文件: index.php 项目: negram/flyspray
 function show($area = null)
     global $page, $fs, $db, $proj, $user, $conf;
     $perpage = '20';
     if (isset($user->infos['tasks_perpage'])) {
         $perpage = $user->infos['tasks_perpage'];
     $pagenum = max(1, Get::num('pagenum', 1));
     $offset = $perpage * ($pagenum - 1);
     // Get the visibility state of all columns
     $visible = explode(' ', trim($proj->id ? $proj->prefs['visible_columns'] : $fs->prefs['visible_columns']));
     if (!is_array($visible) || !count($visible) || !$visible[0]) {
         $visible = array('id');
     list($tasks, $id_list) = Backend::get_task_list($_GET, $visible, $offset, $perpage);
     $page->assign('tasks', $tasks);
     $page->assign('offset', $offset);
     $page->assign('perpage', $perpage);
     $page->assign('pagenum', $pagenum);
     $page->assign('visible', $visible);
     // List of task IDs for next/previous links
     $_SESSION['tasklist'] = $id_list;
     $page->assign('total', count($id_list));
     // Javascript replacement
     if (Get::val('toggleadvanced')) {
         $advanced_search = intval(!Req::val('advancedsearch'));
         Flyspray::setCookie('advancedsearch', $advanced_search, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30);
         $_COOKIE['advancedsearch'] = $advanced_search;
     // Update check {{{
     if (Get::has('hideupdatemsg')) {
     } else {
         if ($conf['general']['update_check'] && $user->perms('is_admin') && $fs->prefs['last_update_check'] < time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 3) {
             if (!isset($_SESSION['latest_version'])) {
                 $latest = Flyspray::remote_request('http://flyspray.org/version.txt', GET_CONTENTS);
                 //if for some silly reason we get and empty response, we use the actual version
                 $_SESSION['latest_version'] = empty($latest) ? $fs->version : $latest;
                 $db->x->execParam('UPDATE {prefs} SET pref_value = ? WHERE pref_name = ?', array(time(), 'last_update_check'));
     if (isset($_SESSION['latest_version']) && version_compare($fs->version, $_SESSION['latest_version'], '<')) {
         $page->assign('updatemsg', true);
     // }}}
     $page->setTitle($fs->prefs['page_title'] . $proj->prefs['project_title'] . ': ' . L('tasklist'));
  * show 
  * @access public
  * @return void
 function show()
     global $proj, $page, $fs;
     // Get the visibility state of all columns
     $visible = explode(' ', trim($proj->id ? $proj->prefs['visible_columns'] : $fs->prefs['visible_columns']));
     list($tasks, $id_list) = Backend::get_task_list($_GET, $visible, 0);
     $page = new FSTpl();
     $page->assign('tasks', $tasks);
     $page->assign('visible', $visible);
     if (Get::val('type') == 'iCal') {
         $datecols = array('dateopened' => 'date_opened', 'lastedit' => 'max_date', 'dateclosed' => 'date_closed');
         header('Content-Type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8');
         header('Content-Disposition: filename="export.ics"');
         $page->assign('datecols', $datecols);
     } else {
         header('Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8');
         header('Content-Disposition: filename="export.csv"');
文件: index.php 项目: xcdam/flyspray
$perpage = '250';
if (isset($user->infos['tasks_perpage']) && $user->infos['tasks_perpage'] > 0) {
    $perpage = $user->infos['tasks_perpage'];
$pagenum = Get::num('pagenum', 1);
if ($pagenum < 1) {
    $pagenum = 1;
$offset = $perpage * ($pagenum - 1);
// Get the visibility state of all columns
$visible = explode(' ', trim($proj->id ? $proj->prefs['visible_columns'] : $fs->prefs['visible_columns']));
if (!is_array($visible) || !count($visible) || !$visible[0]) {
    $visible = array('id');
list($tasks, $id_list) = Backend::get_task_list($_GET, $visible, $offset, $perpage);
//-- Added 2/1/2014 LAE. See if user wants to export the task list
if (Get::has('export_list')) {
$page->uses('tasks', 'offset', 'perpage', 'pagenum', 'visible');
// List of task IDs for next/previous links
$_SESSION['tasklist'] = $id_list;
$page->assign('total', count($id_list));
// Send user variables to the template
$result = $db->Query('SELECT DISTINCT u.user_id, u.user_name, u.real_name, g.group_name, g.project_id
                            FROM {users} u
                       LEFT JOIN {users_in_groups} uig ON u.user_id = uig.user_id
                       LEFT JOIN {groups} g ON g.group_id = uig.group_id
                           WHERE (g.show_as_assignees = 1 OR g.is_admin = 1)
                                 AND (g.project_id = 0 OR g.project_id = ?) AND u.account_enabled = 1
文件: index.php 项目: peklov/flyspray
    $pagenum = 1;
$offset = $perpage * ($pagenum - 1);
// Get the visibility state of all columns
$visible = explode(' ', trim($proj->id ? $proj->prefs['visible_columns'] : $fs->prefs['visible_columns']));
if (!is_array($visible) || !count($visible) || !$visible[0]) {
    $visible = array('id');
// Remove columns the user is not allowed to see
if (in_array('estimated_effort', $visible) && !$user->perms('view_estimated_effort')) {
    unset($visible[array_search('estimated_effort', $visible)]);
if (in_array('effort', $visible) && !$user->perms('view_current_effort_done')) {
    unset($visible[array_search('effort', $visible)]);
list($tasks, $id_list, $totalcount, $forbiddencount) = Backend::get_task_list($_GET, $visible, $offset, $perpage);
//-- Added 2/1/2014 LAE. See if user wants to export the task list
if (Get::has('export_list')) {
$page->uses('tasks', 'offset', 'perpage', 'pagenum', 'visible');
// List of task IDs for next/previous links
# Mmh the result is persistent in $_SESSION a bit for the length of each user session and can lead to a DOS quite fast on bigger installs?
# Do we really need prev-next on task details view or can we find an alternative solution?
# And using the $_SESSION for that is currently not working correct if someone uses 2 browser tabs for 2 different projects.
$_SESSION['tasklist'] = $id_list;
$page->assign('total', $totalcount);
$page->assign('forbiddencount', $forbiddencount);
// Send user variables to the template
$result = $db->Query('SELECT DISTINCT u.user_id, u.user_name, u.real_name, g.group_name, g.project_id
                            FROM {users} u