/** * Reads a file * <pre> * * file : path or URI of the file to read (however reading from another website is not recommended for performance reasons) * * assign : if set, the file will be saved in this variable instead of being output * </pre> * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. * * @author Jordi Boggiano <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008, Jordi Boggiano * @license http://dwoo.org/LICENSE Modified BSD License * @link http://dwoo.org/ * @version 1.1.0 * @date 2009-07-18 * @package Dwoo */ function Dwoo_Plugin_fetch(Dwoo $dwoo, $file, $assign = null) { if ($file === '') { return; } if ($policy = $dwoo->getSecurityPolicy()) { while (true) { if (preg_match('{^([a-z]+?)://}i', $file)) { return $dwoo->triggerError('The security policy prevents you to read files from external sources.', E_USER_WARNING); } $file = realpath($file); $dirs = $policy->getAllowedDirectories(); foreach ($dirs as $dir => $dummy) { if (strpos($file, $dir) === 0) { break 2; } } return $dwoo->triggerError('The security policy prevents you to read <em>' . $file . '</em>', E_USER_WARNING); } } $file = str_replace(array("\t", "\n", "\r"), array('\\t', '\\n', '\\r'), $file); $out = file_get_contents($file); if ($assign === null) { return $out; } $dwoo->assignInScope($out, $assign); }
function main($itsp) { $itsp->bLang->setLanguage($_GET["lang"]); include_once "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php"; $params = array(); $params["lang"] = "dk"; $params["screen"] = "newUser"; $newUserUrl = $itsp->bUrl->newUrl("newuser", $params, 0, 0); $params = array(); $screenshoturl = $itsp->bUrl->newUrl("screenshots", $params, 0, 0); $params = array(); $loginUrl = $itsp->bUrl->newUrl("home", $params); $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/frontpage.tpl'); $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $jsfiles = array(); $jsfiles[] = array('jsfile' => 'js/newuser.js'); $markerArray = templateArray(); $markerArray["headertitle"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("title") . " frontpage"; $markerArray["username"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("username"); $markerArray["password"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("password"); $markerArray["title"] = "myTasks frontpage"; $markerArray["loginbtn"] = "Login"; $markerArray["createNewUser"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("createNewUser"); $markerArray["url"] = $newUserUrl; $markerArray["loginUrl"] = $loginUrl; $markerArray["js_list"] = $jsfiles; $markerArray["screenshoturl"] = $screenshoturl; $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); print $output; }
/** * Dwoo {str} function plugin * * Type: function<br> * Name: str<br> * Date: June 22, 2006<br> * Purpose: Fetch internationalized strings * @author Catalyst IT Ltd * @version 1.0 * @return Internationalized string */ function Dwoo_Plugin_str(Dwoo $dwoo, $tag, $section = 'mahara', $args = null, $arg1 = null, $arg2 = null, $arg3 = null, $assign = null) { static $dictionary; $params = array($tag, $section); if ($args) { if (!is_array($args)) { $args = array($args); } $params = array_merge($params, $args); } else { if (isset($arg1)) { foreach (array('arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3') as $k) { if (isset(${$k})) { $params[] = ${$k}; } } } } $ret = call_user_func_array('get_string', $params); // If there is an 'assign' parameter, place it into that instead. if (!empty($assign)) { $dwoo->assignInScope($ret, $assign); return; } return $ret; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function render($viewName, Model $model, NotificationCenter $notificationCenter, $output = true) { Profile::start('Renderer', 'Generate HTML'); $templateName = $viewName . '.' . static::$templateFileExtension; $dwoo = new Dwoo($this->compiledPath, $this->cachePath); $dwoo->getLoader()->addDirectory($this->functionsPath); Profile::start('Renderer', 'Create template file.'); $template = new Dwoo_Template_File($templateName); $template->setIncludePath($this->getTemplatesPath()); Profile::stop(); Profile::start('Renderer', 'Render'); $dwooData = new Dwoo_Data(); $dwooData->setData($model->getData()); $dwooData->assign('errorMessages', $notificationCenter->getErrors()); $dwooData->assign('successMessages', $notificationCenter->getSuccesses()); $this->setHeader('Content-type: text/html', $output); // I do never output directly from dwoo to have the possibility to show an error page if there was a render error. $result = $rendered = $dwoo->get($template, $dwooData, null, false); if ($output) { echo $result; } Profile::stop(); Profile::stop(); return $output ? null : $rendered; }
function main($itsp) { include_once "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php"; $displayNewUserForm = 1; $emailsent = ""; $reset = $itsp->bUrl->getGP("s"); $username = $itsp->bUrl->getGP("u"); $showform = 1; $errormsg = ""; if ($_POST["reset"]) { include_once "user_backend.php"; $user = new user_backend("reset"); if ($user->setNewPassword($_POST["reset"], $_POST["password"])) { $showform = 0; $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/setnewpassword1.tpl'); $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $markerArray = templateArray(); $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); print $output; exit; } else { $errormsg = "Please enter a valid password"; } } if ($reset != "" && $username != "" && $showform) { $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/setnewpassword.tpl'); $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $markerArray = templateArray(); $markerArray["url"] = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; $markerArray["reset"] = $reset; $markerArray["errormsg"] = $errormsg; $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); print $output; } }
public function getData() { $this->check_permission(); //get global_lib Singelton $mainlib = global_lib::getInstance(); //Create path of Controller Files => controller/FILENAME.php $path = $mainlib->joinPaths("controller/", $this->meta_data["main_file"] . ".php"); try { //Include Controller File include_once $path; } catch (Exception $e) { //Exception var_dump($e); } try { //Call Class from Controller File $web_call = new $this->meta_data["main_class"]($this->request); //Request Type (Method) to Lowercase $method_call = strtolower($this->request->method); //Rufe die methode im Class File auf $web_call->{$method_call}(); // Generiere Variablen für die Template Engine $template_engine_var = $web_call->get_context(); // Generiere für das Template den Pfad $template_path = $mainlib->joinPaths("view/", $web_call->template . ".html"); // Lade Dwoo Template Engine $dwoo = new Dwoo(); // Compare get_context and template $dwoo->output($template_path, $template_engine_var); } catch (Exception $e) { var_dump($e); } }
/** * Dwoo {contextualhelp} function plugin * * Type: function<br> * Date: June 22, 2006<br> * Purpose: Provide inline contextual help for arbitrary sections * @author Catalyst IT Ltd * @version 1.0 * @return HTML snippet for help icon */ function Dwoo_Plugin_contextualhelp(Dwoo $dwoo, $plugintype, $pluginname, $form = null, $element = null, $section = null, $assign = null) { $ret = call_user_func_array('get_help_icon', array($plugintype, $pluginname, $form, $element, null, $section)); // If there is an 'assign' parameter, place it into that instead. if ($assign) { $dwoo->assignInScope($ret, $assign); return; } return $ret; }
function main($itsp) { include "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php"; $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/screenshots.tpl'); $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $markerArray = templateArray(); $markerArray["title"] = "screenshots"; $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); print $output; }
function GenerateModLogRSS() { global $tc_db; require_once KU_ROOTDIR . 'lib/dwoo.php'; $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $dwoo_data = new Dwoo_Data(); $entries = $tc_db->GetAll("SELECT * FROM `" . KU_DBPREFIX . "modlog` ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 15"); $dwoo_data->assign('entries', $entries); $rss = $dwoo->get(KU_TEMPLATEDIR . '/rss_mod.tpl', $dwoo_data); return $rss; }
public function testRebuildClassPath() { $dwoo = new Dwoo(DWOO_COMPILE_DIR, DWOO_CACHE_DIR); $loader = new Dwoo_Loader(TEST_DIRECTORY . '/temp/cache'); $dwoo->setLoader($loader); $loader->addDirectory(TEST_DIRECTORY . '/resources/plugins'); file_put_contents(TEST_DIRECTORY . '/resources/plugins/loaderTest2.php', '<?php function Dwoo_Plugin_loaderTest2(Dwoo $dwoo) { return "It works!"; }'); $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_String('{loaderTest2}'); $tpl->forceCompilation(); $this->assertEquals('It works!', $dwoo->get($tpl, array(), $this->compiler)); unlink(TEST_DIRECTORY . '/resources/plugins/loaderTest2.php'); }
function main($itsp) { include "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php"; $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/error.tpl'); $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $markerArray = templateArray(); $markerArray["title"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.error.title"); $markerArray["pagenotfound"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.error.pagenotfound"); $markerArray["goback"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.error.goback"); $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); print $output; }
/** * Evaluates the given string as if it was a template * * Although this plugin is kind of optimized and will * not recompile your string each time, it is still not * a good practice to use it. If you want to have templates * stored in a database or something you should probably use * the Dwoo_Template_String class or make another class that * extends it * <pre> * * var : the string to use as a template * * assign : if set, the output of the template will be saved in this variable instead of being output * </pre> * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. * * @author Jordi Boggiano <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008, Jordi Boggiano * @license http://dwoo.org/LICENSE Modified BSD License * @link http://dwoo.org/ * @version 1.0.0 * @date 2008-10-23 * @package Dwoo */ function Dwoo_Plugin_eval(Dwoo $dwoo, $var, $assign = null) { if ($var == '') { return; } $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_String($var); $out = $dwoo->get($tpl, $dwoo->readVar('_parent')); if ($assign !== null) { $dwoo->assignInScope($out, $assign); } else { return $out; } }
function go() { include_once "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php"; if ($_POST) { $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/config.php.tpl'); $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $hostname = str_replace("http:", "", $_POST["hostname"]); $hostname = str_replace("/", "", $hostname); $markerArray = array(); $markerArray["dbusername"] = $_POST["mysqlusername"]; $markerArray["dbpassword"] = $_POST["mysqlpassword"]; $markerArray["dbhostname"] = $_POST["mysqlhostname"]; $markerArray["dbtable"] = $_POST["mysqldatabase"]; $markerArray["installpath"] = $_POST["installpath"]; $markerArray["basehref"] = "http://" . $hostname . "/" . $_POST["installpath"]; $markerArray["prefix"] = $_POST["mysqlprefix"]; $markerArray["prettyurls"] = $_POST["prettyurls"] ? 1 : 0; $markerArray["hostname"] = $hostname; $markerArray["newuseremail"] = $_POST["newuseremail"]; $markerArray["resetpasswordemail"] = $_POST["resetpassword"]; $output = "<?\n"; $output .= $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); $output .= "?>"; $fp = fopen('config.php', 'w'); fwrite($fp, $output); fclose($fp); include_once "config.php"; include_once "database_backend.php"; $db = new database_backend(); $db->connect(); $handle = fopen("database.sql", "rb"); $databasesql = stream_get_contents($handle); fclose($handle); $databasesql = str_replace("itsp_", $_POST["mysqlprefix"], $databasesql); $sql_cmds = explode(";", $databasesql); for ($i = 0; $i < count($sql_cmds); $i++) { mysql_query($sql_cmds[$i]); } return 1; } $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/wizard.tpl'); $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $markerArray = array(); $markerArray["hostname"] = "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/"; $markerArray["installpath"] = substr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 1); $markerArray["newuseremail"] = "newuser@" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; $markerArray["resetpassword"] = "******" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); print $output; return 0; }
function main($itsp) { include "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php"; $displayNewUserForm = 1; $emailsent = ""; if ($_POST["username"]) { include_once "user_backend.php"; $bUser = new user_backend("newuser"); $sess = $bUser->resetPassword($_POST["username"]); if ($sess) { $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/forgotpasswordemail.tpl'); $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $params = array(); $params["s"] = $sess["reset"]; $params["u"] = $sess["username"]; $setnewpasswordUrl = $itsp->bUrl->newUrl("setnewpassword", $params, 1); $markerArray = array(); $markerArray["emailForgotpasswordHello"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.forgotpassword.hello"); $markerArray["username"] = $sess["username"]; $markerArray["emailForgotpasswordHostname"] = config::hostname; $markerArray["emailForgotpasswordMsg1"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.forgotpassword.msg1"); $markerArray["emailForgotpasswordMsg2"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.forgotpassword.msg2"); $markerArray["emailForgotpasswordMsg3"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.forgotpassword.msg3"); $markerArray["emailForgotpasswordMsg4"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.forgotpassword.msg4"); $markerArray["emailForgotpasswordMsg5"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.forgotpassword.msg5"); $markerArray["emailForgotpasswordMsg6"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.forgotpassword.msg6"); $markerArray["emailForgotpasswordURL"] = $setnewpasswordUrl; $markerArray["emailForgotpasswordSignature"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.forgotpassword.signature"); $forgotemail = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); $emailto = $sess["email"]; $emailsubject = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.forgotpassword.subject"); $emailheaders = "From: " . config::resetpasswordFromEmail . "\r\n"; mail($emailto, $emailsubject, $forgotemail, $emailheaders); $emailsent = "Email sent"; } } if ($displayNewUserForm) { $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/forgotpassword.tpl'); $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $markerArray = templateArray(); $markerArray["url"] = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; $markerArray["username"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("username"); $markerArray["password"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("password"); $markerArray["headertitle"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.forgotpassword.title"); $markerArray["loginbtn"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("login"); $markerArray["sendit"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("sendit"); $markerArray["emailsent"] = $emailsent; $createnewuser = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); print $createnewuser; } }
function main($itsp) { $itsp->bLang->setLanguage($_GET["lang"]); include "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php"; $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/login.tpl'); $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $markerArray = array(); $markerArray["headertitle"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("title"); $markerArray["username"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("username"); $markerArray["password"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("password"); $markerArray["loginbtn"] = "Login"; $settings = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); print $settings; }
/** * @param $eventData * @return void */ public function notify() { $iso = $this->_getLocale(); $message = $this->_emailNotification->{$iso}; if ($message == null) { return; } $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $template = new Dwoo_Template_String($message); $data = new Dwoo_Data(); $data = $this->_assign($data); $parsedMessage = $dwoo->get($template, $data); return $this->_send($parsedMessage); }
/** * Reverses a string or an array * <pre> * * value : the string or array to reverse * * preserve_keys : if value is an array and this is true, then the array keys are left intact * </pre> * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. * * @author Jordi Boggiano <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008, Jordi Boggiano * @license http://dwoo.org/LICENSE Modified BSD License * @link http://dwoo.org/ * @version 1.0.0 * @date 2008-10-23 * @package Dwoo */ function Dwoo_Plugin_reverse(Dwoo $dwoo, $value, $preserve_keys = false) { if (is_array($value)) { return array_reverse($value, $preserve_keys); } elseif (($charset = $dwoo->getCharset()) === 'iso-8859-1') { return strrev((string) $value); } else { $strlen = mb_strlen($value); $out = ''; while ($strlen--) { $out .= mb_substr($value, $strlen, 1, $charset); } return $out; } }
function Dwoo_Plugin_flickr(Dwoo $dwoo, $tags, $assign = 'flickrPhotos', $count = 5, $tagmode = 'all') { $cacheKey = sprintf('flickr?tagmode=%s&tags=%s', urlencode($tagmode), urlencode($tags)); if (!($flickrData = apc_fetch($cacheKey))) { $feedURL = sprintf('http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?format=php_serial&tagmode=%s&tags=%s', urlencode($tagmode), urlencode($tags)); $flickrData = @unserialize(@file_get_contents($feedURL)); apc_store($cacheKey, $flickrData, 600); } if (!empty($flickrData['items'])) { $dwoo->assignInScope(array_slice($flickrData['items'], 0, $count), $assign); } else { $dwoo->assignInScope(array(), $assign); } return ''; }
function main($itsp) { include "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php"; if ($itsp->bUrl->getGP("s")) { user_backend::verifyUser($itsp->bUrl->getGP("s"), $itsp->bUrl->getGP("u"), 9); $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/rejectuser.tpl'); $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $markerArray = templateArray(); $markerArray["pageRejectedMsg1"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.rejecteduser.msg1"); $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); print $output; } else { print "access denied"; } }
/** * Spawns a new instance of Dwoo. * * @return object **/ protected function spawn() { if (is_writable($this->compile_dir)) { // Main Dwoo object $dwoo = new Dwoo(); // Set the directory of where to compile the files $dwoo->setCompileDir($this->compile_dir); // set security policy $security = new MY_Security_Policy(); // no PHP handline $security->setPhpHandling(1); $security->allowPhpFunction($this->allowed_functions); $dwoo->setSecurityPolicy($security); return $dwoo; } }
public function __construct() { global $THEME; // make sure cache/compile paths exist check_dir_exists(get_config('dataroot') . 'dwoo/compile/' . $THEME->basename); check_dir_exists(get_config('dataroot') . 'dwoo/cache/' . $THEME->basename); // set paths $this->template_dir = $THEME->templatedirs; $compileDir = get_config('dataroot') . 'dwoo/compile/' . $THEME->basename; $cacheDir = get_config('dataroot') . 'dwoo/cache/' . $THEME->basename; parent::__construct($compileDir, $cacheDir); // add plugins dir to the loader $this->getLoader()->addDirectory(get_config('libroot') . 'dwoo/mahara/plugins/'); // adds mahara resources and compiler factory $this->setDefaultCompilerFactory('file', array($this, 'compilerFactory')); $this->addResource('artefact', 'Dwoo_Template_Mahara_Artefact', array($this, 'compilerFactory')); $this->addResource('blocktype', 'Dwoo_Template_Mahara_Blocktype', array($this, 'compilerFactory')); $this->addResource('export', 'Dwoo_Template_Mahara_Export', array($this, 'compilerFactory')); $this->addResource('interaction', 'Dwoo_Template_Mahara_Interaction', array($this, 'compilerFactory')); // set base data $theme_list = array(); $themepaths = themepaths(); foreach ($themepaths['mahara'] as $themepath) { $theme_list[$themepath] = $THEME->get_url($themepath); } $this->_data = array('THEME' => $THEME, 'WWWROOT' => get_config('wwwroot'), 'THEMELIST' => json_encode($theme_list), 'HTTPSWWWROOT' => get_config('httpswwwroot')); }
/** * Capitalizes the first letter of each word * <pre> * * value : the string to capitalize * * numwords : if true, the words containing numbers are capitalized as well * </pre> * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. * * @author Jordi Boggiano <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008, Jordi Boggiano * @license http://dwoo.org/LICENSE Modified BSD License * @link http://dwoo.org/ * @version 1.1.0 * @date 2009-07-18 * @package Dwoo */ function Dwoo_Plugin_capitalize(Dwoo $dwoo, $value, $numwords = false) { if ($numwords || preg_match('#^[^0-9]+$#', $value)) { return mb_convert_case((string) $value, MB_CASE_TITLE, $dwoo->getCharset()); } else { $bits = explode(' ', (string) $value); $out = ''; while (list(, $v) = each($bits)) { if (preg_match('#^[^0-9]+$#', $v)) { $out .= ' ' . mb_convert_case($v, MB_CASE_TITLE, $dwoo->getCharset()); } else { $out .= ' ' . $v; } } return substr($out, 1); } }
/** * Renders a view file. * This method is required by {@link IViewRenderer}. * @param CBaseController the controller or widget who is rendering the view file. * @param string the view file path * @param mixed the data to be passed to the view * @param boolean whether the rendering result should be returned * @return mixed the rendering result, or null if the rendering result is not needed. */ public function renderFile($context, $sourceFile, $data, $return) { // current controller properties will be accessible as {this.property} $data['this'] = $context; $data['Yii'] = Yii::app(); $data["TIME"] = sprintf('%0.5f', Yii::getLogger()->getExecutionTime()); $data["MEMORY"] = round(Yii::getLogger()->getMemoryUsage() / (1024 * 1024), 2) . " MB"; // check if view file exists if (!is_file($sourceFile) || ($file = realpath($sourceFile)) === false) { throw new CException(Yii::t('yiiext', 'View file "{file}" does not exist.', array('{file}' => $sourceFile))); } //render or return if ($return) { return $this->dwoo->get($sourceFile, $data); } else { $this->dwoo->get($sourceFile, $data, null, true); } }
function main($itsp) { $itsp->bLang->setLanguage($_GET["lang"]); include_once "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php"; $valid = isValidUser(); if ($valid) { $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/home.tpl'); $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $markerArray = loggedInArray(); $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); print $output; } else { $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/frontpage.tpl'); $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $markerArray = templateArray(); $markerArray["loginerror"] = "Failed to login"; $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); print $output; } }
function Dwoo_Plugin_format_text(Dwoo $dwoo, $text, $format = 'plain', $mode = 'format') { switch ($format) { case 'html': if ($mode == 'strip') { return strip_tags($text); } else { return $text; } case 'micstext': // load plugin if (function_exists('Dwoo_Plugin_micstext') === false) { $dwoo->getLoader()->loadPlugin('micstext'); } return Dwoo_Plugin_micstext($dwoo, $text, $mode); default: case 'plain': return nl2br(htmlspecialchars($text)); } }
/** * * @package mahara * @subpackage dwoo * @author Catalyst IT Ltd * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL version 3 or later * @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. * */ function Dwoo_Plugin_loadgroupquota(Dwoo $dwoo) { $group = group_current_group(); $quota = $group->quota; $quotaused = $group->quotaused; if ($quota >= 1048576) { $quota_message = get_string('quotausagegroup', 'mahara', sprintf('%0.1fMB', $group->quotaused / 1048576), sprintf('%0.1fMB', $quota / 1048567)); } else { if ($quota >= 1024) { $quota_message = get_string('quotausagegroup', 'mahara', sprintf('%0.1fKB', $group->quotaused / 1024), sprintf('%0.1fKB', $quota / 1024)); } else { $quota_message = get_string('quotausagegroup', 'mahara', sprintf('%d bytes', $group->quotaused), sprintf('%d bytes', $quota)); } } $dwoo->assignInScope($quota_message, 'GROUPQUOTA_MESSAGE'); if ($quota == 0) { $dwoo->assignInScope(100, 'GROUPQUOTA_PERCENTAGE'); } else { $dwoo->assignInScope(round($quotaused / $quota * 100), 'GROUPQUOTA_PERCENTAGE'); } }
public function testHtmlFormat() { $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_String("<html><body><div><p>a<em>b</em>c<hr /></p><textarea>a\n b</textarea></div></body><html>"); $tpl->forceCompilation(); $dwoo = new Dwoo(DWOO_COMPILE_DIR, DWOO_CACHE_DIR); $dwoo->addFilter('html_format', true); $this->assertEquals(str_replace("\r", '', <<<SNIPPET <html> <body> \t<div> \t\t<p> \t\t\ta<em>b</em>c \t\t\t<hr /> \t\t</p><textarea>a b</textarea> \t</div> </body> <html> SNIPPET ), $dwoo->get($tpl, array(), $this->compiler)); }
function main($itsp) { include "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php"; if ($itsp->bUrl->getGP("s")) { user_backend::verifyUser($itsp->bUrl->getGP("s"), $itsp->bUrl->getGP("u"), 1); } $valid = isValidUser(); if ($valid) { $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/verifieduser.tpl'); $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $params = array(); $homeurl = "/" . config::installpath . "" . $itsp->bUrl->newUrl("tasks", $params); $markerArray = loggedInArray(); $markerArray["pageVerifiedUserAccepted"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.verifieduser.useraccepted"); $markerArray["pageVerifiedUserHomeUrl"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.verifieduser.homeurl"); $markerArray["homeUrl"] = $homeurl; $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); print $output; } else { print "access denied"; } }
/** * Applies various escaping schemes on the given string * <pre> * * value : the string to process * * format : escaping format to use, valid formats are : html, htmlall, url, urlpathinfo, quotes, hex, hexentity, javascript and mail * * charset : character set to use for the conversion (applies to some formats only), defaults to the current Dwoo charset * </pre> * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. * * @author Jordi Boggiano <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008, Jordi Boggiano * @license http://dwoo.org/LICENSE Modified BSD License * @link http://dwoo.org/ * @version 1.0.0 * @date 2008-10-23 * @package Dwoo */ function Dwoo_Plugin_escape(Dwoo $dwoo, $value = '', $format = 'html', $charset = null) { if ($charset === null) { $charset = $dwoo->getCharset(); } switch ($format) { case 'html': return htmlspecialchars((string) $value, ENT_QUOTES, $charset); case 'htmlall': return htmlentities((string) $value, ENT_QUOTES, $charset); case 'url': return rawurlencode((string) $value); case 'urlpathinfo': return str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode((string) $value)); case 'quotes': return preg_replace("#(?<!\\\\)'#", "\\'", (string) $value); case 'hex': $out = ''; $cnt = strlen((string) $value); for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { $out .= '%' . bin2hex((string) $value[$i]); } return $out; case 'hexentity': $out = ''; $cnt = strlen((string) $value); for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { $out .= '&#x' . bin2hex((string) $value[$i]) . ';'; } return $out; case 'javascript': return strtr((string) $value, array('\\' => '\\\\', "'" => "\\'", '"' => '\\"', "\r" => '\\r', "\n" => '\\n', '</' => '<\\/')); case 'mail': return str_replace(array('@', '.'), array(' (AT) ', ' (DOT) '), (string) $value); default: return $dwoo->triggerError('Escape\'s format argument must be one of : html, htmlall, url, urlpathinfo, hex, hexentity, javascript or mail, "' . $format . '" given.', E_USER_WARNING); } }
/** * Dwoo {loadquota} function plugin * * Type: function<br> * Name: loadquota<br> * Date: June 22, 2006<br> * Purpose: Set quota related variables for the quota template * @author Catalyst IT Ltd * @version 1.0 * @return Nothing */ function Dwoo_Plugin_loadquota(Dwoo $dwoo) { global $USER; if (!$USER->is_logged_in()) { return; } $quota = $USER->get('quota'); $quotaused = $USER->get('quotaused'); if ($quota >= 1048576) { $quota_message = get_string('quotausage', 'mahara', sprintf('%0.1fMB', $USER->get('quotaused') / 1048576), sprintf('%0.1fMB', $quota / 1048567)); } else { if ($quota >= 1024) { $quota_message = get_string('quotausage', 'mahara', sprintf('%0.1fKB', $USER->get('quotaused') / 1024), sprintf('%0.1fKB', $quota / 1024)); } else { $quota_message = get_string('quotausage', 'mahara', sprintf('%d bytes', $USER->get('quotaused')), sprintf('%d bytes', $quota)); } } $dwoo->assignInScope($quota_message, 'QUOTA_MESSAGE'); if ($quota == 0) { $dwoo->assignInScope(100, 'QUOTA_PERCENTAGE'); } else { $dwoo->assignInScope(round($quotaused / $quota * 100), 'QUOTA_PERCENTAGE'); } }