function initialize($config, $content) { // tables which will be used in generated content $output = array('arts' => array(), 'list' => array(), 'featured' => array()); // Generating content $counter = 0; // for ($i = 0; $i < count($content); $i++) { if ($i < $config['news_column'] * $config['news_rows'] * $config['news_full_pages']) { // GENERATING NEWS CONTENT if ($config['use_own_article_format'] == 1) { $generated_content = NSP_GK5_Article_Format::generateLayout($config, $content[$i]); } else { // GENERATING HEADER $news_header = NSP_GK5_com_easyblog_View::header($config, $content[$i]); // GENERATING IMAGE $news_image = NSP_GK5_com_easyblog_View::image($config, $content[$i]); // GENERATING READMORE $news_readmore = NSP_GK5_com_easyblog_View::readMore($config, $content[$i]); // GENERATING TEXT $news_text = NSP_GK5_com_easyblog_View::text($config, $content[$i], $news_readmore); // GENERATE NEWS INFO $news_info = NSP_GK5_com_easyblog_View::info($config, $content[$i]); // GENERATE NEWS INFO2 $news_info2 = NSP_GK5_com_easyblog_View::info($config, $content[$i], 2); // GENERATE CONTENT FOR TAB $generated_content = ''; // initialize variable // for ($j = 1; $j < 10; $j++) { // if ($config['wrap_content'] == 1 && $config['news_image_order'] == 1) { if ($j == 2) { $generated_content .= '<div class="gkArtContentWrap">'; } } // if ($config['news_header_order'] == $j) { $generated_content .= $news_header; } if ($config['news_image_order'] == $j) { $generated_content .= $news_image; } if ($config['news_text_order'] == $j) { $generated_content .= $news_text; } if ($config['news_info_order'] == $j) { $generated_content .= $news_info; } if ($config['news_info2_order'] == $j) { $generated_content .= $news_info2; } } // if ($config['news_content_readmore_pos'] != 'after') { $generated_content .= $news_readmore; } // if ($config['wrap_content'] == 1 && $config['news_image_order'] == 1) { $generated_content .= '</div>'; } } // creating table with news content array_push($output['arts'], $generated_content); array_push($output['featured'], $content[$i]['frontpage']); } else { array_push($output['list'], NSP_GK5_com_easyblog_View::lists($config, $content[$i], $counter)); // $counter++; } } // return the results array return $output; }
static function image($config, $item, $only_url = false, $pm = false, $links = false) { if (!($config['news_content_image_pos'] != 'disabled' || $pm || $links)) { return ''; } $IMG_SOURCE = ''; $item['title'] = str_replace('"', """, $item['title']); $uri = JURI::getInstance(); $IMG_LINK = static::itemLink($item, $config); // if (trim($item['image']) != '') { $image_path = str_replace(array('user:'******'post:'), '', $item['image']); if (stripos($item['image'], 'user:'******'images/easyblog_images/' . $image_path; } else { $IMG_SOURCE = 'images/easyblog_articles/' . $image_path; } } else { // set image to first in article content $IMG_SOURCE = NSP_GK5_com_easyblog_View::getImageFromText($item['text']); } // $full_size_img = $IMG_SOURCE; // if ($config['create_thumbs'] == 1 && $IMG_SOURCE != '') { // try to override standard image if (strpos($IMG_SOURCE, 'http://') == FALSE) { $img_file = NSP_GK5_Thumbs::createThumbnail($IMG_SOURCE, $config, false, false, '', $links); if (is_array($img_file)) { $IMG_SOURCE = $uri->root() . 'modules/mod_news_pro_gk5/cache/' . $img_file[1]; } elseif ($config['create_thumbs'] == 1) { jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); if (is_file(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'modules' . DS . 'mod_news_pro_gk5' . DS . 'cache' . DS . 'default' . DS . 'default' . $config['module_id'] . '.png')) { $IMG_SOURCE = $uri->root() . 'modules/mod_news_pro_gk5/cache/default/default' . $config['module_id'] . '.png'; } } else { $IMG_SOURCE = ''; } } } elseif ($config['create_thumbs'] == 1) { jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); if (is_file(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'modules' . DS . 'mod_news_pro_gk5' . DS . 'cache' . DS . 'default' . DS . 'default' . $config['module_id'] . '.png')) { $IMG_SOURCE = $uri->root() . 'modules/mod_news_pro_gk5/cache/default/default' . $config['module_id'] . '.png'; } } return NSP_GK5_com_easyblog_View::getImageHTML($only_url, $IMG_SOURCE, $links, $config, $IMG_LINK, $full_size_img); }
function get_image($num) { // used variables $url = false; $output = ''; // select the proper image function if ($this->mode == 'com_content') { // load necessary com_content View class if (!class_exists('NSP_GK5_com_content_View')) { require_once JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_news_pro_gk5', 'com_content/view'); } // generate the com_content image URL only $url = NSP_GK5_com_content_View::image($this->parent->config, $this->parent->content[$num], true, true); } else { if ($this->mode == 'com_k2') { // load necessary k2 View class if (!class_exists('NSP_GK5_com_k2_View')) { require_once JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_news_pro_gk5', 'com_k2/view'); } // generate the K2 image URL only $url = NSP_GK5_com_k2_View::image($this->parent->config, $this->parent->content[$num], true, true); } else { if ($this->mode == 'com_easyblog') { // load necessary EasyBlog View class if (!class_exists('NSP_GK5_com_easyblog_View')) { require_once JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_news_pro_gk5', 'com_easyblog/view'); } // generate the EasyBlog image URL only $url = NSP_GK5_com_easyblog_View::image($this->parent->config, $this->parent->content[$num], true, true); } } } // check if the URL exists if ($url === FALSE) { return false; } else { // if URL isn't blank - return it! if ($url != '') { return $url; } else { return false; } } }
static function lists($config, $item, $num) { $odd = $num % 2; if ($config['news_short_pages'] > 0) { $text = ''; $title = ''; $image = ''; if ($config['list_text_limit'] > 0) { $text = NSP_GK5_Utils::cutText(strip_tags(preg_replace("/\\{.+?\\}/", "", $item['text'])), $config, 'list_text_limit', '…'); $text = preg_replace("/\\{.+?\\}/", "", $text); if (JString::strlen($text) > 0) { $text = '<p>' . $text . '</p>'; } } if ($config['list_title_limit'] > 0) { $title = htmlspecialchars($item['title']); $title = NSP_GK5_Utils::cutText($title, $config, 'list_title_limit', '…'); $title = str_replace('"', """, $title); $link = NSP_GK5_com_easyblog_View::itemLink($item); if (JString::strlen($title) > 0) { $title = '<h4><a href="' . $link . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($item['title']) . '">' . $title . '</a></h4>'; } } if ($config['links_image'] == 1) { $image = NSP_GK5_com_easyblog_View::image($config, $item, false, false, true); } // creating rest news list return '<li class="' . ($odd == 1 ? 'odd' : 'even') . '">' . $image . ($image != '' ? '<div>' . $title . $text . '</div>' : $title . $text) . '</li>'; } else { return ''; } }