protected function deleteFilesPHP($searchPath, $minutesOld, $simulateOnly)
     $secondsOld = $minutesOld * 60;
     $files = glob($searchPath);
     KalturaLog::debug("Found [" . count($files) . "] to scan");
     $now = time();
     KalturaLog::debug("The time now is: " . date('c', $now));
     KalturaLog::debug("Deleting files that are " . $secondsOld . " seconds old (modified before " . date('c', $now - $secondsOld) . ")");
     $deletedCount = 0;
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $filemtime = filemtime($file);
         if ($filemtime > $now - $secondsOld) {
         if ($simulateOnly) {
             KalturaLog::debug("Simulating: Deleting file [{$file}], it's last modification time was " . date('c', $filemtime));
         KalturaLog::debug("Deleting file [{$file}], it's last modification time was " . date('c', $filemtime));
         $res = @unlink($file);
         if (!$res) {
             KalturaLog::debug("Error: problem while deleting [{$file}]");
     KalturaLog::debug("Deleted {$deletedCount} files");
 public function apply(KalturaRelatedFilter $filter, KalturaObject $parentObject)
     $filterProperty = $this->filterProperty;
     $parentProperty = $this->parentProperty;
     KalturaLog::debug("Mapping XPath {$parentProperty} to " . get_class($filter) . "::{$filterProperty}");
     if (!$parentObject instanceof KalturaMetadata) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE, get_class($parentObject));
     if (!property_exists($filter, $filterProperty)) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::PROPERTY_IS_NOT_DEFINED, $filterProperty, get_class($filter));
     $xml = $parentObject->xml;
     $doc = new KDOMDocument();
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
     $metadataElements = $xpath->query($parentProperty);
     if ($metadataElements->length == 1) {
         $filter->{$filterProperty} = $metadataElements->item(0)->nodeValue;
     } elseif ($metadataElements->length > 1) {
         $values = array();
         foreach ($metadataElements as $element) {
             $values[] = $element->nodeValue;
         $filter->{$filterProperty} = implode(',', $values);
     } elseif (!$this->allowNull) {
         return false;
     return true;
 public function validateForSubmission(EntryDistribution $entryDistribution, $action)
     $validationErrors = parent::validateForSubmission($entryDistribution, $action);
     //validation of flavor format
     $flavorAsset = null;
     $flavorAssets = assetPeer::retrieveByIds(explode(',', $entryDistribution->getFlavorAssetIds()));
     // if we have specific flavor assets for this distribution, grab the first one
     if (count($flavorAssets)) {
         $flavorAsset = reset($flavorAssets);
         $fileExt = $flavorAsset->getFileExt();
         $allowedExts = explode(',', self::FLAVOR_VALID_FORMATS);
         if (!in_array($fileExt, $allowedExts)) {
             KalturaLog::debug('flavor asset id [' . $flavorAsset->getId() . '] does not have a valid extension [' . $fileExt . ']');
             $errorMsg = 'Flavor format must be one of [' . self::FLAVOR_VALID_FORMATS . ']';
             $validationError = $this->createValidationError($action, DistributionErrorType::INVALID_DATA);
             $validationErrors[] = $validationError;
     $inListOrNullFields = array(IdeticDistributionField::GENRE => explode(',', self::GENRE_VALID_VALUES));
     $allFieldValues = $this->getAllFieldValues($entryDistribution);
     if (!$allFieldValues || !is_array($allFieldValues)) {
         KalturaLog::err('Error getting field values from entry distribution id [' . $entryDistribution->getId() . '] profile id [' . $this->getId() . ']');
         return $validationErrors;
     $validationErrors = array_merge($validationErrors, $this->validateInListOrNull($inListOrNullFields, $allFieldValues, $action));
     //validating Slot is a whole number
     $validationErrors = array_merge($validationErrors, $this->validateIsWholeNumber(IdeticDistributionField::SLOT, $allFieldValues, $action));
     return $validationErrors;
 private function recalculate(KalturaBatchJob $job, KalturaRecalculateCacheJobData $data)
     KalturaLog::debug("Recalculate job id [{$job->id}]");
     $engine = KRecalculateCacheEngine::getInstance($job->jobSubType);
     $recalculatedObjects = $engine->recalculate($data);
     return $this->closeJob($job, null, null, "Recalculated {$recalculatedObjects} cache objects", KalturaBatchJobStatus::FINISHED);
  * @param entry $object
  * @return bool true if should continue to the next consumer
 public function entryCreated(entry $object)
     $mediaType = null;
     if ($object->getType() == entryType::AUTOMATIC) {
         KalturaLog::debug("entry id [" . $object->getId() . "] type [" . $object->getType() . "] source link [" . $object->getSourceLink() . "]");
         $mediaType = $object->getMediaType();
         if (isset(self::$fileExtensions[$mediaType])) {
         } elseif (is_null($mediaType) || $mediaType == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_ANY || $mediaType == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_AUTOMATIC) {
     if ($object->getType() != entryType::DOCUMENT) {
         KalturaLog::debug("entry id [" . $object->getId() . "] type [" . $object->getType() . "]");
         return true;
     if (is_null($mediaType) || $mediaType == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_ANY || $mediaType == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_AUTOMATIC) {
     if ($object instanceof DocumentEntry) {
         KalturaLog::debug("entry id [" . $object->getId() . "] already handled");
         return true;
     KalturaLog::debug("Handling object [" . get_class($object) . "] type [" . $object->getType() . "] id [" . $object->getId() . "] status [" . $object->getStatus() . "]");
     if ($object->getConversionProfileId()) {
     return true;
 public function doFromObject($dbObject, KalturaDetachedResponseProfile $responseProfile = null)
     /* @var $dbObject kHttpNotificationDataText */
     parent::doFromObject($dbObject, $responseProfile);
     if ($this->shouldGet('content', $responseProfile)) {
         $contentType = get_class($dbObject->getContent());
         KalturaLog::debug("Loading KalturaStringValue from type [{$contentType}]");
         switch ($contentType) {
             case 'kStringValue':
                 $this->content = new KalturaStringValue();
             case 'kEvalStringField':
                 $this->content = new KalturaEvalStringField();
                 $this->content = KalturaPluginManager::loadObject('KalturaStringValue', $contentType);
         if ($this->content) {
     if ($this->shouldGet('data', $responseProfile)) {
         $this->data = $dbObject->getData();
  * Will return a JS library for integrating the KSR (similar to HTML5 in concept)
  * uiconfId specifies from which uiconf to fetch different settings that should be replaced in the JS
 public function execute()
     // make sure output is not parsed as HTML
     header("Content-type: application/x-javascript");
     $uiconfId = $this->getRequestParameter("uiconfId");
     // replace all $_GET with $this->getRequestParameter()
     // load uiconf from DB.
     $this->uiconfObj = uiConfPeer::retrieveByPK($uiconfId);
     if (!$this->uiconfObj) {
     $ui_conf_swf_url = $this->uiconfObj->getSwfUrl();
     if (!$ui_conf_swf_url) {
         KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ILLEGAL_UI_CONF, "SWF URL not found in UI conf");
     try {
         $this->uiconfXmlObj = new SimpleXMLElement(trim($this->uiconfObj->getConfFile()));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         KalturaLog::debug("malformed uiconf XML - base64 encoded: [" . base64_encode(trim($this->uiconfObj->getConfFile())) . "]");
     if (!$this->uiconfXmlObj instanceof SimpleXMLElement) {
         // no xml or invalid XML, so throw exception
         throw new Exception('uiconf XML is invalid');
     // unsupress the xml errors
     echo $this->jsResult;
 public static function getExclusiveFile($path, $process_id = 1, $log_number_of_files = false)
     $indicators = glob($path . "/*" . self::INDICATOR_SUFFIX);
     $count = count($indicators);
     if ($count > 0 || $log_number_of_files) {
         KalturaLog::debug("[" . $count . "] indicator in directory [" . $path . "]");
     if ($indicators == null || count($indicators) == 0) {
         return null;
     foreach ($indicators as $indicator) {
         $new_indicator = $indicator . "-{$process_id}";
         $move_res = @rename($indicator, $new_indicator);
         // only one server will actually move the indicator ...
         if ($move_res) {
             $file = str_replace(kConversionCommand::INDICATOR_SUFFIX, "", $indicator);
             $file_name = basename($file);
             // now remove the indicator
             //unlink( $new_indicator );
             // move to in-proc
             $in_proc = self::inProcFromIndicator($indicator);
             @rename($new_indicator, $in_proc);
             return array($file, $file_name, $in_proc);
         } else {
             KalturaLog::debug("[{$indicator}] grabbed by other process");
         // keep on trying ...
     return null;
 protected function doOperation()
     KalturaLog::debug('start ISM Manifest merge');
     if (!$this->data->srcFileSyncs) {
         return true;
     $ismFilePath = $this->outFilePath . ".ism";
     $ismcFilePath = $this->outFilePath . ".ismc";
     $ismcStr = $this->mergeIsmcManifests($this->data->srcFileSyncs);
     file_put_contents($ismcFilePath, $ismcStr);
     $ismStr = $this->mergeIsmManifests($this->data->srcFileSyncs, $ismcFilePath);
     file_put_contents($ismFilePath, $ismStr);
     $destFileSyncDescArr = array();
     $fileSyncDesc = new KalturaDestFileSyncDescriptor();
     $fileSyncDesc->fileSyncLocalPath = $ismFilePath;
     $fileSyncDesc->fileSyncObjectSubType = 1;
     $destFileSyncDescArr[] = $fileSyncDesc;
     $fileSyncDesc = new KalturaDestFileSyncDescriptor();
     $fileSyncDesc->fileSyncLocalPath = $ismcFilePath;
     $fileSyncDesc->fileSyncObjectSubType = 4;
     $destFileSyncDescArr[] = $fileSyncDesc;
     $this->data->extraDestFileSyncs = $destFileSyncDescArr;
     $this->data->destFileSyncLocalPath = null;
     $this->outFilePath = null;
     return true;
  * @return array
 protected function getSecureHdUrl()
     $params = array();
     if ($this->getSupportClipping()) {
         $seekStart = $this->params->getSeekFromTime();
         $seekEnd = $this->params->getClipTo();
         if ($seekStart != -1) {
             $params['start'] = floor($this->params->getSeekFromTime() / 1000);
         } else {
             if ($seekEnd) {
                 $params['start'] = 0;
         if ($seekEnd) {
             $params['end'] = ceil($this->params->getClipTo() / 1000);
     $flavors = $this->buildHttpFlavorsArray();
     $flavors = $this->sortFlavors($flavors);
     $flavor = AkamaiDeliveryUtils::getHDN2ManifestUrl($flavors, $this->params->getMediaProtocol(), $this->getUrl(), '/master.m3u8', '/i', $params);
     if (!$flavor) {
         KalturaLog::debug(get_class() . ' failed to find flavor');
         return null;
     return $flavor;
  * Get license for encrypted content playback
  * @action getLicense
  * @param string $flavorAssetId
  * @param string $referrer 64base encoded  
  * @return string $response
 public function getLicenseAction($flavorAssetId, $referrer = null)
     KalturaLog::debug('get license for flavor asset: ' . $flavorAssetId);
     try {
         $requestParams = requestUtils::getRequestParams();
         if (!array_key_exists(WidevineLicenseProxyUtils::ASSETID, $requestParams)) {
             KalturaLog::err('assetid is missing on the request');
             return WidevineLicenseProxyUtils::createErrorResponse(KalturaWidevineErrorCodes::WIDEVINE_ASSET_ID_CANNOT_BE_NULL, 0);
         $wvAssetId = $requestParams[WidevineLicenseProxyUtils::ASSETID];
         $this->validateLicenseRequest($flavorAssetId, $wvAssetId, $referrer);
         $privileges = null;
         $isAdmin = false;
         if (kCurrentContext::$ks_object) {
             $privileges = kCurrentContext::$ks_object->getPrivileges();
             $isAdmin = kCurrentContext::$ks_object->isAdmin();
         $response = WidevineLicenseProxyUtils::sendLicenseRequest($requestParams, $privileges, $isAdmin);
     } catch (KalturaWidevineLicenseProxyException $e) {
         $response = WidevineLicenseProxyUtils::createErrorResponse($e->getWvErrorCode(), $wvAssetId);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $response = WidevineLicenseProxyUtils::createErrorResponse(KalturaWidevineErrorCodes::GENERAL_ERROR, $wvAssetId);
     return $response;
  * Will return the first virus scan profile of the entry's partner, that defines an entry filter suitable for the given entry.
  * @param int $entryId
  * @return VirusScanProfile the suitable profile object, or null if none found
 public static function getSuitableProfile($entryId)
     $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPK($entryId);
     if (!$entry) {
         KalturaLog::err('Cannot find entry with id [' . $entryId . ']');
         return null;
     if ($entry->getSource() == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_SOURCE_WEBCAM) {
         return null;
     $cProfile = new Criteria();
     $cProfile->addAnd(VirusScanProfilePeer::PARTNER_ID, $entry->getPartnerId());
     $cProfile->addAnd(VirusScanProfilePeer::STATUS, VirusScanProfileStatus::ENABLED, Criteria::EQUAL);
     $profiles = VirusScanProfilePeer::doSelect($cProfile);
     if (!$profiles) {
         KalturaLog::debug('No virus scan profiles found for partner [' . $entry->getPartnerId() . ']');
         return null;
     foreach ($profiles as $profile) {
         $virusEntryFilter = $profile->getEntryFilterObject();
         if ($virusEntryFilter->matches($entry)) {
             KalturaLog::debug('Returning profile with id [' . $profile->getId() . ']');
             return $profile;
     return null;
  * @param int $taskIndex
  * @param string $logDir
  * @param string $phpPath
  * @param string $tasksetPath
  * @param KSchedularTaskConfig $taskConfig
 public function __construct($taskIndex, $logDir, $phpPath, $tasksetPath, KSchedularTaskConfig $taskConfig)
     $logName = str_replace('kasync', '', strtolower($taskConfig->name));
     $logDate = date('Y-m-d');
     $logFile = "{$logDir}/{$logName}-{$taskIndex}-{$logDate}.log";
     $sysLogFile = "{$taskConfig->name}.{$taskIndex}";
     $this->taskConfig = $taskConfig;
     $taskConfigStr = base64_encode(serialize($taskConfig));
     $cmdLine = '';
     $cmdLine .= is_null($taskConfig->affinity) ? '' : "{$tasksetPath} -c " . ($taskConfig->affinity + $taskIndex) . ' ';
     $cmdLine = "{$phpPath} ";
     $cmdLine .= "{$taskConfig->scriptPath} ";
     $cmdLine .= "{$taskConfigStr} ";
     $cmdLine .= "'[" . mt_rand() . "]' ";
     if ($taskConfig->getUseSyslog()) {
         $cmdLine .= "2>&1 | logger -t {$sysLogFile}";
     } else {
         $cmdLine .= ">> {$logFile} 2>&1";
     $descriptorspec = array();
     // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from
     //		$descriptorspec = array(0 => array("pipe", "r")); // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from
     //			1 => array ( "file" ,$logFile , "a"  ) ,
     //			2 => array ( "file" ,$logFile , "a"  ) ,
     //			1 => array("pipe", "w"),  // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to
     //			2 => array("pipe", "w"),  // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to
     //			2 => array("file", "{$work_dir}/error-output.txt", "a") // stderr is a file to write to
     $other_options = array('suppress_errors' => FALSE, 'bypass_shell' => FALSE);
     KalturaLog::debug("Now executing [{$cmdLine}], [{$other_options}]");
     $process = proc_open($cmdLine, $descriptorspec, $pipes, null, null, $other_options);
     $this->pipes = $pipes;
     $this->handle = $process;
     $this->dieTime = time() + $taskConfig->maximumExecutionTime + 5;
 public function execute()
     $ksStr = $this->getP("ks");
     if ($ksStr) {
         $ksObj = null;
         try {
             $ksObj = ks::fromSecureString($ksStr);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($ksObj) {
             $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($ksObj->partner_id);
             if (!$partner) {
             if (!$partner->validateApiAccessControl()) {
         KalturaLog::debug("Killing session with ks - [{$ksStr}], decoded - [" . base64_decode($ksStr) . "]");
     } else {
         KalturaLog::err('logoutAction called with no KS');
     setcookie('pid', "", 0, "/");
     setcookie('subpid', "", 0, "/");
     setcookie('kmcks', "", 0, "/");
     return sfView::NONE;
     //redirection to kmc/kmc is done from java script
  * Tests EntryDistributionService->addAction()
  * @param KalturaEntryDistribution $entryDistribution
  * @return int
  * @dataProvider provideData
 public function testAdd(KalturaEntryDistribution $entryDistribution)
     try {
         $resultEntryDistribution = $this->client->entryDistribution->add($entryDistribution);
         $this->assertType('KalturaEntryDistribution', $resultEntryDistribution);
         KalturaLog::debug("Returns Entry Distribution ID [{$resultEntryDistribution->id}]");
         return $resultEntryDistribution->id;
     } catch (KalturaException $e) {
         KalturaLog::err("Add EntryDistribution Exception code [" . $e->getCode() . "] message [" . $e->getMessage() . "]");
         if ($e->getCode() != 'ENTRY_DISTRIBUTION_ALREADY_EXISTS') {
             throw $e;
     $entryDistributionFilter = new KalturaEntryDistributionFilter();
     $entryDistributionFilter->entryIdIn = $entryDistribution->entryId;
     $entryDistributionFilter->distributionProfileIdEqual = $entryDistribution->distributionProfileId;
     $entryDistributionList = $this->client->entryDistribution->listAction($entryDistributionFilter);
     $this->assertType('KalturaEntryDistributionListResponse', $entryDistributionList);
     $this->assertNotEquals($entryDistributionList->totalCount, 0);
     $this->assertEquals($entryDistributionList->totalCount, count($entryDistributionList->objects));
     $resultEntryDistribution = reset($entryDistributionList->objects);
     $this->assertType('KalturaEntryDistribution', $resultEntryDistribution);
     KalturaLog::debug("Returns Entry Distribution ID [{$resultEntryDistribution->id}]");
     return $resultEntryDistribution->id;
 public function doFromObject($source_object, KalturaDetachedResponseProfile $responseProfile = null)
     parent::doFromObject($source_object, $responseProfile);
     /* @var $source_object kBulkUploadFilterJobData */
     $this->filter = null;
     switch (get_class($source_object->getFilter())) {
         case 'categoryEntryFilter':
             $this->filter = new KalturaCategoryEntryFilter();
         case 'entryFilter':
             $this->filter = new KalturaBaseEntryFilter();
     if ($this->filter) {
         KalturaLog::debug("Filter class was found: " . get_class($this->filter));
     $this->templateObject = null;
     KalturaLog::debug("template object class: " . get_class($source_object->getTemplateObject()));
     switch (get_class($source_object->getTemplateObject())) {
         case 'categoryEntry':
             $this->templateObject = new KalturaCategoryEntry();
     if ($this->templateObject) {
         KalturaLog::debug("Template object class was found: " . get_class($this->templateObject));
 protected function applyFilterFields(baseObjectFilter $filter)
     /* @var $filter cuePointFilter */
     // Reduce the cache expiry when fetching live stream cuepoints
     $entryId = $filter->get('_in_entry_id');
     if ($entryId && strpos($entryId, ',') === false) {
         $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPK($entryId);
         if ($entry && $entry->getType() == entryType::LIVE_STREAM) {
     if ($filter->get('_free_text')) {
         $this->sphinxSkipped = false;
         $freeTexts = $filter->get('_free_text');
         KalturaLog::debug("Attach free text [{$freeTexts}]");
         $this->addFreeTextToMatchClauseByMatchFields($freeTexts, CuePointFilter::FREE_TEXT_FIELDS);
     if ($filter->get('_eq_is_public')) {
         $this->sphinxSkipped = false;
         $isPublic = $filter->get('_eq_is_public');
         $this->addCondition('is_public' . " = " . $isPublic);
     return parent::applyFilterFields($filter);
 private function syncCategoryPrivacyContext(KalturaBatchJob $job, KalturaSyncCategoryPrivacyContextJobData $data, $categoryId)
     $categoryEntryPager = $this->getFilterPager();
     $categoryEntryFilter = new KalturaCategoryEntryFilter();
     $categoryEntryFilter->orderBy = KalturaCategoryEntryOrderBy::CREATED_AT_ASC;
     $categoryEntryFilter->categoryIdEqual = $categoryId;
     if ($data->lastUpdatedCategoryEntryCreatedAt) {
         $categoryEntryFilter->createdAtGreaterThanOrEqual = $data->lastUpdatedCategoryEntryCreatedAt;
     $categoryEntryList = KBatchBase::$kClient->categoryEntry->listAction($categoryEntryFilter, $categoryEntryPager);
     while (count($categoryEntryList->objects)) {
         foreach ($categoryEntryList->objects as $categoryEntry) {
             KalturaLog::debug('entryId ' . $categoryEntry->entryId . ' categoryId ' . $categoryEntry->categoryId);
             KBatchBase::$kClient->categoryEntry->syncPrivacyContext($categoryEntry->entryId, $categoryEntry->categoryId);
         $data->lastUpdatedCategoryEntryCreatedAt = $categoryEntry->createdAt;
         $this->updateJob($job, null, KalturaBatchJobStatus::PROCESSING, $data);
         $categoryEntryList = KBatchBase::$kClient->categoryEntry->listAction($categoryEntryFilter, $categoryEntryPager);
 protected function parseCreatedFiles()
     $xmlPath = $this->outDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->destFileName . '.ism';
     KalturaLog::info("Parse created files from ism[{$xmlPath}]");
     // in case of wma
     if (!file_exists($xmlPath)) {
         KalturaLog::info("ism file[{$xmlPath}] doesn't exist");
         $wmaPath = $this->outDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->destFileName . '.wma';
         if (file_exists($wmaPath)) {
             KalturaLog::info("wma file[{$wmaPath}] found");
             $this->outFilesPath[0] = $wmaPath;
     $xml = file_get_contents($xmlPath);
     $xml = mb_convert_encoding($xml, 'ASCII', 'UTF-16');
     KalturaLog::debug("ism content:\n{$xml}");
     $arr = null;
     if (preg_match('/(<smil[\\s\\w\\W]+<\\/smil>)/', $xml, $arr)) {
         $xml = $arr[1];
     file_put_contents($xmlPath, $xml);
     //echo $xml;
     $doc = new DOMDocument();
     $videoEntities = $doc->getElementsByTagName('video');
     foreach ($videoEntities as $videoEntity) {
         $src = $this->outDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $videoEntity->getAttribute("src");
         $bitrate = $videoEntity->getAttribute("systemBitrate") / 1000;
         KalturaLog::info("Media found in ism bitrate[{$bitrate}] source[{$src}]");
         $this->outFilesPath[$bitrate] = $src;
 public function objectReplaced(BaseObject $object, BaseObject $replacingObject, BatchJob $raisedJob = null)
     KalturaLog::debug("check for DRM key replacement");
     try {
         $replacingDrmKey = $this->getDrmKey($replacingObject);
         if ($replacingDrmKey) {
             $newKeyId = $replacingDrmKey->getDrmKey();
             KalturaLog::debug("replacing drm key with: " . $newKeyId);
             $entryDrmKey = $this->getDrmKey($object);
             if (!$entryDrmKey) {
                 $entryDrmKey = new DrmKey();
             $object->putInCustomData(PlayReadyPlugin::ENTRY_CUSTOM_DATA_PLAY_READY_KEY_ID, $newKeyId);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         KalturaLog::err("Failed to update drm key for entry " . $object->getId());
     return true;
 private function call($method, $args = array())
     KalturaLog::debug("Call [{$method}] args [" . print_r($args, true) . "]");
     $result = $this->api->call($method, $args);
     KalturaLog::debug("Result [" . print_r($result, true) . "]");
     return $result;
 protected function doOperation()
     KalturaLog::debug('starting smil manifest operation');
     if (!$this->data->srcFileSyncs) {
         return true;
     $smilTemplate = $this->getSmilTemplate();
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($smilTemplate);
     $wrapperElement = $xpath->query('/smil/body/switch')->item(0);
     foreach ($this->data->srcFileSyncs as $srcFileSync) {
         /** @var KalturaSourceFileSyncDescriptor $srcFileSync */
         $fileName = pathinfo($srcFileSync->actualFileSyncLocalPath, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
         $bitrate = $this->getBitrateForAsset($srcFileSync->assetId);
         $this->addSmilVideo($wrapperElement, $fileName, $bitrate);
     $smilFilePath = $this->outFilePath . ".smil";
     $smilData = $smilTemplate->saveXML();
     file_put_contents($smilFilePath, $smilData);
     $destFileSyncDescArr = array();
     $fileSyncDesc = new KalturaDestFileSyncDescriptor();
     $fileSyncDesc->fileSyncLocalPath = $smilFilePath;
     $fileSyncDesc->fileSyncObjectSubType = 1;
     // asset;
     $destFileSyncDescArr[] = $fileSyncDesc;
     $this->data->extraDestFileSyncs = $destFileSyncDescArr;
     $this->data->destFileSyncLocalPath = null;
     $this->outFilePath = null;
     return true;
  * Get the total VOD offset for a given time. Total = the sum of all VOD delta times throughout the segments.
  * @return int|null The offset that should be subtracted from the given time, or
  * 					null to indicate that this time signature is in the gap between the end
  * 					of a VOD segment and the end of the live segment (marked with x's below).
  *					<pre>
  *					Live Start          VOD End    Live End
  *					   ^                  ^           ^
  *					   |                  |xxxxxxxxxxx|
  *					   +------------------+-----------+
  *					</pre>
 public function getTotalVodTimeOffset($time)
     $numSegments = count($this->segments);
     $totalVodOffset = 0;
     // Initially zero because there's no time drift in the first segment.
     $i = 0;
     $dbgPrevSegment = null;
     while ($i < $numSegments) {
         $segment = $this->segments[$i];
         $liveStart = $segment[self::LIVE_START];
         $vodAdjustedEndTime = $this->getVodAdjustedEndTime($segment);
         if ($time <= $vodAdjustedEndTime) {
             if ($time >= $liveStart) {
                 return $totalVodOffset;
             } else {
                 KalturaLog::debug("Time [{$time}] <= {$vodAdjustedEndTime} but not >= {$liveStart}. Segment data: {$this->segmentAsString($dbgPrevSegment)}");
                 return null;
         } else {
             // Add up this segment's offset and move on to the next segment
             $totalVodOffset += $segment[self::VOD_TO_LIVE_DELTA_TIME];
             $dbgPrevSegment = $segment;
     // The time signature is greater than the total VOD duration
     KalturaLog::debug("Couldn't get offset for time [{$time}]. Segment data: {$this->segmentAsString($segment)}");
     return null;
 protected function createOutputDirectory()
     if (!kFile::fullMkfileDir($this->outFilePath)) {
         KalturaLog::debug('failed to create [' . $this->outFilePath . '] directory');
         throw new KOperationEngineException('failed to create [' . $this->outFilePath . '] directory');
 public static function getIdByStrId($strId)
     // try to get strId to id mapping form cache
     $cacheKey = 'UserRolePeer_role_str_id_' . $strId;
     if (kConf::get('enable_cache') && function_exists('apc_fetch') && function_exists('apc_store')) {
         $id = apc_fetch($cacheKey);
         // try to fetch from cache
         if ($id) {
             KalturaLog::debug("UserRole str_id [{$strId}] mapped to id [{$id}] - fetched from cache");
             return $id;
     // not found in cache - get from database
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->addAnd(UserRolePeer::STR_ID, $strId, Criteria::EQUAL);
     $stmt = UserRolePeer::doSelectStmt($c);
     $id = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
     if ($id) {
         // store the found id in cache for later use
         if (kConf::get('enable_cache') && function_exists('apc_fetch') && function_exists('apc_store')) {
             $success = apc_store($cacheKey, $id, kConf::get('apc_cache_ttl'));
             if ($success) {
                 KalturaLog::debug("UserRole str_id [{$strId}] mapped to id [{$id}] - stored in cache");
     if (!$id) {
         KalturaLog::log("UserRole with str_id [{$strId}] not found in DB!");
     return $id;
 public function copyAssets(entry $toEntry, ThumbCuePoint $toCuePoint, $adjustedStartTime = null)
     $timedThumbAsset = assetPeer::retrieveById($this->getAssetId());
     if (!$timedThumbAsset) {
         KalturaLog::debug("Can't retrieve timedThumbAsset with id: {$this->getAssetId()}");
     // Offset the startTime according to the duration gap between the live and VOD entries
     if (!is_null($adjustedStartTime)) {
     // Must save in order to produce an id
     // Set the destination cue point's id
     // Write the cached custom data object into the thumb asset
     // Make a copy of the current thumb asset
     // copyToEntry will create a filesync softlink to the original filesync
     $toTimedThumbAsset = $timedThumbAsset->copyToEntry($toEntry->getId(), $toEntry->getPartnerId());
     // Restore the thumb asset's prev. cue point id (for good measures)
     // Save the destination entry's thumb asset
     KalturaLog::log("Saved cue point [{$toCuePoint->getId()}] and timed thumb asset [{$toTimedThumbAsset->getId()}]");
 public function createQuestionPdf()
     $dbEntry = entryPeer::retrieveByPK($this->entryId);
     $title = "Here are the questions from  [" . $dbEntry->getName() . "]";
     KalturaLog::debug("Questions from  [" . $dbEntry->getName() . "]");
     $this->pdf->addTitle($title, $this->titleStyle);
     $questionType = QuizPlugin::getCuePointTypeCoreValue(QuizCuePointType::QUIZ_QUESTION);
     $questions = CuePointPeer::retrieveByEntryId($this->entryId, array($questionType));
     //arange the array so that the questions will be the key for the array
     $questArray = array();
     foreach ($questions as $question) {
         $questArray[$question->getName()] = $question;
     //sort the array alphabetically according to its key; i.e. the question
     ksort($questArray, SORT_LOCALE_STRING);
     $questNum = 0;
     foreach ($questArray as $question) {
         $questNum += 1;
         $this->pdf->addList($questNum, $question->getName(), $this->listWithAddLineBeforeStyle);
         $this->pdf->addHeadline(6, "Optional Answers:", $this->heading6Style);
         $ansNum = 0;
         foreach ($question->getOptionalAnswers() as $optionalAnswer) {
             $ansNum += 1;
             $this->pdf->addList($ansNum, $optionalAnswer->getText(), $this->indentListStyle);
 public function myServiceConfig($file_name, $service_name = null, $useDefualt = true)
     $path = $this->getPath();
     KalturaLog::debug("Path [{$path}] File [{$file_name}] Service [{$service_name}]");
     $config_table_list = array();
     if ($file_name == $this->getDefaultName()) {
     } else {
         if ($file_name) {
             $config_table_list[] = $path . $file_name;
     if (self::$secondary_config_tables) {
         // add the secondary before the end
         $config_table_list = array_merge($config_table_list, self::$secondary_config_tables);
     // always append the defualt to the end
     if ($useDefualt) {
         $config_table_list[] = $path . $this->getDefaultName();
     // don't use the common path feature - add it to each config file separatly
     $this->config_chain = new kConfigTableChain($config_table_list, null);
     $tables = $this->config_chain->getTables();
     self::$default_config_table = end($tables);
     $this->all_config_tables = $tables;
     if ($service_name) {
 public static function prepareNotificationData($url, $signature_key, KalturaBatchJob $job, KalturaNotificationJobData $data, $prefix = null)
     KalturaLog::debug("sendSingleNotification({$url}, {$signature_key}, {$job->id}, data, {$prefix})");
     $params = array("notification_id" => $job->id, "notification_type" => $data->typeAsString, "puser_id" => $data->userId, "partner_id" => $job->partnerId);
     switch ($data->objType) {
         case KalturaNotificationObjectType::USER:
             $params["user_id"] = $data->objectId;
         case KalturaNotificationObjectType::ENTRY:
             $params["entry_id"] = $data->objectId;
         case KalturaNotificationObjectType::KSHOW:
             $params["kshow_id"] = $data->objectId;
         case KalturaNotificationObjectType::BATCH_JOB:
             $params["job_id"] = $data->objectId;
             // VERY STARANGE - either objType not set properly or some error !
     $object_data_params = self::getDataAsArray($data->data);
     if ($object_data_params) {
         $params = array_merge($params, $object_data_params);
     $params = self::fixParams($params, $prefix);
     $params['signed_fields'] = '';
     foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
         $params['signed_fields'] .= $key . ',';
     return self::signParams($signature_key, $params);
  * will return a pair of file_root and file_path
  * This is the only function that should be extended for building a different path
  * @param ISyncableFile $object
  * @param int $subType
  * @param $version
 public function generateFilePathArr(ISyncableFile $object, $subType, $version = null)
     //		$traces = debug_backtrace(false);
     //		foreach($traces as $i => $trace)
     //		{
     //			$file = $trace['file'];
     //			$line = $trace['line'];
     //			$class = $trace['class'];
     //			$function = $trace['function'];
     //			KalturaLog::debug("#$i Called from function [$class::$function] file[$file] line[$line]");
     //		}
     list($root, $path) = $object->generateFilePathArr($subType, $version);
     $root = str_replace('//', '/', $root);
     $path = str_replace('//', '/', $path);
     if (!kConf::hasParam('volumes')) {
         KalturaLog::debug("Path [{$root}{$path}]");
         return array($root, $path);
     if (isset(self::$sessionCache[$path])) {
         return array($root, self::$sessionCache[$path]);
     $volumes = kConf::get('volumes');
     $volume = $volumes[rand(0, count($volumes) - 1)];
     $newPath = str_replace('/content/', "/content/{$volume}/", $path);
     self::$sessionCache[$path] = $newPath;
     $path = $newPath;
     KalturaLog::debug("Path [{$root}{$path}]");
     return array($root, $path);