  * Sets the common headers required by CloudFront API
  * @param HTTP_Request2 $req
 private function setRequestHeaders(HTTP_Request2 $req)
     $date = gmdate("D, d M Y G:i:s T");
     $req->setHeader("Host", 'cloudfront.amazonaws.com');
     $req->setHeader("Date", $date);
     $req->setHeader("Authorization", $this->generateAuthKey($date));
     $req->setHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml");
 private function request($method, $path, $params = array())
     $url = $this->api . rtrim($path, '/') . '/';
     if (!strcmp($method, "POST")) {
         $req = new HTTP_Request2($url, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST);
         $req->setHeader('Content-type: application/json');
         if ($params) {
     } else {
         if (!strcmp($method, "GET")) {
             $req = new HTTP_Request2($url, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET);
             $url = $req->getUrl();
         } else {
             if (!strcmp($method, "DELETE")) {
                 $req = new HTTP_Request2($url, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_DELETE);
                 $url = $req->getUrl();
     $req->setConfig(array('timeout' => 30));
     $req->setAuth($this->auth_id, $this->auth_token, HTTP_Request2::AUTH_BASIC);
     $req->setHeader(array('Connection' => 'close', 'User-Agent' => 'PHPPlivo'));
     $r = $req->send();
     $status = $r->getStatus();
     $body = $r->getbody();
     $response = json_decode($body, true);
     return array("status" => $status, "response" => $response);
function getRss($url, $port, $timeout)
    $results = array('rss' => array(), 'error' => "");
    try {
        $request = new HTTP_Request2($url, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST);
        $request->setConfig("connect_timeout", $timeout);
        $request->setConfig("timeout", $timeout);
        $request->setHeader("user-agent", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
        $response = $request->send();
        if ($response->getStatus() == 200) {
            // パース
            $body = $response->getBody();
            if (substr($body, 0, 5) == "<?xml") {
                $results['rss'] = new MagpieRSS($body, "UTF-8");
            } else {
                throw new Exception("Not xml data");
        } else {
            throw new Exception("Server returned status: " . $response->getStatus());
    } catch (HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {
        $results['error'] = $e->getMessage();
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $results['error'] = $e->getMessage();
    // タイムアウト戻し
    ini_set('default_socket_timeout', $oldtimeout);
    return $results;
  * Processes the reuqest through HTTP pipeline with passed $filters, 
  * sends HTTP request to the wire and process the response in the HTTP pipeline.
  * @param array $filters HTTP filters which will be applied to the request before
  *                       send and then applied to the response.
  * @param IUrl  $url     Request url.
  * @throws WindowsAzure\Common\ServiceException
  * @return string The response body
 public function send($filters, $url = null)
     if (isset($url)) {
     $contentLength = Resources::EMPTY_STRING;
     if (strtoupper($this->getMethod()) != Resources::HTTP_GET && strtoupper($this->getMethod()) != Resources::HTTP_DELETE && strtoupper($this->getMethod()) != Resources::HTTP_HEAD) {
         $contentLength = 0;
         if (!is_null($this->getBody())) {
             $contentLength = strlen($this->getBody());
         $this->_request->setHeader(Resources::CONTENT_LENGTH, $contentLength);
     foreach ($filters as $filter) {
         $this->_request = $filter->handleRequest($this)->_request;
     $this->_response = $this->_request->send();
     $start = count($filters) - 1;
     for ($index = $start; $index >= 0; --$index) {
         $this->_response = $filters[$index]->handleResponse($this, $this->_response);
     self::throwIfError($this->_response->getStatus(), $this->_response->getReasonPhrase(), $this->_response->getBody(), $this->_expectedStatusCodes);
     return $this->_response->getBody();
  * Sends a request and returns a response
  * @param CartRecover_Request $request
  * @return Cart_Recover_Response
 public function sendRequest(CartRecover_Request $request)
     $this->client->setHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
     $this->response = $this->client->send();
     if ($this->response->getHeader('Content-Type') != 'application/json') {
         throw new CartRecover_Exception_UnexpectedValueException("Unknown response format.");
     $body = json_decode($this->response->getBody(), true);
     $response = new CartRecover_Response();
     $response->setStatus($this->response->getReasonPhrase(), $this->response->getStatus());
     return $response;
 public function OXreqPUTforSendMail($url, $QueryVariables, $PutData, $returnResponseObject = false)
     $QueryVariables['timezone'] = 'UTC';
     # all times are UTC,
     $request = new HTTP_Request2(OX_SERVER . $url, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_PUT);
     $request->setHeader('Content-type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8');
     $url = $request->getUrl();
     return $this->OXreq($request, $returnResponseObject);
 * Send an HTTP HEAD request for the given URL
 * @param    string $url          URL to request
 * @param    string $errorMessage error message, if any (on return)
 * @return   int                  HTTP response code or 777 on error
function doHeadRequest($url, &$errorMessage)
    $req = new HTTP_Request2($url, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_HEAD);
    $req->setHeader('User-Agent', 'Geeklog/' . VERSION);
    try {
        $response = $req->send();
        return $response->getStatus();
    } catch (HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {
        $errorMessage = $e->getMessage();
        return 777;
文件: scrape.php 项目: shupp/bandk
function getContents($url, $start = 0, $userAgent = null)
    if ($start > 0) {
        $url .= "&start={$start}";
    $http = new HTTP_Request2($url);
    if ($userAgent !== null) {
        $http->setHeader('User-Agent', $userAgent);
    return $http->send();
  * リソースリクエスト実行
  * リモートURLにアクセスしてRSSだったら配列に、
  * そうでなかったらHTTP Body文字列をリソースとして扱います。
  * @return BEAR_Ro
  * @throws BEAR_Resource_Execute_Exception
 public function request()
     $reqMethod = array();
     $reqMethod[BEAR_Resource::METHOD_CREATE] = HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST;
     $reqMethod[BEAR_Resource::METHOD_READ] = HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET;
     $reqMethod[BEAR_Resource::METHOD_UPDATE] = HTTP_Request2::METHOD_PUT;
     $reqMethod[BEAR_Resource::METHOD_DELETE] = HTTP_Request2::METHOD_DELETE;
     try {
         // 引数以降省略可能  config で proxy とかも設定可能
         $request = new HTTP_Request2($this->_config['uri'], $reqMethod[$this->_config['method']]);
         $request->setHeader("user-agent", 'BEAR/' . BEAR::VERSION);
         $request->setConfig("follow_redirects", true);
         if ($this->_config['method'] === BEAR_Resource::METHOD_CREATE || $this->_config['method'] === BEAR_Resource::METHOD_UPDATE) {
             foreach ($this->_config['values'] as $key => $value) {
                 $request->addPostParameter($key, $value);
         $response = $request->send();
         $code = $response->getStatus();
         $headers = $response->getHeader();
         if ($code == 200) {
             $body = $response->getBody();
         } else {
             $info = array('code' => $code, 'headers' => $headers);
             throw $this->_exception($response->getBody(), $info);
     } catch (HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {
         throw $this->_exception($e->getMessage());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $this->_exception($e->getMessage());
     $rss = new XML_RSS($body, 'utf-8', 'utf-8');
     // @todo Panda::setPearErrorHandling(仮称)に変更しエラーを画面化しないようにする
     $items = $rss->getItems();
     if (is_array($items) && count($items) > 0) {
         $body = $items;
         $headers = $rss->getChannelInfo();
         $headers['type'] = 'rss';
     } else {
         $headers['type'] = 'string';
         $body = array($body);
     // UTF-8に
     $encode = mb_convert_variables('UTF-8', 'auto', $body);
     $ro = BEAR::factory('BEAR_Ro')->setBody($body)->setHeaders($headers);
     /* @var $ro BEAR_Ro */
     PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, array('Panda', 'onPearError'));
     return $ro;
  * Make an API request.
  * @param string $url    The URL to request agains.
  * @param string $method The request method.
  * @param mixed  $data   Optional, most likely a json encoded string.
  * @return HTTP_Request2_Response
  * @throws HTTP_Request2_Exception In case something goes wrong. ;)
 protected function makeRequest($url, $method = HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET, $data = null)
     if ($this->apiToken !== null) {
         $url .= '?u=' . $this->apiToken;
     if (!$this->client instanceof HTTP_Request2) {
         $this->client = new HTTP_Request2();
     $this->client->setHeader('Content-Type: application/json')->setAuth($this->username, $this->password)->setMethod($method)->setUrl($this->endpoint . $url);
     if ($data !== null) {
     $resp = $this->client->send();
     return $resp;
 function get_data($prefix)
     $url = $this->config->get_param($prefix . 'dezie_url');
     $body = "";
     $req = new HTTP_Request2($url);
     $req->setHeader('allowRedirects-Alive', true);
     // リダイレクトの許可設定(true/false)
     $req->setHeader('maxRedirects', 3);
     // リダイレクトの最大回数
     $response = $req->send();
     if ($response->getStatus() == 200) {
         $body = $response->getBody();
     // 通信エラー、権限設定の変更などがあるとエラー画面が表示される。
     if (preg_match('/^<!DOCTYPE html>/', $body)) {
         throw new Exception("デヂエからのデータ取得に失敗しました。");
     // デヂエからのデータに Cookie のデータが入ってしまうので削除
     $body = $this->remove_cookie($body);
     // デヂエから取得したレコードの中に改行が含まれている。
     // レコード中の改行は LF で行末は CR+LF なので前者だけ<br>に置換する。
     $body = $this->lf2br($body);
     return $body;
  * A helper function that retrieves external metadata and caches it
  * @param string   $url     URL to fetch
  * @param string   $id      ID of the entity to fetch
  * @param string[] $headers Optional headers to add to the request
  * @return string Metadata (typically XML)
  * @throws Exception
 protected function getExternalData($url, $id, $headers = [])
     $cached = $this->db->uriCache->findOne(['_id' => $id, 'timestamp' => ['$gt' => new MongoDate(time() - $this->maxCacheAge)]]);
     if ($cached) {
         return $cached['data'];
     if (is_null($this->request)) {
         $this->request = new HTTP_Request2($url, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET, ['ssl_verify_peer' => false, 'follow_redirects' => true]);
         $this->request->setHeader('Connection', 'Keep-Alive');
         $this->request->setHeader('User-Agent', 'RecordManager');
     } else {
     if ($headers) {
     $response = null;
     for ($try = 1; $try <= $this->maxTries; $try++) {
         try {
             $response = $this->request->send();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             if ($try < $this->maxTries) {
                 $this->log->log('getExternalData', "HTTP request for '{$url}' failed (" . $e->getMessage() . "), retrying in {$this->retryWait} seconds...", Logger::WARNING);
             throw $e;
         if ($try < $this->maxTries) {
             $code = $response->getStatus();
             if ($code >= 300 && $code != 404) {
                 $this->log->log('getExternalData', "HTTP request for '{$url}' failed ({$code}), retrying " . "in {$this->retryWait} seconds...", Logger::WARNING);
     $code = is_null($response) ? 999 : $response->getStatus();
     if ($code >= 300 && $code != 404) {
         throw new Exception("Enrichment failed to fetch '{$url}': {$code}");
     $data = $code != 404 ? $response->getBody() : '';
     $this->db->uriCache->save(['_id' => $id, 'timestamp' => new MongoDate(), 'data' => $data]);
     return $data;
 public static function callback()
     global $HTTP_CONFIG;
     //exchange the code you get for a access_token
     $code = $_GET['code'];
     $request = new HTTP_Request2(self::ACCESS_TOKEN_URL);
     $request->addPostParameter(['client_id' => GITHUB_APP_ID, 'client_secret' => GITHUB_APP_SECRET, 'code' => $code]);
     $request->setHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
     $response = $request->send();
     $response = json_decode($response->getBody());
     $access_token = $response->access_token;
     //Use this access token to get user details
     $request = new HTTP_Request2(self::USER_URL . '?access_token=' . $access_token, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET, $HTTP_CONFIG);
     $response = $request->send()->getBody();
     $userid = json_decode($response)->login;
     //get the userid
     //If such a user already exists in the database
     //Just log him in and don't touch the access_token
     $already_present_token = Token::get('github', $userid);
     if ($already_present_token) {
         $_SESSION['userid'] = $userid;
     if (defined('GITHUB_ORGANIZATION')) {
         // perform the organization check
         $request = new HTTP_Request2(json_decode($response)->organizations_url . '?access_token=' . $access_token, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET, $HTTP_CONFIG);
         $response = $request->send()->getBody();
         //List of organizations
         $organizations_list = array_map(function ($repo) {
             return $repo->login;
         }, json_decode($response));
         if (in_array(GITHUB_ORGANIZATION, $organizations_list)) {
             $_SESSION['userid'] = $userid;
             Token::add('github', $userid, $access_token);
         } else {
             throw new Exception('You are not in the listed members.');
     } else {
         $_SESSION['userid'] = $userid;
         Token::add('github', $userid, $access_token);
  * 記事を投稿する.
  * @param string $title 記事タイトル
  * @param string $text 記事本文
  * @param string $category 記事カテゴリ
  * @return string $res 結果
 public function postArticle($title, $text, $category)
     try {
         $req = new HTTP_Request2();
         $req->setUrl(self::ROOT_END_POINT . $this->liveDoorId . "/" . self::END_POINT_TYPE_ARTICLE);
         $req->setConfig(array('ssl_verify_host' => false, 'ssl_verify_peer' => false));
         $req->setAuth($this->liveDoorId, $this->atomPubPassword);
         $req->setBody($this->createBody($title, $text, $category));
         $req->setHeader('Expect', '');
         $res = $req->send();
     } catch (HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     return $res;
  * Send a POST request to the specified URL with the specified payload.
  * @param string $url
  * @param string $data
  * @return string Remote data
 public function sendPOST($url, $data = array())
     $data['_fake_status'] = '200';
     // Send the actual request.
     $this->instance->setHeader('User-Agent', sprintf(Imgur::$user_agent, Imgur::$key));
     foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
         $this->instance->addPostParameter($k, $v);
     try {
         /** @var HTTP_Request2_Response */
         $response = $this->instance->send();
         return $response->getBody();
     } catch (HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {
         throw new Imgur_Exception("HTTP Request Failure", null, $e);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new Imgur_Exception("Unknown Failure during HTTP Request", null, $e);
 public static function Post_Uri_Params($request_uri, $headers, $params, array $postFiles = null)
     $request = new HTTP_Request2($request_uri, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST);
     if (count($postFiles)) {
         foreach ($postFiles as $key => $value) {
             $request->addUpload($key, $value['tmp_name'], $value['name']);
     try {
         $response = $request->send();
         if (200 == $response->getStatus()) {
             return $response->getBody();
         } else {
             return false;
     } catch (HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {
         return false;
 function update($acct, Link $link, Link $newlink)
     $request = new HTTP_Request2($this->url, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_PUT);
     $query = $link->toArray();
     $query['acct'] = $acct;
     try {
         $response = $request->send();
         if (200 == $response->getStatus()) {
             return $response->getBody();
         } else {
             echo 'Unexpected HTTP status: ' . $response->getStatus() . ' ' . $response->getReasonPhrase();
             return null;
     } catch (HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {
         echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage();
  * Loads the XRD file from the given URL.
  * Sets $react->error when loading fails
  * @param string $url URL to fetch
  * @return boolean True if loading data succeeded, false if not
 protected function loadXrd($url)
     try {
         $react = new Net_WebFinger_Reaction();
         $react->url = $url;
         $react->error = null;
         if ($this->httpClient !== null) {
             $this->httpClient->setHeader('user-agent', 'PEAR Net_WebFinger', true);
             $this->httpClient->setHeader('accept', 'application/jrd+json, application/xrd+xml;q=0.9', true);
             $res = $this->httpClient->send();
             $code = $res->getStatus();
             if (intval($code / 100) !== 2) {
                 throw new Net_WebFinger_Error('Error loading XRD file: ' . $res->getStatus() . ' ' . $res->getReasonPhrase(), Net_WebFinger_Error::NOT_FOUND);
         } else {
             $context = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('user-agent' => 'PEAR Net_WebFinger', 'header' => 'accept: application/jrd+json, application/xrd+xml;q=0.9', 'follow_location' => true, 'max_redirects' => 20)));
             $content = @file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
             if ($content === false) {
                 $msg = 'Error loading XRD file';
                 if (isset($http_response_header)) {
                     $status = null;
                     //we need this because there will be several HTTP/..
                     // status lines when redirection is going on.
                     foreach ($http_response_header as $header) {
                         if (substr($header, 0, 5) == 'HTTP/') {
                             $status = $header;
                     $msg .= ': ' . $status;
                 throw new Net_WebFinger_Error($msg, Net_WebFinger_Error::NOT_FOUND, new Net_WebFinger_Error('file_get_contents on ' . $url));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $react->error = $e;
     return $react;
 * Get the Pingback URL for a given URL
 * @param    string $url URL to get the Pingback URL for
 * @return   string          Pingback URL or empty string
function PNB_getPingbackUrl($url)
    $req = new HTTP_Request2($url, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_HEAD);
    $req->setHeader('User-Agent', 'Geeklog/' . VERSION);
    try {
        $response = $req->send();
        $retval = $response->getHeader('x-pingback');
    } catch (HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {
        COM_errorLog('Pingback (HEAD): ' . $e->getMessage());
        return false;
    if (empty($retval)) {
        // search for <link rel="pingback">
        $req = new HTTP_Request2($url, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET);
        $req->setHeader('User-Agent', 'Geeklog/' . VERSION);
        try {
            $response = $req->send();
            $status = $response->getStatus();
            if ($status == 200) {
                $body = $response->getBody();
                // only search for the first match - it doesn't make sense to have
                // more than one pingback URL
                $found = preg_match("/<link rel=\"pingback\"[^>]*href=[\"']([^\"']*)[\"'][^>]*>/i", $body, $matches);
                if ($found === 1 && !empty($matches[1])) {
                    $url = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $matches[1]);
                    $retval = urldecode($url);
            } else {
                COM_errorLog("Pingback (GET): Got HTTP response code {$status} when requesting {$url}");
                return false;
        } catch (HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {
            COM_errorLog('Pingback (GET): ' . $e->getMessage());
            return false;
    return $retval;
 private function http2_request($method, $path, $params)
     $url = $this->api . $path;
     $http_method = \HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST;
     if (!strcmp($method, "GET")) {
         $http_method = \HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET;
     } else {
         if (!strcmp($method, "DELETE")) {
             $http_method = \HTTP_Request2::METHOD_DELETE;
     $req = new \HTTP_Request2($url, $http_method);
     if ($http_method === \HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST && $params) {
     $req->setConfig(array('timeout' => 30, 'ssl_verify_peer' => FALSE));
     $req->setHeader(array('Authorization' => $this->auth_token, 'Connection' => 'close', 'User-Agent' => 'CheckMobi/http2_request', 'Content-type' => 'application/json'));
     $r = $req->send();
     $status = $r->getStatus();
     $body = $r->getbody();
     $response = json_decode($body, true);
     return array("status" => $status, "response" => $response);
 * Handle a pingback for an entry.
 * Also takes care of the speedlimit and spam. Assumes that the caller of this
 * function has already checked permissions!
 * @param    string $id     ID of entry that got pinged
 * @param    string $type   type of that entry ('article' for stories, etc.)
 * @param    string $url    URL of the page that pinged us
 * @param    string $oururl URL that got pinged on our site
 * @return   object          XML-RPC response
function PNB_handlePingback($id, $type, $url, $oururl)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $PNB_ERROR;
    require_once 'HTTP/Request.php';
    if (!isset($_CONF['check_trackback_link'])) {
        $_CONF['check_trackback_link'] = 2;
    // handle pingbacks to articles on our own site
    $skip_speedlimit = false;
        if (!isset($_CONF['pingback_self'])) {
            $_CONF['pingback_self'] = 0;
            // default: skip self-pingbacks
        if ($_CONF['pingback_self'] == 0) {
            return new XML_RPC_Response(new XML_RPC_Value($PNB_ERROR['skipped']));
        } elseif ($_CONF['pingback_self'] == 2) {
            $skip_speedlimit = true;
    COM_clearSpeedlimit($_CONF['commentspeedlimit'], 'pingback');
    if (!$skip_speedlimit) {
        $last = COM_checkSpeedlimit('pingback');
        if ($last > 0) {
            return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 49, sprintf($PNB_ERROR['speedlimit'], $last, $_CONF['commentspeedlimit']));
    // update speed limit in any case
        if ($_CONF['check_trackback_link'] & 4) {
            $parts = parse_url($url);
            if (empty($parts['host'])) {
                TRB_logRejected('Pingback: No valid URL', $url);
                return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 33, $PNB_ERROR['uri_invalid']);
            } else {
                $ip = gethostbyname($parts['host']);
                if ($ip != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
                    TRB_logRejected('Pingback: IP address mismatch', $url);
                    return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 49, $PNB_ERROR['spam']);
    // See if we can read the page linking to us and extract at least
    // the page's title out of it ...
    $title = '';
    $excerpt = '';
    $req = new HTTP_Request2($url, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET);
    $req->setHeader('User-Agent', 'Geeklog/' . VERSION);
    try {
        $response = $req->send();
        $status = $response->getStatus();
        if ($status == 200) {
            $body = $response->getBody();
            if ($_CONF['check_trackback_link'] & 3) {
                if (!TRB_containsBacklink($body, $oururl)) {
                    TRB_logRejected('Pingback: No link to us', $url);
                    $comment = TRB_formatComment($url);
                    PLG_spamAction($comment, $_CONF['spamx']);
                    return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 49, $PNB_ERROR['spam']);
            preg_match(':<title>(.*)</title>:i', $body, $content);
            if (empty($content[1])) {
                $title = '';
                // no title found
            } else {
                $title = trim(COM_undoSpecialChars($content[1]));
            if ($_CONF['pingback_excerpt']) {
                // Check which character set the site that sent the Pingback
                // is using
                $charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
                // default, see RFC 2616, 3.7.1
                $ctype = $response->getHeader('content-type');
                $c = explode(';', $ctype);
                foreach ($c as $ct) {
                    $ch = explode('=', trim($ct));
                    if (count($ch) === 2) {
                        if (trim($ch[0]) === 'charset') {
                            $charset = trim($ch[1]);
                if (!empty($charset) && strcasecmp($charset, COM_getCharset()) !== 0) {
                    if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
                        $body = @mb_convert_encoding($body, COM_getCharset(), $charset);
                    } elseif (function_exists('iconv')) {
                        $body = @iconv($charset, COM_getCharset(), $body);
                    // else: tough luck ...
                $excerpt = PNB_makeExcerpt($body, $oururl);
            // we could also run the rest of the other site's page
            // through the spam filter here ...
        } elseif ($_CONF['check_trackback_link'] & 3) {
            COM_errorLog("Pingback verification: Got HTTP response code " . $response->getStatus() . " when requesting {$url}");
            return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 33, $PNB_ERROR['uri_invalid']);
    } catch (HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {
        if ($_CONF['check_trackback_link'] & 3) {
            // we were supposed to check for backlinks but didn't get the page
            COM_errorLog("Pingback verification: " . $e->getMessage() . " when requesting {$url}");
            return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 33, $PNB_ERROR['uri_invalid']);
    // check for spam first
    $saved = TRB_checkForSpam($url, $title, '', $excerpt);
    if ($saved == TRB_SAVE_SPAM) {
        return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 49, $PNB_ERROR['spam']);
    // save as a trackback comment
    $saved = TRB_saveTrackbackComment($id, $type, $url, $title, '', $excerpt);
    if ($saved == TRB_SAVE_REJECT) {
        return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 49, $PNB_ERROR['multiple']);
    if (isset($_CONF['notification']) && in_array('pingback', $_CONF['notification'])) {
        TRB_sendNotificationEmail($saved, 'pingback');
    return new XML_RPC_Response(new XML_RPC_Value($PNB_ERROR['success']));
if (!empty($Config['Login']) && !empty($Config['Password'])) {
    $request->setAuth($Config['Login'], $Config['Password']);
$headers = headers();
if ($Config['Log-Mode']) {
    $log[] = '--------------------------';
    $log[] = '>>||>> ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $log[] = '--------------------------';
    foreach ($headers as $name => $value) {
        $log[] = $name . ': ' . $value;
$headers = exclude($headers, $Config['Head-In-Exclude']);
foreach ($headers as $name => $value) {
    $request->setHeader($name, $value);
if (!empty($_POST)) {
    foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
        $request->addPostParameter($key, $value);
// @see http://xpoint.ru/forums/programming/PHP/faq.xhtml#740
if (!empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'])) {
    if ($Config['Log-Mode'] >= 2 && $Config['Log-Path']) {
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 200; ++$i) {
            $fname = date('Ymd-His') . '-I-' . $i . '.html';
            if (!file_exists($fname)) {
                $fp = fopen($Config['Log-Path'] . '/' . $fname, 'w');
                fwrite($fp, $body);
 public function testBug15937()
     $req = new HTTP_Request2();
     $autoHeaders = $req->getHeaders();
     $req->setHeader('Expect: ');
     $req->setHeader('Foo', '');
     $this->assertEquals(array('expect' => '', 'foo' => '') + $autoHeaders, $req->getHeaders());
  * Required to request the root i-name (XRI) XRD which will provide an
  * error message that the i-name does not exist, or else return a valid
  * XRD document containing the i-name's Canonical ID.
  * @param string $url         URI
  * @param string $serviceType Optional service type
  * @return HTTP_Request
  * @todo   Finish this a bit better using the QXRI rules.
 protected function get($url, $serviceType = null)
     $request = new HTTP_Request2($url, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET, $this->getHttpRequestOptions());
     $netURL = new Net_URL2($url);
     $request->setHeader('Accept', 'application/xrds+xml');
     if ($serviceType) {
         $netURL->setQueryVariable('_xrd_r', 'application/xrds+xml');
         $netURL->setQueryVariable('_xrd_t', $serviceType);
     } else {
         $netURL->setQueryVariable('_xrd_r', 'application/xrds+xml;sep=false');
     try {
         return $request->send();
     } catch (HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {
         throw new Services_Yadis_Exception('Invalid response to Yadis protocol received: ' . $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
  * Call MetaLib X-Server
  * @param array $params URL Parameters
  * @return string XML
  * @throws Exception
 protected function callXServer($params)
     $request = new HTTP_Request2($this->baseURL, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET, ['ssl_verify_peer' => false]);
     $request->setHeader('User-Agent', 'RecordManager');
     $url = $request->getURL();
     $cleanUrl = preg_replace('/user_password=([^&]+)/', 'user_password=***', $url->getURL());
     $this->_message("Sending request: {$cleanUrl}", true);
     $response = $request->send();
     $code = $response->getStatus();
     if ($code >= 300) {
         $this->_message("Request '{$url}' failed: {$code}", false, Logger::FATAL);
         throw new Exception("Request failed: {$code}");
     $this->_message("Request successful", true);
     return $response->getBody();
文件: lib.php 项目: pedru/phplist3
function fetchUrlPear($url, $request_parameters)
    if (VERBOSE) {
        logEvent($url . ' fetching with PEAR');
    if (0 && $GLOBALS['has_pear_http_request'] == 2) {
        $headreq = new HTTP_Request2($url, $request_parameters);
        $headreq->setHeader('User-Agent', 'phplist v' . VERSION . 'p (http://www.phplist.com)');
    } else {
        $headreq = new HTTP_Request($url, $request_parameters);
        $headreq->addHeader('User-Agent', 'phplist v' . VERSION . 'p (http://www.phplist.com)');
    if (!PEAR::isError($headreq->sendRequest(false))) {
        $code = $headreq->getResponseCode();
        if ($code != 200) {
            logEvent('Fetching ' . $url . ' failed, error code ' . $code);
            return 0;
        $header = $headreq->getResponseHeader();
        if (preg_match('/charset=(.*)/i', $header['content-type'], $regs)) {
            $remote_charset = strtoupper($regs[1]);
        $request_parameters['method'] = 'GET';
        if (0 && $GLOBALS['has_pear_http_request'] == 2) {
            $req = new HTTP_Request2($url, $request_parameters);
            $req->setHeader('User-Agent', 'phplist v' . VERSION . 'p (http://www.phplist.com)');
        } else {
            $req = new HTTP_Request($url, $request_parameters);
            $req->addHeader('User-Agent', 'phplist v' . VERSION . 'p (http://www.phplist.com)');
        logEvent('Fetching ' . $url);
        if (VERBOSE && function_exists('output')) {
            output('Fetching remote: ' . $url);
        if (!PEAR::isError($req->sendRequest(true))) {
            $content = $req->getResponseBody();
            if ($remote_charset != 'UTF-8' && function_exists('iconv')) {
                $content = iconv($remote_charset, 'UTF-8//TRANSLIT', $content);
        } else {
            logEvent('Fetching ' . $url . ' failed on GET ' . $req->getResponseCode());
            return 0;
    } else {
        logEvent('Fetching ' . $url . ' failed on HEAD');
        return 0;
    return $content;
  * Constructor
  * @param  array $args
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function __construct(array $args)
     if (!class_exists('HTTP/Request2.php', false)) {
         spl_autoload_register(array(__CLASS__, 'autoload'));
     $base = '';
     if (isset($args['base'])) {
         $base = $args['base'];
     } else {
         throw new Exception("Missing argument named 'base' for rpc base url.");
     $base = rtrim($base, '\\//') . '/';
     $timeout = isset($args['timeout']) ? $args['timeout'] : 1;
     $agent = isset($args['agent']) ? $args['agent'] : __CLASS__ . '/' . self::VERSION;
     $adapter = isset($args['adapter']) ? $args['adapter'] : 'HTTP_Request2_Adapter_Socket';
     $config = array('adapter' => $adapter, 'timeout' => $timeout);
     $client = new \HTTP_Request2(null, \HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST, $config);
     $client->setHeader('user-agent', $agent);
     $this->_client = $client;
     $this->_base = $base;
     $this->_parser = new Parser();
    public function _fetch_by_options()
        $method = 'Bug.search';
        $struct = '';
        foreach ($this->options as $k => $v) {
            $struct .= sprintf('<member><name>%s</name><value><%s>%s</%s></value></member>' . "\n", $k, 'string', $v, 'string');
        $xml = <<<X
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        $request = new HTTP_Request2($this->url, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST, array('follow_redirects' => true, 'ssl_verify_peer' => false));
        $request->setHeader('Accept', 'text/xml');
        $request->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml;charset=utf-8');
        try {
            $response = $request->send();
            if (200 == $response->getStatus()) {
                $x = simplexml_load_string($response->getBody());
                $this->data['bugs'] = array();
                // FIXME there must be a better way
                foreach ($x->params->param->value->struct->member->value->array->data->value as $b) {
                    $bug = array();
                    foreach ($b->struct->member as $m) {
                        if ($m->name == 'internals') {
                        $value = (array) $m->value;
                        $bug[(string) $m->name] = (string) array_shift($value);
                    $this->data['bugs'][] = $bug;
            } else {
                $this->error = 'Server returned unexpected HTTP status: ' . $response->getStatus() . ' ' . $response->getReasonPhrase();
        } catch (HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {
            $this->error = $e->getMessage();
        if (isset($this->data['error']) && !empty($this->data['error'])) {
            $this->error = "Bugzilla API returned an error: " . $this->data['message'];
  * Returns the size of the repository
  * @param	string	$context		The context the query should be run against
  * @return	int
 public function size($context = 'null')
     $request = new HTTP_Request2($this->dsn . '/repositories/' . $this->repository . '/size?context=' . $context, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST);
     $request->setHeader('Accept: text/plain');
     $response = $request->send();
     if ($response->getStatus() != 200) {
         throw new Exception('Failed to run query, HTTP response error: ' . $response->getStatus());
     return (int) $response->getBody();
 function simpleHttpRequest($url, $params, $method)
     $req = new HTTP_Request2($url, $method, array('ssl_verify_peer' => false, 'ssl_verify_host' => false));
     $req->setAuth($this->user, $this->pass);
     if ($params) {
         //serialize the data
         $json = json_encode($params);
         $json ? $req->setBody($json) : false;
     //set the headers
     $req->setHeader("Accept", "application/json");
     $req->setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
     $response = $req->send();
     if (PEAR::isError($response)) {
         return $response->getMessage();
     } else {
         return $response->getBody();