public static function checkTerms($vocabName, $termName) { /*@param $vocabName *@param $termName *@return $tid */ $vocab = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($vocabName); $vid = $vocab->vid; //check term $checkTerm = taxonomy_get_term_by_name($termName, $vocabName); if (empty($checkTerm)) { $term = new stdClass(); $term->name = $termName; $term->vid = $vid; taxonomy_term_save($term); $termArray = taxonomy_get_term_by_name($termName, $vocabName); $term = current($termArray); $tid = $term->tid; return $tid; } else { $term = current($checkTerm); $tid = $term->tid; return $tid; } }
function jollyness_preprocess_html(&$vars) { //Process portfolio color if ($portfolio_category = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('portfolio_category')) { $terms = taxonomy_get_tree($portfolio_category->vid); $less = new lessc(); $css = ''; $color = ''; $class = ''; foreach ($terms as $t) { $term = taxonomy_term_load($t->tid); $class = drupal_html_class($t->name); if (!empty($term->field_color)) { foreach ($term->field_color as $v) { $color = $v[0]['value']; break; } } if ($color) { $css .= ".dexp-masonry-filter,.dexp-portfolio-filter{.{$class} span:before{background-color: {$color} !important;}}"; $css .= ".{$class} .portfolio-item-overlay{background-color: rgba(red({$color}), green({$color}), blue({$color}), 0.7) !important;}"; } } $css = $less->compile($css); drupal_add_css($css, array('type' => 'inline')); } }
function _bootstrap_theme_category_contents($vocab_name) { global $user; //$contents = bootstrap_theme_get_category_contents(NODE_PUBLISHED, $user); $output = ''; $myvoc = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($vocab_name); $tree = taxonomy_get_tree($myvoc->vid); $depth = 0; $output .= '<div>Vocabulary terms under <a href="' . base_path() . 'category/' . $vocab_name . '" class="category-title">' . $myvoc->name . '</a>. Click on term you want to search content for.</div> <div style="float:right;"><a href="' . base_path() . '" class="btn btn-primary form-submit">Back</a></div><br>'; $output .= '<ul>'; foreach ($tree as $term) { if ($term->depth > $depth) { $output .= '<ul>'; $depth = $term->depth; } if ($term->depth < $depth) { $output .= '</ul>'; $depth = $term->depth; } //$output .= '<li>' . l($term->name, 'taxonomy/term/' . $term->tid) . '</li>'; $output .= '<li>' . l($term->name, 'taxonomy/term/' . $term->tid) . "<br>"; $output .= '<div>' . $term->description . '</div></li>'; } $output .= '</ul>'; return $output; }
/** * Override Migration::prepare(). * * Set the term parent for heirarchical terms * * @param $term * @param $row */ public function prepare($term, $row) { // Handle og_vocab $vocab_name = $this->bundle; if (!($vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($vocab_name))) { // Create a new vocabulary $vocabulary = (object) array('name' => 'Meter categories for ' . $row->account_id, 'description' => 'Meter categories for ' . $row->account_id, 'machine_name' => $vocab_name); taxonomy_vocabulary_save($vocabulary); } // Create an OG-vocab and relate new vocabulary with OG. $account_id = $term->account_id['destid1']; $settings = array('cardinality' => 1, 'required' => TRUE); // Loop for all meter content-types and create og-vocabulary. $node_types = node_type_get_types(); foreach ($node_types as $content_type) { if (strpos($content_type->type, '_meter') === FALSE) { // Not a meter type, skip. continue; } $og_vocab = og_vocab_create_og_vocab($vocabulary->vid, 'node', $content_type->type, OG_VOCAB_FIELD, $settings); $og_vocab->save(); } og_vocab_relation_save($vocabulary->vid, 'node', $account_id); // Save vocabulary id. $term->vid = $vocabulary->vid; // Handle parent. $term->name = ucwords(trim($term->name)); $parent = ucwords(trim($row->parent)); $parent_term = taxonomy_get_term_by_name($parent, $vocab_name); $parent_term = reset($parent_term); if ($parent_term) { $term->parent = $parent_term->tid; } }
/** * Implements hook_draw_chart_alter(). */ function hook_draw_chart_alter(&$settings) { foreach ($settings as $chart) { if (isset($chart['chart']['chartCategory']) && !empty($chart['chart']['chartCategory'])) { // Geting the count result by vocabulary machine name. $voc = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('categories'); $tree = taxonomy_get_tree($voc->vid); $header = array(); foreach ($tree as $term) { // Feeds the header with terms names. $header[] = $term->name; $query = db_select('taxonomy_index', 'ti'); $query->condition('ti.tid', $term->tid, '=')->fields('ti', array('nid')); // Feeding the terms with the node count. $terms[] = $query->countQuery()->execute()->fetchField(); } $columns = array('Content per category'); $rows = array($terms); // Replacing the data of the chart. $chart['chart']['chartCategory']['header'] = $header; $chart['chart']['chartCategory']['rows'] = $rows; $chart['chart']['chartCategory']['columns'] = $columns; // Adding a colors attribute to the pie. $chart['chart']['chartCategory']['options']['colors'] = array('red', '#004411'); } } }
/** * @param \stdClass $config * @return array */ protected function getTaxonomyTermsAsSelectOptions($config) { $answer = []; if (isset($config->vocabulary) && isset($config->level)) { /** @var \stdClass $vocabulary */ if ($vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($config->vocabulary)) { $tree = $tree = taxonomy_get_tree($vocabulary->vid, 0, null, true); dpm($tree, "FLAT TREE"); /* if(count($terms) == 1) { $term = array_pop($terms); if(isset($term->description)) { $answer = $term->description; if($stripHtml) { $answer = strip_tags($answer); } } }*/ } else { drupal_set_message("Vocabulary not found by name: " . $config->vocabulary, 'warning'); } } else { drupal_set_message("Vocabulary or Level not set in config: " . json_encode($config), 'warning'); } return $answer; }
public function synchronize(NodeInterface $node, Context $context, $dirtyAllowed = false) { /* @var $node EntityNode */ $machineName = $node->getBundle(); $object = $node->getValue(); if (!is_array($object)) { $object = []; } if (empty($object['description'])) { $description = ''; } else { $description = $object['description']; } if ($node->isMerge() && ($existing = $this->getExistingObject($node, $context))) { $info = ['machine_name' => $machineName, 'description' => $description] + $object + $existing; } else { $info = ['machine_name' => $machineName, 'description' => $description] + $object + self::$defaults; if ($vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($machineName)) { // So an existing object is here, but the vid parameter is // actually never loaded (we don't want to export it when we // are building a yml file) - therefore we need to load it // once again. In case we didn't set the vid, the taxonomy // save method will attempt an SQL INSERT and cause bad SQL // STATE errors (constraint violation) $info['vid'] = $vocabulary->vid; } } if (empty($info['name'])) { $context->logWarning(sprintf('%s: has no name', $node->getPath())); $info['name'] = $machineName; } taxonomy_vocabulary_save((object) $info); }
/** * Overrides DataProviderEntity::setPropertyValues(). * * This class is created to override this method. This method is overridden to * add the vocabulary ID based on the vocabulary machine name when creating a * taxonomy term. */ protected function setPropertyValues(\EntityDrupalWrapper $wrapper, $object, $replace = FALSE) { $term = $wrapper->value(); if (empty($term->vid)) { $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($term->vocabulary_machine_name); $term->vid = $vocabulary->vid; } parent::setPropertyValues($wrapper, $object, $replace); }
function getOptionsfrom($taxonomy) { $terms = array(); $myvoc = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($taxonomy); $tree = taxonomy_get_tree($myvoc->vid); foreach ($tree as $term) { array_push($terms, $term->name); } return $terms; }
public function build() { if ($voc = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($this->bundle)) { $voc->name = $this->label; $voc->description = $this->description; } else { $voc = (object) array('machine_name' => $this->bundle, 'name' => $this->label, 'description' => $this->description); } taxonomy_vocabulary_save($voc); }
/** * Overrides \RestfulEntityBase::setPropertyValues(). * * Set the "vid" property on new terms. */ protected function setPropertyValues(EntityMetadataWrapper $wrapper, $null_missing_fields = FALSE) { $term = $wrapper->value(); if (!empty($term->tid)) { return; } $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($term->vocabulary_machine_name); $term->vid = $vocabulary->vid; parent::setPropertyValues($wrapper, $null_missing_fields); }
function exploreworld_preprocess_page(&$vars) { $voc = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('travel_destinations'); $taxonomy = taxonomy_get_tree($voc->vid); $items = array(); foreach ($taxonomy as $row) { $items[] = $row->name; } $vars['custom_item_list'] = theme('custom_item_list', array('items' => $items)); $obj = menu_get_object(); if (is_object($obj)) { $vars['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__' . $obj->type; } }
function _create_vocabs() { $new_vocabs = array('vocab_machine_name_1' => 'Human readable name 1', 'vocab_machine_name_2' => 'Human readable name 2', 'vocab_machine_name_3' => 'Human readable name 3'); foreach ($new_vocabs as $vocab_name => $name) { if (!taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($vocab_name)) { $vocab = new stdClass(); $vocab->name = $name; $vocab->machine_name = $vocab_name; taxonomy_vocabulary_save($vocab); } //if } //foreach }
function _taxonomy_options($machine_name, $default = '') { $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($machine_name); $tree = taxonomy_get_tree($vocabulary->vid); if (!empty($default)) { $options[0] = $default; } else { $options = array(); } foreach ($tree as $item) { $options[$item->tid] = str_repeat('-', $item->depth) . $item->name; } return $options; }
/** * Implements hook_analytics_dashboard(). */ function hook_analytics_dashboard() { $voc = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('categories'); $tree = taxonomy_get_tree($voc->vid); $header = array(); foreach ($tree as $term) { $header[] = $term->name; $query = db_select('taxonomy_index', 'ti'); $query->condition('ti.tid', $term->tid, '=')->fields('ti', array('nid')); $terms[] = $query->countQuery()->execute()->fetchField(); } $columns = array('Ideas in category'); $rows = array($terms); $settings = array(); $settings['chart']['chartCategory'] = array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows, 'columns' => $columns, 'weight' => -10, 'chartType' => 'PieChart', 'options' => array('curveType' => "function", 'is3D' => TRUE, 'forceIFrame' => FALSE, 'title' => 'Ideas per category', 'width' => 500, 'height' => 300)); return draw_chart($settings); }
/** * Configure permissions. * * @todo this is here because I cannot add it inside module due to SQL error: * SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'module' cannot * be null. * * {@inheritdoc} */ function osha_configure_permissions() { if ($role = user_role_load_by_name('administrator')) { $vocabularies = array('activity', 'article_types', 'esener', 'nace_codes', 'section', 'thesaurus', 'wiki_categories', 'workflow_status', 'publication_types', 'newsletter_sections'); $permissions = array(); foreach ($vocabularies as $voc_name) { if ($voc = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($voc_name)) { $permissions[] = 'add terms in ' . $voc_name; $permissions[] = 'edit terms in ' . $voc->vid; $permissions[] = 'delete terms in ' . $voc->vid; } } $permissions[] = 'access workbench access by role'; $permissions[] = 'translate taxonomy_term entities'; $permissions[] = 'edit any content in rejected'; $permissions[] = 'edit any content in approved'; $permissions[] = 'edit any content in final_draft'; $permissions[] = 'edit any content in to_be_approved'; // Workbench access permissions. $moderated_types = workbench_moderation_moderate_node_types(); $transitions = workbench_moderation_transitions(); foreach ($transitions as $transition) { $permissions[] = "moderate content from {$transition->from_name} to {$transition->to_name}"; foreach ($moderated_types as $node_type) { //@todo: $permissions[] = "moderate $node_type state from {$transition->from_name} to {$transition->to_name}"; } } $permissions[] = 'create moderators_group entity collections'; $permissions[] = 'edit moderators_group entity collections'; $permissions[] = 'view moderators_group entity collections'; $permissions[] = 'delete moderators_group entity collections'; $permissions[] = 'add content to moderators_group entity collections'; $permissions[] = 'manage content in moderators_group entity collections'; user_role_grant_permissions($role->rid, $permissions); user_role_revoke_permissions($role->rid, array('use workbench_moderation needs review tab')); } $roles = array(OSHA_WORKFLOW_ROLE_TRANSLATION_MANAGER, OSHA_WORKFLOW_ROLE_TRANSLATION_LIAISON, OSHA_WORKFLOW_ROLE_LAYOUT_VALIDATOR, OSHA_WORKFLOW_ROLE_CONTENT_VALIDATOR); foreach ($roles as $role_name) { if ($role = user_role_load_by_name($role_name)) { user_role_grant_permissions($role->rid, array('access workbench')); } } }
/** * Overrides \RestfulEntityBase::getList(). */ public function getList() { $list = parent::getList(); $return = array(); // Select vocabulary related. $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($this->bundle); // Order according the taxonomy order. $tree = taxonomy_get_tree($vocabulary->vid); foreach ($tree as $term) { foreach ($list as $item) { if ($item['id'] == $term->tid) { // Add extra properties. $item['depth'] = $term->depth; $return[] = $item; break; } } } return $return; }
/** * Define the HTML required for this filter's UI panel. */ public function get_controls() { $r = '<div class="context-instruct messages warning">' . lang::get('Please note, you cannnot change this setting because of your access permissions in this context.') . '</div>'; $r .= data_entry_helper::checkbox(array('label' => lang::get('Only include my records'), 'fieldname' => 'my_records')); $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('hubs'); $terms = entity_load('taxonomy_term', FALSE, array('vid' => $vocabulary->vid)); // the hub is driven by a user field, stored as tid. $r .= '<fieldset><legend>' . lang::get('Members of Hub:') . '</legend>'; $r .= "<p id=\"who-hub-instruct\">" . lang::get('Please note that this converts each Hub into a list of users associated with the Hub, and fetches the data created by those users.') . "</p>\n"; $hubList = array(); foreach ($terms as $term) { $hubList[] = array($term->tid, $term->name); // TODO Cache $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'user')->fieldCondition('field_preferred_training_hub', 'tid', $term->tid); $result = $query->execute(); // This gives us the CMS user ID: now convert to $userIDList = array(); if (count($result) == 0) { $userIDList = array(-1); } else { $cmsUserIDs = array_keys($result['user']); foreach ($cmsUserIDs as $cmsUserID) { $user_data = user_load($cmsUserID); // TODO Making assumption about language if (!empty($user_data->field_indicia_user_id['und'][0]['value'])) { $userIDList[] = $user_data->field_indicia_user_id['und'][0]['value']; } } if (count($userIDList) == 0) { $userIDList = array(-1); } } $userIDList = array_unique($userIDList); data_entry_helper::$javascript .= "indiciaData.hub" . $term->tid . " = '" . implode(',', $userIDList) . "';\n"; $r .= data_entry_helper::checkbox(array('label' => $term->name, 'fieldname' => 'hub' . $term->tid, 'helpText' => ($userIDList[0] == -1 ? 'No' : count($userIDList)) . lang::get(' users.'))); } data_entry_helper::$javascript .= "indiciaData.hubList = " . json_encode($hubList) . ";\n"; $r .= '</fieldset>'; return $r; }
/** * Create a taxonomy term for a given vocabulary. * * @param string $vocabulary * Vocabulary machine name. * @param string $name * Term name. * @param string $parent * Eventual parent name. * * @return object|bool * Return new term object or FALSE. */ public function createTaxonomyTerm($vocabulary, $name, $parent = NULL) { if ($vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($vocabulary)) { // Exit if term already exists for that vocabulary. $term = db_select('taxonomy_term_data', 't')->fields('t', array('tid'))->condition('', $name)->condition('t.vid', $vocabulary->vid)->execute()->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); if ($term) { return FALSE; } $values = array(); $values['vocabulary_machine_name'] = $vocabulary->machine_name; $values['vid'] = $vocabulary->vid; $values['name'] = $name; if ($parent) { $parent_tid = (int) db_select('taxonomy_term_data', 't')->fields('t', array('tid'))->condition('', $parent)->condition('t.vid', $vocabulary->vid)->execute()->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $values['parent'] = $parent_tid; } $entity = entity_create('taxonomy_term', $values); return entity_save('taxonomy_term', $entity); } return FALSE; }
/** * Default constructor of the taxonomy term form. You should not be invoking * TaxonomyFormTerm directly. Create a form for your vocabulary that extends * TaxonomyFormTerm and invoke that. The access level has to be kept public * here because access level of parent class has to be match that of child * class. * * @param null|int $tid * Taxonomy term id if a taxonomy term edit form is to be loaded. If a * taxonomy term add form is to be created, then keep it empty. */ public function __construct($tid = NULL) { $classname = get_called_class(); $class = new \ReflectionClass($classname); $class_shortname = $class->getShortName(); $vocabulary_name = Utils::makeSnakeCase(substr($class_shortname, 0, -4)); if (!is_null($tid) && is_numeric($tid)) { // Tid is not null and is numeric. $term = taxonomy_term_load($tid); if ($term->vocabulary_machine_name == $vocabulary_name) { $this->vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($vocabulary_name); $base_path = "RedTest\\entities\\TaxonomyTerm\\"; $class_fullname = $base_path . substr($class_shortname, 0, -4); $termObject = new $class_fullname($tid); $this->setEntityObject($termObject); $this->includeFile('inc', 'taxonomy', 'taxonomy.admin'); parent::__construct('taxonomy_form_term', $term, $this->vocabulary); $this->setInitialized(TRUE); return; } else { // Vocabulary name of the provided term does not match the class it was called from. Return with a FAIL response. $this->setErrors("Vocabulary of the provided term does not match the class it was called from."); $this->setInitialized(FALSE); return; } } else { // Proper tid is not provided. Create a dummy term object. $base_path = "RedTest\\entities\\TaxonomyTerm\\"; $class_fullname = $base_path . substr($class_shortname, 0, -4); $termObject = new $class_fullname(); $this->setEntityObject($termObject); } // tid is not provided or is not numeric. $this->vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($vocabulary_name); $this->includeFile('inc', 'taxonomy', 'taxonomy.admin'); parent::__construct('taxonomy_form_term', array(), $this->vocabulary); $this->setInitialized(TRUE); }
/** * Overrides EntityReferenceHandler::getReferencableEntities(). * @inheritdoc */ public function getReferencableEntities($match = NULL, $match_operator = 'CONTAINS', $limit = 0) { if ($match || $limit) { return parent::getReferencableEntities($match, $match_operator, $limit); } $options = array(); $entity_type = $this->field['settings']['target_type']; // We imitate core by calling taxonomy_get_tree(). $entity_info = entity_get_info('taxonomy_term'); $bundles = !empty($this->field['settings']['handler_settings']['target_bundles']) ? $this->field['settings']['handler_settings']['target_bundles'] : array_keys($entity_info['bundles']); foreach ($bundles as $bundle) { if ($vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($bundle)) { if ($terms = taxonomy_get_tree($vocabulary->vid, 0)) { foreach ($terms as $term) { $context = array('entity' => $term); od_entity_label_translate_factory::inst()->getTranslator('taxonomy_term', $context)->triggerEvent('pseudo_entity_load'); $options[$vocabulary->machine_name][$term->tid] = str_repeat('-', $term->depth) . check_plain($term->name); } } } } return $options; }
/** * Perform a taxonomy_get_tree() for a given vocabulary. * * @param string $vocabulary_name * Vocabulary machine name. * @param int $parent * The term ID under which to generate the tree. * If 0, generate the tree for the entire vocabulary. * @param int $max_depth * Levels of the tree to return. Leave NULL to return all levels. * @param bool $load_entities * If TRUE, a full entity load will occur on the term objects. * * @return array * An array of all term objects in the tree. * * @see: taxonomy_get_tree(). */ public function getVocabularyTerms($vocabulary_name, $parent = 0, $max_depth = NULL, $load_entities = FALSE) { if ($vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($vocabulary_name)) { return taxonomy_get_tree($vocabulary->vid, $parent, $max_depth, $load_entities); } else { return array(); } }
print " [" . $res['REASONEXIT'] . "]"; } } print "</h3>"; if (strlen($res['PERCLASS']) > 1) { print $res['PERCLASS'] . "<br>"; } if (strlen($res['PERSTATUS']) > 1 and strlen($res['REASONEXIT']) < 1) { print $res['PERSTATUS'] . "<br>"; } if (strlen($res['DEGREES']) > 1) { print "Academic qualification: " . $res['DEGREES'] . "<br>"; } $ddccsss = $res['DDCCSSS']; $ppf = $res['PFNUM']; $vvvid = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('circuits')->vid; if (strlen($ddccsss) == 7) { $circ = substr($ddccsss, 0, 4); } else { $circ = "0" . substr($ddccsss, 0, 3); } if ($vterms = taxonomy_get_tree($vvvid)) { foreach ($vterms as $vterm) { if (substr($vterm->name, 0, 4) == $circ) { $vlink = str_replace(" ", "-", strtolower($vterm->name)); $vlink = str_replace("/", "", $vlink); $currentstation = "<a href=\"/circuit/{$vlink}\">" . $vterm->name . "</a>"; } } } if ($circ == "0100") {
function cob_footer_links() { $categories = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('categories'); echo '<h1>Services Directory</h1>'; echo '<ul>'; foreach (taxonomy_get_tree($categories->vid, 0, 1) as $t) { echo '<li>'; echo l($t->name, 'taxonomy/term/' . $t->tid); echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; ?> <h1>Transparency and Open Data</h1> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank">B-Clear: Bloomington Open Data</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Indiana Transparency Portal</a></li> </ul> <?php }
public function getSourceLocale() { if ($this->entity_type == 'taxonomy_term') { $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($this->vocabulary_machine_name); // If vocab uses 'Localize', change language from undefined to English. if ($vocabulary->i18n_mode == LINGOTEK_TAXONOMY_LOCALIZE_VALUE) { return 'en_US'; } } return Lingotek::convertDrupal2Lingotek($this->language); }
$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = NULL; $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = 'KMS user-term export cli'; error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE); require_once 'includes/'; drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL); // Time and memory limits set_time_limit(10000); ini_set('memory_limit', '256M'); // Perform import as admin user global $user; $user = user_load(array('uid' => 1)); /** * MAIN */ // Find the correct term-id from the vocabulary name $taxonomy_vid = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('user_type'); // Get the taxonomy tree for the user term vocabulary $taxonomy_tree = taxonomy_get_tree($taxonomy_vid->vid); // Step through each tree element, and find leaf-children plus their parents foreach ($taxonomy_tree as $id => $item) { $tid = $item->tid; $children = taxonomy_get_children($tid, $taxonomy->vid); if (empty($children)) { // This must be a leaf since it has no children $parents = taxonomy_get_parents_all($tid); $txt = '"'; $first = TRUE; while (!empty($parents)) { $litem = array_pop($parents); $txt .= ($first ? '' : '-->') . $litem->name; $first = FALSE;
* - $field->handler: The Views field handler object controlling this field. Do not use * var_export to dump this object, as it can't handle the recursion. * - $field->inline: Whether or not the field should be inline. * - $field->inline_html: either div or span based on the above flag. * - $field->wrapper_prefix: A complete wrapper containing the inline_html to use. * - $field->wrapper_suffix: The closing tag for the wrapper. * - $field->separator: an optional separator that may appear before a field. * - $field->label: The wrap label text to use. * - $field->label_html: The full HTML of the label to use including * configured element type. * - $row: The raw result object from the query, with all data it fetched. * * @ingroup views_templates */ if ($fields['field_special_requirements_flag']->content != 1) { $tooltips_taxonomy = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('tooltips'); $tooltips = array(); foreach (taxonomy_get_tree($tooltips_taxonomy->vid, 0, null, true) as $term) { $tooltips[$term->name] = array(); if (!empty($term->description)) { $tooltips[$term->name]['tooltip'] = '<span onmouseover="ga(' . "'send','event','Admission requirements','Tooltip','" . $term->name . '\'); ga(' . "'secondTracker.send','event','Admission requirements','Tooltip','" . $term->name . '\');" data-toggle="tooltip" title="' . $term->description . '"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign" aria-hidden="true"></span></span>'; } if (isset($term->field_replacement_label[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'])) { $tooltips[$term->name]['label'] = $term->field_replacement_label[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value']; } else { $tooltips[$term->name]['label'] = $term->name; } } // If no tooltips are loaded, we still want to display the old labels... if (empty($tooltips)) {
function get_token($token = NULL) { if ($token == NULL) { return FALSE; } if ($vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load("Tokens")) { $tree = taxonomy_get_tree($vocabulary->vid); foreach ($tree as $tokenTerm) { if ($tokenTerm->name == $token) { return taxonomy_term_load($tokenTerm->tid); } } } return FALSE; }
?> </nav> </div> </header> <main class="cob-portalMain" role="main"> <div class="cob-portalMain-container"> <div class="cob-portalSidebar" id="taxonomy-term-<?php echo $term->tid; ?> "> <nav class="cob-portalSidebar-nav"> <?php if (isset($term->parent)) { $siblings = taxonomy_get_children($term->parent->tid); } else { $categories = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('categories'); $siblings = taxonomy_get_tree($categories->vid, 0, 1); } foreach ($siblings as $t) { $options = ['html' => true]; if ($term->tid === $t->tid) { $options['attributes'] = ['class' => ['current']]; } echo l("<span class=\"title\">{$t->name}</span><span class=\"description\">{$t->description}</span>", 'taxonomy/term/' . $t->tid, $options); } ?> </nav> </div> <?php cob_include('term_nodes', ['term' => $term]); ?>
function _get_vocab_id_from_taxon_field($bundle_name, $field_name) { $fields = get_fields($bundle_name); foreach ($fields as $name => $field) { switch ($field['type']) { case 'taxonomy_term_reference': if ($name == $field_name) { $vocab = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($field['vocab']); if (!empty($vocab)) { return $vocab->vid; } } break; } } return FALSE; }