  * MagicDb::toArray should either return the MagicDb::db property, or the parsed array data if a magic.db dump is passed in as the first argument
  * @access public
 function testToArray()
     $this->Db->db = array();
     $r = $this->Db->toArray();
     $this->assertTrue($r === array());
     $this->Db->db = array('foo' => 'bar');
     $r = $this->Db->toArray();
     $this->assertTrue($r === array('foo' => 'bar'));
     $r = $this->Db->toArray(array('yeah'));
     $this->assertTrue($r === array('yeah'));
     $r = $this->Db->toArray('foo');
     $this->assertTrue($r === array());
     $r = $this->Db->toArray(MagicDbTestData::get('magic.snippet.db'));
     $this->assertTrue($r === MagicDbTestData::get('magic.snippet.db.result'));
  * MagicDb::toArray should either return the MagicDb::db property, or the parsed array data if a magic.db dump is passed in as the first argument
  * @access public
 function testToArray()
     $this->Db->db = array();
     $r = $this->Db->toArray();
     $this->assertTrue($r === array());
     $this->Db->db = array('foo' => 'bar');
     $r = $this->Db->toArray();
     $this->assertTrue($r === array('foo' => 'bar'));
     $r = $this->Db->toArray(array('yeah'));
     $this->assertTrue($r === array('yeah'));
     $r = $this->Db->toArray("# FILE_ID DB\r\n# Date:2009-10-10\r\n# Source:xxx.php");
     $this->assertTrue($r === array());
     $r = $this->Db->toArray('foo');
     $this->assertTrue($r === array());
     $r = $this->Db->toArray(MagicDbTestData::get('magic.snippet.db'));
     $this->assertTrue($r === MagicDbTestData::get('magic.snippet.db.result'));