 public function actionIndexCattie()
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $model = Breed::model()->findAll($criteria);
     $parseRows = Breed::model()->parseCattie($model);
     return $parseRows;
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $types = Type::all();
     $tips = Tip::all();
     $breeds = Breed::all();
     // $tips = DB::table('pet_tips')
     // 		->where('breed_id', '=', $breed_id)
     //    		->get();
     return View::make('tips.tips', compact('types', 'breeds', 'tips'));
  * Remove the specified resource from storage.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function destroy($id)
     $breed = Breed::find($id);
     if ($breed) {
         try {
             // Delete breed, if not possible, catch error.
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // If breed to be deleted is in use, send nice error back to admin.
             return Redirect::back()->with('message', FlashMessage::DisplayAlert('Breed can NOT be deleted because it\'s in use.', 'alert'));
         return Redirect::back()->with('message', FlashMessage::DisplayAlert('Breed Deleted Successfully!', 'success'));
     return Redirect::back()->with('message', FlashMessage::DisplayAlert('Record Not Found.', 'alert'));
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     echo "\n--- Lets create some pet postings! ---\n\n";
     echo "| This will create a new pet record with the prompted information,\n";
     echo "| a random status, age, and color, and user, species, and breed\n";
     echo "| ids that belong to the first record of each in the database.\n\n";
     echo "| This command will also get a list of the files in /img/uploads\n";
     echo "| and select one at random from the list to create a new image\n";
     echo "| object and record to tie to the pet object we just created.\n\n";
     echo "name \n> ";
     $name = $this->ask('');
     echo "color\n> ";
     $color = $this->ask('');
     echo "description\n> ";
     $description = $this->ask('');
     $species = ['cat', 'dog', 'other'];
     $species = $species[array_rand($species)];
     $status = ['lost', 'found', 'adoptable'];
     $status = $status[array_rand($status)];
     $age = ['baby', 'young', 'adult', 'senior'];
     $age = $age[array_rand($age)];
     $gender = ['male', 'female', 'unknown'];
     $gender = $gender[array_rand($gender)];
     $a_num = ['342335', '234567', '234412', '123123', '123345', '345345'];
     $a_num = $a_num[array_rand($a_num)];
     $pet = new Pet();
     $pet->name = $name;
     $pet->species_id = Species::first()->id;
     $pet->status = $status;
     $pet->color = $color;
     $pet->age = $age;
     $pet->description = $description;
     $pet->gender = $gender;
     $pet->a_num = $a_num;
     $pet->breed_id = Breed::first()->id;
     $pet->user_id = User::first()->id;
     $images = explode("\n", trim(`ls public/img/uploads`));
     $petImg = $images[array_rand($images)];
     $img = new Image();
     $img->pet_id = $pet->id;
     $img->img_path = "/img/uploads/{$petImg}";
     $this->info('pet created!');
echo file_name_with_get();
" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" ><fieldset class="registration-form">
		Name: <br><div class="form-group"><input type="text" class="form-control" name="name" value="" required/></div>
		<!-- default value needed for form -->
			<input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="10000000" />
		Image:  <br><div class="form-group"><input type="file" class="btn btn-default btn-file btn-md" name="file_upload" /></div>
		Breed:  <br><div class="form-group"><select name="breed" class="form-control"></div>
				  <option value="0">Undefined</option>
//we need to display all available items
//do a concatenation of the pet type and the breed
$sql = "SELECT `b`.`breed_wk`, `b`.`pet_type_wk`, CONCAT(`p`.`name`,' - ',`b`.`name`) AS `name`, ";
$sql .= "`b`.`create_dt` FROM `breed` AS `b` INNER JOIN `pet_type` AS `p` ON `p`.`pet_type_wk` = `b`.`pet_type_wk` ";
$sql .= "WHERE `b`.`breed_wk` > 0 ORDER BY `p`.`name` ASC, `b`.`name` ASC";
$to_display = Breed::find_by_sql($sql);
//loop through all items
foreach ($to_display as $value) {
    echo "<option value=\"" . $value->breed_wk . "\"";
    echo ">" . $value->name . "</option>";
		Color:  <br><div class="form-group"><select name="color" class="form-control">
					<option value="0">Undefined</option>
//we need to display all available records
$to_display = Color::find_all();
//loop through all items
foreach ($to_display as $value) {
    echo "<option value=\"" . $value->color_wk . "\"";
    $breeds = Breed::all();
    $breed_options = array_combine($breeds->lists('id'), $breeds->lists('name'));
    $view->with('breed_options', $breed_options);
Route::get('/', function () {
    return Redirect::to("cats");
Route::get('about', function () {
    return View::make('about')->with('number_of_cats', 9000);
Route::get('cats', function () {
    $cats = Cat::all();
    return View::make('cats/index')->with('cats', $cats);
Route::get('cats/breeds/{name}', function ($name) {
    $breed = Breed::whereName($name)->with('cats')->first();
    return View::make('cats/index')->with('breed', $breed)->with('cats', $breed->cats);
Route::get('cats/create', function () {
    $cat = new Cat();
    return View::make('cats.edit')->with('cat', $cat)->with('method', 'post');
Route::post('cats', function () {
    $cat = Cat::create(Input::all());
    return Redirect::to('cats/' . $cat->id)->with('message', 'Profil został utworzony!');
Route::get('cats/{id}', function ($id) {
    $cat = Cat::find($id);
    return View::make('cats.single')->with('cat', $cat);
Route::get('cats/{cat}/edit', function (Cat $cat) {
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     $about = "";
     $this->response['console'] = "SERVER[status]-> OK::200\n ";
     $this->response['console'] .= "\t" . Input::get('action') . "\n";
     switch (Input::get('action')) {
         case 'new_admin':
             $this->response['console'] .= "Creating new admin...\n";
             $mUser = new User();
             $mUser->username = Input::get('username');
             $mUser->password = Hash::make(Input::get('password'));
             $mUser->role = Input::get('role');
             $this->response['message'] = ucfirst($mUser->username) . " was added to admins successfully";
         case 'new_medicine_type':
             $this->response['console'] .= "Creating new medicine type...\n";
             $mType = new Type();
             $mType->type = Input::get('type');
             $this->response['message'] = ucfirst($mType->type) . " was added to medicine types successfully";
         case 'new_medicine_breed':
             $this->response['console'] .= "Creating new medicine breed...\n";
             $mBreed = new Breed();
             $mBreed->breed = Input::get('breed');
             $mBreed->type_id = Input::get('type');
             $this->response['console'] = $mBreed->breed . " | " . $mBreed->type_id . "\n";
             $this->response['message'] = ucfirst($mBreed->breed) . " was added to medicine breeds successfully";
         case 'new_medicines_tip':
             $_about = Input::get('about');
             $this->response['console'] .= "Creating new medicine tip...\n";
             $this->response['console'] .= "about :" + $_about + " \n";
             if ($_about == "1") {
                 $about = "Health";
             } elseif ($_about == "2") {
                 $about = "Food";
             } else {
                 $about = "Dosage";
             $mTip = new Tip();
             $mTip->type_id = Input::get('type');
             $mTip->breed_id = Input::get('breed');
             $mTip->about = $about;
             $mTip->content = Input::get('content');
             $this->response['console'] .= $mTip->type_id . " | " . $mTip->breed_id . " | " . $mTip->about . " | " . $mTip->content;
             $this->response['message'] = "New tip was successfully recorded";
         case 'new_medicine':
             $this->response['console'] .= "Creating new medicine process has started\n";
             $mPet = new Pet();
             if (Input::hasFile('photo')) {
                 $uploadDir = public_path() . "/img/uploads/";
                 $this->response['console'] .= "\tNew image process has started\n";
                 $fileName = sha1(Input::get('name')) . "." . Input::get('ext');
                 $_FILES['photo']['name'] = $fileName;
                 $this->response['console'] .= "\ttmp_name: " . $_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'] . "\n";
                 $this->response['console'] .= "\tsaving to " . $uploadDir . "\n";
                 move_uploaded_file($_FILES["photo"]["tmp_name"], $uploadDir . $_FILES["photo"]["name"]);
                 $mPet->image = $fileName;
             $mPet->name = Input::get('name');
             $mPet->breed_id = Input::get('breed');
             $mPet->appearance_id = Input::get('appearance');
             $mPet->type_id = Input::get('type');
             $mPet->age = Input::get('age');
             $mPet->price = Input::get('price');
             $mPet->description = Input::get('description');
             $mPet->care = Input::get('care');
             $this->response['message'] = "{$mPet->name} was added to the list of medicines successfully";
     return json_encode($this->response);
            } else {
                $session->message($session->message . "Breed " . $new_breed->name . " cannot be added at this time.<br />");
        redirect_head(ROOT_URL . "admin/manage_breeds.php");
    /* If Pet_Type is being added */
    if (isset($_POST["add_pet_type"])) {
        $new_pet_type = new Pet_Type();
        $new_pet_type->name = $_POST["name"];
        if ($new_pet_type->save()) {
            // get the new pet type's wk
            $new_wk = $database->insert_id();
            $session->message($session->message . "The new pet type {$new_pet_type->name} was successfully created!<br />");
            // create an undefined breed for the new pet type
            $undefined_breed = new Breed();
            $undefined_breed->name = "undefined";
            $undefined_breed->pet_type_wk = $new_wk;
            if ($undefined_breed->save()) {
                $session->message($session->message . "New undefined breed created for new pet type.<br />");
            } else {
                $session->message($session->message . "Creation of undefined breed for new pet type was unsuccessful.<br />");
        } else {
            $session->message("The new pet type was not successfully created. Please try again.<br />");
    Route::resource('dashboard/aboutus', 'AboutUsController');
    // Resouce to view and update Contact Us information.
    Route::resource('dashboard/contactus', 'ContactUsController');
    // Update User Information section **********************
    Route::get('profile', function () {
        $username = Auth::user()->username;
        $user = User::find(Auth::user()->id);
        return View::make('user.profile', ['username' => $username, 'user' => $user])->withTitle('Edit User Profile');
    Route::post('profile/update/{id}', ['uses' => 'UserController@updateProfile']);
    // End Update User Information section ******************
    // API for jQuery to display breeds based on specie selected.
    Route::get('breed-based-on-specie', function () {
        $species_id = Input::get('species_id');
        // Get breeds for specie selected.
        $breeds = Breed::where('species_id', '=', $species_id)->orderBy('name')->get();
        // Return data as Json.
        return Response::json($breeds);
/* --------------------------- END ADMIN ROUTES ------------------------- */
/* ----------------------- ANGULAR.JS API ROUTES ------------------------ */
Route::group(['prefix' => 'client_api'], function () {
    Route::get('all_animals', 'ClientApiController@AllAnimals');
    Route::get('all_dogs', 'ClientApiController@AllDogs');
    Route::get('all_cats', 'ClientApiController@AllCats');
    Route::get('events', 'ClientApiController@AllEvents');
    Route::post('subscribe', 'ClientApiController@subscribeToNewsletters');
    Route::get('aboutus', 'ClientApiController@aboutUs');
    Route::get('contactus', 'ClientApiController@contactUs');
    Route::get('{animal}', 'ClientApiController@AnimalData');