  * Generates the URL to the group page
  * @return the link to display the page.
 public static function getDisplayUrlFromHash($pParamHash = NULL)
     global $gBitSystem;
     $ret = NULL;
     if (!empty($pParamHash['title'])) {
         $groupName = $pParamHash['title'];
     // @TODO even better would be to pass a name param in url instead of group_id
     if (!empty($pParamHash['group_id']) || !empty($this->mGroupId)) {
         $groupId = $pParamHash['group_id'];
     if (!empty($groupName) && $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('pretty_urls') || $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('pretty_urls_extended')) {
         // let people add any old f*****g char they want - not sure what kind of disaster this might be but we'll find out - 2/19/09 wjames5
         $prettyGroupName = preg_replace('/ /', '+', $groupName);
         $ret = GROUP_PKG_URL . $prettyGroupName;
     } elseif (!empty($groupId)) {
         $ret = GROUP_PKG_URL . "index.php?group_id=" . $groupId;
     // if all else fails try to get a value from a content id
     if (empty($ret)) {
         $contentId = !empty($pContentId) ? $pContentId : (!empty($this->mContentId) ? $this->mContentId : NULL);
         $ret = LibertyContent::getDisplayUrlFromHash($pParamHash);
     return $ret;
  * Pure virtual function that returns link to display a piece of content
  * @param string $pLinkText Text for the link unless overriden by object title
  * @param array $pMixed different possibilities depending on derived class
  * @param string $pAnchor anchor string e.g.: #comment_123
  * @return string Formated html the link to display the page.
 function getDisplayLink($pLinkText = NULL, $pMixed = NULL, $pAnchor = NULL)
     global $gBitSmarty;
     $ret = '';
     if (empty($pMixed) && !empty($this->mInfo)) {
         $pMixed =& $this->mInfo;
     if (empty($pLinkText)) {
         if (!empty($pMixed['title'])) {
             $pLinkText = $pMixed['title'];
         } elseif (!empty($pMixed['content_name'])) {
             $pLinkText = "[ " . $pMixed['content_name'] . " ]";
     if (empty($pLinkText)) {
         $pLinkText = "[ " . tra("No Title") . " ]";
     // we add some more info to the title of the link
     if (!empty($pMixed['created'])) {
         $linkTitle = tra('Created') . ': ' . smarty_modifier_bit_short_date($pMixed['created']);
     } else {
         $linkTitle = $pLinkText;
     // finally we are ready to create the full link
     if (!empty($pMixed['content_id'])) {
         $ret = '<a title="' . htmlspecialchars($linkTitle) . '" href="' . LibertyContent::getDisplayUrlFromHash($pMixed) . $pAnchor . '">' . htmlspecialchars($pLinkText) . '</a>';
     return $ret;
function smarty_modifier_displayUrl($pMixed, $lib = '')
    global $gLibertySystem;
    if (is_string($pMixed)) {
        if (empty($lib)) {
            $lib = 'BitPage';
        if (smarty_modifier_displayUrl_findLib($lib)) {
            $call = array($lib, 'getDisplayUrl');
            if (is_callable($call)) {
                return call_user_func($call, $pMixed);
            $i = $lib();
            if (method_exists($i, 'getDisplayUrl')) {
                return $i->getDisplayUrl($pMixed);
    } elseif (is_object($pMixed)) {
        if (!empty($lib)) {
            if (smarty_modifier_displayUrl_findLib($lib)) {
                $i = $lib();
                return $i->getDisplayUrl($pMixed);
        if (method_exists($pMixed, 'getDisplayUrl')) {
            return $pMixed->getDisplayUrl();
    } elseif (is_array($pMixed)) {
        if (!empty($lib)) {
            if (smarty_modifier_displayUrl_findLib($lib)) {
                $i = new $lib();
                return $i->getDisplayUrl($pMixed);
        if (!empty($pMixed['display_url'])) {
            return $pMixed['display_url'];
        if (!empty($pMixed['content_type_guid'])) {
            $type = $gLibertySystem->mContentTypes[$pContentType];
            if (!empty($type)) {
                $lib = $type['handler_class'];
                $i = new $lib();
                return $i->getDisplayUrl($pMixed);
        if (!empty($pMixed['handler_class'])) {
            $lib = $pMixed['handler_class'];
            if (smarty_modifier_displayUrl_findLib($lib, true)) {
                $i = $lib();
                return $i->getDisplayUrl($pMixed);
    return LibertyContent::getDisplayUrlFromHash($pMixed);