been found
  * 		  in the URL. For example to offset,limit the Table you can add the following parameters to any API
  *  	  call that returns a DataTable: filter_limit=10&filter_offset=20
  * 		- we apply the filters that have been previously queued on the DataTable
  *        @see Piwik_DataTable::queueFilter()
  * 		- we apply the renderer that generate the DataTable in a given format (XML, PHP, HTML, JSON, etc.) 
  * 		  the format can be changed using the 'format' parameter in the request.
  *        Example: format=xml
  * - If there is nothing returned (void) we display a standard success message
  * - If there is a PHP array returned, we try to convert it to a dataTable 
  *   It is then possible to convert this datatable to any requested format (xml/etc)
  * - If a bool is returned we convert to a string (true is displayed as 'true' false as 'false')
  * - If an integer / float is returned, we simply return it
  * @throws Exception If an object/resource is returned, if any of conversion fails, etc. 
  * @param mixed The initial returned value, before post process
  * @return mixed Usually a string, but can still be a PHP data structure if the format requested is 'original'
 protected function handleReturnedValue($returnedValue)
     $toReturn = $returnedValue;
     // If the returned value is an object DataTable we
     // apply the set of generic filters if asked in the URL
     // and we render the DataTable according to the format specified in the URL
     if ($returnedValue instanceof Piwik_DataTable || $returnedValue instanceof Piwik_DataTable_Array) {
         if ($returnedValue instanceof Piwik_DataTable) {
         } elseif ($returnedValue instanceof Piwik_DataTable_Array) {
             $tables = $returnedValue->getArray();
             foreach ($tables as $table) {
         // if the flag disable_queued_filters is defined we skip the filters that were queued
         // useful in some very rare cases but better to use this than a bad hack on the data returned...
         if (Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('disable_queued_filters', 'false', 'string', $this->requestToUse) == 'false') {
         $toReturn = $this->getRenderedDataTable($returnedValue);
     } elseif (!isset($toReturn)) {
         $toReturn = $this->getStandardSuccessOutput($this->outputFormatRequested);
     } elseif (is_array($toReturn)) {
         if ($this->outputFormatRequested == 'original') {
             // we handle the serialization. Because some php array have a very special structure that
             // couldn't be converted with the automatic DataTable->loadFromSimpleArray
             // the user may want to request the original PHP data structure serialized by the API
             // in case he has to setup serialize=1 in the URL
             if ($this->caseRendererPHPSerialize($defaultSerialize = 0)) {
                 $toReturn = serialize($toReturn);
         } else {
             $dataTable = new Piwik_DataTable();
             $toReturn = $this->getRenderedDataTable($dataTable);
     } else {
         // original data structure requested, we return without process
         if ($this->outputFormatRequested == 'original') {
             return $toReturn;
         if ($toReturn === true) {
             $toReturn = 'true';
         } elseif ($toReturn === false) {
             $toReturn = 'false';
         } elseif (is_object($toReturn) || is_resource($toReturn)) {
             return $this->getExceptionOutput(' The API cannot handle this data structure. You can get the data internally by directly using the class.', $this->outputFormatRequested);
         require_once "DataTable/Simple.php";
         $dataTable = new Piwik_DataTable_Simple();
         $toReturn = $this->getRenderedDataTable($dataTable);
     return $toReturn;
  * Returns a DataTable_Simple with one row per field from $fields array names.
  * @param string|array $fields Name or array of names of Archive fields 
  * @return Piwik_DataTable_Simple
 public function getDataTableFromNumeric($fields)
     require_once "DataTable/Simple.php";
     if (!is_array($fields)) {
         $fields = array($fields);
     $values = array();
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $values[$field] = $this->getNumeric($field);
     $table = new Piwik_DataTable_Simple();
     return $table;