function run($idleTimeout = null) { $server =& Net_Server::create($this->type, $this->localaddr, $this->port); if (PEAR::isError($server)) { echo $server->getMessage() . "\n"; } $handler =& new SOAP_Server_TCP_Handler(); $handler->setSOAPServer($this); // hand over the object that handles server events $server->setCallbackObject($handler); $server->readEndCharacter = '</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>'; $server->setIdleTimeout($idleTimeout); // start the server $server->start(); }
/** * サービススタート * * @param int $port ポート番号 * @param bool $isFork サーバータイプ true:folk false:sequential * @param string $handlerName サーバーハンドラ名 * @param string $ipAddress サーバーIP * * @return void * @see */ public function start($port = 103754, $isFork = true, $handlerName = 'BEAR_Resource_Server_Handler', $ipAddress = false) { $type = $isFork ? 'fork' : 'sequential'; if (!$ipAddress) { $hostname = exec('uname -n'); $ipAddress = gethostbyname($hostname); } if (class_exists($handlerName)) { $server =& Net_Server::create($type, $ipAddress, $port); $handler =& new $handlerName(); $server->setCallbackObject($handler); $server->_debug = $this->_config['debug']; $this->_printStartUpinfo("{$ipAddress} {$port}", $type); $server->start(); if (PEAR::isError($server)) { echo $server->getMessage() . "\n"; } } else { trigger_error('Bad Handler :' . $handlerName, E_USER_ERROR); } }
} else { $loggers = $this->hierarchy->getCurrentLoggers(); foreach ($loggers as $logger) { $root->callAppenders($event); $appenders = $logger->getAllAppenders(); foreach ($appenders as $appender) { $appender->doAppend($event); } } } } } function getEvents($data) { preg_match('/^(O:\\d+)/', $data, $parts); $events = split($parts[1], $data); array_shift($events); $size = count($events); for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $events[$i] = unserialize($parts[1] . $events[$i]); } return $events; } } $host = ''; $port = 9090; //$server =& Net_Server::create('fork', $host, $port); $server =& Net_Server::create('sequential', $host, $port); $handler =& new Net_Server_Handler_Log(); $server->setCallbackObject($handler); $server->start();
<?php $path = '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/lib/php/pear/'; set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path); $path = './libs/'; set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path); require_once 'System/Daemon.php'; System_Daemon::setOption("appName", "FastAGI"); System_Daemon::setOption("authorEmail", "*****@*****.**"); System_Daemon::start(); ob_implicit_flush(true); require_once 'Zend/Loader.php'; Zend_Loader::registerAutoload(); require_once 'Net/Server.php'; require_once 'libs/FastAGI.php'; $server = Net_Server::create('fork', '', 10045); $server->setEndCharacter("\n\n"); $server->setCallbackObject(new FastAGI()); $server->start(); System_Daemon::stop();
#!/usr/bin/env php <?php /** * main entry point for starting a Cuke4Php wire server * @package Cuke4Php */ /** * load the Cuke4PhpForkingServer server */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../lib/Cuke4PhpForkingServer.php"; $aOptions = getopt("p:"); if (array_key_exists('p', $aOptions)) { $iPort = $aOptions['p']; } else { $iPort = 16816; } $oServer =& Net_Server::create('fork', '', $iPort); $oServerHandler =& new Cuke4PhpForkingServer(realpath($argv[$argc - 1]), $iPort); $oServer->setCallbackObject($oServerHandler); $oServer->start();
$this->_server->closeConnection(); } else { $this->_server->sendData($clientId, 'HANGUP'); $this->_server->closeConnection(); } } } function process_command($clientId = 0) { // print_r($this->command); $dest = stats::get_next_server($this->command[$clientId]['agi_accountcode'], $this->make_up_group($clientId)); echo "Selected Destination: {$dest}\r\n"; return "EXEC Dial \"IAX2/{$dest}/" . $this->command[$clientId]['agi_extension'] . "|20\""; } function make_up_group($clientId) { if (array_key_exists('group', $this->command[$clientId])) { $this->command[$clientId]['group'] = $this->command[$clientId]['group'] + 1; } else { $this->command[$clientId]['group'] = 0; } return $this->command[$clientId]['group']; } } // create a server that forks new processes $server =& Net_Server::create('fork', '', 9090); $handler =& new Net_Server_Handler_Talkback(); // hand over the object that handles server events $server->setCallbackObject($handler); // start the server $server->start();