 * This function will lookup all database connections for the given source.  Then it
 * will create a Triumph_DatabaseTag connection.
 * @param  string $sourceDir            the root directory of the project in question
 * @param  boolean $doSkip              out parameter; if TRUE then this detector does not know how
 *                                      to detect databases for the given source directory; this situation
 *                                      is different than zero databases being detected.
 * @return Triumph_DatabaseTag[]      array of Triumph_DatabaseTag instances the detected databases
function detectDatabases($sourceDir, &$doSkip)
    $allDatabases = array();
    // need to check that this detector is able to recognize the directory structure of sourceDir
    // if not, then we need to skip detection by returning immediately and setting $doSkip to TRUE.
    // by skipping detection, we prevent any detected databases from the previous detection script
    // from being deleted.
    $doSkip = TRUE;
    // for laravel, we look for the artisan script. if we don't have the artisan script assume
    // that this source is not a laravel project.
    $sourceDir = \opstring\ensure_ends_with($sourceDir, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
    if (!is_file($sourceDir . 'artisan')) {
        return $allDatabases;
    $doSkip = FALSE;
    // load the laravel bootstrap
    $bootstrapFile = $sourceDir . 'bootstrap' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php';
    $startFile = $sourceDir . 'bootstrap' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'start.php';
    if (is_file($bootstrapFile) && is_file($startFile)) {
        require $bootstrapFile;
        $app = (require_once $startFile);
        $arrDbs = Config::get('database.connections');
        foreach ($arrDbs as $strConnectionLabel => $arrDb) {
            if (strcasecmp('mysql', $arrDb['driver']) == 0) {
                // laravel supports read/write connections, look
                // for them
                if (isset($arrDb['read'])) {
                    $tag = tagFromDbArray($arrDb['read']['host'], $strConnectionLabel . ' read', $arrDb);
                    $allDatabases[] = $tag;
                if (isset($arrDb['write'])) {
                    // only add the write db if the host is different
                    $tag = tagFromDbArray($arrDb['write']['host'], $strConnectionLabel . ' write', $arrDb);
                    if (strcasecmp($arrDb['read'], $arrDb['write']) != 0) {
                        $allDatabases[] = $tag;
                if (isset($arrDb['host'])) {
                    $tag = tagFromDbArray($arrDb['host'], $strConnectionLabel, $arrDb);
                    $allDatabases[] = $tag;
    return $allDatabases;
 * This function will lookup all database connections for the given source.  Then it
 * will create a Triumph_DatabaseTag connection.
 * @param  string $sourceDir            the root directory of the project in question
 * @param  boolean $doSkip              out parameter; if TRUE then this detector does not know how
 *                                      to detect databases for the given source directory; this situation
 *                                      is different than zero databases being detected.
 * @return Triumph_DatabaseTag[]      array of Triumph_DatabaseTag instances the detected databases
function detectDatabases($sourceDir, &$doSkip)
    $doSkip = TRUE;
    $allDatabases = array();
    $sourceDir = \opstring\ensure_ends_with($sourceDir, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
    if (!is_file($sourceDir . 'application/config/development/database.php') && !is_file($sourceDir . 'application/config/database.php')) {
        return $allDatabases;
    // need to check that this detector is able to recognize the directory structure of sourceDir
    // if not, then we need to skip detection by returning immediately and setting $doSkip to TRUE.
    // by skipping detection, we prevent any detected databases from the previous detection script
    // from being deleted.
    $doSkip = FALSE;
    // need this define so that we can include code igniter files directly
    define('BASEPATH', '');
    // database config file can be in the environment directory
    // for now just get the development environment info
    if (is_file($sourceDir . 'application/config/development/database.php')) {
        include $sourceDir . 'application/config/development/database.php';
        if ($db) {
            foreach ($db as $groupName => $groupConnection) {
                if (strcasecmp('mysql', $groupConnection['dbdriver']) == 0) {
                    $tag = tagFromDbArray($groupName, $groupConnection);
                    $allDatabases[] = $tag;
    } else {
        if (is_file($sourceDir . 'application/config/database.php')) {
            $db = array();
            include $sourceDir . 'application/config/database.php';
            if ($db) {
                foreach ($db as $groupName => $groupConnection) {
                    if (\opstring\compare_case('mysql', $groupConnection['dbdriver']) == 0 || \opstring\compare_case('mysqli', $groupConnection['dbdriver']) == 0) {
                        $tag = tagFromDbArray($groupName, $groupConnection);
                        $allDatabases[] = $tag;
    return $allDatabases;