function update_image_db($key, $notfound, $imagefile) { $val = $notfound == 0 ? $imagefile : ""; if ($stmt = sql_prepare_query("UPDATE Albumtable SET Image=?, Searched = 1 WHERE ImgKey=?", $val, $key)) { debuglog(" Database Image URL Updated", "MYSQL", 8); } else { debuglog(" Failed To Update Database Image URL", "MYSQL", 2); } }
function check_wishlist_doodads($ttids) { global $uri, $albumartist, $album, $albumuri, $image, $date; $donesomething = false; if ($stmt = sql_prepare_query("SELECT Uri, Albumindex FROM Tracktable WHERE TTindex = ?", $ttids[0])) { while ($ttidobj = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) { if ($ttidobj->Uri == null) { if ($up1 = sql_prepare_query("UPDATE Tracktable SET Uri = ? WHERE TTindex = ?", $uri, $ttids[0])) { debuglog(" .. Updated track URI for ex-wishlist item", "USERRATINGS", 5); $donesomething = true; } else { debuglog(" .. FAILED to update Track URI!", "USERRATINGS", 2); } if ($ttidobj->Albumindex == null) { $albumai = check_artist($albumartist, true); $albumindex = check_album($album, $albumai, $albumuri, $image, $date, "no", md5($albumartist . " " . $album), null, getDomain($uri), true); if ($up2 = sql_prepare_query("UPDATE Tracktable SET Albumindex = ? WHERE TTindex = ?", $albumindex, $ttids[0])) { debuglog(" .. Updated track album index for wishlist item", "USERRATINGS", 5); $donesomething = true; } else { debuglog(" .. FAILED to update Track Album Index!", "USERRATINGS", 2); } } } } } return $donesomething; }