function read_file_to_var($file) { # open the file $fh = fopen($file, 'r') or xml_error('Error - File: ' . __FILE__ . ' on line: ' . __LINE__); # read it into a string $str = fread($fh, filesize_url($file)) or xml_error('Error - File: ' . __FILE__ . ' on line: ' . __LINE__); #return the string return $str; }
function parse_weblogsDotCom($url) { /* Grab list of recently updated RSS feeds $blogs is array() of feeds NAME name URL address WHEN seconds since ping */ global $blogs, $folder, $inOpmlfolder, $inOpmlItem; $folder = __('Root'); $inOpmlfolder = $inOpmlItem = false; $opml = getUrl($url); $opml = str_replace("\r", '', $opml); $opml = str_replace("\n", '', $opml); $xp = xml_parser_create() or xml_error("couldn't create parser"); xml_set_element_handler($xp, '_xml_startElement', '_xml_endElement') or xml_error("couldnt set XML handlers"); xml_parse($xp, $opml, true) or xml_error("failed parsing xml at line " . xml_get_current_line_number() . ": " . xml_error_string()); xml_parser_free($xp) or xml_error("failed freeing the parser"); return $blogs; }
function upload_files($r) { xml_start_tag("upload_files"); list($user, $user_submit) = authenticate_user($r, null); $fanout = parse_config(get_config(), "<uldl_dir_fanout>"); $delete_time = (int) $r->delete_time; $batch_id = (int) $r->batch_id; //print_r($_FILES); $i = 0; foreach ($r->md5 as $f) { $md5 = (string) $f; $name = "file_{$i}"; $tmp_name = $_FILES[$name]['tmp_name']; if (!is_uploaded_file($tmp_name)) { xml_error(-1, "{$tmp_name} is not an uploaded file"); } $fname = job_file_name($md5); $path = dir_hier_path($fname, project_dir() . "/download", $fanout); rename($tmp_name, $path); $now = time(); $jf_id = BoincJobFile::insert("(md5, create_time, delete_time) values ('{$md5}', {$now}, {$delete_time})"); if (!$jf_id) { xml_error(-1, "upload_files(): BoincJobFile::insert({$md5}) failed: " . BoincDb::error()); } if ($batch_id) { BoincBatchFileAssoc::insert("(batch_id, job_file_id) values ({$batch_id}, {$jf_id})"); } $i++; } echo "<success/>\n </upload_files>\n "; }
function blogger_setTemplate($values) { xml_error("Sorry, this method is not supported yet."); }
} $email_addr = get_str("email_addr"); $passwd_hash = get_str("passwd_hash", true); $email_addr = BoincDb::escape_string($email_addr); $user = BoincUser::lookup("email_addr='{$email_addr}'"); if (!$user) { xml_error(-136); } if (!$passwd_hash) { echo "<account_out>\r\n\t<success/>\r\n</account_out>\r\n"; exit; } $auth_hash = md5($user->authenticator . $user->email_addr); // if no password set, set password to account key // if (!strlen($user->passwd_hash)) { $user->passwd_hash = $auth_hash; $user->update("passwd_hash='{$user->passwd_hash}'"); } // if the given password hash matches (auth+email), accept it // if ($user->passwd_hash == $passwd_hash || $auth_hash == $passwd_hash) { echo "<account_out>\n"; echo "<authenticator>{$user->authenticator}</authenticator>\n"; echo "</account_out>\n"; } else { xml_error(-206); } ?>
* * http://localhost/services/api/getMyUserProfile.php?cid=1001 * * param: cid = client id */ header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8'); require_once "../../../etc/koala.conf.php"; require_once PATH_LIB . ""; require_once PATH_LIB . ""; require_once "error_handling.php"; if (!(defined("API_ENABLED") && API_ENABLED === TRUE)) { xml_error("API_ENABLED not set"); exit; } if (!(defined("API_CLIENT_ID") && isset($_GET["cid"]) && API_CLIENT_ID == $_GET["cid"])) { xml_error("API_CLIENT_ID not allowed"); exit; } if (http_auth()) { $user = lms_steam::get_current_user(); $user_name = $user->get_name(); /** * without caching */ // $user_profile = lms_steam::user_get_profile( $user_name ); /** * with caching */ $cache = get_cache_function($user_name, 86400); //$user->get_name() $user_profile = $cache->call("lms_steam::user_get_profile", $user_name);
if ($format == "xml") { // don't do caching for XML xml_header(); $retval = db_init_xml(); if ($retval) { xml_error($retval); } if ($auth) { $user = lookup_user_auth($auth); $show_hosts = true; } else { $user = lookup_user_id($id); $show_hosts = false; } if (!$user) { xml_error(-136); } show_user_xml($user, $show_hosts); } else { db_init(); // need to do this in any case, // since show_user_summary_public() etc. accesses DB // The page may be presented in many different languages, // so here we cache the data instead // $cache_args = "userid=" . $id; $cached_data = get_cached_data(USER_PAGE_TTL, $cache_args); if ($cached_data) { // We found some old but non-stale data, let's use it $data = unserialize($cached_data); $user = $data->user;
require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; check_get_args(array("format", "authenticator")); BoincDb::get(true); $config = get_config(); if (!parse_bool($config, "show_results")) { error_page("This feature is turned off temporarily"); } $format = get_str("format", true); if ($format == "xml") { xml_header(); $auth = BoincDb::escape_string(get_str('authenticator')); $user = BoincUser::lookup("authenticator='{$auth}'"); if (!$user) { echo "<error>" . xml_error(-136) . "</error>\n"; exit; } $sum = 0; echo "<pending_credit>\n"; $results = BoincResult::enum("userid={$user->id} AND (validate_state=0 OR validate_state=4) AND claimed_credit > 0"); foreach ($results as $result) { echo "<result>\n"; echo " <resultid>" . $result->id . "</resultid>\n"; echo " <workunitid>" . $result->workunitid . "</workunitid>\n"; echo " <hostid>" . $result->hostid . "</hostid>\n"; echo " <claimed_credit>" . $result->claimed_credit . "</claimed_credit>\n"; echo " <received_time>" . $result->received_time . "</received_time>\n"; echo "</result>\n"; $sum += $result->claimed_credit; }
require_once "../../../etc/koala.conf.php"; require_once PATH_LIB . ""; require_once "error_handling.php"; if (http_auth()) { if (!(defined("API_ENABLED") && API_ENABLED === TRUE)) { header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8'); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; xml_error("API_ENABLED not set"); exit; } if (!(defined("API_CLIENT_ID") && isset($_GET["cid"]) && API_CLIENT_ID == $_GET["cid"])) { header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8'); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; xml_error("API_CLIENT_ID not allowed"); exit; } if (isset($_GET["id"]) && isset($_GET["name"])) { $download_url = "/download/" . $_GET["id"] . "/" . $_GET["name"]; header("Location: " . $download_url); } else { header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8'); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; xml_error("Parameter id or name is missing."); exit; } } else { header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8'); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; xml_error("No access"); exit; }
//echo "<error>No courses found.</error>"; } echo "<debug><![CDATA[" . $debug_info . "]]></debug>" . "\n"; //TODO (maybe): remove or comment out this line before using in productive system //echo "</details>"; } else { xml_error("Error: Missing parameter."); exit; } // /getMyCourseDetails.php ***************************************************************************************** echo "</course>" . "\n"; } } } } else { xml_error("No semester found."); exit; } echo "</courses>" . "\n"; // Cache for 7 Minutes $cache = get_cache_function($user_name, 420); $feeds = $cache->call("koala_user::get_news_feeds_static", 0, 0, FALSE, $user); //0, 10, FALSE, $user $no_feeds = count($feeds); echo "<abos>" . "\n"; if ($no_feeds > 0) { foreach ($feeds as $feed) { // echo "feed: " . // $feed['title'] . ", " . // strftime( '%x', $feed['date'] ) . ", " . // $feed['obj']->get_id() . ", " .
require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; check_get_args(array("format", "authenticator")); BoincDb::get(true); $config = get_config(); if (!parse_bool($config, "show_results")) { error_page("This feature is turned off temporarily"); } $format = get_str("format", true); if ($format == "xml") { xml_header(); $auth = BoincDb::escape_string(get_str('authenticator')); $user = BoincUser::lookup("authenticator='{$auth}'"); if (!$user) { echo "<error>" . xml_error(ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND) . "</error>\n"; exit; } $sum = 0; echo "<pending_credit>\n"; $results = BoincResult::enum("userid={$user->id} AND (validate_state=0 OR validate_state=4) AND claimed_credit > 0"); foreach ($results as $result) { echo "<result>\n"; echo " <resultid>" . $result->id . "</resultid>\n"; echo " <workunitid>" . $result->workunitid . "</workunitid>\n"; echo " <hostid>" . $result->hostid . "</hostid>\n"; echo " <claimed_credit>" . $result->claimed_credit . "</claimed_credit>\n"; echo " <received_time>" . $result->received_time . "</received_time>\n"; echo "</result>\n"; $sum += $result->claimed_credit; }
} else { // normal (non-LDAP) case $email_addr = get_str("email_addr"); $passwd_hash = get_str("passwd_hash", true); $email_addr = BoincDb::escape_string($email_addr); $user = BoincUser::lookup("email_addr='{$email_addr}'"); if (!$user) { xml_error(ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND); } if (!$passwd_hash) { echo "<account_out>\n"; echo " <success/>\n"; echo "</account_out>\n"; exit; } $auth_hash = md5($user->authenticator . $user->email_addr); // if no password set, set password to account key // if (!strlen($user->passwd_hash)) { $user->passwd_hash = $auth_hash; $user->update("passwd_hash='{$user->passwd_hash}'"); } // if the given password hash matches (auth+email), accept it // if ($user->passwd_hash != $passwd_hash && $auth_hash != $passwd_hash) { xml_error(ERR_BAD_PASSWD); } } echo "<account_out>\n"; echo "<authenticator>{$user->authenticator}</authenticator>\n"; echo "</account_out>\n";
// along with BOINC. If not, see <>. // RSS feed for per-user notifications require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../project/"; $userid = get_int('userid'); $auth = get_str('auth'); $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($userid); if (!$user) { xml_error(); } if (notify_rss_auth($user) != $auth) { xml_error(); } $notifies = BoincNotify::enum("userid = {$userid} order by create_time desc"); if (count($notifies)) { $last_mod_time = $notifies[0]->create_time; } else { $last_mod_time = time(); } $create_date = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $last_mod_time) . ' GMT'; header("Expires: " . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()) . " GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . $create_date); header("Content-Type: application/xml"); $description = "Community notifications"; $channel_image = URL_BASE . "rss_image.gif"; $language = "en-us"; echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" ?>\n <rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:atom=\"\">\n <channel>\n <title>" . PROJECT . "</title>\n <link>" . URL_BASE . "</link>\n <atom:link href=\"" . URL_BASE . "notify_rss.php\" rel=\"self\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" />\n <description>" . $description . "</description>\n <copyright>" . COPYRIGHT_HOLDER . "</copyright>\n <lastBuildDate>" . $create_date . "</lastBuildDate>\n <language>" . $language . "</language>\n <image>\n <url>" . $channel_image . "</url>\n <title>" . PROJECT . "</title>\n <link>" . URL_BASE . "</link>\n </image>\n";
} } $email_addr = get_str("email_addr"); $email_addr = strtolower($email_addr); $passwd_hash = get_str("passwd_hash"); $user_name = get_str("user_name"); if (!is_valid_email_addr($email_addr)) { xml_error(-205); } if (strlen($passwd_hash) != 32) { xml_error(-1, "password hash length not 32"); } $user = lookup_user_email_addr($email_addr); if ($user) { if ($user->passwd_hash != $passwd_hash) { xml_error(-137); } else { $authenticator = $user->authenticator; } } else { $user = make_user($email_addr, $user_name, $passwd_hash, 'International'); if (!$user) { xml_error(-137); } if (defined('INVITE_CODES')) { error_log("Account for '{$email_addr}' created using invitation code '{$invite_code}'"); } } echo " <account_out>\n"; echo " <authenticator>{$user->authenticator}</authenticator>\n"; echo "</account_out>\n";
if ($retval) { xml_error($retval); } $auth = get_str("account_key"); $user = BoincUser::lookup_auth($auth); if (!$user) { xml_error(ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND); } $name = $_GET["name"]; if (strlen($name) == 0) { xml_error(-1, "must set team name"); } $url = sanitize_tags(get_str("url")); $type_name = sanitize_tags(get_str("type")); // textual $type = team_type_num($type_name); $name_html = get_str("name_html"); $description = get_str("description"); $country = get_str("country"); if ($country == "") { $country = "International"; } // the following DB-escapes its args // $new_team = make_team($user->id, $name, $url, $type, $name_html, $description, $country); if ($new_team) { user_join_team($new_team, $user); echo "<create_team_reply>\n <success/>\n <team_id>{$new_team->id}</team_id>\n</create_team_reply>\n"; } else { xml_error(ERR_DB_NOT_UNIQUE, "could not create team"); }
if ($retval) { xml_error($retval); } $auth = get_str("account_key"); $user = lookup_user_auth($auth); if (!$user) { xml_error(-136); } $name = $_GET["name"]; if (strlen($name) == 0) { xml_error(-1, "must set team name"); } $url = get_str("url"); $type_name = get_str("type"); // textual $type = team_type_num($type_name); $name_html = get_str("name_html"); $description = get_str("description"); $country = get_str("country"); if ($country == "") { $country = "International"; } // the following DB-escapes its args // $new_team = make_team($user->id, $name, $url, $type, $name_html, $description, $country); if ($new_team) { user_join_team($new_team, $user); echo "<create_team_reply>\r\n\t<success/>\r\n\t<team_id>{$new_team->id}</team_id>\r\n</create_team_reply>\r\n"; } else { xml_error(-137, "could not create team"); }
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see <>. require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; check_get_args(array("hostid", "account_key", "venue")); xml_header(); $db = BoincDb::get(); if (!$db) { xml_error($retval); } $auth = BoincDb::escape_string(get_str("account_key")); $user = BoincUser::lookup("authenticator='{$auth}'"); if (!$user) { xml_error(ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND); } $hostid = get_int("hostid"); $host = BoincHost::lookup_id($hostid); if (!$host || $host->userid != $user->id) { xml_error(ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND); } $venue = BoincDb::escape_string(get_str("venue")); $result = $host->update("venue='{$venue}'"); if ($result) { echo "<am_set_host_info_reply>\n <success/>\n</am_set_host_info_reply>\n"; } else { xml_error(-1, "database error"); }
} else { $team = lookup_team($teamid); if ($team && $team->joinable) { user_join_team($team, $user); } } } if ($venue) { $query .= " venue='{$venue}', "; } if ($email_addr && $email_addr != $user->email_addr) { $old_email_addr = $user->email_addr; $query .= " email_addr='{$email_addr}', "; } if ($password_hash) { $query .= " passwd_hash='{$password_hash}', "; } if (strlen($query)) { // the seti_id=seti_id is to make the query valid, // since $query ends with a comma at this point // $query = "{$query} seti_id=seti_id"; $result = $user->update($query); if ($result) { success(""); } else { xml_error(-1, "database error: " . BoincDb::error()); } } else { success(""); }
function get_templates($r) { xml_start_tag("get_templates"); $app_name = (string) $r->app_name; if ($app_name) { $app = get_submit_app($app_name); } else { $job_name = (string) $r->job_name; $wu = get_wu($job_name); $app = BoincApp::lookup_id($wu->appid); } list($user, $user_submit) = authenticate_user($r, $app); $in = file_get_contents(project_dir() . "/templates/" . $app->name . "_in"); $out = file_get_contents(project_dir() . "/templates/" . $app->name . "_out"); if ($in === false || $out === false) { xml_error(-1, "template file missing"); } echo "<templates>\n{$in}\n{$out}\n</templates>\n </get_templates>\n "; }
xml_error(ERR_BAD_EMAIL_ADDR); } if (strlen($passwd_hash) != 32) { xml_error(-1, "password hash length not 32"); } $user = BoincUser::lookup_email_addr($email_addr); if ($user) { if ($user->passwd_hash != $passwd_hash) { xml_error(ERR_DB_NOT_UNIQUE); } else { $authenticator = $user->authenticator; } } else { $user = make_user($email_addr, $user_name, $passwd_hash, 'International'); if (!$user) { xml_error(ERR_DB_NOT_UNIQUE); } if (defined('INVITE_CODES')) { error_log("Account for '{$email_addr}' created using invitation code '{$invite_code}'"); } } if ($team_name) { $team_name = BoincDb::escape_string($team_name); $team = BoincTeam::lookup("name='{$team_name}'"); if ($team && $team->joinable) { user_join_team($team, $user); } } echo " <account_out>\n"; echo " <authenticator>{$user->authenticator}</authenticator>\n"; echo "</account_out>\n";
function notices_rss_end() { echo "\n </channel>\n </rss>\n "; } $userid = get_int('userid'); $auth = get_str('auth'); $since_time = time() - 30 * 86400; $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($userid); if (!$user) { xml_error(); } // the auth in the URL includes "userid_" // $x = $user->id . "_" . notify_rss_auth($user); if ($x != $auth) { xml_error(-155, 'Invalid authenticator'); } $since_clause = "and create_time > {$since_time}"; $notifies = BoincNotify::enum("userid = {$userid} {$since_clause}"); $forum = news_forum(); if ($forum) { $threads = BoincThread::enum("forum = {$forum->id} and hidden=0 and status=0 {$since_clause}"); } // there may be a better way to do this $items = array(); foreach ($notifies as $n) { $i = null; $i->type = 0; $i->time = $n->create_time; $i->val = $n; $items[] = $i;
if ($xml) { echo " <action>\n <id>{$user->id}</id>\n <name>{$user->name}</name>\n <action>{$what}</action>\n <total_credit>{$delta->total_credit}</total_credit>\n <when>{$when}</when>\n </action>\n"; } else { echo "<tr>\n <td>{$when}</td>\n <td>", user_links($user), " (ID {$user->id})</td>\n <td>{$what}</td>\n <td>{$delta->total_credit}</td>\n </tr>\n "; } } $user = get_logged_in_user(); $teamid = get_int('teamid'); $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($teamid); if ($xml) { require_once '../inc/'; xml_header(); } if (!$team || !is_team_admin($user, $team)) { if ($xml) { xml_error("-1", "Not founder or admin"); } else { error_page(tra("Not founder or admin")); } } if ($xml) { echo "<actions>\n"; } else { page_head(tra("Team history for %1", $team->name)); start_table(); echo "<tr>\n <th>" . tra("When") . "</th>\n <th>" . tra("User") . "</th>\n <th>" . tra("Action") . "</th>\n <th>" . tra("Total credit at time of action") . "</th>\n </tr>\n "; } $deltas = BoincTeamDelta::enum("teamid={$teamid} order by timestamp"); foreach ($deltas as $delta) { show_delta($delta); }
xml_header(); if (DISABLE_FORUMS) { xml_error(-1, "Forums are disabled"); } $retval = db_init_xml(); if ($retval) { xml_error($retval); } $method = get_str("method", true); if ($method != "user_posts" && $method != "user_threads") { xml_error(-1); } $userid = get_int("userid", true); $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($userid); if (!$user) { xml_error(ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND); } if ($method == "user_posts") { $count = get_int("count", true); if (!$count || $count <= 0 || $count > 50) { $count = 10; } $length = get_int("contentlength", true); if ($length == null || $length <= 0) { $length = 0; } $posts = BoincPost::enum("user={$userid} ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT {$count}"); $realcount = BoincPost::count("user={$userid}"); echo "<rpc_response>\n"; echo "<count>{$realcount}</count>\n"; echo "<posts>\n";
echo "<LECTION_NAME>" . $category->get_attribute( OBJ_NAME ) . "</LECTION_NAME>"; echo "<LECTION_DESC>" . $category->get_attribute( OBJ_DESC ) . "</LECTION_DESC>"; echo "<LECTION_CREATION_TIME>" . $category->get_attribute( OBJ_CREATION_TIME ) . "</LECTION_CREATION_TIME>"; echo "<LECTION_LAST_CHANGED>" . $category->get_attribute( OBJ_LAST_CHANGED ) . "</LECTION_LAST_CHANGED>"; echo "<LECTION_KEYWORDS>" . $category->get_attribute( OBJ_KEYWORDS ) . "</LECTION_KEYWORDS>"; echo "<LECTION_TYPE>" . $category->get_attribute( DOC_TYPE ) . "</LECTION_TYPE>"; echo "<LECTION_LAST_ACCESSED>" . $category->get_attribute( DOC_LAST_ACCESSED ) . "</LECTION_LAST_ACCESSED>"; echo "<LECTION_ENCODING>" . $category->get_attribute( DOC_ENCODING ) . "</LECTION_ENCODING>"; */ get_content($category); echo "</lection>"; } echo "</extension>"; } } } } } else { //echo "<error>No courses found.</error>"; } /** * (maybe) TODO: remove or comment out the following line with <debug> before using in productive system */ echo "<debug><![CDATA[" . $debug_info . "]]></debug>"; echo "</course>"; } else { xml_error("Error: Missing parameter"); } } else { exit; }