 function xls_write_graph($graphfile = null)
     //init all
     $CI =& get_instance();
     $graph = new PHPGraphLib(495, 280, $graphfile);
     $data1 = array('alpha' => intval(rand(20) + 1), 'beta' => intval(rand(15) + 1), 'cappa' => intval(rand(10) + 1), 'delta' => intval(rand(20) + 1), 'echo' => intval(rand(10) + 1));
     $data2 = array('alpha' => intval(rand(8) + 1), 'beta' => intval(rand(20) + 1), 'cappa' => intval(rand(20) + 1), 'delta' => intval(rand(20) + 1), 'echo' => intval(rand(50) + 1));
     $data3 = array('alpha' => intval(rand(25) + 1), 'beta' => intval(rand(8) + 1), 'cappa' => intval(rand(10) + 1), 'delta' => intval(rand(50) + 1), 'echo' => intval(rand(50) + 1));
     $data4 = array('alpha' => intval(rand(7) + 1), 'beta' => intval(rand(50) + 1), 'cappa' => intval(rand(5) + 1), 'delta' => intval(rand(50) + 1), 'echo' => intval(rand(50) + 1));
     $data = array(rand(20, 30), rand(40, 50), 20, 44, 41, 18, rand(40, 50), 19, rand(40, 50));
     $data2 = array(15, rand(20, 30), rand(20, 30), 11, rand(40, 60), 21, rand(40, 60), 34, rand(20, 30));
     $data3 = array(rand(40, 50), rand(20, 30), 34, 23, rand(45, 60), 32, 43, 41);
     $graph->addData($data, $data2, $data3);
     $graph->setTitle('CPU Cycles x1000');
     $graph->setLegendTitle('Module-1', 'Module-2', 'Module-3');
     $xcolor1 = sprintf("%02X%02X%02X", rand(20, 255), rand(20, 250), rand(20, 250));
     $xcolor2 = sprintf("%02X%02X%02X", rand(20, 250), rand(20, 255), rand(20, 250));
     $graph->setGradient("#{$xcolor1}", "#{$xcolor2}");
     //give the format
     return 1;
function make_graph_multi_line($title, $data_min, $data_avg, $data_max, $is_bar_graph)
    include 'phpgraphlib.php';
    $graph = new PHPGraphLib(780, 300);
    if ($is_bar_graph == 'true') {
    } else {
    if (!isset($data_min)) {
        if ($is_bar_graph == 'true') {
            $graph->setBarColor('purple', 'red');
        } else {
            $graph->setLineColor('purple', 'red');
        $graph->setLegendTitle('avg', 'max');
    } else {
        if ($is_bar_graph == 'true') {
            $graph->setBarColor('blue', 'purple', 'red');
        } else {
            $graph->setLineColor('blue', 'purple', 'red');
        $graph->setLegendTitle('min', 'avg', 'max');

require_once "../Includes.php";
//print("<img src=\"../Utilities/Charts.php?chart=padaliniu_paraiskos&menuo=2008-01-01\">");
$graph = new PHPGraphLib(650, 200);
$data1 = array(0);
$data2 = array(8, 15, 4, 12);
$data3 = array(1, 2, 3, 4);
$graph->setTitle('PPM Per Container');
$graph->setLineColor('#FF0000', 'green', 'red');
$graph->setLegendTitle("PA1", "PA2", "PA3");

include '../phpgraphlib.php';
$graph = new PHPGraphLib(500, 280);
$data = array(23, 45, 20, 44, 41, 18, 49, 19, 42);
$data2 = array(15, 23, 23, 11, 54, 21, 56, 34, 23);
$data3 = array(43, 23, 34, 23, 53, 32, 43, 41);
$graph->addData($data, $data2, $data3);
$graph->setTitle('CPU Cycles x1000');
$graph->setLegendTitle('Module-1', 'Module-2', 'Module-3');
$graph->setGradient('green', 'olive');

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '\\..\\util.php';
use Qnet\Controller\StatisticsGraphicsController;
$sid = $_GET['sid'];
$ctrl = new StatisticsGraphicsController();
if (!$ctrl->isDrawable()) {
    echo 'Cannot draw this statistic.';
} else {
    $big = $_GET['size'] == 'big';
    $graph = new PHPGraphLib($big ? 800 : 400, $big ? 400 : 200);
    $graph->addData($ctrl->getData(0), $ctrl->getData(1), $ctrl->getData(2), $ctrl->getData(3), $ctrl->getData(4));
    if ($ctrl->hasZ()) {
        $graph->setLegendTitle($ctrl->getLegend(0), $ctrl->getLegend(1), $ctrl->getLegend(2), $ctrl->getLegend(3), $ctrl->getLegend(4));

include '../phpgraphlib.php';
$graph = new PHPGraphLib(495, 280);
$data = array('alpha' => 23, 'beta' => 45, 'cappa' => 20, 'delta' => 32, 'echo' => 14);
$data2 = array('alpha' => 15, 'beta' => 23, 'cappa' => 23, 'delta' => 12, 'echo' => 17);
$data3 = array('alpha' => 43, 'beta' => 23, 'cappa' => 34, 'delta' => 16, 'echo' => 20);
$data4 = array('alpha' => 23, 'beta' => 34, 'cappa' => 23, 'delta' => 9, 'echo' => 8);
$graph->addData($data, $data2, $data3, $data4);
$graph->setGradient('teal', '#0000FF');
$graph->setLegendTitle('M1', 'M2', 'M3', 'M4');
$all = array(array());
$sql = "SELECT LB, remote_ID, name, amount, transdate FROM firsttable";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        if ($row['remote_ID'] == $_SESSION['handle']) {
            if ($row['name'] == $_SESSION["graphval"]) {
                if ($row['LB'] == 'L') {
                    if (array_key_exists($row['transdate'], $lenddata)) {
                        $lenddata[$row['transdate']] = $lenddata[$row['transdate']] + $row['amount'];
                    } else {
                        $lenddata[$row['transdate']] = $row['amount'];
                } else {
                    if (array_key_exists($row['transdate'], $borrowdata)) {
                        $borrowdata[$row['transdate']] = $borrowdata[$row['transdate']] + $row['amount'];
                    } else {
                        $borrowdata[$row['transdate']] = $row['amount'];
$graph->addData($lenddata, $borrowdata);
$graph->setBarColor('green', 'red');
$graph->setLegendTitle('Lended', 'Borrowed');

include '../phpgraphlib.php';
$set1 = array(1917 => 4011, 1918 => 4886, 1919 => 5411, 1920 => 5831, 1921 => 5865, 1922 => 5704, 1923 => 5337, 1924 => 5144, 1925 => 5018, 1926 => 4971, 1927 => 4630, 1928 => 4411, 1929 => 4287, 1930 => 4116, 1931 => 3940, 1932 => 3764, 1933 => 3592, 1934 => 3447, 1935 => 3280, 1936 => 3215, 1937 => 3366, 1938 => 3569, 1939 => 3598, 1940 => 4436, 1941 => 5939, 1942 => 7397, 1943 => 8855, 1944 => 9835, 1945 => 9998, 1946 => 10631, 1947 => 11340, 1948 => 11549, 1949 => 11642);
$set2 = array(1910 => 2059, 1911 => 2135, 1912 => 2209, 1913 => 2332, 1914 => 2437, 1915 => 2786, 1916 => 3747, 1917 => 5011, 1918 => 5886, 1919 => 6411, 1920 => 6831, 1921 => 6865, 1922 => 6704, 1923 => 6337, 1924 => 6144, 1925 => 6018, 1926 => 5971, 1927 => 5630, 1928 => 5411, 1929 => 5287, 1930 => 5116, 1931 => 4940, 1932 => 4764, 1933 => 4592, 1934 => 4447, 1935 => 4280, 1936 => 4215, 1937 => 4366, 1938 => 4569, 1939 => 4598, 1940 => 5436, 1941 => 5939, 1942 => 8397, 1943 => 9855, 1944 => 10835);
$graph = new PHPGraphLib(600, 400);
$graph->addData($set1, $set2);
$graph->setTitle("Two sets with different start points");
$graph->setLineColor('blue', 'red');
$graph->setDataValueColor('blue', 'red');
$graph->setLegendTitle("set1", "set2");
                 $sql = "SELECT `ip` FROM `conf_leases` WHERE `ip` LIKE \"" . $match[1] . ".%\"";
                 // execute query and place results (if any) in array per-subnet
                 if (($value = $db->dbQuery($val->ValidateSQL($sql, $dbconn), $dbconn)) !== -1) {
                     $all[$name] = $total;
                     $data[$name] = count($db->dbArrayResults($value));
         // generate our graphs but check for gd lib extensions first
         if (function_exists('imagedestroy')) {
             $graph = new PHPGraphLib(450, 200);
             // push the image and assign attributes
             $graph->addData($data, $all);
             $graph->setTitle("Total Leases: " . $total_leases);
             $graph->setLegendTitle("Available", "In Use");
     } else {
         // page view restricted by access level
         $ERROR = $err->GenerateErrorLink("help/help.html", "#undef", $defined['error'], $errors['level']);
 } else {
     // general authentication error
     $ERROR = $err->GenerateErrorLink("help/help.html", "#undef", $defined['error'], $errors['auth_n']);

include '../phpgraphlib.php';
$graph = new PHPGraphLib(520, 280);
$data = array("Alpha" => 1145, "Beta" => 1202, "Cappa" => 1523, "Delta" => 1437, "Echo" => 949, "Falcon" => 999, "Gamma" => 1188);
$data2 = array("Alpha" => 898, "Beta" => 1498, "Cappa" => 1343, "Delta" => 1345, "Echo" => 1045, "Falcon" => 1343, "Gamma" => 987);
$graph->addData($data, $data2);
$graph->setBarColor('blue', 'green');
$graph->setTitle('Company Production');
$graph->setupYAxis(12, 'blue');
$graph->setLegendTitle('Week-37', 'Week-38');

if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == 'graph' || $_REQUEST['mode'] == 'graph_line') {
    include '../lib/phpgraphlib.php';
    $graph = new PHPGraphLib(1120, 600);
    if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == 'graph_line') {
    } else {
} elseif ($_REQUEST['mode'] == 'graph_pie') {
    include '../lib/phpgraphlib.php';
    include '../lib/phpgraphlib_pie.php';
    $graph = new PHPGraphLibPie(1120, 600);
             // process last 6 hour traffic array
             foreach ($traffic_old as $key_old => $value_old) {
                 if ($value_old['interface'] !== 'lo') {
                     $value_old['bytes'] = $value_old['bytes'] / 1024 / 1024;
                     $old[$value_old['interface']] = round($value_old['bytes']);
                     $total_old = round($total_old + $value_old['bytes']);
             // get total from both data sets
             $total = $total_new + $total_old;
             // push the image and assign attributes
             $graph->addData($old, $recent);
             $graph->setTitle("MBytes Total: " . $total);
             $graph->setLegendTitle("Last 60 Minutes", "Last 6 Hours");
     } else {
         // page view restricted by access level
         $ERROR = $err->GenerateErrorLink("help/help.html", "#undef", $defined['error'], $errors['level']);
 } else {
     // general authentication error
     $ERROR = $err->GenerateErrorLink("help/help.html", "#undef", $defined['error'], $errors['auth_n']);
  * Function to generate a file containing a graph of power (kW) against
  * solar radiation (W/m2) using data from the given tables.  A date range
  * can be specified to restrict the x-axis.
  * @param string $imageFilename Name of file to write graph to
  * @param string $powerTable Name of table to get power data from
  * @param string $solRadTable Name of table to get solar radiation data from
  * @param array $dateRange An optional array of two DateTime objects to limit
  *                         the range of data used
 public function createGraphImage($imageFilename, $powerTable, $powerColumn, $solRadTable, &$dateRange = NULL)
     global $verbose;
     if (!$this->graphsEnabled) {
     // We inner join the tables on the datetime field.  This is expected to be called on
     // a solar radiation data table and a instananeous power data table so the two can
     // be easily compared.  They will need different y-axes.
     if ($verbose > 0) {
         print "Generating power graph in file {$imageFilename}\n";
     $sql = "SELECT {$powerTable}.datetime, {$powerTable}.{$powerColumn}, sol_rad\n                FROM {$solRadTable} INNER JOIN {$powerTable}\n                ON {$powerTable}.datetime = {$solRadTable}.datetime";
     $whereClause = '';
     $whereClausePower = '';
     if ($dateRange != NULL) {
         $whereClause = " WHERE DATE({$solRadTable}.datetime) > '" . $dateRange[0]->format('Y-m-d') . "' &&\n                                   DATE({$solRadTable}.datetime) < '" . $dateRange[1]->format('Y-m-d') . "'";
         $whereClausePower = str_replace($solRadTable, $powerTable, $whereClause);
     $sql .= $whereClause;
     $data = $this->fetchQuery($sql);
     $maxSolRad = $this->fetchQuery("SELECT MAX(sol_rad) FROM {$solRadTable}" . $whereClause, PDO::FETCH_NUM);
     $maxPower = $this->fetchQuery("SELECT MAX({$powerColumn}) FROM {$powerTable}" . $whereClausePower, PDO::FETCH_NUM);
     if ($maxPower[0][0] == 0) {
         // If there was never any power, divide by 1 rather than 0 when scaling!
         $maxPower[0][0] = 1;
     $graph = new PHPGraphLib(10000, 1000, $imageFilename);
     $graph->setTitle($powerTable . ' against solar radiation (both scaled to % of maximum recorded value)');
     $graph->setLineColor('red', 'yellow');
     $graph->setLegendTitle('Power', 'Solar radiation');
     // Reassmble the data into the form needed for PHPGraphLib and scale values so they can be plotted on the same
     // y-axis (a limitation of PHPGraphLib...if we can go GPLv3, we can use PCharts2 which can do multiple y-axes,
     // or there's SVGGraph which is LGPL).
     foreach ($data as $entry) {
         $powerData[$entry['datetime']] = $entry[$powerColumn] / $maxPower[0][0] * 100;
         $solRadData[$entry['datetime']] = $entry['sol_rad'] / $maxSolRad[0][0] * 100;
     // Free up memory (maybe!)
     $data = NULL;
     $graph->addData($powerData, $solRadData);