function http_link_rel_canonical()
     if (headers_sent()) {
     if ($url = $this->get_canonical_url()) {
         $url = su_esc_attr($url);
         header("Link: <{$url}>; rel=\"canonical\"", false);
 function add_tags($content, $tags, $template, $escape = true)
     if ($escape) {
         $content = su_esc_attr($content);
     $tags = array_reverse((array) $tags);
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         if (sustr::startswith($tag, '<')) {
             $content = sprintf($tag, $content);
         } else {
             $content = sprintf($template, $tag, $content);
     return $content;
 function head_tag_output()
     $verify = $this->get_supported_search_engines();
     foreach ($verify as $site => $site_data) {
         $name = $site_data['meta_name'];
         //Do we have verification tags? If so, output them.
         if ($value = $this->get_setting($site . '_verify')) {
             if (current_user_can('unfiltered_html') && sustr::startswith(trim($value), '<meta ') && sustr::endswith(trim($value), '/>')) {
                 echo "\t" . trim($value) . "\n";
             } else {
                 $value = su_esc_attr($value);
                 echo "\t<meta name=\"{$name}\" content=\"{$value}\" />\n";
 function linkbox_filter($content, $id = false)
     //If no ID is provided, get the ID of the current post
     if (!$id) {
         $id = suwp::get_post_id();
     if ($id) {
         //Don't add a linkbox if a "more" link is present (since a linkbox should go at the very bottom of a post)
         $morelink = '<a href="' . get_permalink($id) . '#more-' . $id . '" class="more-link">';
         if (strpos($content, $morelink) !== false) {
             return $content;
         //Load the HTML and replace the variables with the proper values
         $linkbox = $this->get_setting('html');
         $linkbox = str_replace(array('{id}', '{url}', '{title}'), array(intval($id), su_esc_attr(get_permalink($id)), su_esc_attr(get_the_title($id))), $linkbox);
         //Return the content with the linkbox added to the bottom
         return $content . $linkbox;
     return $content;
 function _autolink_content($id, $content, $links, $limit, &$count, &$link_count, $round = 1, $linked_urls = array(), $context = 'the_content')
     $links = array_values($links);
     $count = 0;
     if (!is_array($link_count)) {
         $link_count = array();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($links as $data) {
         if (!isset($link_count[$i])) {
             $link_count[$i] = 0;
     if (!$this->get_setting('autolink_posttype_' . get_post_type($id))) {
         return $content;
     if ($this->get_postmeta('disable_autolinks', $id)) {
         return $content;
     $limit_enabled = $this->get_setting('limit_lpp', false);
     if ($limit_enabled && $limit < 1) {
         return $content;
     $oldlimit = $limit;
     $lpa_limit_enabled = $this->get_setting('limit_lpa', false);
     $lpa_limit = $lpa_limit_enabled ? $this->get_setting('limit_lpa_value', 5) : -1;
     $lpu_limit_enabled = $this->get_setting('limit_lpu', false);
     $lpu_limit = $lpu_limit_enabled ? $this->get_setting('limit_lpu_value', 1) : -1;
     $from_post_type = get_post_type();
     $dest_limit = $from_post_type ? (bool) $this->get_setting('dest_limit_' . $from_post_type, false) : false;
     $dest_limit_taxonomies = array();
     if ($dest_limit) {
         $from_post_type_taxonomies = suwp::get_object_taxonomy_names($from_post_type);
         foreach ($from_post_type_taxonomies as $from_post_type_taxonomy) {
             if ($this->get_setting('dest_limit_' . $from_post_type . '_within_' . $from_post_type_taxonomy, false)) {
                 $dest_limit_taxonomies[] = $from_post_type_taxonomy;
     $autolink_class = $this->get_setting('autolink_class', '');
     $post = get_post($id);
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($links as $data) {
         $anchor = $data['anchor'];
         $to_id = su_esc_attr($data['to_id']);
         if (strlen(trim($anchor)) && $to_id !== 0 && $to_id != 'http://') {
             //*** Begin sitewide links-per-anchor dampening effect ***
             //Get the dampening percentage for this link, but only if per-link values are enabled
             if ($this->get_setting('enable_perlink_dampen_sitewide_lpa', false)) {
                 $link_dswlpa = $data['dampen_sitewide_lpa'];
             } else {
                 $link_dswlpa = false;
             if (false === $link_dswlpa) {
                 //We need the === operator here so we don't match a zero
                 //There's no per-link value, so get the default, if a default value is specified and enabled
                 if ($this->get_setting('dampen_sitewide_lpa', false)) {
                     $link_dswlpa = $this->get_setting('dampen_sitewide_lpa_value', 0);
                 } else {
                     $link_dswlpa = false;
                 //Indicates there's neither a per-link value or a default value available
             if (false !== $link_dswlpa) {
                 $link_dswlpa = absint($link_dswlpa);
                 if ($link_dswlpa == 0) {
                 if ($link_dswlpa > 100) {
                     $link_dswlpa = 100;
                 //Rather than generating a random number, we use the MD5s of the anchor and the post's ID.
                 //This gives us a quasi-random dampening effect that will turn out the same way for any given post each time the dampener is applied.
                 //We don't want a post's autolinks changing every time the post is viewed.
                 $md5starts = array_slice(array_unique(str_split(md5($anchor))), 0, intval(round(16 * (1 - $link_dswlpa / 100))));
                 //Only apply this autolink if the MD5 of the post's ID starts with one of the allowed characters
                 if (!in_array(substr(md5($id), 0, 1), $md5starts)) {
                 //Don't apply autolink; continue to next item in the $links foreach loop
             //*** End sitewide LPA dampener ***
             $type = $data['to_type'];
             if (sustr::startswith($type, 'posttype_')) {
                 $to_id = intval($to_id);
                 $to_post = get_post($to_id);
                 if (get_post_status($to_id) != 'publish') {
                 if (count($dest_limit_taxonomies)) {
                     $shares_term = false;
                     foreach ($dest_limit_taxonomies as $dest_limit_taxonomy) {
                         $from_terms = suarr::flatten_values(get_the_terms(null, $dest_limit_taxonomy), 'term_id');
                         if (is_object_in_taxonomy($to_post, $dest_limit_taxonomy)) {
                             $to_terms = suarr::flatten_values(get_the_terms($to_id, $dest_limit_taxonomy), 'term_id');
                         } else {
                             $to_terms = array();
                         if (count(array_intersect($from_terms, $to_terms))) {
                             $shares_term = true;
                     if (!$shares_term) {
                 $url = get_permalink($to_id);
             } elseif ($type == 'url') {
                 $url = $to_id;
             } else {
                 $url = $this->jlsuggest_value_to_url($to_id ? "obj_{$type}/{$to_id}" : "obj_{$type}");
             if (!is_string($url)) {
             if (!$this->get_setting('enable_current_url_links', false) && suurl::equal($url, suurl::current())) {
             if (!$this->get_setting('enable_self_links', false) && is_singular() && suurl::equal($url, get_permalink())) {
             if ($lpu_limit_enabled && isset($linked_urls[$url]) && $linked_urls[$url] >= $lpu_limit) {
             $rel = $data['nofollow'] ? ' rel="nofollow"' : '';
             $target = $data['target'] == 'blank' ? ' target="_blank"' : '';
             $title = strlen($titletext = su_esc_attr($data['title'])) ? " title=\"{$titletext}\"" : '';
             $class = $autolink_class ? ' class="' . su_esc_attr($autolink_class) . '"' : '';
             $a_url = su_esc_attr($url);
             $h_anchor = esc_html($anchor);
             $link = "<a href=\"{$a_url}\"{$title}{$rel}{$target}{$class}>\$1</a>";
             $lpa_lpu_limits = array();
             if ($lpa_limit_enabled) {
                 $lpa_lpu_limits[] = $lpa_limit;
             if ($lpu_limit_enabled) {
                 $lpa_lpu_limits[] = $lpu_limit;
             $lpa_lpu_limits = count($lpa_lpu_limits) ? sunum::lowest($lpa_lpu_limits) : -1;
             $content = sustr::htmlsafe_str_replace($h_anchor, $link, $content, $limit_enabled ? 1 : $lpa_lpu_limits, $new_count, $this->get_linkfree_tags());
             $link_count[$i] += $new_count;
             $count += $new_count;
             if ($lpu_limit_enabled) {
                 if (isset($linked_urls[$url])) {
                     $linked_urls[$url] += $new_count;
                 } else {
                     $linked_urls[$url] = $new_count;
             if ($limit_enabled) {
                 $limit -= $new_count;
                 if ($limit < 1) {
                     return $content;
     if ($limit_enabled && $limit < $oldlimit && $round < $lpa_limit) {
         $content = $this->_autolink_content($id, $content, $links, $limit, $count, $link_count, $round + 1, $linked_urls, $context);
     return $content;
 function admin_page_contents()
     $the404s = $this->get_setting('log');
     if (!$this->get_setting('log_enabled', true)) {
         $this->queue_message('warning', __('New 404 errors will not be recorded because 404 logging is disabled on the Settings tab.', 'seo-ultimate'));
     //Are we deleting a 404 entry?
     if ($this->is_action('delete')) {
         if (isset($the404s[$_GET['object']])) {
             $this->queue_message('success', __('The log entry was successfully deleted.', 'seo-ultimate'));
         } else {
             $this->queue_message('error', __('This log entry has already been deleted.', 'seo-ultimate'));
         $this->update_setting('log', $the404s);
         //Are we clearing the whole 404 log?
     } elseif ($this->is_action('clear')) {
         $the404s = array();
         $this->update_setting('log', array());
         $this->queue_message('success', __('The log was successfully cleared.', 'seo-ultimate'));
     if (!count($the404s)) {
         $this->queue_message('success', __('No 404 errors in the log.', 'seo-ultimate'));
     if (count($the404s)) {
         echo "<div id='su-404s-log-table'>\n";
         $headers = $this->get_admin_table_columns();
         uasort($the404s, array(&$this, 'sort_log_callback'));
         foreach ($the404s as $url => $data) {
             $new = $data['is_new'] ? ' su-404s-new-hit' : '';
             $a_url = su_esc_attr($url);
             $ae_url = su_esc_attr(urlencode($url));
             $md5url = md5($url);
             echo "\t<tr id='su-404s-hit-{$md5url}-data' class='su-404s-hit-data{$new}'>\n";
             $this->table_cells(array('actions' => "<span class='su-404s-hit-open'><a href='{$a_url}' target='_blank'><img src='{$this->module_dir_url}hit-open.png' title='" . __('Open URL in new window (will not be logged)', 'seo-ultimate') . "' /></a></span>" . "<span class='su-404s-hit-cache'><a href='{$ae_url}' target='_blank'><img src='{$this->module_dir_url}hit-cache.png' title='" . __('Query Google for cached version of URL (opens in new window)', 'seo-ultimate') . "' /></a></span>" . "<span class='su-404s-hit-delete'><a href='" . $this->get_nonce_url('delete', $url) . "'><img src='{$this->module_dir_url}hit-delete.png' title='" . __('Remove this URL from the log', 'seo-ultimate') . "' /></a></span>", 'hit-count' => $data['hit_count'], 'url' => "<attr title='{$a_url}'>" . esc_html(sustr::truncate($url, 100)) . '</attr>', 'last-hit-time' => sprintf(__('%s at %s', 'seo-ultimate'), date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), $data['last_hit_time']), date_i18n(get_option('time_format'), $data['last_hit_time'])), 'referers' => number_format_i18n(count($data['referers'])) . (count($data['referers']) ? " <a href='#' class='su_toggle_hide' data-toggle='su-404s-hit-{$md5url}-referers'><img src='{$this->module_dir_url}hit-details.png' title='" . __('View list of referring URLs', 'seo-ultimate') . "' /></a>" : ''), 'user-agents' => number_format_i18n(count($data['user_agents'])) . (count($data['user_agents']) ? " <a href='#' class='su_toggle_hide' data-toggle='su-404s-hit-{$md5url}-user-agents'><img src='{$this->module_dir_url}hit-details.png' title='" . __('View list of user agents', 'seo-ultimate') . "' /></a>" : '')));
             echo "\t</tr>\n";
             echo "\t<tr class='su-404s-hit-referers{$new}'>\n\t\t<td colspan='" . count($headers) . "'>";
             if (count($data['referers'])) {
                 echo "<div id='su-404s-hit-{$md5url}-referers' class='su-404s-hit-referers-list' style='display:none;'>\n";
                 echo "\t\t\t<div><strong>" . __('Referring URLs', 'seo-ultimate') . "</strong> &mdash; ";
                 echo "<a href='#' class='su_toggle_up' data-toggle='su-404s-hit-{$md5url}-referers'>" . __('Hide list', 'seo-ultimate') . "</a>";
                 echo "</div>\n";
                 echo "\t\t\t<ul>\n";
                 foreach ($data['referers'] as $referer) {
                     $referer = su_esc_attr($referer);
                     //Don't let attacks pass through the referer URLs!
                     echo "\t\t\t\t<li><a href='{$referer}' target='_blank'>{$referer}</a></li>\n";
                 echo "\t\t\t</ul>\n";
                 echo "\t\t</div>";
             echo "</td>\n\t</tr>\n";
             echo "\t<tr class='su-404s-hit-user-agents{$new}'>\n\t\t<td colspan='" . count($headers) . "'>";
             if (count($data['user_agents'])) {
                 echo "<div id='su-404s-hit-{$md5url}-user-agents' class='su-404s-hit-user-agents-list' style='display:none;'>\n";
                 echo "\t\t\t<div><strong>" . __('User Agents', 'seo-ultimate') . "</strong> &mdash; ";
                 echo "<a href='#' class='su_toggle_up' data-toggle='su-404s-hit-{$md5url}-user-agents'>" . __('Hide list', 'seo-ultimate') . "</a>";
                 echo "</div>\n";
                 echo "\t\t\t<ul>\n";
                 foreach ($data['user_agents'] as $useragent) {
                     $useragent = su_esc_html($useragent);
                     //Don't let attacks pass through the user agent strings!
                     echo "\t\t\t\t<li>{$useragent}</li>\n";
                 echo "\t\t\t</ul>\n";
                 echo "</td>\n\t</tr>\n";
             echo "\t\t</div>";
             $the404s[$url]['is_new'] = false;
         $this->update_setting('log', $the404s);
         echo "</div>\n";
 function head_tag_output()
     global $post;
     $kw = false;
     //If we're viewing the homepage, look for homepage meta data.
     if (is_home()) {
         $kw = $this->get_setting('home_keywords');
         //If we're viewing a post or page...
     } elseif (is_singular()) {
         //...look for its meta data
         $kw = $this->get_postmeta('keywords');
         //...and add default values
         if ($posttypename = get_post_type()) {
             $taxnames = get_object_taxonomies($posttypename);
             foreach ($taxnames as $taxname) {
                 if ($this->get_setting("auto_keywords_posttype_{$posttypename}_tax_{$taxname}", false)) {
                     $terms = get_the_terms(0, $taxname);
                     $terms = suarr::flatten_values($terms, 'name');
                     $terms = implode(',', $terms);
                     $kw .= ',' . $terms;
             if ($this->get_setting("auto_keywords_posttype_{$posttypename}_words", false)) {
                 $words = preg_split("/[\\s+]/", strip_tags($post->post_content), null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                 $words = array_count_values($words);
                 $words = array_filter($words, array(&$this, 'filter_word_counts'));
                 $words = array_keys($words);
                 $stopwords = suarr::explode_lines($this->get_setting('words_to_remove', array(), 'slugs'));
                 $stopwords = array_map(array('sustr', 'tolower'), $stopwords);
                 $words = array_map(array('sustr', 'tolower'), $words);
                 $words = array_diff($words, $stopwords);
                 $words = array_slice($words, 0, $this->get_setting("auto_keywords_posttype_{$posttypename}_words_value"));
                 $words = implode(',', $words);
                 $kw .= ',' . $words;
         //If we're viewing a term, look for its meta data.
     } elseif (suwp::is_tax()) {
         global $wp_query;
         $tax_keywords = $this->get_setting('taxonomy_keywords');
         $term_id = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id();
         if (isset($tax_keywords[$term_id])) {
             $kw = $tax_keywords[$term_id];
         } else {
             $kw = '';
     if ($globals = $this->get_setting('global_keywords')) {
         if (strlen($kw)) {
             $kw .= ',';
         $kw .= $globals;
     $kw = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n"), ',', $kw);
     $kw = explode(',', $kw);
     $kw = array_map('trim', $kw);
     //Remove extra spaces from beginning/end of keywords
     $kw = array_filter($kw);
     //Remove blank keywords
     $kw = suarr::array_unique_i($kw);
     //Remove duplicate keywords
     $kw = implode(',', $kw);
     //Do we have keywords? If so, output them.
     if ($kw) {
         $kw = su_esc_attr($kw);
         echo "\t<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"{$kw}\" />\n";
 function postmeta_fields($fields, $screen)
     $id = "_su_title";
     $value = su_esc_attr($this->get_postmeta('title'));
     $fields['serp'][10]['title'] = "<div class='form-group su textbox'>\n<label class='col-sm-4 col-md-4 control-label' for='{$id}'>" . __('Title Tag:', 'seo-ultimate') . "</label>\n<div class='col-sm-4 col-md-4'><input name='{$id}' id='{$id}' type='text' value='{$value}' class='form-control input-sm regular-text' tabindex='2'" . " onkeyup=\"javascript:document.getElementById('su_title_charcount').innerHTML = document.getElementById('_su_title').value.length\" />" . "</div>\n<div class='col-sm-4 col-md-4 help-text'>" . sprintf(__('You&#8217;ve entered %s characters. Most search engines use up to 70.', 'seo-ultimate'), "<strong id='su_title_charcount'>" . strlen($value) . "</strong>") . "</div>\n</div>\n";
     return $fields;
  * Returns the HTML code for a JLSuggest textbox
  * @since 6.0
  * @param string $name The value of the textbox's name/ID attributes
  * @param string $value The current database string associated with this textbox
 function get_jlsuggest_box($name, $value, $params = '', $placeholder = '')
     list($to_genus, $to_type, $to_id) = $this->jlsuggest_value_explode($value);
     $text_dest = '';
     $disabled = false;
     switch ($to_genus) {
         case 'posttype':
             $selected_post = get_post($to_id);
             if ($selected_post) {
                 $selected_post_type = get_post_type_object($selected_post->post_type);
                 $text_dest = $selected_post->post_title . '<span class="type">&nbsp;&mdash;&nbsp;' . $selected_post_type->labels->singular_name . '</span>';
             } else {
                 $selected_post_type = get_post_type_object($to_type);
                 if ($selected_post_type) {
                     $text_dest = sprintf(__('A Deleted %s', 'seo-ultimate'), $selected_post_type->labels->singular_name);
                 } else {
                     $text_dest = __('A Deleted Post', 'seo-ultimate');
                 $text_dest = '<span class="type">' . $text_dest . '</span>';
                 $disabled = true;
         case 'taxonomy':
             if ($selected_taxonomy = get_taxonomy($to_type)) {
                 if ($selected_term = get_term($to_id, $selected_taxonomy->name)) {
                     $text_dest = $selected_term->name . '<span class="type">&nbsp;&mdash;&nbsp;' . $selected_taxonomy->labels->singular_name . '</span>';
                 } else {
                     $text_dest = sprintf(__('A Deleted %s', 'seo-ultimate'), $selected_taxonomy->labels->singular_name);
                     $text_dest = '<span class="type">' . $text_dest . '</span>';
                     $disabled = true;
             } else {
                 $text_dest = __('A Deleted Term', 'seo-ultimate');
                 $text_dest = '<span class="type">' . $text_dest . '</span>';
                 $disabled = true;
         case 'home':
             $text_dest = __('Blog Homepage', 'seo-ultimate');
         case 'author':
             if (is_user_member_of_blog($to_id)) {
                 $selected_author = get_userdata($to_id);
                 $text_dest = $selected_author->user_login . '<span class="type">&nbsp;&mdash;&nbsp;' . __('Author', 'seo-ultimate') . '</span>';
             } else {
                 $text_dest = __('A Deleted User', 'seo-ultimate');
                 $text_dest = '<span class="type">' . $text_dest . '</span>';
                 $disabled = true;
         case 'internal-link-alias':
             $alias_dir = $this->get_setting('alias_dir', 'go', 'internal-link-aliases');
             $aliases = $this->get_setting('aliases', array(), 'internal-link-aliases');
             if (isset($aliases[$to_id]['to'])) {
                 $h_alias_to = su_esc_html($aliases[$to_id]['to']);
                 $text_dest = "/{$alias_dir}/{$h_alias_to}/" . '<span class="type">&nbsp;&mdash;&nbsp;';
                 if ($this->plugin->module_exists('internal-link-aliases')) {
                     $text_dest .= __('Link Mask', 'seo-ultimate');
                 } else {
                     $text_dest .= __('Link Mask (Disabled)', 'seo-ultimate');
                     $disabled = true;
                 $text_dest .= '</span>';
             } else {
                 $text_dest = __('A Deleted Link Mask', 'seo-ultimate');
                 $text_dest = '<span class="type">' . $text_dest . '</span>';
                 $disabled = true;
     $is_url = 'url' == $to_genus && !$text_dest;
     $to_genus_type = implode('_', array_filter(array($to_genus, $to_type)));
     $obj = 'obj_' . implode('/', array_filter(array($to_genus_type, $to_id)));
     //URL textbox
     //(hide if object is selected)
     $html = "<input name='{$name}' id='{$name}' value='";
     $html .= su_esc_editable_html($is_url ? $to_id : $obj);
     $html .= "'";
     if ($params) {
         $e_params = su_esc_attr($params);
         $html .= " su:params='{$e_params}'";
     if ($placeholder) {
         $e_placeholder = su_esc_attr($placeholder);
         $html .= " placeholder='{$e_placeholder}'";
     $html .= " type='text' class='form-control input-sm textbox regular-text jlsuggest'";
     $html .= ' title="' . __('Type a URL or start typing the name of an item on your site', 'seo-ultimate') . '"';
     $html .= $is_url ? '' : ' style="display:none;" ';
     $html .= ' />';
     //Object box
     //(hide if URL is entered)
     $disabled = $disabled ? ' jlsuggest-disabled' : '';
     $html .= "<div class='jls_text_dest{$disabled}'";
     $html .= $is_url ? ' style="display:none;" ' : '';
     $html .= '>';
     $html .= '<div class="jls_text_dest_text">';
     $html .= $text_dest;
     $html .= '</div>';
     $html .= '<div><a href="#" onclick="javascript:return false;" class="jls_text_dest_close" title="' . __('Remove this location from this textbox', 'seo-ultimate') . '">' . __('X', 'seo-ultimate') . '</a></div>';
     $html .= '</div>';
     return $html;
 function reinstall_tab()
     if (!$this->current_user_can_reinstall()) {
         $this->print_message('error', __('You do not have sufficient permissions to reinstall plugins on this site.', 'seo-ultimate'));
     echo "\n<p>";
     _e('To download and install a fresh copy of the SEO Ultimate version you are currently using, click the &#8220;Reinstall&#8221; button below.', 'seo-ultimate');
     echo "</p>\n";
     $this->admin_form_start(false, false);
     echo "<input type='hidden' name='version' id='version' value='" . su_esc_attr(SU_VERSION) . "' />\n";
     $this->admin_form_end(__('Reinstall', 'seo-ultimate'), false);
 function autolink_footer($args = array())
     if ($this->already_outputted) {
     extract(wp_parse_args($args, array('footer_link_section_format' => $this->get_setting('footer_link_section_format', '{links}'), 'footer_link_format' => $this->get_setting('footer_link_format', '{link}'), 'footer_link_sep' => $this->get_setting('footer_link_sep', ' | '))), EXTR_SKIP);
     $links = $this->get_setting('footer_links', array());
     suarr::vksort($links, 'anchor');
     $link_html = array();
     foreach ($links as $link_data) {
         if (isset($link_data['from']) && count($link_data['from'])) {
             $from = $link_data['from'][0];
         } else {
             $from = array('');
         $from_match_children = isset($link_data['from_match_children']) && $link_data['from_match_children'];
         $from_match_negative = isset($link_data['from_match_negative']) && $link_data['from_match_negative'];
         if (!isset($link_data['to'])) {
             $link_data['to'] = '';
         list($from_genus, $from_type, $from_id) = $this->jlsuggest_value_explode($from);
         $is_from = $from_match_negative;
         switch ($from_genus) {
             case 'posttype':
                 $post_ids = array($from_id);
                 if ($from_match_children) {
                     $post_ids[] = wp_get_post_parent_id($from_id);
                 //Requires WordPress 3.1
                 foreach ($post_ids as $post_id) {
                     if (is_single($post_id) || is_page($post_id)) {
                         $is_from = !$from_match_negative;
             case 'taxonomy':
                 if (suwp::is_tax($from_type, $from_id) || $from_match_children && is_singular() && has_term($from_id, $from_type)) {
                     $is_from = !$from_match_negative;
             case 'home':
                 if (is_home()) {
                     $is_from = !$from_match_negative;
             case 'author':
                 if (is_author($from_id) || $from_match_children && is_singular() && get_the_author_meta('id') == $from_id) {
                     $is_from = !$from_match_negative;
             case 'url':
                 if ($from_id) {
                     if (suurl::equal(suurl::current(), $from_id) || $from_match_children && sustr::startswith(suurl::current(), $from_id)) {
                         $is_from = !$from_match_negative;
                 } else {
                     $is_from = true;
                 //No "from" restriction
         if (!$is_from) {
         $h_anchor = esc_html($link_data['anchor']);
         $rel = $link_data['nofollow'] ? ' rel="nofollow"' : '';
         $target = $link_data['target'] == 'blank' ? ' target="_blank"' : '';
         $title = strlen($a_titletext = su_esc_attr($link_data['title'])) ? " title=\"{$a_titletext}\"" : '';
         $a_url = su_esc_attr($this->jlsuggest_value_to_url($link_data['to']));
         if (strlen(trim($h_anchor)) && strlen(trim((string) $a_url)) && $a_url != 'http://') {
             $link_html[] = str_replace('{link}', "<a href=\"{$a_url}\"{$title}{$rel}{$target}>{$h_anchor}</a>", $footer_link_format);
     echo str_replace('{links}', implode($footer_link_sep, $link_html), $footer_link_section_format);
 function postmeta_fields($fields, $screen)
     if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {
         return $fields;
     $post_id = suwp::get_post_id();
     $post = get_post($post_id);
     if (!$post) {
         return $fields;
     $content = $post->post_content;
     $alias_dir = $this->get_setting('alias_dir', 'go');
     if ($content && preg_match_all('@ href=["\']([^#][^"\']+)["\']@', $content, $matches)) {
         $urls = array_unique($matches[1]);
         $html = "<tr valign='top'>\n<th scope='row' class='su'>" . __('Link Masks:', 'seo-ultimate') . "</th>\n<td>\n";
         $html .= "<table class='widefat'><thead>\n";
         $headers = array(__('URL', 'seo-ultimate'), '', __('Mask URL', 'seo-ultimate'));
         foreach ($headers as $header) {
             $html .= "<th>{$header}</th>\n";
         $html .= "</thead>\n<tbody>";
         $aliases = $this->get_setting('aliases', array());
         $post_aliases = array();
         foreach ($aliases as $id => $alias) {
             if (empty($alias['posts']) || in_array($post->ID, $alias['posts'])) {
                 $post_aliases[$alias['from']] = array('id' => $id, 'to' => $alias['to']);
         foreach ($urls as $url) {
             $a_url = su_esc_attr($url);
             $un_h_url = htmlspecialchars_decode($url);
             $ht_url = esc_html(sustr::truncate($url, 30));
             if (isset($post_aliases[$url])) {
                 $url_key = $url;
             } elseif (isset($post_aliases[$un_h_url])) {
                 $url_key = $un_h_url;
             } else {
                 $url_key = false;
             $alias_to = '';
             $alias_id = uniqid('', true);
             if ($url_key) {
                 if (isset($post_aliases[$url_key]['to'])) {
                     $alias_to = $post_aliases[$url_key]['to'];
                 if (isset($post_aliases[$url_key]['id'])) {
                     $alias_id = $post_aliases[$url_key]['id'];
             $a_alias_to = esc_attr($alias_to);
             $html .= "<tr><td><a href='{$a_url}' title='{$a_url}' target='_blank'>{$ht_url}</a><input type='hidden' name='_su_aliases[{$alias_id}][from]' value='{$a_url}' /></td>\n<td>&rArr;</td><td>/{$alias_dir}/<input type='text' name='_su_aliases[{$alias_id}][to]' value='{$a_alias_to}' /></td></tr>\n";
         $html .= "</tbody>\n</table>\n";
         $html .= '<p><small>' . __('You can stop search engines from following a link by typing in a mask for its URL.', 'seo-ultimate') . "</small></p>\n";
         $html .= "</td>\n</tr>\n";
         $fields['links'][100]['aliases'] = $html;
     return $fields;
 function postmeta_fields($fields)
     $id = "_su_title";
     $value = su_esc_attr($this->get_postmeta('title'));
     $fields['serp'][10]['title'] = "<tr class='su textbox' valign='top'>\n<th scope='row' class='su'><label for='{$id}'>" . __('Title Tag:', 'seo-ultimate') . "</label></th>\n" . "<td class='su'><input name='{$id}' id='{$id}' type='text' value='{$value}' class='regular-text' tabindex='2'" . " onkeyup=\"javascript:document.getElementById('su_title_charcount').innerHTML = document.getElementById('_su_title').value.length\" />" . "<br />" . sprintf(__('You&#8217;ve entered %s characters. Most search engines use up to 70.', 'seo-ultimate'), "<strong id='su_title_charcount'>" . strlen($value) . "</strong>") . "</td>\n</tr>\n";
     return $fields;
 function output_author_link_tags()
     if (is_404()) {
     $user_id = false;
     $mode = $this->get_mode();
     switch ($mode) {
             $users_with_gp = (array) $this->get_users_with_gp();
             $user = reset($users_with_gp);
             $user_id = $user->ID;
             if (is_home()) {
                 $home_author = $this->get_setting('home_author', 'none');
                 if (is_numeric($home_author)) {
                     $user_id = $home_author;
             } elseif (is_singular()) {
                 global $post;
                 if (is_object($post)) {
                     $user_id = $post->post_author;
             } elseif (is_author()) {
                 global $wp_query;
                 $user_id = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id();
             } elseif (is_archive()) {
                 $archives_author = $this->get_setting('archives_author', 'none');
                 if (is_numeric($archives_author)) {
                     $user_id = $archives_author;
     if ($user_id !== false) {
         $url = get_user_meta($user_id, 'googleplus', true);
         $url = su_esc_attr($url);
         if ($url) {
             echo "\t<link rel=\"author\" href=\"{$url}\" />\n";
 function postmeta_fields($fields, $screen)
     $id = '_su_description';
     $value = su_esc_attr($this->get_postmeta('description'));
     $fields['serp'][20]['description'] = "<div class='form-group su textarea'>\n<label class='col-sm-4 col-md-4 control-label' for='{$id}'>" . __('Meta Description:', 'seo-ultimate') . "</label>\n<div class='col-sm-4 col-md-4'>" . "<textarea name='{$id}' id='{$id}' class='form-control regular-text' cols='60' rows='3' tabindex='2'" . " onkeyup=\"javascript:document.getElementById('su_meta_description_charcount').innerHTML = document.getElementById('_su_description').value.length\">{$value}</textarea>" . "</div>\n<div class='col-sm-4 col-md-4 help-text'>" . sprintf(__('You&#8217;ve entered %s characters. Most search engines use up to 140.', 'seo-ultimate'), "<strong id='su_meta_description_charcount'>" . strlen($value) . "</strong>") . "</div>\n</div>\n";
     return $fields;
 function head_tag_output()
     global $wp_query;
     $tags = $twitter_tags = array();
     if (is_home()) {
         $tags['og:type'] = 'blog';
         //Twitter Type
         $twitter_tags['twitter:card'] = 'summary';
         if (!($tags['og:title'] = $this->get_setting('home_og_title'))) {
             $tags['og:title'] = get_bloginfo('name');
         if (!($tags['og:description'] = $this->get_setting('home_og_description'))) {
             $tags['og:description'] = get_bloginfo('description');
         $tags['og:url'] = suwp::get_blog_home_url();
         $tags['og:image'] = $this->get_setting('home_og_image');
     } elseif (is_singular()) {
         $post = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
         if (is_object($post)) {
             if (!($tags['og:type'] = $this->get_postmeta('og_type'))) {
                 $tags['og:type'] = $this->get_setting("default_{$post->post_type}_og_type");
             //Twitter Type
             if (!($twitter_tags['twitter:card'] = $this->get_postmeta('twitter_card'))) {
                 $twitter_tags['twitter:card'] = $this->get_setting("default_{$post->post_type}_twitter_card");
             if (!($tags['og:title'] = $this->get_postmeta('og_title'))) {
                 $tags['og:title'] = strip_tags(apply_filters('single_post_title', $post->post_title));
             if (!($tags['og:description'] = $this->get_postmeta('og_description'))) {
                 if ($this->plugin->call_module_func('meta-descriptions', 'get_meta_desc', $meta_desc, false) && $meta_desc) {
                     $tags['og:description'] = $meta_desc;
             $tags['og:url'] = get_permalink($post->ID);
             $tags['og:image'] = $this->jlsuggest_value_to_url($this->get_postmeta('og_image'), true);
             if (!$tags['og:image']) {
                 if ('attachment' == $post->post_type) {
                     $tags['og:image'] = wp_get_attachment_url();
                 } elseif (current_theme_supports('post-thumbnails') && ($thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID))) {
                     $tags['og:image'] = wp_get_attachment_url($thumbnail_id);
             //Additional fields
             switch ($tags['og:type']) {
                 case 'article':
                     $tags['article:published_time'] = get_the_date('Y-m-d');
                     $tags['article:modified_time'] = get_the_modified_date('Y-m-d');
                     //Authorship generally doesn't apply to pages
                     if (!is_page() && $this->get_setting('enable_og_article_author', true)) {
                         $tags['article:author'] = get_author_posts_url($post->post_author);
                     $single_category = count(get_the_category()) == 1;
                     $taxonomy_names = suwp::get_taxonomy_names();
                     foreach ($taxonomy_names as $taxonomy_name) {
                         if ($terms = get_the_terms(get_the_ID(), $taxonomy_name)) {
                             if ($single_category && 'category' == $taxonomy_name) {
                                 $meta_property = 'article:section';
                             } else {
                                 $meta_property = 'article:tag';
                             foreach ($terms as $term) {
                                 $tags[$meta_property][] = $term->name;
             //Author's Twitter Handle
             $handle = get_user_meta($post->post_author, 'twitter', true);
             $handle = $this->sanitize_twitter_handle($handle);
             $twitter_tags['twitter:creator'] = $handle;
     } elseif (is_author()) {
         $author = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
         if (is_object($author)) {
             $tags['og:type'] = 'profile';
             $tags['og:title'] = $author->display_name;
             $tags['og:title'] = get_the_author_meta('description', $author->ID);
             $tags['og:image'] = false;
             $tags['og:url'] = get_author_posts_url($author->ID, $author->user_nicename);
             //First Name
             $tags['profile:first_name'] = get_the_author_meta('first_name', $author->ID);
             //Last Name
             $tags['profile:last_name'] = get_the_author_meta('last_name', $author->ID);
             $tags['profile:username'] = $author->user_login;
             //Twitter Handle
             $handle = get_user_meta($author->ID, 'twitter', true);
             $handle = $this->sanitize_twitter_handle($handle);
             $twitter_tags['twitter:creator'] = $handle;
     } else {
     if ($tags['og:type'] == 'none') {
         $tags['og:type'] = '';
     if ((!isset($tags['og:image']) || !$tags['og:image']) && $tags['og:image'] !== false) {
         $tags['og:image'] = $this->jlsuggest_value_to_url($this->get_setting('default_og_image'), true);
     //Site Name
     if (!($tags['og:site_name'] = $this->get_setting('og_site_name'))) {
         $tags['og:site_name'] = get_bloginfo('name');
     //FB App ID
     $tags['fb:app_id'] = $this->get_setting('default_fb_app_id');
     //Twitter Site Handle
     $twitter_tags['twitter:site'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_site_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:site:id'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_site_id_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:creator'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_creator_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:creator:id'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_creator_id_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:description'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_description_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:title'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_title_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:image:src'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_image_src_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:image:width'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_image_width_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:image:height'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_image_height_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:data1'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_data1_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:label1'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_label1_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:data2'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_data2_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:label2'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_label2_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:image0:src'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_image0_src_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:image1:src'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_image1_src_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:image2:src'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_image2_src_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:image3:src'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_image3_src_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:player'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_player_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:player:width'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_player_width_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:player:height'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_player_height_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:player:stream'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_player_stream_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:app:name:iphone'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_app_name_iphone_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:app:id:iphone'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_app_id_iphone_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:app:url:iphone'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_app_url_iphone_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:app:name:iphone'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_app_name_ipad_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:app:id:iphone'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_app_id_ipad_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:app:url:iphone'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_app_url_ipad_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:app:name:googleplay'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_app_name_googleplay_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:app:id:googleplay'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_app_id_googleplay_handle');
     $twitter_tags['twitter:app:url:googleplay'] = $this->get_setting('twitter_app_url_googleplay_handle');
     //Output meta tags
     $namespace_urls = $this->namespaces_declared ? array() : $this->get_namespace_urls();
     $doctype = $this->get_setting('doctype', '');
     switch ($doctype) {
         case 'xhtml':
             $output_formats = array('<meta%3$s name="%1$s" content="%2$s" />' => array_merge($tags, $twitter_tags));
         case 'html5':
             $output_formats = array('<meta%3$s property="%1$s" content="%2$s">' => array_merge($tags, $twitter_tags));
             $output_formats = array('<meta%3$s property="%1$s" content="%2$s" />' => $tags, '<meta%3$s name="%1$s" content="%2$s" />' => $twitter_tags);
     foreach ($output_formats as $html_format => $format_tags) {
         foreach ($format_tags as $property => $values) {
             foreach ((array) $values as $value) {
                 $property = su_esc_attr($property);
                 $value = su_esc_attr($value);
                 if (strlen(trim($property)) && strlen(trim($value))) {
                     $namespace_attr = '';
                     $namespace = sustr::upto($property, ':');
                     if (!empty($namespace_urls[$namespace])) {
                         $a_namespace = su_esc_attr($namespace);
                         $a_namespace_url = su_esc_attr($namespace_urls[$namespace]);
                         switch ($doctype) {
                             case 'xhtml':
                                 $namespace_attr = " xmlns:{$a_namespace}=\"{$a_namespace_url}\"";
                             case 'html5':
                                 $namespace_attr = " prefix=\"{$a_namespace}: {$a_namespace_url}\"";
                     echo "\t";
                     printf($html_format, $property, $value, $namespace_attr);
                     echo "\n";
  * Outputs code into the template's <head> tag.
  * @since 0.1
 function template_head()
     echo "<!------------ Created by Seo Wizard Wordpress Plugin - ----------->";
     //Let modules output head code.
     //Make sure the blog is public. Telling robots what to do is a moot point if they aren't even seeing the blog.
     if (get_option('blog_public')) {
         $robots = implode(',', apply_filters('su_meta_robots', array()));
         $robots = su_esc_attr($robots);
         if ($robots) {
             echo "\t<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"{$robots}\" />\n";
  * Outputs code into the template's <head> tag.
  * @since 0.1
 function template_head()
     if ($markcode = $this->get_setting('mark_code', true, 'settings')) {
         echo "\n<!-- " . SU_PLUGIN_NAME . " (" . SU_PLUGIN_URI . ") -->\n";
     //Let modules output head code.
     //Make sure the blog is public. Telling robots what to do is a moot point if they aren't even seeing the blog.
     if (get_option('blog_public')) {
         $robots = implode(',', apply_filters('su_meta_robots', array()));
         $robots = su_esc_attr($robots);
         if ($robots) {
             echo "\t<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"{$robots}\" />\n";
     if ($markcode) {
         echo "<!-- /" . SU_PLUGIN_NAME . " -->\n\n";
 function postmeta_fields($fields)
     $id = '_su_description';
     $value = su_esc_attr($this->get_postmeta('description'));
     $fields['serp'][20]['description'] = "<tr class='su textarea' valign='top'>\n<th scope='row' class='su'><label for='{$id}'>" . __('Meta Description:', 'seo-ultimate') . "</label></th>\n" . "<td class='su'><textarea name='{$id}' id='{$id}' class='regular-text' cols='60' rows='3' tabindex='2'" . " onkeyup=\"javascript:document.getElementById('su_meta_description_charcount').innerHTML = document.getElementById('_su_description').value.length\">{$value}</textarea>" . "<br />" . sprintf(__('You&#8217;ve entered %s characters. Most search engines use up to 140.', 'seo-ultimate'), "<strong id='su_meta_description_charcount'>" . strlen($value) . "</strong>") . "</td>\n</tr>\n";
     return $fields;