if (isset($_SESSION['shoopin_cart'])) {
    $order_total = $price;
    $order_subtotal = $price;
    $order_shipping = 0;
    $order_tax = 0;
    $coupon_discount = 0;
    $coupon_code = '';
    $order_discount = 0;
    $usermessage = $_SESSION['shoopin_cart']['usermessage'];
    $ip = getRealIpAddr();
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . $prefix . "orders` (`user_id`,`order_total`,`order_subtotal`,`order_tax`,`order_shipping`,`coupon_discount`, `coupon_code`,`order_discount`, `order_currency`, `order_status`, `cdate`, `mdate`, `ip_address`, `gateway_name`, `usermessage`) VALUES ('{$user_id}', '{$order_total}', '{$order_subtotal}', '{$order_tax}', '{$order_shipping}', '{$coupon_discount}','{$coupon_code}', '{$order_discount}', '{$currency}', 'P', now(), now(), '{$ip}', '{$gateway_name}','{$usermessage}')";
    $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
    $order_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
    $cnt = 1;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($_SESSION['shoopin_cart']['temple_id']); $i++) {
        $temple = templedetail($_SESSION['shoopin_cart']['temple_id'][$i]);
        $package = packagedetail($_SESSION['shoopin_cart']['package_id'][$i]);
        $package_date = $_SESSION['shoopin_cart']['poojadate'][$i];
        $product_item_price = $_SESSION['shoopin_cart']['price'][$i];
        $temple_id = $_SESSION['shoopin_cart']['temple_id'][$i];
        $product_quantity = 1;
        $product_final_price = $_SESSION['shoopin_cart']['price'][$i] * $product_quantity;
        $order_item_name = $temple[0]->name . ' (' . $package[0]->title . ')';
        $package_name = $package[0]->title;
        $temple_name = $temple[0]->name;
        $package_type_id = $package[0]->package_type_id;
        $package_id = $package[0]->id;
        $packagetypes = packagetypedetail($package_type_id);
        $package_type_name = $packagetypes[0]->package_type;
        $commission2 = $product_quantity * $patr->marketer_commission;
        $commission3 = $product_quantity * $patr->bc_commission;
function category_temples($category_id)
    global $wpdb;
    $prefix = $wpdb->base_prefix;
    $totalrec = 10;
    if (isset($_REQUEST['pagedid']) && $_REQUEST['pagedid'] > 1) {
        $pageid = $_REQUEST['pagedid'];
        $limitstart = $totalrec * ($pageid - 1);
    } else {
        $pageid = 1;
        $limitstart = 0;
        $limitsend = $totalrec;
    if (trim($category_id) != '') {
        $cnd = " and category_id='{$category_id}' order by id desc";
    } else {
        $cnd = " and category_id>0 order by id desc";
    $data = '';
    $temples = templedetail('', $cnd . " limit {$limitstart}, {$totalrec}");
    $querystr = "SELECT count(*) as total FROM " . $prefix . "temple_temples where id!='' {$cnd}";
    $total = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT);
    if (count($temples) > 0) {
        foreach ($temples as $temple) {
            $image = $temple->image;
            $data .= '<div class="mid_temple_box god_temples">';
            if (trim($image) != '' && file_exists('wp-content/uploads/temples/thumb/' . $image)) {
                $imagepath = get_option('home') . '/wp-content/uploads/temples/thumb/' . $image;
                $data .= '<div class="tpl_img">
				   <a href="' . get_permalink($temple->post_id) . '" title="' . $temple->name . '"><img src="' . $imagepath . '" width="194" alt="' . $temple->name . '" /></a>
            $data .= '<div class="tpl_cnt_box">
					<h2><a href="' . get_permalink($temple->post_id) . '" title="' . $temple->name . '">' . $temple->name . '</a></h2>
					<h3>' . date('F d.Y', strtotime($temple->add_date)) . '</h3>
					<p>' . $temple->general_info . '</p>
					<a href="' . get_permalink($temple->post_id) . '" title="' . $temple->name . '">More...</a> </div>
        if ($total[0]->total > count($temples)) {
            $url = get_permalink() . '?cid=' . $category_id . '&amp;pagedid=';
            $data .= pagination($totalrec, $pageid, $url, $total[0]->total);
    return $data;

global $wpdb, $signature;
$prefix = $wpdb->base_prefix;
$error = array();
$id = $_REQUEST['id'];
$temple_id = $id;
$temple = templedetail($temple_id);
$state_id = $temple[0]->state_id;
$star_id = $temple[0]->star_id;
$category_id = $temple[0]->category_id;
$city_id = $temple[0]->city_id;
$district_id = $temple[0]->district_id;
$name = $temple[0]->name;
$image = $temple[0]->image;
$inthetemple = $temple[0]->inthetemple;
$openinghours = $temple[0]->openinghours;
$address = $temple[0]->address;
$googleaddress = trim($temple[0]->googleaddress);
$phone = $temple[0]->phone;
$general_info = $temple[0]->general_info;
$description = $temple[0]->description;
$heighlight = $temple[0]->heighlight;
$latitude = $temple[0]->latitude;
$longitude = $temple[0]->longitude;
$location = $temple[0]->location;
$nearrailway = $temple[0]->nearrailway;
$nearairport = $temple[0]->nearairport;
$accomodation = $temple[0]->accomodation;
$post_id = $temple[0]->post_id;
$accomodats = unserialize($accomodation);

global $wpdb, $signature;
$prefix = $wpdb->base_prefix;
$error = array();
$id = $_REQUEST['id'];
$tempsgod = TempGodDetail($id);
$temple_id = $tempsgod[0]->temple_id;
$tempsgod = templedetail($temple_id);
$temple = $tempsgod[0]->temple;
$tempsgod = TempGodDetail($id);
$god_id = $tempsgod[0]->god_id;
$tempsgod = goddetail($god_id);
$god = $tempsgod[0]->god;
$querystr = "SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "temple_god";
$gods = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT);
if (isset($_POST['registration'])) {
    $god_id = $_POST['god_id'];
    if (trim($god_id) == '') {
        $god_id = 0;
    if (count($error) <= 0) {
        $sql = "UPDATE `" . $prefix . "temple_templesgod` set god_id='{$god_id}' where id='{$id}'";
        $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
        $url = get_option('home') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=ManageTemplesGod&update=succ';
        echo "<script>window.location='" . $url . "'</script>";
<style type="text/css">
            <th valign="top" align="left" style="border-left:1px solid #ccc;"><?php 
			<th valign="top" align="left" style="border-left:1px solid #ccc;"><?php 
$cnt = $limitstart + 1;
foreach ($templesgod as $tempsgod) {
    $templeid = $tempsgod->temple_id;
    $temple = templedetail($templeid);
    $temple_name = $temple[0]->temple;
    $godid = $tempsgod->god_id;
    $god = goddetail($godid);
    $god_name = $god[0]->god;
		<td valign="top" align="left" style="border-top:1px solid #ccc;">&nbsp;<?php 
		<td valign="top" align="left" style="border-top:1px solid #ccc; border-left:1px solid #ccc;"><?php 
        <td valign="top" align="left" style="border-top:1px solid #ccc; border-left:1px solid #ccc;"><?php 

global $wpdb, $signature;
$prefix = $wpdb->base_prefix;
$id = $_REQUEST['id'];
$temple = templedetail($id);
$post_id = $temple[0]->post_id;
$image = $temple[0]->image;
if (trim($image) != '' && file_exists('../wp-content/uploads/temples/' . $image)) {
    unlink('../wp-content/uploads/temples/' . $image);
if (trim($image) != '' && file_exists('../wp-content/uploads/temples/thumb/' . $image)) {
    unlink('../wp-content/uploads/temples/thumb/' . $image);
$result = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `" . $prefix . "posts` where ID='{$post_id}'");
$result = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `" . $prefix . "temple_temples` where id='{$id}'");
$result = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `" . $prefix . "temple_templesgod` where temple_id='{$id}'");
$result = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `" . $prefix . "temple_package_price` where temple_id='{$id}'");
$result = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `" . $prefix . "temple_options` where temple_id='{$id}'");
$url = get_option('home') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=Temples&del=succ';
echo "<script>window.location='" . $url . "'</script>";
<!-- HEADER-->
global $post;
$post_id = $post->ID;
$temples = templedetail('', " and post_id='{$post_id}'");
$temple = $temples[0];
$temple_id = $temple->id;
$image = $temple->image;
$thumimage = $image;
$accomodation = $temple->accomodation;
$accomodats = unserialize($accomodation);
$urchavar = Templeoption($temple_id, 'urchavar');
$mother = Templeoption($temple_id, 'mother');
$sacredtree = Templeoption($temple_id, 'sacredtree');
$tirtha = Templeoption($temple_id, 'tirtha');
$ecclesiasticus_pooja = Templeoption($temple_id, 'ecclesiasticus_pooja');
$creepy = Templeoption($temple_id, 'creepy');
$legendary_name = Templeoption($temple_id, 'legendary_name');
$trail = Templeoption($temple_id, 'trail');
$states = Statedetail($temple->state_id);
$cities = Citydetail($temple->city_id);
$templegalleries = templegallery($temple_id);
$radius = 100;
$cond = " and id!='{$temple_id}'";
$nearbytemples = nearbytemples($temple->latitude, $temple->longitude, $radius, $cond, 0, 20);
$showimage = '';
if (trim($image) != '' && file_exists('wp-content/uploads/temples/' . $image)) {
    list($imgwidth) = getimagesize('wp-content/uploads/temples/' . $image);