function inject_fb_comments($defaults) { if (!comments_open() && !$this->data->get_option('wdfb_comments', 'override_wp_comments_settings')) { return $defaults; } $link = get_permalink(); $xid = rawurlencode($link); $width = (int) $this->data->get_option('wdfb_comments', 'fb_comments_width'); $width = $width ? $width : '550'; $num_posts = (int) $this->data->get_option('wdfb_comments', 'fb_comments_number'); $reverse = $this->data->get_option('wdfb_comments', 'fb_comments_reverse') ? 'true' : 'false'; $scheme = $this->data->get_option('wdfb_comments', 'fb_color_scheme'); $scheme = $scheme ? $scheme : 'light'; echo wdfb_get_fb_plugin_markup('comments', compact(array('link', 'xid', 'num_posts', 'width', 'reverse', 'scheme'))); return $defaults; }
function process_like_button_code($atts, $content = '') { global $wp_current_filter; // Check allowed $allow = $this->data->get_option('wdfb_button', 'allow_facebook_button'); if (!apply_filters('wdfb-show_facebook_button', $allow)) { return ''; } // Check nesting (i.e. posts within post, reformatted with apply_filters) $filters = array_count_values($wp_current_filter); if (isset($filters['the_content']) && $filters['the_content'] > 1) { return ''; } $atts = shortcode_atts(array('forced' => false), $atts); $forced = $atts['forced'] && 'no' != $atts['forced'] ? true : false; $in_types = $this->data->get_option('wdfb_button', 'not_in_post_types'); $in_types = is_array($in_types) ? $in_types : array(); $post_type = get_post_type(); if ($post_type && in_array(get_post_type(), $in_types) && !$forced) { return ''; } $is_activity = defined('BP_VERSION') && isset($filters['bp_get_activity_content_body']); if ($is_activity && !@in_array('_buddypress_activity', $in_types)) { return ''; } // Reverse logic for BuddyPress Activity check. $send = $this->data->get_option('wdfb_button', 'show_send_button'); $layout = $this->data->get_option('wdfb_button', 'button_appearance'); $url = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; /* $width = ("standard" == $layout) ? 300 : ( ("button_count" == $layout) ? 150 : 60 ); */ $width = 450; $width = apply_filters('wdfb-like_button-width', $width); $scheme = $this->data->get_option('wdfb_button', 'color_scheme'); $scheme = $scheme ? $scheme : 'light'; if (is_home() && $this->data->get_option('wdfb_button', 'show_on_front_page') || is_archive() && $this->data->get_option('wdfb_button', 'show_on_archive_page') || defined('BP_VERSION') && $is_activity && !wdfb_is_single_bp_activity()) { $tmp_url = $is_activity && function_exists('bp_activity_get_permalink') ? bp_activity_get_permalink(bp_get_activity_id()) : (in_the_loop() ? get_permalink() : false); $href = !empty($tmp_url) ? $tmp_url : $url; $locale = wdfb_get_locale(); $height = "box_count" == $layout ? 60 : 25; $height = apply_filters('wdfb-like_button-height', $height); $use_xfbml = false; if (defined('BP_VERSION') && $is_activity && !wdfb_is_single_bp_activity() && $this->data->get_option('wdfb_button', 'bp_activity_xfbml') || is_home() && $this->data->get_option('wdfb_button', 'show_on_front_page') && $this->data->get_option('wdfb_button', 'shared_pages_use_xfbml') || is_archive() && $this->data->get_option('wdfb_button', 'show_on_archive_page') && $this->data->get_option('wdfb_button', 'shared_pages_use_xfbml')) { $use_xfbml = true; } $href = apply_filters('wdfb-like_button-href_attribute', WDFB_PROTOCOL . preg_replace('/^https?:\\/\\//', '', $href)); return $use_xfbml ? '<div class="wdfb_like_button">' . wdfb_get_fb_plugin_markup('like', compact(array('href', 'send', 'layout', 'width', 'scheme'))) . '</div>' : "<div class='wdfb_like_button'><iframe src='" . rawurlencode($href) . "&send=false&layout={$layout}&show_faces=false&action=like&colorscheme={$scheme}&font&height={$height}&width={$width}&locale={$locale}' scrolling='no' frameborder='0' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; height:{$height}px; width:{$width}px;' allowTransparency='true'></iframe></div>"; } $href = apply_filters('wdfb-like_button-href_attribute', WDFB_PROTOCOL . preg_replace('/^https?:\\/\\//', '', $url)); return '<div class="wdfb_like_button">' . wdfb_get_fb_plugin_markup('like', compact(array('href', 'send', 'layout', 'width', 'scheme'))) . '</div>'; }
/** * Template tag for FB comments. * @return string Facebook comments markup. * @example * <code> * // In e.g. single.php * if (function_exists('wdfb_get_fb_comments')) echo wdfb_get_fb_comments(); * </code> */ function wdfb_get_fb_comments() { $data = Wdfb_OptionsRegistry::get_instance(); $link = get_permalink(); $xid = rawurlencode($link); $width = (int) $data->get_option('wdfb_comments', 'fb_comments_width'); $width = $width ? $width : '550'; $num_posts = (int) $data->get_option('wdfb_comments', 'fb_comments_number'); $reverse = $data->get_option('wdfb_comments', 'fb_comments_reverse') ? 'true' : 'false'; $scheme = $data->get_option('wdfb_comments', 'fb_color_scheme'); $scheme = $scheme ? $scheme : 'light'; return wdfb_get_fb_plugin_markup('comments', compact(array('link', 'xid', 'num_posts', 'width', 'reverse', 'scheme'))); }
function widget($args, $instance) { extract($args); $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']); $register = (int) @$instance['register']; $width = $instance['width']; $width = $width ? $width : 250; $avatar_size = $instance['avatar_size']; $avatar_size = $avatar_size ? $avatar_size : 32; $opts = Wdfb_OptionsRegistry::get_instance(); $register = $register && get_option('users_can_register') ? $register : false; if ($opts->get_option('wdfb_connect', 'allow_facebook_registration')) { echo $before_widget; if ($title) { echo $before_title . $title . $after_title; } $user = wp_get_current_user(); if (!$user->ID) { if (!$register) { // Do the simple thing first echo '<p class="wdfb_login_button">' . wdfb_get_fb_plugin_markup('login-button', array('scope' => Wdfb_Permissions::get_permissions(), 'redirect-url' => wdfb_get_login_redirect(), 'content' => __("Login with Facebook", 'wdfb'))) . '</p>'; } else { $fields = wdfb_get_registration_fields(); $force = $opts->get_option('wdfb_connect', 'force_facebook_registration') && $opts->get_option('wdfb_connect', 'require_facebook_account') ? 'fb_only=true&' : ''; echo '<div class="wdfb_connect_widget_container">'; echo ' <div class="wdfb_connect_widget_tabs"><ul class="wdfb_connect_widget_action_links">'; echo ' <li><a href="#wdfb_connect_widget_login"><span>' . __("Login", 'wdfb') . '</span></a></li>'; echo ' <li><a href="#wdfb_connect_widget_register"><span>' . __("Register", 'wdfb') . '</span></a></li>'; echo ' </ul></div>'; echo ' <div style="clear:both"></div>'; echo ' <div class="wdfb_connect_target" id="wdfb_connect_widget_login">'; echo ' <p class="wdfb_login_button">' . wdfb_get_fb_plugin_markup('login-button', array('scope' => Wdfb_Permissions::get_permissions(), 'redirect-url' => wdfb_get_login_redirect(), 'content' => __("Login with Facebook", 'wdfb'))) . '</p>'; echo ' </div>'; echo ' <div class="wdfb_connect_target" id="wdfb_connect_widget_register">'; echo ' <iframe src="' . WDFB_PROTOCOL . '' . $force . 'client_id=' . trim($opts->get_option('wdfb_api', 'app_key')) . '&' . 'redirect_uri=' . urlencode(site_url('/wp-signup.php?action=register&fb_register=1')) . '&' . 'fields=' . $fields . '&width=' . $width . '&locale=' . wdfb_get_locale() . '" scrolling="auto" frameborder="no" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:' . $width . 'px;" allowTransparency="true" width="' . $width . '" height="650"> </iframe>'; echo ' </div>'; echo '</div>'; } } else { //$logout = site_url('wp-login.php?action=logout&redirect_to=' . rawurlencode(home_url())); $logout = wp_logout_url(home_url()); // Props jmoore2026 echo get_avatar($user->ID, $avatar_size); echo "<p><a href='{$logout}'>" . __('Log out', 'wdfb') . "</a></p>"; } echo $after_widget; } }
function widget($args, $instance) { extract($args); $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']); $width = (int) $instance['width']; $width = $width ? $width : 300; $height = (int) $instance['height']; $height = $height ? $height : 300; $url = $instance['url']; $url = $url ? $url : parse_url(site_url(), PHP_URL_HOST); $show_header = (int) @$instance['show_header']; $show_header = $show_header ? 'true' : 'false'; $recommendations = (int) @$instance['recommendations']; $recommendations = $recommendations ? 'true' : 'false'; $filter = @$instance['filter']; $color_scheme = $instance['color_scheme']; $color_scheme = $color_scheme ? $color_scheme : 'light'; $links = $instance['links']; $links = $links ? $links : '_blank'; $iframe = (int) $instance['iframe']; echo $before_widget; if ($title) { echo $before_title . $title . $after_title; } if (!$iframe) { echo wdfb_get_fb_plugin_markup('activity', compact(array('url', 'width', 'height', 'recommendations', 'links', 'color_scheme'))); } else { $data = Wdfb_OptionsRegistry::get_instance(); $key = $data->get_option('wdfb_api', 'app_key'); $locale = wdfb_get_locale(); echo "<iframe src='//{$key}&app_id={$key}&site={$url}&width={$width}&height={$height}&header={$show_header}&colorscheme={$color_scheme}&linktarget={$links}&locale={$locale}&border_color&font&recommendations={$recommendations}&appId={$key}' scrolling='no' frameborder='0' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:{$width}px; height:{$height}px;' allowTransparency='true'></iframe>"; } echo $after_widget; }