public function testUpdateMessage() { // give _getUpdateMessage some githubish xml $this->setUpdateXML('999.0.0'); // make mollie impostor to test protected _getUpdateMessage $mollie = new Mollie_Testing_Impostor($this->mollie); // execute $this->assertEquals('<a href="">You are currently using version 1.0.0. We strongly recommend you to upgrade to the new version 999.0.0!</a>', $mollie->_getUpdateMessage('')); }
public function testInvalidOrder() { // test if an invalid order gets denied by the validation $cart = new Cart(); $cart->id_customer = null; $cart->id_address_delivery = null; $cart->id_address_invoice = null; $customer = new Customer(); $payments = new Mollie_Testing_Impostor($this->controller); $this->assertFalse($payments->_validate($cart, $customer)); }