public static function newInstance()
     if (!self::$instance instanceof self) {
         self::$instance = new self();
     return self::$instance;
 public function getFacebookData($fbProfiles)
     if (count($fbProfiles) > 0) {
         $accessTokenData = RedSocialStreamHelper::getFacebookAccessToken();
         include_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/facebook/user.php';
         $fbUser = new FacebookUser();
         $fbDataList = array();
         foreach ($fbProfiles as $key => $profile) {
             if (isset($accessTokenData->access_token) && !empty($accessTokenData->access_token)) {
                 $fbFeedList = $fbUser->getFeeds($profile['title'], $accessTokenData->access_token);
                 if (!empty($fbFeedList->data) && count($fbFeedList->data) > 0) {
                     foreach ($fbFeedList->data as $feed) {
                         $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['data'] = $feed;
                         $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['created_time'] = strtotime($feed->created_time);
                         $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['type'] = FACEBOOK;
                         $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['ext_post_name'] = addslashes($feed->from->name);
                         $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['ext_profile_id'] = addslashes($feed->from->id);
                         $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['ext_post_id'] = addslashes($feed->id);
                         $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['message'] = "";
                         if (isset($feed->message)) {
                             $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['message'] = $feed->message;
                         if (isset($feed->story)) {
                             $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['message'] .= $feed->story;
                         if (isset($fbDataList[$profile['id']]['message'])) {
                             preg_match_all('/(http|https)\\:\\/\\/[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}[^<]*/', str_replace("\n", "<br />", $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['message']), $out, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
                             foreach ($out[0] as $link) {
                                 $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['message'] = str_replace($link, "<a href=\"" . $link . "\">" . $link . "</a>", $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['message']);
                         if (isset($feed->picture)) {
                             $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['message'] .= "<div class=\"description_image facebook\">";
                             $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['message'] .= "<img src=\"" . $feed->picture . "\">";
                             $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['message'] .= "</div>";
                         $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['message'] = addslashes($fbDataList[$profile['id']]['message']);
                         $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['title'] = '';
                         $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['source_link'] = "kildelink";
                         $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['created_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($feed->created_time));
                         $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['duration'] = '';
                         $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['profile_id'] = $key;
                         $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['group_id'] = $profile['group_id'];
                         $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['published'] = 1;
                         $fbDataList[$profile['id']]['thumb_uri'] = '';
         return $fbDataList;
    public function getUser($login)
        if (empty($login)) {
            return new AnonymousUser();       
        //use the cache if available. Don't use the cache for the special me user
        if ($this->useCache && $login != 'me') {
            $cacheFilename = "user_$login";
            if ($this->cache === NULL) {
                  $this->cache = new DiskCache(CACHE_DIR . "/Facebook", $this->cacheLifetime, TRUE);

            if ($this->cache->isFresh($cacheFilename)) {
                $data = $this->cache->read($cacheFilename);
            } else {

                //get the data
                $url = sprintf("", $login, http_build_query(array(

                if ($data = @file_get_contents($url)) {
                    $this->cache->write($data, $cacheFilename);
        } else {
            //get the data
            $url = sprintf("", $login, http_build_query(array(

            $data = @file_get_contents($url);
		if ($data) {
            $json = @json_decode($data, true);

            if (isset($json['id'])) {
                $user = new FacebookUser($this);
                if (isset($json['email'])) {
                return $user;
        return false;
 public function authenticate(CakeRequest $request, CakeResponse $response)
     $session = new CakeSession();
     if (isset($request->query) && isset($request->query['code']) && isset($request->query['state'])) {
         if ($request->query['state'] == $session->read('state')) {
             $token_url = "" . "client_id=" . $this->settings["app_id"] . "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode($this->settings["url"]) . "&client_secret=" . $this->settings["app_secret"] . "&code=" . $request->query['code'];
             //TODO: use cake method to make request
             $response = file_get_contents($token_url);
             $params = null;
             parse_str($response, $params);
             if (isset($params['access_token'])) {
                 // Saves acces_token in Session
                 //TODO: use cake method to save in session
                 $_SESSION['access_token'] = $params['access_token'];
                 // Get's user data from Facebook
                 App::uses('FacebookUser', 'Facebook.Model');
                 $FacebookUser = new FacebookUser();
                 $FacebookUser->recursive = -1;
                 $fb_user = $FacebookUser->getLoginData();
                 // Checks if user exists, if not saves it in db
                 App::uses('User', 'Model');
                 $User = new User();
                 $user = $User->find("first", array("conditions" => array("User.uid" => $fb_user['FacebookUser']['uid'])));
                 if (empty($user)) {
                     $user = $FacebookUser->parseDataForDb($fb_user);
                     $user["User"]["id"] = $User->getLastInsertID();
                 return $user["User"];
     return false;
  * Returns true if the specified Facebook user (default to current one) can
  * edit properties for the application. The user must be an administrator
  * or developer of the app and must also be an administrator of the wiki.
 function canEdit($fbUser = NULL)
     global $facebook, $wgUser;
     if (!$fbUser instanceof FacebookUser) {
         $fbUser = new FacebookUser();
     // First, check MediaWiki permissions. Then check with Facebook
     if ($fbUser->getMWUser()->getId() == 0 || $fbUser->getMWUser()->getId() != $wgUser->getId()) {
         return false;
     // If $wgFbUserRightsFromGroups is set, this should trigger a group check
     $groups = $fbUser->getMWUser()->getEffectiveGroups();
     if (!in_array('sysop', $groups) && !in_array('fb-admin', $groups)) {
         return false;
     // Check that the Facebook user has a development role with the application
     $roles = $this->getRoles();
     if (!in_array($fbUser->getId(), $roles['administrators']) && !in_array($fbUser->getId(), $roles['developers'])) {
         return false;
     return true;
function insert_facebook_user_data($userId, $facebookId)
    FacebookUser::newInstance()->insertFacebookUserData($userId, $facebookId);
  * If $wgFbDisableLogin is set, make sure the user gets logged out if their
  * Facebook session is destroyed.
  * This hook was added in MediaWiki 1.14.
 static function UserLoadAfterLoadFromSession($user)
     global $wgFbDisableLogin;
     // Don't mess with authentication on Special:Connect
     $title = $user->getSkin()->getTitle();
     if (!empty($wgFbDisableLogin) && $user->isLoggedIn() && $title instanceof Title && !$title->isSpecial('Connect')) {
         $fbUser = new FacebookUser();
         // If possible, force a preemptive ping to Facebook's servers. Otherwise, we
         // must wait until the next page view to pick up the user's Facebook login status
         #$fbUser->isLoggedIn($ping = true);
         if (!$fbUser->isLoggedIn() || $user->getId() != $fbUser->getMWUser()->getId()) {
     return true;
 private function parseUser($entry)
     $user = new FacebookUser();
     $user->setImageURL(ImageLoader::cacheImage('' . $entry['id'] . '/picture?type=square', array()));
     return $user;
 public function execute()
     global $wgFbStreamlineLogin;
     if (!empty($wgFbStreamlineLogin)) {
         $params = $this->extractRequestParams();
         $fbUser = new FacebookUser($params['id']);
         $id = $fbUser->getMWUser()->getId();
         if ($id) {
             //wfLoadExtensionMessages('Facebook'); // Deprecated since 1.16
             $specialConnect = new SpecialConnect();
             $this->getResult()->addValue(null, null, $specialConnect->getLogoutAndContinueForm($params, $id));
         } else {
             // TODO: Add a LogoutAndCreateNewUser form to SpecialConnect.php. For
             // now, return an empty response to send user to Special:Connect
             // (which displays an error message).
  * Remove the watch action from the user's Timeline when they unwatch an
  * article.
 public static function UnwatchArticleComplete(&$user, &$article)
     global $facebook;
     if (self::getAction('watch')) {
         $fbUser = new FacebookUser();
         if ($fbUser->getMWUser()->getId() == $user->getId()) {
             $object = FacebookOpenGraph::newObjectFromTitle($article->getTitle());
             try {
                 self::removeAction('watch', $object);
             } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
                 // echo $e->getType() . ": " . $e->getMessage() . "<br/>\n";
     return true;
  * This error page is shown when the user logs in to Facebook, but the
  * Facebook account is associated with a different user.
  * A precondition is that a different MediaWiki user is logged in. So, ask
  * them to log out and continue.
  * TODO: But what about the case where a Facebook user is logged in, but
  * not as a wiki user, and then logs into the wiki with the wrong account?
 private function logoutAndContinueView($userId)
     global $wgOut;
     $fbUser = new FacebookUser();
     $userinfo = $fbUser->getUserInfo();
     $form = $this->getLogoutAndContinueForm($userinfo, $userId);
     // TODO
     //$form .= '<p>Not $userId? Log in as a different facebook user...</p>';
     $wgOut->addHTML($form . "<br/>\n");
     // Render the "Return to" text retrieved from the URL
     $wgOut->returnToMain(false, $this->mReturnTo, $this->mReturnToQuery);
  * Generates a unique username for a wiki account based on the prefix specified
  * in the message 'facebook-usernameprefix'. The number appended is equal to
  * the number of Facebook Connect to user ID associations in the user_fbconnect
  * table, so quite a few numbers will be skipped. However, this approach is
  * more scalable. For smaller wiki installations, uncomment the line $i = 1 to
  * have consecutive usernames starting at 1.
 static function generateUserName()
     // Because $i is incremented the first time through the while loop
     $i = FacebookDB::countUsers();
     // rough estimate
     $max = $i + 100;
     while ($i < PHP_INT_MAX && $i < $max) {
         $name = self::getUserNamePrefix() . $i;
         if (FacebookUser::userNameOK($name)) {
             return $name;
     return $prefix;