public static function loadClass($id, $class_path, $class_name)
     if (self::isModuleLoaded($id)) {
         return false;
     if (!file_exists($class_path)) {
         Helpers::debugError('FrontendModules: Class file not found (' . $class_name . ' doesn\'t exist)!');
         return false;
     require_once $class_path;
     if (!class_exists($class_name)) {
         Helpers::debugError('FrontendModules: Class not found (class "' . $class_name . '" doesn\'t exist in ' . $class_path . ')!');
     $module = new $class_name();
     self::$modules[$id] = $module;
     return $module;
function smarty_function_module($params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
    $output = '';
    if (isset($params['id'])) {
        $module_id = $params['id'];
        if (FrontendModules::isModuleLoaded($module_id)) {
            $module = FrontendModules::getInstanceOf($module_id);
            $output = $module->output($params, $template);
            if ($output === null) {
                $output = '';
        } else {
            Helpers::debugError('Smarty plugin function.module.php: frontend module with ID "' . $module_id . '" was not loaded.');
    } else {
        Helpers::debugError('Smarty plugin function.module.php: parameter "id" is missing.');
    return $output;
 protected static function error($function)
     $message = $function . ' could not succeed.';
     if (function_exists("error_get_last")) {
         $info = error_get_last();
         $message .= ' Error-Message: ' . $info['message'];
     switch (self::$error_mode) {
         case self::ERROR_MODE_DEBUG:
         case self::ERROR_MODE_FATAL:
         case self::ERROR_MODE_SILENT:
 public static function loadClass($class_path, $class_name)
     if (self::isPluginRegistered($class_name)) {
         return false;
     if (!file_exists($class_path)) {
         Helpers::debugError('RegisterPlugin: Class file not found (' . $class_name . ' doesn\'t exist)!');
         return false;
     require_once $class_path;
     if (!class_exists($class_name)) {
         Helpers::debugError('RegisterPlugin: Class not found (class "' . $class_name . '" doesn\'t exist in ' . $class_path . ')!');
     $plugin = new $class_name();
     $hooks = $plugin->register();
     if (is_array($hooks)) {
         if (count($hooks) > 0) {
             foreach ($hooks as $hook) {
                 if (isset($hook['hookId']) && isset($hook['methodName'])) {
                     if (!method_exists($plugin, $hook['methodName'])) {
                         Helpers::debugError('RegisterPlugin: class method not found (class-method "' . $hook['methodName'] . '" doesn\'t exist in class "' . $class_name . '")!');
                         return false;
                     self::registerHook($hook['hookId'], $class_name, $hook['methodName']);
             self::$registeredPlugins[$class_name] = array('className' => $class_name, 'classInstance' => new $class_name(), 'hooks' => $hooks);
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         return false;
     return true;
 public static function apply($modifier_id, &$data, $structure, $parameters)
     if (self::isModifierLoaded($modifier_id)) {
         $modifier = self::getInstanceOf($modifier_id);
         $modifier->apply($data, $structure, $parameters);
     } else {
         Helpers::debugError('DataModifiers: A modifier with the ID "' . $modifier_id . '" was not loaded.');
 public function getArray($language_id = null, $smarty = null, $parameters = null)
     // Wenn keine Sprache angegeben, Standard-Sprache annehmen
     if ($language_id === null) {
         $language_id = Config::get()->languages->standard;
     // Die "rohen" Daten laden
     $input = $this->getArrayRaw();
     $output = null;
     if ($input !== null) {
         // Seiten-Eigenschaften laden
         $page_id = $this->loaded_page_id;
         $page_properties = $this->pages->getProperties($page_id);
         if ($page_properties === false) {
             return null;
         // Daten-Struktur für diese Seite laden
         $pages_structure = DataStructure::pagesArray();
         if (!isset($pages_structure[$page_properties['template-id']]['structure'])) {
             Helpers::debugError('A page template with the ID "' . $page_properties['template-id'] . '" does not exist!');
             return null;
         $page_structure = $pages_structure[$page_properties['template-id']]['structure'];
         // Der Pfad zu den zugehörigen Dateien (Bilder) einer Seite unterscheiden sich
         // je nachdem, ob die veröffentlichte oder die editierte Version der Seite angefragt wurde
         if ($this->isPublished()) {
             $page_files = $this->pages->getPageFilesPublishedFolder($page_id, $page_properties);
             $page_files_url = $this->pages->getPageFilesPublishedUrl($page_id, $page_properties);
         } else {
             $page_files = $this->pages->getPageFilesEditFolder($page_id, $page_properties);
             $page_files_url = $this->pages->getPageFilesEditUrl($page_id, $page_properties);
         $page_url = $this->pages->getPageUrl($page_id, $language_id, $page_properties);
         // Die Parameter für die Plugins und Modifikatoren zusammenstellen
         // ggf. werden einige oder alle dieser Parameter über die Variable $parameters
         // wieder überschrieben
         if (!is_array($parameters)) {
             $parameters = array();
         $standard_parameters = array('preview' => !$this->isPublished(), 'pageId' => $page_id, 'languageId' => $language_id, 'templateId' => $page_properties['template-id'], 'uniqueId' => $page_properties['unique-id'], 'pageUrl' => $page_url, 'pageFiles' => $page_files, 'pageFilesUrl' => $page_files_url);
         if ($smarty !== null) {
             $standard_parameters['smarty'] = $smarty;
         $parameters = array_merge($standard_parameters, $parameters);
         // Das Ausgabe-Array wird ggf. durch Plugins und
         // höchstwahrscheinlich durch die Modifikatoren geändert
         $output = $input;
         if ($smarty !== null) {
             $this->pages->applyPluginsToDataFields(Plugins::ASSIGN_PAGE_DATA_FIELD, $parameters, $output, $page_properties);
         DataModifiers::applyAll($output, $page_structure, $parameters);
     return $output;