function toolset_assigned_message($kind, $slug = null) { global $post; switch ($kind) { case "content-template": if (function_exists('is_wpv_content_template_assigned')) { if (!is_wpv_content_template_assigned() && !preg_match('/\\[wpv\\-(view|post\\-body)/', get_the_content()) && current_user_can('manage_options')) { ?> <div class="panel panel-default not-assigned collapse in"> <div class="panel-heading"> <?php _e('There is no Content Template assigned', "toolset_starter"); ?> <a href="#" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".not-assigned" class="alignright small"> <i class="fa fa-close"></i> <?php _e("Dismiss", "toolset_starter"); ?> </a> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="not-assigned-body"> <h4><?php _e("Do you want this page to look different?", "toolset_starter"); ?> </h4> <a class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=view-templates'); ?> " title="<?php _e("Content Templates", "toolset_starter"); ?> "> <?php _e("Assign a Content Template", "toolset_starter"); ?> </a> </div> <div class="not-assigned-helper"> <a href="" target="_blank" title="<?php _e("Designing WordPress Content with Content Templates", "toolset_starter"); ?> "> <?php _e('Learn about Content Templates', "toolset_starter"); ?> </a> </div> </div> <div class="panel-footer panel-footer-sm text-center"> <?php _e("You can see this message because you are logged in as a user who can assign Content Templates. <br>Your visitors won't see this message.", "toolset_starter"); ?> </div> </div> <?php } } break; case "views-archive": if (function_exists('is_wpv_wp_archive_assigned')) { if (!is_wpv_wp_archive_assigned() && current_user_can('manage_options')) { ?> <div class="panel panel-default not-assigned collapse in"> <div class="panel-heading"> <?php _e('There is no WordPress Archive Template assigned', "toolset_starter"); ?> <a href="#" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".not-assigned" class="alignright small"> <i class="fa fa-close"></i> <?php _e("Dismiss", "toolset_starter"); ?> </a> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="not-assigned-body"> <h4><?php _e("Do you want this page to look different?", "toolset_starter"); ?> </h4> <a class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=view-archives'); ?> " title="<?php _e("WordPress Archive", "toolset_starter"); ?> "> <?php _e("Assign a WordPress Archive Template", "toolset_starter"); ?> </a> </div> <div class="not-assigned-helper"> <a href="" target="_blank" title="<?php _e("Customize Archive Page with WordPress Archive Template", "toolset_starter"); ?> "> <?php _e('Learn about WordPress Archive Templates', "toolset_starter"); ?> </a> </div> </div> <div class="panel-footer panel-footer-sm text-center"> <?php _e("You can see this message because you are logged in as a user who can assign WordPress Archive Templates. <br>Your visitors won't see this message.", "toolset_starter"); ?> </div> </div> <?php } //if user can } break; case preg_match('/layout-*/', $kind) ? true : false: if (function_exists('user_can_assign_layouts')) { if (!is_ddlayout_assigned() && user_can_assign_layouts() && !ddl_layout_slug_exists($slug)) { switch ($kind) { case "layout-page": $header = __('Page: There is no Layout assigned', "toolset_starter"); $learn_link = ""; $learn_anchor = __("Using Layouts as Templates for Contents", "toolset_starter"); break; case "layout-post": $header = __('Single Post: There is no Layout assigned', "toolset_starter"); $learn_link = ""; $learn_anchor = __("Using Layouts as Templates for Contents", "toolset_starter"); break; case "layout-archive": $header = __('Archive Page: There is no Layout assigned', "toolset_starter"); $learn_link = ""; $learn_anchor = __("Using Layouts as Templates for Archives", "toolset_starter"); break; case "layout-404": $header = __('Error 404 Page: There is no Layout assigned', "toolset_starter"); $learn_link = ""; $learn_anchor = __("Designing the 404 Page with Layouts", "toolset_starter"); break; } ?> <div class="panel panel-default not-assigned "> <div class="panel-heading"> <?php echo $header; ?> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="not-assigned-body"> <h4><?php _e("Do you want this page to look different?", "toolset_starter"); ?> </h4> <a class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=dd_layouts'); ?> " title="<?php _e("Layouts", "toolset_starter"); ?> "><?php _e("Assign a Layout", "toolset_starter"); ?> </a> </div> <div class="not-assigned-helper"> <p><?php _e("Find out more:", "toolset_starter"); ?> </p> <ul> <li> <a href="<?php echo $learn_link; ?> " target="_blank" title="<?php echo $learn_anchor; ?> "> <?php echo $learn_anchor; ?> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" title="<?php _e("Learn how the Layouts plugin works", "toolset_starter"); ?> "> <?php _e('Learn how the Layouts plugin works', "toolset_starter"); ?> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" title="<?php _e("Try our reference site built with this theme", "toolset_starter"); ?> "> <?php _e('Try our reference site built with this theme', "toolset_starter"); ?> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="panel-footer panel-footer-sm text-center"> <?php _e("You can see this message because you are logged in as a user who can assign Layouts. <br>Your visitors won't see this message.", "toolset_starter"); ?> </div> </div> <?php } //if user can } //function exists break; } }
public function set_layouts_post_types_on_usage_change() { if (user_can_assign_layouts() === false) { die(WPDD_Utils::ajax_caps_fail(__METHOD__)); } if ($_POST && wp_verify_nonce($_POST['layout-set-change-post-types-nonce'], 'layout-set-change-post-types-nonce')) { $post_types = isset($_POST[self::POST_TYPES_OPTION_NAME]) && is_array($_POST[self::POST_TYPES_OPTION_NAME]) ? array_unique($_POST[self::POST_TYPES_OPTION_NAME]) : array(); if (isset($_POST['extras'])) { $extras = $_POST['extras']; if (isset($extras['post_types']) && count($extras['post_types']) > 0) { $types_to_batch = $extras['post_types']; } } if (isset($extras) && isset($types_to_batch)) { $send = wp_json_encode(array('message' => array('changed' => $this->handle_set_option_and_bulk_at_once($_POST['layout_id'], $post_types, null), 'done' => 'yes'))); } else { $send = wp_json_encode(array('message' => array('changed' => $this->handle_post_type_data_save($_POST['layout_id'], $post_types, true), 'done' => 'yes'))); } } else { $send = wp_json_encode(array('error' => __(sprintf('Nonce problem: apparently we do not know where the request comes from. %s', __METHOD__), 'ddl-layouts'))); } die($send); }
public function listing_scripts() { global $wpddlayout; //speed up ajax calls sensibly wp_deregister_script('heartbeat'); wp_register_script('heartbeat', false); $localization_array = array('res_path' => WPDDL_RES_RELPATH, 'listing_lib_path' => WPDDL_GUI_RELPATH . "/listing/js/", 'editor_lib_path' => WPDDL_GUI_RELPATH . "editor/js/", 'common_rel_path' => WPDDL_TOOLSET_COMMON_RELPATH, 'ddl_listing_nonce' => wp_create_nonce('ddl_listing_nonce'), 'ddl_listing_show_posts_nonce' => wp_create_nonce('ddl_listing_show_posts_nonce'), 'ddl_listing_status' => isset($_GET['status']) && $_GET['status'] === 'trash' ? $_GET['status'] : 'publish', 'lib_path' => WPDDL_RES_RELPATH . '/js/external_libraries/', 'strings' => $this->get_listing_js_strings(), 'is_listing_page' => true, 'user_can_delete' => user_can_delete_layouts(), 'user_can_assign' => user_can_assign_layouts(), 'user_can_edit' => user_can_edit_layouts(), 'user_can_create' => user_can_create_layouts()); $wpddlayout->enqueue_scripts(array('dd-listing-page-main', 'ddl-post-types')); $wpddlayout->localize_script('dd-listing-page-main', 'DDLayout_settings', array('DDL_JS' => $localization_array, 'DDL_OPN' => self::change_layout_dialog_options_name(), 'items_per_page' => DDL_ITEMS_PER_PAGE)); $wpddlayout->enqueue_styles(array('views-pagination-style', 'dd-listing-page-style')); }
public function view_layout_from_editor_callback() { global $wpddlayout; if (user_can_assign_layouts() === false) { die(WPDD_Utils::ajax_caps_fail(__METHOD__)); } if ($_POST && wp_verify_nonce($_POST['ddl-view-layout-nonce'], 'ddl-view-layout-nonce')) { $layout = WPDD_Layouts::get_layout_settings($_POST['layout_id'], true); if ($layout && isset($layout->has_child) && ($layout->has_child === 'true' || $layout->has_child === true)) { $send = wp_json_encode(array('message' => __("This layout contains a child layout and can't be viewed directly.", 'ddl-layouts') . '<br />' . __("You'll need to switch to one of the child layouts and view it.", 'ddl-layouts'))); } else { $items = $this->get_where_used_x_amount_of_posts($_POST['layout_id'], false, 3); $posts = $items->posts; $layout_post_types = $wpddlayout->post_types_manager->get_layout_post_types($_POST['layout_id']); $loops = $wpddlayout->layout_post_loop_cell_manager->get_layout_loops($_POST['layout_id']); if (count($posts) === 0 && count($loops) === 0 && count($layout_post_types) === 0) { $send = wp_json_encode(array('message' => __(sprintf("This layout is not assigned to any content. %sFirst, assign it to content and then you can view it on the site's front-end. %sYou can assign this layout to content at the bottom of the layout editor.", '<br>', '<br>'), 'ddl-layouts'))); } else { $items = array(); foreach ($layout_post_types as $post_type) { $push = $this->get_x_posts_of_type($post_type, $_POST['layout_id'], 1); if (is_array($push)) { $posts = array_merge($posts, $push); } } foreach ($posts as $post) { $post_types = $wpddlayout->post_types_manager->get_post_types_from_wp(); $label = $post_types[$post->post_type]->labels->singular_name; $labels = $post_types[$post->post_type]->labels->name; $item = array('href' => get_permalink($post->ID), 'title' => $post->post_title, 'type' => $label, 'types' => $labels); if (in_array($item, $items) === false) { $items[] = $item; } } foreach ($loops as $loop) { $push = $wpddlayout->layout_post_loop_cell_manager->get_loop_display_object($loop); if (null !== $push) { array_push($items, $push); } } $send = wp_json_encode(array('Data' => $items, 'message' => __(sprintf("This layout is not assigned to any content. %sFirst, assign it to content and then you can view it on the site's front-end. %sYou can assign this layout to content at the bottom of the layout editor.", '<br>', '<br>'), 'ddl-layouts'), 'no_preview_message' => __('No previews available', 'ddl-layouts'))); } } } else { $send = wp_json_encode(array('error' => __(sprintf('Nonce problem: apparently we do not know where the request comes from. %s', __METHOD__), 'ddl-layouts'))); } die($send); }