  * @inheritdoc
 public function __invoke($uri)
     static $modifier;
     if (!$modifier instanceof Pipeline) {
         $modifier = new Pipeline([new HostToAscii(), new RemoveDotSegments(), new KsortQuery()]);
     return $modifier->process($uri)->withScheme(mb_strtolower($uri->getScheme(), 'UTF-8'));
  * Constructor. Additionally, it fetches the SessionInfo object from
  * the session information
 function BlogAction($actionInfo, $request)
     $this->Action($actionInfo, $request);
     // we use the HttpVars package since then we can access the session object
     // independently wether we're using php ver. < 4.1.0 or not
     $session = HttpVars::getSession();
     $this->_session = $session['SessionInfo'];
     $this->_config =& Config::getConfig();
     // save the blogid in the session
     $this->_session->setValue('blogId', $this->_blogInfo->getId());
     // initialize the plugin manager
     $this->_pm =& PluginManager::getPluginManager();
     // locale
     $this->_locale = $this->_blogInfo->getLocale();
     // security stuff
     $pipeline = new Pipeline($request, $this->_blogInfo);
     $result = $pipeline->process();
     // if the pipeline blocked the request, then we have
     // to let the user know
     if (!$result->isValid()) {
         $message = $this->_locale->tr('error_you_have_been_blocked') . '<br/><br/>';
         $message .= $result->getErrorMessage();
         $this->_view = new ErrorView($this->_blogInfo, $message);
     // update the referrers, if needed
     $this->articles = new Articles();
 public function generateHtml2ps_pdf($sUID, $aFields, $sPath, $sFilename, $sContent, $sLandscape = false, $aProperties = array())
     define("MAX_FREE_FRACTION", 1);
     define('PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY', PATH_HTML . 'files/' . $_SESSION['APPLICATION'] . '/outdocs/');
     G::verifyPath(PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY, true);
     require_once PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'html2ps_pdf/config.inc.php';
     require_once PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'html2ps_pdf/pipeline.factory.class.php';
     parse_config_file(PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'html2ps_pdf/html2ps.config');
     $GLOBALS['g_config'] = array('cssmedia' => 'screen', 'media' => 'Letter', 'scalepoints' => false, 'renderimages' => true, 'renderfields' => true, 'renderforms' => false, 'pslevel' => 3, 'renderlinks' => true, 'pagewidth' => 800, 'landscape' => $sLandscape, 'method' => 'fpdf', 'margins' => array('left' => 15, 'right' => 15, 'top' => 15, 'bottom' => 15), 'encoding' => '', 'ps2pdf' => false, 'compress' => true, 'output' => 2, 'pdfversion' => '1.3', 'transparency_workaround' => false, 'imagequality_workaround' => false, 'draw_page_border' => isset($_REQUEST['pageborder']), 'debugbox' => false, 'html2xhtml' => true, 'mode' => 'html', 'smartpagebreak' => true);
     $GLOBALS['g_config'] = array_merge($GLOBALS['g_config'], $aProperties);
     $g_media = Media::predefined($GLOBALS['g_config']['media']);
     if (isset($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity'])) {
         if (isset($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['openPassword']) && $GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['openPassword'] != "") {
             $GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['openPassword'] = G::decrypt($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['openPassword'], $sUID);
         if (isset($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['ownerPassword']) && $GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['ownerPassword'] != "") {
             $GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['ownerPassword'] = G::decrypt($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['ownerPassword'], $sUID);
         require_once HTML2PS_DIR . 'pdf.fpdf.encryption.php';
     $pipeline = new Pipeline();
     if (extension_loaded('curl')) {
         require_once HTML2PS_DIR . 'fetcher.url.curl.class.php';
         $pipeline->fetchers = array(new FetcherURLCurl());
         if (isset($proxy)) {
             if ($proxy != '') {
     } else {
         require_once HTML2PS_DIR . 'fetcher.url.class.php';
         $pipeline->fetchers[] = new FetcherURL();
     $pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterDoctype();
     $pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterUTF8($GLOBALS['g_config']['encoding']);
     if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['html2xhtml']) {
         $pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterHTML2XHTML();
     } else {
         $pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterXHTML2XHTML();
     $pipeline->parser = new ParserXHTML();
     $pipeline->pre_tree_filters = array();
     $header_html = '';
     $footer_html = '';
     $filter = new PreTreeFilterHeaderFooter($header_html, $footer_html);
     $pipeline->pre_tree_filters[] = $filter;
     if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['renderfields']) {
         $pipeline->pre_tree_filters[] = new PreTreeFilterHTML2PSFields();
     if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['method'] === 'ps') {
         $pipeline->layout_engine = new LayoutEnginePS();
     } else {
         $pipeline->layout_engine = new LayoutEngineDefault();
     $pipeline->post_tree_filters = array();
     if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['pslevel'] == 3) {
         $image_encoder = new PSL3ImageEncoderStream();
     } else {
         $image_encoder = new PSL2ImageEncoderStream();
     switch ($GLOBALS['g_config']['method']) {
         case 'fastps':
             if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['pslevel'] == 3) {
                 $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverFastPS($image_encoder);
             } else {
                 $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverFastPSLevel2($image_encoder);
         case 'pdflib':
             $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverPDFLIB16($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfversion']);
         case 'fpdf':
             $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverFPDF();
         case 'png':
             $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverPNG();
         case 'pcl':
             $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverPCL();
             die('Unknown output method');
     if (isset($GLOBALS['g_config']['watermarkhtml'])) {
         $watermark_text = $GLOBALS['g_config']['watermarkhtml'];
     } else {
         $watermark_text = '';
     if ($watermark_text != '') {
         $dispatcher =& $pipeline->getDispatcher();
     if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['debugbox']) {
     if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['draw_page_border']) {
     if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['ps2pdf']) {
         $pipeline->output_filters[] = new OutputFilterPS2PDF($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfversion']);
     if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['compress'] && $GLOBALS['g_config']['method'] == 'fastps') {
         $pipeline->output_filters[] = new OutputFilterGZip();
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['g_config']['process_mode'])) {
         $GLOBALS['g_config']['process_mode'] = '';
     if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['process_mode'] == 'batch') {
         $filename = 'batch';
     } else {
         $filename = $sFilename;
     switch ($GLOBALS['g_config']['output']) {
         case 0:
             $pipeline->destination = new DestinationBrowser($filename);
         case 1:
             $pipeline->destination = new DestinationDownload($filename);
         case 2:
             $pipeline->destination = new DestinationFile($filename);
     copy($sPath . $sFilename . '.html', PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY . $sFilename . '.html');
     try {
         $status = $pipeline->process((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/files/' . $_SESSION['APPLICATION'] . '/outdocs/' . $sFilename . '.html', $g_media);
         copy(PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY . $sFilename . '.pdf', $sPath . $sFilename . '.pdf');
         unlink(PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY . $sFilename . '.pdf');
         unlink(PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY . $sFilename . '.html');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($e->getMessage() == 'ID_OUTPUT_NOT_GENERATE') {
             include_once 'classes/model/AppDocument.php';
             $dataDocument = explode('_', $sFilename);
             if (!isset($dataDocument[1])) {
                 $dataDocument[1] = 1;
             $oAppDocument = new AppDocument();
             $oAppDocument->remove($dataDocument[0], $dataDocument[1]);
             G::SendTemporalMessage(G::LoadTranslation('ID_OUTPUT_NOT_GENERATE'), 'Error');
// 110723, dwildt +
// Start the conversion
$time = time();
if (get_var('process_mode', $_REQUEST) == 'batch') {
    $batch = get_var('batch', $_REQUEST);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($batch); $i++) {
        if (trim($batch[$i]) != "") {
            if (!preg_match("/^https?:/", $batch[$i])) {
                $batch[$i] = "http://" . $batch[$i];
    $status = $pipeline->process_batch($batch, $g_media);
} else {
    $status = $pipeline->process($g_baseurl, $g_media);
// 110723, dwildt +
if ($this->b_drs_perform) {
    $endTime = $this->TT->getDifferenceToStarttime();
    t3lib_div::devLog('[INFO/PERFORMANCE] html2ps has finished the conversion: ' . ($endTime - $this->startTime) . ' ms', $this->extKey, 0);
// 110723, dwildt +
error_log(sprintf("Processing of '%s' completed in %u seconds", $g_baseurl, time() - $time));
if ($status == null) {
    print $pipeline->error_message();
    error_log("Error in conversion pipeline");
// 110723, dwildt +
if ($this->b_drs_perform) {
        function get_base_url()
            return "";
    $media = Media::predefined("A4");
    $media->set_margins(array('left' => 0, 'right' => 0, 'top' => 0, 'bottom' => 0));
    $GLOBALS['g_config'] = array('cssmedia' => 'screen', 'renderimages' => true, 'renderforms' => false, 'renderlinks' => true, 'renderfields' => true, 'mode' => 'html', 'debugbox' => false, 'draw_page_border' => false);
    $g_px_scale = mm2pt($media->width() - $media->margins['left'] - $media->margins['right']) / $media->pixels;
    $g_pt_scale = $g_px_scale * 1.43;
    $pipeline = new Pipeline();
    $pipeline->fetchers[] = new MyFetcherLocalFile();
    // $pipeline->destination = new MyDestinationFile($pdf);
    $pipeline->destination = new MyDestinationDownload($pdf);
    $pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterHTML2XHTML();
    $pipeline->pre_tree_filters = array();
    $header_html = "test";
    $footer_html = "test";
    $filter = new PreTreeFilterHeaderFooter($header_html, $footer_html);
    $pipeline->pre_tree_filters[] = $filter;
    $pipeline->pre_tree_filters[] = new PreTreeFilterHTML2PSFields();
    $pipeline->parser = new ParserXHTML();
    $pipeline->layout_engine = new LayoutEngineDefault();
    $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverFPDF($media);
    $pipeline->process('', $media);
parse_config_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../html2ps.config');
$g_config = array('cssmedia' => 'screen', 'renderimages' => true, 'renderforms' => true, 'renderlinks' => true, 'mode' => 'html', 'debugbox' => false, 'draw_page_border' => false);
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.inc.php';
require_once HTML2PS_DIR . 'pipeline.class.php';
require_once HTML2PS_DIR . 'fetcher.url.class.php';
parse_config_file(HTML2PS_DIR . 'html2ps.config');
$g_config = array('cssmedia' => 'screen', 'renderimages' => true, 'renderforms' => false, 'renderlinks' => true, 'mode' => 'html', 'debugbox' => false, 'draw_page_border' => false);
$media = Media::predefined('A4');
$media->set_margins(array('left' => 0, 'right' => 0, 'top' => 0, 'bottom' => 0));
$g_px_scale = mm2pt($media->width() - $media->margins['left'] - $media->margins['right']) / $media->pixels;
$g_pt_scale = $g_px_scale * 1.43;
foreach ($urls as $url) {
    $url_file = str_replace('http://', '', $url);
    $url_file = str_replace(':', '_', $url_file);
    $url_file = str_replace('/', '_', $url_file);
    $url_file = str_replace('.', '_', $url_file);
    $pipeline = new Pipeline();
    $pipeline->fetchers[] = new FetcherURL();
    $pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterHTML2XHTML();
    $pipeline->parser = new ParserXHTML();
    $pipeline->layout_engine = new LayoutEngineDefault();
    $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverFPDF($media);
    $pipeline->destination = new DestinationFile($url_file);
    if (!file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../out/' . $url_file . '.pdf')) {
        print $url . "\n";
        $pipeline->process($url, $media);

require_once 'pipeline.class.php';
$g_config = array('cssmedia' => 'screen', 'renderimages' => true, 'renderforms' => false, 'renderlinks' => true, 'mode' => 'html', 'debugbox' => false, 'draw_page_border' => false);
$media = Media::predefined('A4');
$media->set_margins(array('left' => 0, 'right' => 0, 'top' => 0, 'bottom' => 0));
$g_px_scale = mm2pt($media->width() - $media->margins['left'] - $media->margins['right']) / $media->pixels;
$g_pt_scale = $g_px_scale * 1.43;
$pipeline = new Pipeline();
$pipeline->fetchers[] = new FetcherURL();
$pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterHTML2XHTML();
$pipeline->parser = new ParserXHTML();
$pipeline->layout_engine = new LayoutEngineDefault();
$pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverFPDF($media);
$pipeline->destination = new DestinationFile(null);
$pipeline->process('http://localhost:81/testing/ww.html', $media);
$pipeline->pre_tree_filters[] = new PreTreeFilterHTML2PSFields();
// *** Layout engine
$pipeline->layout_engine = new LayoutEngineDefault();
// *** Post-tree filters
$pipeline->post_tree_filters = array();
// *** Output driver
$pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverFPDF();
// *** Destination
$pipeline->destination = new DestinationDownload($fo);
// *** Install event handler
$dispatcher =& $pipeline->getDispatcher();
$dispatcher->add_observer('before-page', 'visible_hidden_by_id');
/** Main */
// ** Generate PDF file
$status = $pipeline->process($fi, $g_media);
if ($status == null) {
    print $pipeline->error_message();
    syslog(LOG_ERR, "PHP: Error in conversion pipeline");
/** Functions */
// ** Event handler
function visible_hidden_by_id($params)
    // ** Read page number
    $exppag = $params["pipeline"]->output_driver->get_expected_pages();
    $pageno = $params["pageno"] + 1;
    // Plus 1 because in "before-page" pageno isn't yet incremented
 function validate()
     // before we do anything, let's find out the blogId and if there isn't any, quit
     if ($this->_blogInfo == false) {
         // return 404 not found because the blog id is not correct!
         $this->_view = new ResourceServerView();
         $this->_view->addHeaderResponse("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
         $this->_view->addHeaderResponse("Status: 404 Not Found");
         $this->_view->addHeaderResponse("X-pLog-Error: Blog {$resId} is not correct");
         return false;
     // security stuff
     // :KLUDGE: the problem with the security Pipeline and the PluginManager in this
     // action is that we need to reimplement the whole stuff because... this action does not
     // inherit from BlogAction and therefore nobody is doing these things for us! I don't really
     // like to do it like this but while I think of a better way, let's leave like it
     $pipeline = new Pipeline($this->_request, $this->_blogInfo);
     $result = $pipeline->process();
     // if the pipeline blocked the request, then we have to let the user know and quit
     // processing
     if (!$result->isValid()) {
         $this->_view = new ResourceServerView();
         $this->_view->addHeaderResponse("HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden");
         $this->_view->addHeaderResponse("Status: 403 Forbidden");
         $this->_view->addHeaderResponse("X-pLog-Error: Access is blocked");
         return false;
     // now if the blog id was correct, then we can proceed to get the rest of the parameters
     $this->_resName = $this->_request->getValue("resource");
     $this->_resId = $this->_request->getValue("resId");
     $this->_albumId = $this->_request->getValue("albumId");
     $this->_albumName = $this->_request->getValue("albumName");
     $this->_mode = $this->_request->getValue("mode");
     // check if we need to load the album to figure out the correct album id
     // because we got an album name instead of an album id
     if (!empty($this->_albumId) || !empty($this->_albumName)) {
         if ($this->_albumName) {
             $albums = new GalleryAlbums();
             $album = $albums->getAlbumByName($this->_albumName);
             if (!$album) {
                 $this->_view = new ResourceServerView();
                 $this->_view->addHeaderResponse("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
                 $this->_view->addHeaderResponse("Status: 404 Not Found");
                 $this->_view->addHeaderResponse("X-pLog-Error: Album {$albumId} not found");
                 return false;
             $this->_albumId = $album->getId();
     return true;
global $g_px_scale;
$g_px_scale = mm2pt($g_media->width() - $g_media->margins['left'] - $g_media->margins['right']) / $g_media->pixels;
global $g_pt_scale;
$g_pt_scale = $g_px_scale * 1.43;
// for fetching the css files
require_once HTML2PS_DIR . 'fetcher.local.class.php';
$pipeline->fetchers[] = new FetcherLocalfile($sourcefn);
//$pipeline->fetchers[] = new FetcherUrlCurl();
if ($_CONFIG['CreateTOC']) {
    $pipeline->add_feature('toc', array('location', 'before'));
$header_html = file_get_contents($headerFile);
$footer_html = file_get_contents($footerFile);
$pipeline->pre_tree_filters = array();
if ($header_html != '' || $footer_html != '') {
    $filter = new PreTreeFilterHeaderFooter($header_html, $footer_html);
    $pipeline->pre_tree_filters[] = $filter;
$image_encoder = new PSL3ImageEncoderStream();
$pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterDoctype();
$pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterUTF8('iso-8859-15');
$pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterHTML2XHTML();
$pipeline->parser = new ParserXHTML();
$pipeline->post_tree_filters = array();
$pipeline->layout_engine = new LayoutEngineDefault();
$pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverFPDF();
$pipeline->destination = new DestinationFile($destfn, "", $outputdir);
$pipeline->process($sourcefn, $g_media);

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.inc.php';
require_once HTML2PS_DIR . 'pipeline.class.php';
require_once HTML2PS_DIR . 'fetcher.url.class.php';
parse_config_file(HTML2PS_DIR . 'html2ps.config');
$g_config = array('cssmedia' => 'screen', 'renderimages' => true, 'renderforms' => false, 'renderlinks' => true, 'mode' => 'html', 'debugbox' => false, 'draw_page_border' => false);
$media = Media::predefined('A4');
$media->set_margins(array('left' => 0, 'right' => 0, 'top' => 0, 'bottom' => 0));
$g_px_scale = mm2pt($media->width() - $media->margins['left'] - $media->margins['right']) / $media->pixels;
$g_pt_scale = $g_px_scale * 1.43;
$pipeline = new Pipeline();
$pipeline->fetchers[] = new FetcherURL();
$pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterHTML2XHTML();
$pipeline->parser = new ParserXHTML();
$pipeline->layout_engine = new LayoutEngineDefault();
$pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverFPDF($media);
$pipeline->destination = new DestinationFile(null);
$pipeline->process('http://tests.office/html2ps/sample.html', $media);
 public function generate($sUID, $aFields, $sPath, $sFilename, $sContent, $sLandscape = false, $sTypeDocToGener = 'BOTH', $aProperties = array())
     if ($sUID != '' && is_array($aFields) && $sPath != '') {
         $sContent = G::unhtmlentities($sContent);
         $iAux = 0;
         $iOcurrences = preg_match_all('/\\@(?:([\\>])([a-zA-Z\\_]\\w*)|([a-zA-Z\\_][\\w\\-\\>\\:]*)\\(((?:[^\\\\\\)]*(?:[\\\\][\\w\\W])?)*)\\))((?:\\s*\\[[\'"]?\\w+[\'"]?\\])+)?/', $sContent, $aMatch, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
         if ($iOcurrences) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < $iOcurrences; $i++) {
                 preg_match_all('/@>' . $aMatch[2][$i][0] . '([\\w\\W]*)' . '@<' . $aMatch[2][$i][0] . '/', $sContent, $aMatch2, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
                 $sGridName = $aMatch[2][$i][0];
                 $sStringToRepeat = $aMatch2[1][0][0];
                 if (isset($aFields[$sGridName])) {
                     if (is_array($aFields[$sGridName])) {
                         $sAux = '';
                         foreach ($aFields[$sGridName] as $aRow) {
                             foreach ($aRow as $sKey => $vValue) {
                                 if (!is_array($vValue)) {
                                     $aRow[$sKey] = nl2br($aRow[$sKey]);
                             $sAux .= G::replaceDataField($sStringToRepeat, $aRow);
                 $sContent = str_replace('@>' . $sGridName . $sStringToRepeat . '@<' . $sGridName, $sAux, $sContent);
         foreach ($aFields as $sKey => $vValue) {
             if (!is_array($vValue)) {
                 $aFields[$sKey] = nl2br($aFields[$sKey]);
         $sContent = G::replaceDataField($sContent, $aFields);
         G::verifyPath($sPath, true);
         /* Start - Create .doc */
         $oFile = fopen($sPath . $sFilename . '.doc', 'wb');
         $size = array();
         $size["Letter"] = "216mm  279mm";
         $size["Legal"] = "216mm  357mm";
         $size["Executive"] = "184mm  267mm";
         $size["B5"] = "182mm  257mm";
         $size["Folio"] = "216mm  330mm";
         $size["A0Oversize"] = "882mm  1247mm";
         $size["A0"] = "841mm  1189mm";
         $size["A1"] = "594mm  841mm";
         $size["A2"] = "420mm  594mm";
         $size["A3"] = "297mm  420mm";
         $size["A4"] = "210mm  297mm";
         $size["A5"] = "148mm  210mm";
         $size["A6"] = "105mm  148mm";
         $size["A7"] = "74mm   105mm";
         $size["A8"] = "52mm   74mm";
         $size["A9"] = "37mm   52mm";
         $size["A10"] = "26mm   37mm";
         $size["Screenshot640"] = "640mm  480mm";
         $size["Screenshot800"] = "800mm  600mm";
         $size["Screenshot1024"] = "1024mm 768mm";
         $sizeLandscape["Letter"] = "279mm  216mm";
         $sizeLandscape["Legal"] = "357mm  216mm";
         $sizeLandscape["Executive"] = "267mm  184mm";
         $sizeLandscape["B5"] = "257mm  182mm";
         $sizeLandscape["Folio"] = "330mm  216mm";
         $sizeLandscape["A0Oversize"] = "1247mm 882mm";
         $sizeLandscape["A0"] = "1189mm 841mm";
         $sizeLandscape["A1"] = "841mm  594mm";
         $sizeLandscape["A2"] = "594mm  420mm";
         $sizeLandscape["A3"] = "420mm  297mm";
         $sizeLandscape["A4"] = "297mm  210mm";
         $sizeLandscape["A5"] = "210mm  148mm";
         $sizeLandscape["A6"] = "148mm  105mm";
         $sizeLandscape["A7"] = "105mm  74mm";
         $sizeLandscape["A8"] = "74mm   52mm";
         $sizeLandscape["A9"] = "52mm   37mm";
         $sizeLandscape["A10"] = "37mm   26mm";
         $sizeLandscape["Screenshot640"] = "480mm  640mm";
         $sizeLandscape["Screenshot800"] = "600mm  800mm";
         $sizeLandscape["Screenshot1024"] = "768mm  1024mm";
         if (!isset($aProperties['media'])) {
             $aProperties['media'] = 'Letter';
         if ($sLandscape) {
             $media = $sizeLandscape[$aProperties['media']];
         } else {
             $media = $size[$aProperties['media']];
         $marginLeft = '15';
         if (isset($aProperties['margins']['left'])) {
             $marginLeft = $aProperties['margins']['left'];
         $marginRight = '15';
         if (isset($aProperties['margins']['right'])) {
             $marginRight = $aProperties['margins']['right'];
         $marginTop = '15';
         if (isset($aProperties['margins']['top'])) {
             $marginTop = $aProperties['margins']['top'];
         $marginBottom = '15';
         if (isset($aProperties['margins']['bottom'])) {
             $marginBottom = $aProperties['margins']['bottom'];
         fwrite($oFile, '<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"
   <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
   <meta name=ProgId content=Word.Document>
   <meta name=Generator content="Microsoft Word 9">
   <meta name=Originator content="Microsoft Word 9">
   <!--[if !mso]>
   v\\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
   o\\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
   w\\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
   .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
   <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
     <w:DrawingGridHorizontalSpacing>9.35 pt</w:DrawingGridHorizontalSpacing>
     <w:DrawingGridVerticalSpacing>9.35 pt</w:DrawingGridVerticalSpacing>
   @page WordSection1
   	{size:' . $media . ';
   	margin-left:' . $marginLeft . 'mm; 
   	margin-right:' . $marginRight . 'mm;
   	margin-bottom:' . $marginBottom . 'mm; 
   	margin-top:' . $marginTop . 'mm;
   <div class=WordSection1>');
         fwrite($oFile, $sContent);
         fwrite($oFile, "\n</div></body></html>\n\n");
         /* End - Create .doc */
         if ($sTypeDocToGener == 'BOTH' || $sTypeDocToGener == 'PDF') {
             /* Start - Create .pdf */
             $oFile = fopen($sPath . $sFilename . '.html', 'wb');
             fwrite($oFile, $sContent);
             define('PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY', PATH_HTML . 'files/' . $_SESSION['APPLICATION'] . '/outdocs/');
             G::verifyPath(PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY, true);
             require_once PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'html2ps_pdf/config.inc.php';
             require_once PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'html2ps_pdf/pipeline.factory.class.php';
             parse_config_file(PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'html2ps_pdf/html2ps.config');
             $GLOBALS['g_config'] = array('cssmedia' => 'screen', 'media' => 'Letter', 'scalepoints' => false, 'renderimages' => true, 'renderfields' => true, 'renderforms' => false, 'pslevel' => 3, 'renderlinks' => true, 'pagewidth' => 800, 'landscape' => $sLandscape, 'method' => 'fpdf', 'margins' => array('left' => 15, 'right' => 15, 'top' => 15, 'bottom' => 15), 'encoding' => '', 'ps2pdf' => false, 'compress' => false, 'output' => 2, 'pdfversion' => '1.3', 'transparency_workaround' => false, 'imagequality_workaround' => false, 'draw_page_border' => isset($_REQUEST['pageborder']), 'debugbox' => false, 'html2xhtml' => true, 'mode' => 'html', 'smartpagebreak' => true);
             $GLOBALS['g_config'] = array_merge($GLOBALS['g_config'], $aProperties);
             $g_media = Media::predefined($GLOBALS['g_config']['media']);
             if (isset($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity'])) {
                 if (isset($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['openPassword']) && $GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['openPassword'] != "") {
                     $GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['openPassword'] = G::decrypt($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['openPassword'], $sUID);
                 if (isset($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['ownerPassword']) && $GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['ownerPassword'] != "") {
                     $GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['ownerPassword'] = G::decrypt($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['ownerPassword'], $sUID);
                 require_once HTML2PS_DIR . 'pdf.fpdf.encryption.php';
             $pipeline = new Pipeline();
             if (extension_loaded('curl')) {
                 require_once HTML2PS_DIR . 'fetcher.url.curl.class.php';
                 $pipeline->fetchers = array(new FetcherURLCurl());
                 if (isset($proxy)) {
                     if ($proxy != '') {
             } else {
                 require_once HTML2PS_DIR . 'fetcher.url.class.php';
                 $pipeline->fetchers[] = new FetcherURL();
             $pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterDoctype();
             $pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterUTF8($GLOBALS['g_config']['encoding']);
             if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['html2xhtml']) {
                 $pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterHTML2XHTML();
             } else {
                 $pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterXHTML2XHTML();
             $pipeline->parser = new ParserXHTML();
             $pipeline->pre_tree_filters = array();
             $header_html = '';
             $footer_html = '';
             $filter = new PreTreeFilterHeaderFooter($header_html, $footer_html);
             $pipeline->pre_tree_filters[] = $filter;
             if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['renderfields']) {
                 $pipeline->pre_tree_filters[] = new PreTreeFilterHTML2PSFields();
             if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['method'] === 'ps') {
                 $pipeline->layout_engine = new LayoutEnginePS();
             } else {
                 $pipeline->layout_engine = new LayoutEngineDefault();
             $pipeline->post_tree_filters = array();
             if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['pslevel'] == 3) {
                 $image_encoder = new PSL3ImageEncoderStream();
             } else {
                 $image_encoder = new PSL2ImageEncoderStream();
             switch ($GLOBALS['g_config']['method']) {
                 case 'fastps':
                     if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['pslevel'] == 3) {
                         $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverFastPS($image_encoder);
                     } else {
                         $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverFastPSLevel2($image_encoder);
                 case 'pdflib':
                     $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverPDFLIB16($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfversion']);
                 case 'fpdf':
                     $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverFPDF();
                 case 'png':
                     $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverPNG();
                 case 'pcl':
                     $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverPCL();
                     die('Unknown output method');
             if (isset($GLOBALS['g_config']['watermarkhtml'])) {
                 $watermark_text = $GLOBALS['g_config']['watermarkhtml'];
             } else {
                 $watermark_text = '';
             if ($watermark_text != '') {
                 $dispatcher =& $pipeline->getDispatcher();
             if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['debugbox']) {
             if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['draw_page_border']) {
             if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['ps2pdf']) {
                 $pipeline->output_filters[] = new OutputFilterPS2PDF($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfversion']);
             if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['compress'] && $GLOBALS['g_config']['method'] == 'fastps') {
                 $pipeline->output_filters[] = new OutputFilterGZip();
             if (!isset($GLOBALS['g_config']['process_mode'])) {
                 $GLOBALS['g_config']['process_mode'] = '';
             if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['process_mode'] == 'batch') {
                 $filename = 'batch';
             } else {
                 $filename = $sFilename;
             switch ($GLOBALS['g_config']['output']) {
                 case 0:
                     $pipeline->destination = new DestinationBrowser($filename);
                 case 1:
                     $pipeline->destination = new DestinationDownload($filename);
                 case 2:
                     $pipeline->destination = new DestinationFile($filename);
             copy($sPath . $sFilename . '.html', PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY . $sFilename . '.html');
             $status = $pipeline->process((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/files/' . $_SESSION['APPLICATION'] . '/outdocs/' . $sFilename . '.html', $g_media);
             copy(PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY . $sFilename . '.pdf', $sPath . $sFilename . '.pdf');
             unlink(PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY . $sFilename . '.pdf');
             unlink(PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY . $sFilename . '.html');
         //end if $sTypeDocToGener
         /* End - Create .pdf */
     } else {
         return PEAR::raiseError(null, G_ERROR_USER_UID, null, null, 'You tried to call to a generate method without send the Output Document UID, fields to use and the file path!', 'G_Error', true);
 function generate($config)
     global $fpdf_charwidths;
     global $g_baseurl;
     global $g_border;
     global $g_box_uid;
     global $g_boxes;
     global $g_colors;
     global $g_config;
     global $g_css;
     global $g_css_defaults_obj;
     global $g_css_handlers;
     global $g_css_index;
     global $g_css_obj;
     global $g_font_family;
     global $g_font_resolver;
     global $g_font_resolver_pdf;
     global $g_font_size;
     global $g_frame_level;
     global $g_html_entities;
     global $g_image_cache;
     global $g_last_assigned_font_id;
     global $g_list_item_nums;
     global $g_manager_encodings;
     global $g_media;
     global $g_predefined_media;
     global $g_pt_scale;
     global $g_px_scale;
     global $g_stylesheet_title;
     global $g_table_border;
     global $g_tag_attrs;
     global $g_unicode_glyphs;
     global $g_utf8_converters;
     global $g_utf8_to_encodings_mapping_pdf;
     global $g_valign;
     global $psdata;
     global $g_font_style;
     global $g_font_family;
     global $g_font_weight;
     global $g_font_size;
     global $g_line_height;
     //			global $base_font_size;
     $context = pobject::getContext();
     $me = $context["arCurrentObject"];
     require_once HTML2PS_LOCATION . 'pipeline.factory.class.php';
     $g_baseurl = trim($config['URL']);
     if ($g_baseurl === "") {
         $me->error = "Please specify URL to process!";
         return false;
     // Add HTTP protocol if none specified
     if (!preg_match("/^https?:/", $g_baseurl)) {
         $g_baseurl = 'http://' . $g_baseurl;
     $g_css_index = 0;
     // Title of styleshee to use (empty if no preferences are set)
     $g_stylesheet_title = "";
     $g_config = array('cssmedia' => isset($config['cssmedia']) ? $config['cssmedia'] : "screen", 'convert' => isset($config['convert']), 'media' => isset($config['media']) ? $config['media'] : "A4", 'scalepoints' => isset($config['scalepoints']), 'renderimages' => isset($config['renderimages']), 'renderfields' => isset($config['renderfields']), 'renderforms' => isset($config['renderforms']), 'pslevel' => isset($config['pslevel']) ? $config['pslevel'] : 2, 'renderlinks' => isset($config['renderlinks']), 'pagewidth' => isset($config['pixels']) ? (int) $config['pixels'] : 800, 'landscape' => isset($config['landscape']), 'method' => isset($config['method']) ? $config['method'] : "fpdf", 'margins' => array('left' => isset($config['leftmargin']) ? (int) $config['leftmargin'] : 0, 'right' => isset($config['rightmargin']) ? (int) $config['rightmargin'] : 0, 'top' => isset($config['topmargin']) ? (int) $config['topmargin'] : 0, 'bottom' => isset($config['bottommargin']) ? (int) $config['bottommargin'] : 0), 'encoding' => isset($config['encoding']) ? $config['encoding'] : "", 'ps2pdf' => isset($config['ps2pdf']) ? $config['ps2pdf'] : 0, 'compress' => isset($config['compress']) ? $config['compress'] : 0, 'output' => isset($config['output']) ? $config['output'] : 0, 'pdfversion' => isset($config['pdfversion']) ? $config['pdfversion'] : "1.2", 'transparency_workaround' => isset($config['transparency_workaround']), 'imagequality_workaround' => isset($config['imagequality_workaround']), 'draw_page_border' => isset($config['pageborder']), 'debugbox' => isset($config['debugbox']), 'watermarkhtml' => isset($config['watermarkhtml']), 'smartpagebreak' => isset($config['smartpagebreak']), 'html2xhtml' => !isset($config['html2xhtml']), 'mode' => 'html');
     // ========== Entry point
     parse_config_file(HTML2PS_LOCATION . './.html2ps.config');
     // validate input data
     if ($g_config['pagewidth'] == 0) {
         $me->error = "Please specify non-zero value for the pixel width!";
         return false;
     // begin processing
     $g_media = Media::predefined($g_config['media']);
     $g_px_scale = mm2pt($g_media->width() - $g_media->margins['left'] - $g_media->margins['right']) / $g_media->pixels;
     if ($g_config['scalepoints']) {
         $g_pt_scale = $g_px_scale * 1.43;
         // This is a magic number, just don't touch it, or everything will explode!
     } else {
         $g_pt_scale = 1.0;
     // Initialize the coversion pipeline
     $pipeline = new Pipeline();
     // Configure the fetchers
     $pipeline->fetchers[] = new FetcherURL();
     // Configure the data filters
     $pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterDoctype();
     $pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterUTF8($g_config['encoding']);
     if ($g_config['html2xhtml']) {
         $pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterHTML2XHTML();
     } else {
         $pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterXHTML2XHTML();
     $pipeline->parser = new ParserXHTML();
     $pipeline->pre_tree_filters = array();
     if ($g_config['renderfields']) {
         $pipeline->pre_tree_filters[] = new PreTreeFilterHTML2PSFields("", "", "");
     if ($g_config['method'] === 'ps') {
         $pipeline->layout_engine = new LayoutEnginePS();
     } else {
         $pipeline->layout_engine = new LayoutEngineDefault();
     $pipeline->post_tree_filters = array();
     // Configure the output format
     if ($g_config['pslevel'] == 3) {
         $image_encoder = new PSL3ImageEncoderStream();
     } else {
         $image_encoder = new PSL2ImageEncoderStream();
     switch ($g_config['method']) {
         case 'ps':
             $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverPS($g_config['scalepoints'], $g_config['transparency_workaround'], $g_config['imagequality_workaround'], $image_encoder);
         case 'fastps':
             $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverFastPS($image_encoder);
         case 'pdflib':
             $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverPDFLIB($g_config['pdfversion']);
         case 'fpdf':
             $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverFPDF();
             $me->error = "Unknown output method";
             return false;
     if ($g_config['debugbox']) {
     if ($g_config['draw_page_border']) {
     if ($g_config['ps2pdf']) {
         $pipeline->output_filters[] = new OutputFilterPS2PDF($g_config['pdfversion']);
     if ($g_config['compress']) {
         $pipeline->output_filters[] = new OutputFilterGZip();
     $pipeline->destination = new DestinationBrowser($g_baseurl);
     $dest_filename = $pipeline->destination->filename_escape($pipeline->destination->get_filename());
     if (!$me->cached("html2ps_" . md5($dest_filename))) {
         // Start the conversion
         $status = $pipeline->process($g_baseurl, $g_media);
         if ($status == null) {
             $me->error = "Error in conversion pipeline: " . $pipeline->error_message();
             return false;
         } else {
     return true;