public function executeSendChatMessage(sfWebRequest $request) { $posting_id = $request->getParameter('posting_id'); $sender_id = $_SESSION['userId']; $member_ids = $request->getParameter('member_ids'); $message = $request->getParameter('message'); $member_ids = json_decode($member_ids); $member_ids = (array) $member_ids; $member_ids[] = $sender_id; $rs = CustomHangout::checkUserLogin($member_ids); $online_users = array(); foreach ($rs as $v) { $online_users[] = $v['member_id']; } $results = array(); foreach ($member_ids as $member_id) { $params = array(); $params['member_id'] = $member_id; $params['sender_id'] = $sender_id; $params['message'] = $message; $params['is_read'] = in_array($member_id, $online_users) ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; $params['posting_id'] = $posting_id; $params['is_friend'] = 'FALSE'; $results[$member_id] = Messages::sendChatMessage($params); } die(print_r($results)); }
public function executeForgotPassword(sfWebRequest $request) { $email_address = $_POST['email_']; $email_address = trim($email_address); if (!$this->checkEmailAddress($email_address)) { die('Please enter a valid email address!'); } $member = Member::checkMemberInfo('email', $email_address); if ($member->count() > 0) { Member::resetPassword($email_address); $Body = " <div style='font-family:tahoma;font-size:12px;'>\n <p>\n You have requested to reset your password. Below is your new password, you can login to your account and change the password.<br/>\n If you are not the account holder, please ignore this message.\n <br/>\n <br/>\n New Password : 123456 \n </p>\n </div>\n "; CustomHangout::email($email_address, $Body, 'HangOutToday', 'Request: Reset Password'); die('An email notification has been sent to your email address.'); } else { die('Email address entered does not exist!'); } }
public function executeSaveChanges(sfWebRequest $request) { try { $q = Postings::getPostingInfo($_REQUEST['posting_id']); $q->gender_type = $_REQUEST['gender_type']; $q->date_to_hangout = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($_REQUEST['startdt_hangout'])); $q->num_ppl = $_REQUEST['num_ppl']; $q->posting_enddt = $this->calculatePostingEndDate($_REQUEST['posting_enddt'], $_REQUEST['starttime'], $_REQUEST['startdt_hangout']); $q->age_range_1 = $_REQUEST['age_range_1']; $q->age_range_2 = $_REQUEST['age_range_2']; $q->starttime = $_REQUEST['starttime']; $q->endtime = $_REQUEST['endtime']; $q->posting_title = $_REQUEST['posting_title']; $q->posting_desc = $_REQUEST['posting_desc']; $q->enddate_hangout = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($_REQUEST['enddt_hangout'])); $q->save(); $hotlistMembers = HotList::getHotListMembers($_REQUEST['posting_id'], $_SESSION['userId']); $Member = new Member(); $Member->setId($_SESSION['userId']); $nick_name = $Member->getMemberInfo('nick_name'); foreach ($hotlistMembers as $v) { $body = ' <div style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:12px;"> Hi <b>' . $v->getMember()->getNickName() . '</b>, <br/><br/> <p> <b> ' . $nick_name . ' </b> has made some changes on a post with title "<b>' . $v->getPostings()->getPostingTitle() . '</b>". </p> <br/> Thank you <br/> </div>'; CustomHangout::email($v->getMember()->getEmail(), $body, 'HangOutToday', 'HangOutToday Notification'); } die(true); } catch (Exception $e) { die(false); } }
public function executeUpdateRequestStatus(sfWebRequest $request) { $userId = $_SESSION['userId']; $stat = $_POST['stat']; $friendship_id = $_POST['friendship_id']; Friendship::updateRequestStatus($stat, $friendship_id); $q1 = Doctrine::getTable('Friendship')->findOneBy("id", $friendship_id); $q2 = Doctrine::getTable('Member')->findOneBy("id", $q1->member_id); $q3 = Doctrine::getTable('Member')->findOneBy("id", $userId); if ($stat == 2) { $body = '<div style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:12px;"> Hi <b>' . $q2->nick_name . '</b>, <br/> <p> <b> ' . $q3->nick_name . ' </b> has added you as their friend! </p> <blockqoute> <div> You can log onto your account and send messages to each other at any time. </div> </blockqoute> <br/> </div>'; } else { $body = '<div style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:12px;"> Hi <b>' . $q2->nick_name . '</b>, <br/> <p> <b> ' . $q3->nick_name . ' </b> has decided not to add you as their friend at this time. </p> <blockqoute> <div> Don’t let that discourage you. Log onto your account and respond to or create your own postings and meet a new friend today. </div> </blockqoute> <br/> </div>'; } $recipient = $q2->email; CustomHangout::email($recipient, $body, 'HangOutToday', 'HangOutToday Notification'); die; }
<?php require_once 'C:/wamp/www/hangout2/config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php'; $configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration('frontend', 'prod', false); sfContext::createInstance($configuration)->dispatch(); CustomHangout::alert001();