     * HTML Grid
    public function grid($per_page, $action, $ex_params = NULL, $where = NULL, $table_attributes = ' class="table_list"')
        $this->per_page = $per_page;
        if (!empty($where)) {
            $this->where = $where;
        if ($this->offset > 0) {
            $this->recordoffset = $this->offset * $per_page;
        $text = ' 
		<table ' . $table_attributes . '>
        if ($this->edit && $this->delete) {
            $text .= '
			<th style="width:80px;">&nbsp;</th>';
        } elseif ($this->edit || $this->delete) {
            $text .= '
			<th style="width:25px;">&nbsp;</th>';
        foreach ($this->column_names as $name => $field) {
            $text .= '
			<th>' . $name . ' <a href="?order_by=' . $field . '&amp;order=' . $this->get_vars[$field]['order'] . '&amp;offset=' . $this->offset . '&amp;action=' . $action . $ex_params . '"><img src="' . $this->get_vars[$field]['img'] . '" alt="-Order-" border="none"></a></th>';
        $text .= '
        $sql = $this->make_sql();
        /*if( !empty($this->base_sql) ){ 
        			$sql = $this->base_sql."
        				".(!empty($this->where) ? " WHERE ".$this->where : '' )."
        				ORDER BY ".$this->order_by." ".$this->order."
        				LIMIT ".$this->recordoffset.", ".$per_page."; ";
        		} else {
        			$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->table."
        				".(!empty($this->where) ? " WHERE ".$this->where : '' )."
        				ORDER BY ".$this->order_by." ".$this->order."
        				LIMIT ".$this->recordoffset.", ".$per_page."; ";
        //echo '<pre>'.$sql.'</pre>';
        //get recordset
        $rs = $this->sql_con->createResultSet($sql, $this->db);
        // returns mysql_fetch_array
        foreach ($rs as $row) {
            $text .= '
            if ($this->edit || $this->delete) {
                $text .= '<td>';
                if ($this->edit) {
                    //|| ($edit_person && $user->person_id() == $row['person_id']) ){
                    $text .= '<a href="?action=' . $action . '&amp;command=3&amp;' . $this->pri . '=' . $row[$this->pri] . '&amp;order_by=' . $this->order_by . '&amp;order=' . $this->order . $ex_params . '" title="Edit record"><img src="' . ADMIN_IMAGES_DIR . 'edit.png" alt="Edit" border="0"></a> ';
                if ($this->edit && $this->delete) {
                    $text .= ' | ';
                if ($this->delete) {
                    $text .= '<a href="?action=' . $action . '&amp;command=4&amp;' . $this->pri . '=' . $row[$this->pri] . '&amp;order_by=' . $this->order_by . '&amp;order=' . $this->order . $ex_params . '" title="Delete record"><img src="' . ADMIN_IMAGES_DIR . 'delete.png" alt="Delete Record" border="0"></a> ';
                $text .= '</td>';
            foreach ($this->column_names as $name => $field) {
                if ($field == 'email') {
                    $text .= '
					<td><a href="mailto:' . $row['email'] . '">' . $row['email'] . '</a></td>';
                } elseif (!empty($this->column_filters[$field])) {
                    // set filters
                    switch ($this->column_filters[$field]['filter']) {
                        case 'array':
                            $tmp = '';
                            if (isset($this->column_filters[$field]['array'][$row[$field]])) {
                                $tmp = $this->column_filters[$field]['array'][$row[$field]];
                            $text .= '
							<td>' . $tmp . '</td>';
                        case 'custom':
                            $replace = array();
                            foreach ($this->column_filters[$field]['replace'] as $r) {
                                $replace[] = $row[$r];
                            $empty = false;
                            if (isset($this->column_filters[$field]['empty_row'])) {
                                foreach ($this->column_filters[$field]['empty_row'] as $k => $v) {
                                    //echo ' K: '.$k.' => '.$v.' CID: '.$row[$k];
                                    if ($row[$k] == $v) {
                                        $empty = true;
                            if ($empty) {
                                $text .= '
                            } else {
                                $text .= '
								<td>' . str_replace($this->column_filters[$field]['search'], $replace, $this->column_filters[$field]['str']) . '</td>';
                        case 'date':
                            $text .= '
							<td>' . date($this->column_filters[$field]['format'], strtotime($row[$field])) . '</td>';
                        case 'money':
                            $text .= '
							<td>$' . number_format($row[$field], 2) . '</td>';
                } else {
                    $text .= '
					<td>' . (isset($row[$field]) ? $row[$field] : '') . '</td>';
            $text .= '
        $text .= '
        $pagename = '';
        //find total number of records
        $totalrecords = $rs->getUnlimitedNumberRows();
        $numpages = ceil($totalrecords / $per_page);
        //create category parameter
        $otherparameter = "&amp;action=" . $action . '&amp;perpage=' . $per_page . '&amp;order_by=' . $this->order_by . '&amp;order=' . $this->order . $ex_params;
        //create if needed
        if ($numpages > 1) {
            //create navigator
            $nav = new PageNavigator($pagename, $totalrecords, $per_page, $this->recordoffset, 10, $otherparameter);
            $text .= $nav->getNavigator();
        return $text;
function presentacion_noticias($consulta)
<div class="grid_8" id="Principal">
    define("PERPAGE", 10);
    define("OFFSET", "offset");
    //get query string
    $offset = @$_GET[OFFSET];
    //check variable
    if (!isset($offset)) {
        $recordoffset = 0;
    } else {
        //calc record offset
        $recordoffset = $offset * PERPAGE;
    $q = $consulta . " LiMIT {$recordoffset}, " . PERPAGE;
    $c = "SELECT * FROM Noticias";
    $r = mysql_query($q);
    if (mysql_num_rows($r) > 0) {
        //table is non-empty
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) {
            $net_vote = $row['votos'];
            //this is the net result of voting up and voting down

<div id="noticia_individual">

<a href="index.php"><img src="grayarrow.gif" alt="" ></a>

Asi funciona
            if (substr($row['link_noticia'], -3) == "jpg" || substr($row['link_noticia'], -3) == "gif") {
<div id="imagen">
<img id="imagen_noticia" src="<?php 
                echo $row['link_noticia'];
" alt="" >

<div id="div_titulo_imagen">
<a id="titulo" href="<?php 
                echo $row['link_noticia'];
"> <?php 
                echo $row['titulo'];
<div id="div_link_imagen">
<a id="url" href="<?php 
                echo $row['link_noticia'];
" >(<?php 
                echo $row['link_noticia'];

            } else {
<div id="div_titulo">
<a id="titulo" href="<?php 
                echo $row['link_noticia'];
"> <?php 
                echo $row['titulo'];
<div id="div_link">
<a id="url" href="<?php 
                echo $row['link_noticia'];
" >(<?php 
                echo $row['link_noticia'];

<div id="resto_noticia">		
		<p id="fecha">Enviado hace
            $fecha = strtotime($row['Fecha']);
            echo tiempo_transcurrido($fecha) . " por ";
		<a href="" ><?php 
            echo $row['id_usuario'];
<div id="imagen_categoria"><img src="<?php 
            echo 'imagenesCategorias/' . $row['imagen_categoria'];
" id="imagen_noticia" alt="" ></div>				
		<p id="descripcion"> <?php 
            echo $row['descripcion'];

<div id="footer_noticia">	
<!--	<p class="votos"> <?php 
            echo $row['votos'];
 Puntos |</p> -->
<p class="votos">Categoria: <?php 
            echo $row['categoria'];
<p class="votos"><a id="comentario" href="Comentarios_noticia.php?id_not=<?php 
            echo $row['id_noticia'];
" >Comentarios | </a></p>
<p class='votes_count' id='votes_count<?php 
            echo $row['id_noticia'];
            echo $row['votos'] . " votos | ";

            if (isset($_SESSION['valid_user'])) {
                $consulta_votos = "Select 1 from voto where id_noticia =" . $row['id_noticia'] . " and usuario ='" . $_SESSION['valid_user'] . "'";
                $f = mysql_query($consulta_votos);
                if (mysql_num_rows($f) == 0) {
<span class='vote_buttons' id='vote_buttons<?php 
                    echo $row['id_noticia'];
 <a href='javascript:;' class='vote_up' id='<?php 
                    echo $row['id_noticia'];
'>me gusta</a> 
<span class='vote_buttons' id='vote_buttons<?php 
                    echo $row['id_noticia'];
 <a href='javascript:;' class='vote_down' id='<?php 
                    echo $row['id_noticia'];
'>no me gusta</a> 


<div class="clear"></div>
<hr />
    $pagename = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
    //find total number of records
    $prueba = mysql_query($c);
    $totalrecords = mysql_num_rows($prueba);
    $numpages = ceil($totalrecords / PERPAGE);
    //create category parameter
    //create if needed
    if ($numpages > 1) {
        //create navigator
        $nav = new PageNavigator($pagename, $totalrecords, PERPAGE, $recordoffset);
        echo $nav->getNavigator();
function presentacion_noticias()
<div class="grid_12" id="Principal">
    define("PERPAGE", 10);
    define("OFFSET", "offset");
    //get query string
    $offset = @$_GET[OFFSET];
    //check variable
    if (!isset($offset)) {
        $recordoffset = 0;
    } else {
        //calc record offset
        $recordoffset = $offset * PERPAGE;
    $q = "SELECT * FROM Noticias order by Fecha  LiMIT {$recordoffset}, " . PERPAGE;
    $c = "SELECT * FROM Noticias order by Fecha";
    $r = mysql_query($q);
    if (mysql_num_rows($r) > 0) {
        //table is non-empty
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) {
            $net_vote = $row['votos'];
            //this is the net result of voting up and voting down

<div id="noticia_individual">
<a href="inicio.php"><img src="grayarrow.gif" alt="" ></a>
<a id="titulo" href="<?php 
            echo $row['link_noticia'];
"> <?php 
            echo $row['titulo'];
<a id="url" href="<?php 
            echo $row['link_noticia'];
" >(<?php 
            echo $row['link_noticia'];
<div id="resto_noticia">		
		<p id="fecha">Enviado el: 
            $fecha = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($row['Fecha']));
            echo $fecha;
		<p id="descripcion"> <?php 
            echo $row['descripcion'];
	<div id="footer_noticia">	
	<p class="votos"> <?php 
            echo $row['votos'];
 Puntos |</p>
	<p class="votos">Categoria: <?php 
            echo $row['categoria'];
	<p class="votos"><a id="comentario" href="http://localhost/TestSitioWeb/Comentarios_noticia.php?id_not=<?php 
            echo $row['id_noticia'];
" >Ver Comentarios </a></p>
<hr />
    $pagename = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
    //find total number of records
    $prueba = mysql_query($c);
    $totalrecords = mysql_num_rows($prueba);
    $numpages = ceil($totalrecords / PERPAGE);
    //create category parameter
    //create if needed
    if ($numpages > 1) {
        //create navigator
        $nav = new PageNavigator($pagename, $totalrecords, PERPAGE, $recordoffset);
        echo $nav->getNavigator();

 public function index()
     //   	Aquire Search Results (read local XML file).
     if (isset($_POST['searchtext'])) {
         $srchtext = filter_var($_POST['searchtext'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     } elseif (isset($_GET['q'])) {
         $srchtext = urldecode($_GET['q']);
     } else {
         $srchtext = '';
     $result_xml = __SITE_PATH . "/sample_search_result.xml";
     if (file_exists($result_xml)) {
         $xml = simplexml_load_file($result_xml);
     } else {
         exit('Failed to load ' . $result_xml);
     //   	Format Search Results (based on sample image).
     $results = array();
     foreach ($xml->SearchResult as $result) {
         $url = (string) $result->Url;
         $rank1m = (int) $result->Rank1M;
         $retail = (string) $result->Retailness == 'true' ? 'Yes' : 'No';
         $adult = ucfirst((string) $result->Adult);
         $category = (string) $result->Category;
         $category == '-' ? $category = 'Unspecified' : $category;
         $category = str_replace(' ', ': ', $category);
         $category = str_replace('-', ' > ', $category);
         $category = str_replace('_', ' ', $category);
         $domain = substr($url, 0, strpos($url, '.'));
         //parse for domain(no extensions)
         $results[] = array('url' => $url, 'rank1m' => $rank1m, 'retail' => $retail, 'adult' => $adult, 'domain' => $domain, 'category' => $category);
     //   	Sort Search Results
     /* Default sort by Rank1M. */
     $results = $this->orderBy($results, 'rank1m');
     /* Check for Url match and move to top of displayed result. */
     $srchtext_arr = explode(" ", $srchtext);
     $key = null;
     $dontmatch = array('Yes', 'No');
     foreach ($srchtext_arr as $text) {
         if ($text && !in_array($text, $dontmatch)) {
             //exclude empty string && $dontmatch
             /* also check for domain w/o extensions */
             if (!is_int($key) && is_int(strpos($text, '.'))) {
                 $key = $this->recursiveArraySearch($results, substr($text, 0, strpos($text, '.')));
             } else {
                 $key = $this->recursiveArraySearch($results, $text);
             if (is_int($key)) {
                 //move to 1st position
                 $value = $results[$key];
                 $tail = array_splice($results, 0);
                 array_push($results, $value);
                 $results = array_merge($results, $tail);
                 $key = null;
     //   	Create PageNavigotor 
     /* $this->registry->action is 2nd URL parameter and will default to 'index if not specified.*/
     //$offset      = $this->registry->action == 'index' ? 0 : $this->registry->action;
     $offset = isset($_GET['p']) ? (int) $_GET['p'] : 0;
     $pagename = __SITE_ROOT . 'results';
     $totaloffset = $offset * PERPAGE;
     $totalcount = 10;
     // As provided by Alexa
     $numpages = ceil($totalcount / PERPAGE);
     $maxpagesshown = PAGELINKS;
     $params = 'q=' . urlencode($srchtext);
     $pagenav = '';
     if ($numpages > 1) {
         $nav = new PageNavigator($pagename, $totalcount, PERPAGE, $totaloffset, $maxpagesshown, $params);
         $pagenav = $nav->getNavigator();
     } else {
         $pagenav = 'Page 1 of 1';
     //   	Presentation Logic.
     /***   Alias view templates.	*/
     $views = $this->registry->template;
     /* debug */
     $views->srchtext_arr = $srchtext_arr;
     $views->srchtext = $srchtext;
     $views->offset = $offset;
     $views->msg = $this->registry->controller . ':' . $this->registry->action;
     $views->key = $key;
     $views->results = array_slice($results, PERPAGE * $offset, PERPAGE);
     $views->pagenav = $pagenav;
     $views->layout = 'basic';
     $views->pgtitle = 'Alexa Code Sample';
     $views->withresults = $this->registry->controller == 'results';