function Lenta_Show($page = 1) { global $DB; session_start(); require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/portfolio.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/professions.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/commune.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/links.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/lenta.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/users.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/blogs.php"; /*require_once( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/stop_words.php' ); $stop_words = new stop_words( false );*/ $yt_replace_id = array(); $yt_replace_data = array(); $uid = get_uid(false); $objResponse = new xajaxResponse(); ob_start(); if (!($groups = professions::GetAllGroupsLite())) { return; } if (!($lenta = lenta::GetUserLenta($uid))) { } $sort = $_COOKIE['lenta_fav_order'] != "" ? $_COOKIE['lenta_fav_order'] : "date"; $favs = lenta::GetFavorites($uid, $sort); if (!($myComms = commune::GetCommunes(NULL, $uid, NULL, commune::OM_CM_MY))) { $myComms = array(); } if (!($joinedComms = commune::GetCommunes(NULL, NULL, $uid, commune::OM_CM_JOINED))) { $joinedComms = array(); } // Все сообщества, доступные пользователю. $communes = array(); foreach ($myComms as $comm) { $communes[] = $comm; } foreach ($joinedComms as $comm) { $communes[] = $comm; } // Блоги if (!($blog_grs = blogs::GetThemes($error, 1))) { $blog_grs = array(); } $blg = NULL; if ($lenta && $lenta['blog_grs'] && !empty($lenta['blog_grs'])) { $blg = implode(',', $lenta['blog_grs']); } $pgs = NULL; if ($lenta['all_profs_checked'] == 'f') { if ($lenta && $lenta['prof_groups'] && !empty($lenta['prof_groups'])) { $pgs = implode(',', $lenta['prof_groups']); } } $allThemesCount = 0; $cms = NULL; $user_comm_mods = array(); // Отбираем среди выбранных ранее сообществ в ленте, те которые до сих пор остаются // доступными ему для просмотра в ленте (его могли удалить или забанить). А также заполняем массив user_mod-ов на каждое из сообществ. if ($lenta && $lenta['communes'] && !empty($lenta['communes'])) { $i = 0; $cms = ''; foreach ($lenta['communes'] as $cm_id) { if ($uStatus = commune::GetUserCommuneRel($cm_id, $uid)) { $ucm = $user_mod; $ucm |= commune::MOD_COMM_MODERATOR * $uStatus['is_moderator']; $ucm |= commune::MOD_COMM_MANAGER * $uStatus['is_manager']; $ucm |= commune::MOD_COMM_ADMIN * ($uStatus['is_admin'] || $uStatus['is_moderator'] || $uStatus['is_manager']); $ucm |= commune::MOD_COMM_AUTHOR * $uStatus['is_author']; $ucm |= commune::MOD_COMM_ASKED * $uStatus['is_asked']; $ucm |= commune::MOD_COMM_ACCEPTED * ($uStatus['is_accepted'] || $ucm & commune::MOD_COMM_ADMIN); $ucm |= commune::MOD_COMM_BANNED * $uStatus['is_banned']; $ucm |= commune::MOD_COMM_DELETED * $uStatus['is_deleted']; $user_comm_mods[$cm_id] = $ucm; if (!$uStatus['is_deleted'] && !$uStatus['is_banned'] && $uStatus['is_blocked_commune'] == 0 && ($uStatus['is_accepted'] || $uStatus['is_author'])) { $cms .= (!$i++ ? '' : ',') . $cm_id; } } } } //if($cms) // $allThemesCount -= commune::GetMyThemesCount($cms, $uid); if ($lenta && $lenta['all_profs_checked'] == 't' || $cms || $pgs || $blg) { $items = lenta::GetLentaItems($uid, $lenta && $lenta['my_team_checked'] == 't', $lenta && $lenta['all_profs_checked'] == 't', $pgs, $cms, ($page - 1) * lenta::MAX_ON_PAGE, lenta::MAX_ON_PAGE, $allWorkCount, $blg); } if (!$items) { $items = array(); } // var_dump($favs); $stars = array(0 => 'bsg.png', 1 => 'bsgr.png', 2 => 'bsy.png', 3 => 'bsr.png'); $i = 0; foreach ($items as $item) { switch ($item['item_type']) { case '2': // Сообщества $top = $item; $user_mod = $user_comm_mods[$top['commune_id']]; if ($top['member_is_banned'] && !($user_mod & (commune::MOD_ADMIN | commune::MOD_COMM_AUTHOR | commune::MOD_COMM_MANAGER)) || $top['is_private'] == 't' && $top['user_id'] != $uid && !($user_mod & (commune::MOD_ADMIN | commune::MOD_COMM_AUTHOR | commune::MOD_COMM_MANAGER)) || $top['is_blocked'] && $top['commune_author_id'] != $uid) { continue; } $aThemeId = is_array($top['theme_id']) ? $top['theme_id'] : array($top['theme_id']); $top['answers'] = $DB->rows("SELECT * FROM commune_poll_answers WHERE theme_id IN (?l) ORDER BY id", array($top['theme_id'])); $GLOBALS[LINK_INSTANCE_NAME] = new links('commune'); $user_id = $uid; $mod = $user_mod; $is_member = $mod & (commune::MOD_ADMIN | commune::MOD_COMM_ACCEPTED | commune::MOD_COMM_AUTHOR); $is_moder = $mod & (commune::MOD_ADMIN | commune::MOD_MODER | commune::MOD_COMM_MODERATOR | commune::MOD_COMM_AUTHOR); $commune_info = commune::getCommuneInfoByMsgID($top['id']); ?> <style> .lo-m .lo-i-my-d .ac-pro, .lo-m .lo-i-my-d .ac-epro { margin-right: 0px; } .lo .utxt .b-layout__txt .b-icon__lprofi{ vertical-align:baseline !important; top:2px !important;} .lo .utxt>.b-pic{ margin-right:10px !important;} </style> <div class="lo lo-m" id='idTop_<?php echo $top['id']; ?> ' style='margin-bottom:0px !important;'> <ul class="lo-p"> <li class="lo-s"> <div class="b-layout_bordrad_3"> <a href="/commune" class="lnk-dot-666">Сообщества</a> </div> </li> <li class="post-f-fav"> <?php $msg_id = $top['id']; ?> <?php if ($favs['CM' . $msg_id]) { ?> <img src="/images/bookmarks/<?php echo $stars[$favs['CM' . $msg_id]['priority']]; ?> " alt="" on="<?php echo $is_fav ? 1 : 0; ?> " id="favstar<?php echo 'CM' . $msg_id; ?> " <?php if ($uid) { ?> onclick="ShowFavFloatLenta(<?php echo $msg_id; ?> , <?php echo $uid; ?> , 'CM')" ><?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <img src="/images/bookmarks/bsw.png" alt="" on="<?php echo $is_fav ? 1 : 0; ?> " id="favstar<?php echo 'CM' . $msg_id; ?> " <?php if ($uid) { ?> onclick="ShowFavFloatLenta(<?php echo $msg_id; ?> , <?php echo $uid; ?> , 'CM')" ><?php } ?> <?php } ?> <ul class="post-f-fav-sel" style="display:none;" id="FavFloat<?php echo $msg_id; ?> "></ul> </li> </ul> <div class="utxt"> <?php print __LentaPrntUsrInfo($top, 'user_', '', '', false, true); ?> <h3> <?php if ($top['is_private'] == 't') { ?> <img src="/images/icons/eye-hidden.png" alt="Скрытый пост" title="Скрытый пост"> <?php } //if ?> <?php $sTitle = $top['title']; ?> <?php $sMessage = $top['msgtext']; ?> <a href="<?php echo getFriendlyURL('commune', $top['id']); ?> ?om=<?php echo commune::OM_TH_NEW; ?> "><?php echo reformat2($sTitle, 30, 0, 1); ?> </a> </h3> <p><?php echo reformat2($sMessage, 46, 1, 0, 1); ?> </p> <!-- Questions --> <?php if ($top['question'] != '') { ?> <div id="poll-<?php echo $top['theme_id']; ?> " class="commune-poll"> <div class="commune-poll-theme"><?php echo reformat($top['question'], 43, 0, 1); ?> </div> <div id="poll-answers-<?php echo $top['theme_id']; ?> "> <?php if ($top['poll_closed'] == 't') { ?> <table class="b-layout__table b-layout__table_width_full"><?php } ?> <?php // если надо вывести только количество ответов $showAnswers = $top['poll_votes'] || !$user_id || $top['commune_blocked'] == 't' || $top['user_is_banned'] || $top['member_is_banned'] || !$is_member; if ($showAnswers) { ?> <table class="poll-variants"><?php } ?> <?php $i = 0; $max = 0; if ($top['poll_closed'] == 't') { foreach ($top['answers'] as $answer) { $max = max($max, $answer['votes']); } } foreach ($top['answers'] as $answer) { ?> <?php if ($top['poll_closed'] == 't') { ?> <tr class="b-layout__tr"> <td class="b-layout__left b-layout__left_width_50"><label class="b-layout__txt" for="poll_<?php echo $i; ?> "><?php echo reformat($answer['answer'], 30, 0, 1); ?> </label></td> <td class="b-layout__middle b-layout__middle_width_30 b-layout__middle_center"><?php echo $answer['votes']; ?> </td> <td class=" b-layout__right "><div class=" res-line rl1" style="width: <?php echo $max ? round(100 * $answer['votes'] / $max * 3) : 0; ?> px;"></div></td> </tr> <?php } else { ?> <?php if ($showAnswers) { ?> <tr> <td class="bp-gres"><?php echo $answer['votes']; ?> </td> <td> <label><?php echo $answer['answer']; ?> </label> </td> </tr> <?php } else { ?> <?php if ($top['poll_multiple'] == 't') { ?> <div class="b-check b-check_padbot_10"> <input id="poll-<?php echo $top['theme_id']; ?> _<?php echo $i; ?> " class="b-check__input" type="checkbox" name="poll_vote[]" value="<?php echo $answer['id']; ?> " /> <label class="b-check__label b-check__label_fontsize_13" for="poll-<?php echo $top['theme_id']; ?> _<?php echo $i++; ?> "><?php echo reformat($answer['answer'], 30, 0, 1); ?> </label> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="b-radio__item b-radio__item_padbot_5"> <table class="b-layout__table b-layout__table_width_full" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr class="b-layout__tr"> <td class="b-layout__left b-layout__left_width_15"><input id="poll-<?php echo $top['theme_id']; ?> _<?php echo $i; ?> " class="b-radio__input b-radio__input_top_-3" type="radio" name="poll_vote" value="<?php echo $answer['id']; ?> " /></td> <td class="b-layout__right"><label class="b-radio__label b-radio__label_fontsize_13" for="poll-<?php echo $top['theme_id']; ?> _<?php echo $i++; ?> "><?php echo reformat($answer['answer'], 30, 0, 1); ?> </label></td> </tr> </table> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($showAnswers) { ?> </table><?php } ?> <?php if ($top['poll_closed'] == 't') { ?> </table><?php } ?> </div> <?php if (!$top['poll_votes'] && $user_id && $top['poll_closed'] != 't' && $top['commune_blocked'] != 't' && !$top['user_is_banned'] && !$top['member_is_banned'] && $is_member) { ?> <div class="b-buttons b-buttons_inline-block"> <span id="poll-btn-vote-<?php echo $top['theme_id']; ?> "> <a class="b-button b-button_flat b-button_flat_grey" href="javascript: return false;" onclick="'Commune', <?php echo $top['theme_id']; ?> ); return false;">Ответить</a> </span> <span id="poll-btn-result-<?php echo $top['theme_id']; ?> " ><a class="b-buttons__link b-buttons__link_dot_0f71c8" href="javascript: return false;" onclick="poll.showResult('Commune', <?php echo $top['theme_id']; ?> ); return false;">Посмотреть результаты</a></span> </div> <?php } else { ?> <span id="poll-btn-vote-<?php echo $top['theme_id']; ?> "></span> <span id="poll-btn-result-<?php echo $top['theme_id']; ?> "></span> <?php } ?> </div> <br /> <?php } ?> <!-- /Questions --> <!-- Youtube --> <?php if ($top['yt_link']) { $tmp_yt_id = $top['id'] . 'ytlink' . mt_rand(1, 1000000); $tmp_yt_data = show_video($top['id'], $top['yt_link']); array_push($yt_replace_id, '/' . $tmp_yt_id . '/'); array_push($yt_replace_data, $tmp_yt_data); echo "<div style='padding-top: 20px'>" . $tmp_yt_id . "</div><br/>"; } ?> <?php // (($top['youtube_link'])? ("<div style='padding-top: 20px'>".show_video($top['id'], $top['youtube_link'])."</div><br/>"):"") ?> <!-- /Youtube --> <!-- Attach --> <?php if ($top['attach']) { $attach = $top['attach'][0]; if ($attach['fname']) { $att_ext = strtolower(CFile::getext($attach['fname'])); if ($att_ext == "swf") { print "<br/>" . viewattachExternal($top['user_login'], $attach['fname'], "upload", "/blogs/view_attach.php?user="******"&attach=" . $attach['fname']) . "<br/>"; } elseif ($att_ext == 'flv') { print "<br/>" . viewattachLeft($top['user_login'], $attach['fname'], "upload", $file, 1000, 470, 307200, true, $attach['small'] == 't' ? 1 : 0) . "<br/>"; } else { print "<br/>" . viewattachLeft($top['user_login'], $attach['fname'], "upload", $file, 1000, 470, 307200, !($attach['small'] == 't'), $attach['small'] == 't' ? 1 : 0) . "<br/>"; } } echo '<br/>'; if (sizeof($top['attach']) > 1) { echo "<a href=\"" . getFriendlyURL('commune', $top['id']) . "\"><b>" . blogs::ShowMoreAttaches(sizeof($top['attach'])) . "</b></a><br/><br/>"; } } ?> <!-- /Attach --> </div> <ul class="lo-i"> <?php $post_year = dateFormat('Y', $top['post_time']); ?> <li class="lo-i-cm"> <a href="<?php echo getFriendlyURL('commune', $top['id']); ?> " <?php echo $top['current_count'] == NULL && intval($top['count_comments']) != 0 ? 'style="font-weight:bold;"' : ''; ?> ><?php echo $top['closed_comments'] == 't' ? "Комментирование закрыто" : "Комментарии (" . intval($top['count_comments']) . ")"; ?> </a> <?php if ($top['closed_comments'] == 'f') { $top['current_count'] = $top['current_count'] == '' ? $top['a_count'] - 1 : $top['current_count']; if ($top['a_count'] > 1) { $unread = $top['a_count'] - 1 - $top['current_count']; } if ($unread > 0) { ?> <a href="<?php echo getFriendlyURL('commune', $top['id']); ?> #unread" style="color:#6BA813; font-weight:bold;">(<?php echo $unread; ?> <?php echo $unread == 1 ? "новый" : "новых"; ?> )</a> <?php } $unread = 0; } ?> </li> <li class="lo-i-c"><a href="/commune/?id=<?php echo $top['commune_id']; ?> "><?php echo $top['commune_name']; ?> </a>, <a href="/commune/?gr=<?php echo $top['commune_group_id']; ?> "><?php echo $top['commune_group_name']; ?> </a></li> <li><?php echo $post_year > 2000 ? dateFormat("d.m.Y H:i", $top['post_time']) : ''; ?> </li> </ul> </div> <br> <?php break; case '1': // Портфолио $work = $item; if ($work['work_is_blocked']) { continue; } $is_fav = isset($favs['PF' . $work['portfolio_id']]) ? 1 : 0; $msg_id = $work['portfolio_id']; ?> <div class="lo lo-m" style='margin-bottom:0px !important;'> <ul class="lo-p"> <li class="lo-s"> <div class="b-layout_bordrad_3"> <a href="/portfolio" class="lnk-dot-666">Работы</a> </div> </li> <li class="post-f-fav"> <?php if ($favs['PF' . $msg_id]) { ?> <img src="/images/bookmarks/<?php echo $stars[$favs['PF' . $msg_id]['priority']]; ?> " alt="" on="<?php echo $is_fav ? 1 : 0; ?> " id="favstar<?php echo 'PF' . $msg_id; ?> " <?php if ($uid) { ?> onclick="ShowFavFloatLenta(<?php echo $msg_id; ?> , <?php echo $uid; ?> , 'PF')" ><?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <img src="/images/bookmarks/bsw.png" alt="" on="<?php echo $is_fav ? 1 : 0; ?> " id="favstar<?php echo 'PF' . $msg_id; ?> " <?php if ($uid) { ?> onclick="ShowFavFloatLenta(<?php echo $msg_id; ?> , <?php echo $uid; ?> , 'PF')" ><?php } ?> <?php } ?> <ul class="post-f-fav-sel" style="display:none;" id="FavFloat<?php echo $msg_id; ?> "></ul> </li> </ul> <div class="utxt"> <?php print __LentaPrntUsrInfo($work, 'user_', '', '', false, true); ?> <?php $sTitle = $work['name']; ?> <h3><a href="/users/<?php echo $work['user_login']; ?> /viewproj.php?prjid=<?php echo $work['portfolio_id']; ?> "><?php echo reformat2($sTitle, 40, 0, 1); ?> </a> </h3> <?php $is_preview = $work['pict'] || $work['prev_pict']; if ($is_preview && $work['prev_type'] != 1) { echo view_preview($work['user_login'], $work['prev_pict'], "upload", $align, true, true, '', 200) . "<br/><br/>"; } close_tags($work['descr'], array('b', 'i')); $sDescr = $work['descr']; ?> <p><?php echo reformat($sDescr, 80, 0, 0, 1); ?> </p> </div> <ul class="lo-i"> <?php $post_year = dateFormat('Y', $work['post_time']); ?> <li class="lo-i-c"><a href="/freelancers/?prof=<?php echo $work['prof_id']; ?> "><?php echo $work['prof_name']; ?> </a></li> <li><?php echo $post_year > 2000 ? dateFormat("d.m.Y H:i", $work['post_time']) : ''; ?> </li> </ul> </div> <br> <?php break; case '4': // Блоги $item['thread_id'] = $item['theme_id']; $item['answers'] = $DB->rows("SELECT * FROM blogs_poll_answers WHERE thread_id IN (?l) ORDER BY id", array($item['thread_id'])); $GLOBALS[LINK_INSTANCE_NAME] = new links('blogs'); $user_id = $uid; ?> <div class="lo lo-m" id='idBlog_<?php echo $item['thread_id']; ?> ' style='margin-bottom:0px !important;'> <ul class="lo-p"> <li class="lo-s"> <div class="b-layout_bordrad_3"> <a href="/blogs" class="lnk-dot-666">Блоги</a> </div> </li> <li class="post-f-fav"> <?php $msg_id = $item['theme_id']; ?> <?php if ($favs['BL' . $msg_id]) { ?> <img src="/images/bookmarks/<?php echo $stars[$favs['BL' . $msg_id]['priority']]; ?> " alt="" on="<?php echo $is_fav ? 1 : 0; ?> " id="favstar<?php echo 'BL' . $msg_id; ?> " <?php if ($uid) { ?> onclick="ShowFavFloatLenta(<?php echo $msg_id; ?> , <?php echo $uid; ?> , 'BL')" ><?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <img src="/images/bookmarks/bsw.png" alt="" on="<?php echo $is_fav ? 1 : 0; ?> " id="favstar<?php echo 'BL' . $msg_id; ?> " <?php if ($uid) { ?> onclick="ShowFavFloatLenta(<?php echo $msg_id; ?> , <?php echo $uid; ?> , 'BL')" ><?php } ?> <?php } ?> <ul class="post-f-fav-sel" style="display:none;" id="FavFloat<?php echo $msg_id; ?> "></ul> </li> </ul> <div class="utxt"> <?php print __LentaPrntUsrInfo($item, 'user_', '', '', false, true); ?> <?php $sTitle = $item['title']; ?> <?php $sMessage = $item['msgtext']; ?> <h3><a href="<?php echo getFriendlyURL("blog", $item['theme_id']); ?> "><?php echo reformat2($sTitle, 30, 0, 1); ?> </a> </h3> <p><?php echo reformat($sMessage, 46, 1, -($item['is_chuck'] == 't'), 1); ?> </p> <!-- Questions --> <?php if ($item['question'] != '') { ?> <div id="poll-<?php echo $item['thread_id']; ?> " class="poll"> <div class="commune-poll-theme"><?php echo reformat($item['question'], 43, 0, 1); ?> </div> <div id="poll-answers-<?php echo $item['thread_id']; ?> "> <?php if ($item['poll_multiple'] != 't') { ?> <div class="b-radio b-radio_layout_vertical"><?php } ?> <?php if ($item['poll_closed'] == 't') { ?> <table class="b-layout__table b-layout__table_width_full"><?php } ?> <?php $i = 0; $max = 0; if ($item['poll_closed'] == 't') { foreach ($item['answers'] as $answer) { $max = max($max, $answer['votes']); } } foreach ($item['answers'] as $answer) { ?> <?php if ($item['poll_closed'] == 't') { ?> <tr class="b-layout__tr"> <td class="b-layout__left b-layout__left_width_50"><label class="b-layout__txt" for="poll_<?php echo $i; ?> "><?php echo reformat($answer['answer'], 30, 0, 1); ?> </label></td> <td class="b-layout__middle b-layout__middle_width_30 b-layout__middle_center"><?php echo $answer['votes']; ?> </td> <td class=" b-layout__right "><div class=" res-line rl1" style="width: <?php echo $max ? round(100 * $answer['votes'] / $max * 3) : 0; ?> px;"></div></td> </tr> <?php } else { ?> <?php if ($item['poll_votes'] || !$user_id) { ?> <div class="bp-gres"><?php echo $answer['votes']; ?> </div> <?php } else { ?> <?php if ($item['poll_multiple'] == 't') { ?> <div class="b-check b-check_padbot_10"> <input id="poll-<?php echo $item['thread_id']; ?> _<?php echo $i; ?> " class="b-check__input" type="checkbox" name="poll_vote[]" value="<?php echo $answer['id']; ?> " /> <label class="b-check__label b-check__label_fontsize_13" for="poll-<?php echo $item['thread_id']; ?> _<?php echo $i++; ?> "><?php echo reformat($answer['answer'], 30, 0, 1); ?> </label> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="b-radio__item b-radio__item_padbot_5"> <table class="b-layout__table b-layout__table_width_full" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr class="b-layout__tr"> <td class="b-layout__left b-layout__left_width_15"><input id="poll-<?php echo $item['thread_id']; ?> _<?php echo $i; ?> " class="b-radio__input b-radio__input_top_-3" type="radio" name="poll_vote" value="<?php echo $answer['id']; ?> " /></td> <td class="b-layout__right"><label class="b-radio__label b-radio__label_fontsize_13" for="poll-<?php echo $item['thread_id']; ?> _<?php echo $i++; ?> "><?php echo reformat($answer['answer'], 30, 0, 1); ?> </label></td> </tr> </table> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($item['poll_closed'] == 't') { ?> </table><?php } ?> <?php if ($item['poll_multiple'] != 't') { ?> </div><?php } ?> </div> <?php if (!$item['poll_votes'] && $user_id && $item['poll_closed'] != 't') { ?> <div class="b-buttons b-buttons_inline-block"> <span id="poll-btn-vote-<?php echo $item['thread_id']; ?> "> <a class="b-button b-button_flat b-button_flat_grey" href="javascript: return false;" onclick="'Blogs', <?php echo $item['thread_id']; ?> ); return false;">Ответить</a> </span> <span id="poll-btn-result-<?php echo $item['thread_id']; ?> "><a class="b-buttons__link b-buttons__link_dot_0f71c8" href="javascript: return false;" onclick="poll.showResult('Blogs', <?php echo $item['thread_id']; ?> ); return false;">Посмотреть результаты</a> </span> </div> <?php } else { ?> <span id="poll-btn-vote-<?php echo $item['thread_id']; ?> "></span> <span id="poll-btn-result-<?php echo $item['thread_id']; ?> "></span> <?php } ?> </div> <br/> <?php } ?> <!-- /Questions --> <!-- Youtube --> <?php if ($item['yt_link']) { $tmp_yt_id = $item['id'] . 'ytlink' . rand(1, 1000000); $tmp_yt_data = show_video($item['id'], $item['yt_link']); array_push($yt_replace_id, '/' . $tmp_yt_id . '/'); array_push($yt_replace_data, $tmp_yt_data); echo "<div style='padding-top: 20px'>" . $tmp_yt_id . "</div><br/>"; } // =(($item['yt_link'])? ("<div style='padding-top: 20px'>".show_video($item['id'], $item['yt_link'])."</div>"):"") ?> <!-- /Youtube --> <!-- Attach --> <?php if ($item['attach']) { $attach = $item['attach'][0]; if ($attach['fname']) { $att_ext = strtolower(CFile::getext($attach['fname'])); if ($att_ext == "swf") { print "<br/>" . viewattachExternal($item['user_login'], $attach['fname'], "upload", "/blogs/view_attach.php?user="******"&attach=" . $attach['fname']) . "<br/>"; } elseif ($att_ext == 'flv') { print "<br/>" . viewattachLeft($item['user_login'], $attach['fname'], "upload", $file, 1000, 470, 307200, true, $attach['small'] == 2 ? 1 : 0) . "<br/>"; } else { print "<br/>" . viewattachLeft($item['user_login'], $attach['fname'], "upload", $file, 1000, 470, 307200, !$attach['small'], $attach['small'] == 2 ? 1 : 0) . "<br/>"; } } echo '<br/>'; if (sizeof($item['attach']) > 1) { echo "<a href=\"" . getFriendlyURL("blog", $item['theme_id']) . "\"><b>" . blogs::ShowMoreAttaches(sizeof($item['attach'])) . "</b></a><br/><br/>"; } } ?> <!-- /Attach --> </div> <ul class="lo-i"> <?php $post_year = dateFormat('Y', $item['post_time']); ?> <li class="lo-i-cm"> <a href="<?php echo getFriendlyURL("blog", $item['theme_id']); ?> " <?php echo $item['current_count'] == NULL && intval($item['count_comments']) != 0 ? 'style="font-weight:bold;"' : ''; ?> ><?php echo $item['closed_comments'] == 't' ? "Комментирование закрыто" : "Комментарии (" . intval($item['count_comments']) . ")"; ?> </a> <?php if (isset($item['status_comments']) && $item['count_comments'] > 0 && $item['status_comments'] < $item['count_comments'] && $item['status_comments'] != -100 && $item['closed_comments'] == 'f') { $new_comments_num = $item['count_comments'] - $item['status_comments']; ?> <a href="<?php echo getFriendlyURL("blog", $item['theme_id']); ?> #unread" style="color:#6BA813; font-weight:bold;">(<?php echo $new_comments_num; ?> <?php echo $new_comments_num == 1 ? "новый" : "новых"; ?> )</a> <?php } else { if (isset($item['status_comments']) && $item['count_comments'] > 0 && $item['status_comments'] < $item['count_comments'] && $item['status_comments'] == -100 && $item['closed_comments'] == 'f') { $new_comments_num = $item['count_comments']; ?> <a href="<?php echo getFriendlyURL("blog", $item['theme_id']); ?> #unread" style="color:#6BA813; font-weight:bold;">(<?php echo $new_comments_num; ?> <?php echo $new_comments_num == 1 ? "новый" : "новых"; ?> )</a> <?php } } ?> </li> <li class="lo-i-c"><a href="<?php echo getFriendlyURL("blog_group", $item['commune_group_id']); ?> "><?php echo $item['commune_group_name']; ?> </a></li> <li><?php echo $post_year > 2000 ? dateFormat("d.m.Y H:i", $item['post_time']) : ''; ?> </li> </ul> </div> <br> <?php break; } $i++; } ?> <?php // $allThemesCount = lenta::GetLentaThemesCount($cms); ?> <br/> <?php // Страницы $count = 4; $pages = ceil(($allWorkCount + $allThemesCount) / lenta::MAX_ON_PAGE); $html = '<div class="b-pager" >'; if (is_array($count)) { list($scount, $ecount) = $count; } else { $scount = $ecount = $count; } if ($pages > 1) { $start = $page - $scount; if ($start < 1) { $start = 1; } $end = $page + $ecount; if ($end > $pages) { $end = $pages; } $html .= '<ul class="b-pager__back-next">'; if ($page < $pages) { $html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"next_navigation_link1\" value=\"" . ($page + 1) . "\">"; $html .= '<li class="b-pager__next" id="nav_next_not_active1"><a class="b-pager__link" href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="document.location.href=\'#lentatop\';; xajax_Lenta_Show(' . ($page + 1) . '); return false;" id="PrevLink"></a> </li>'; } if ($page > 1) { $html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"pre_navigation_link1\" value=\"" . ($page - 1) . "\">"; $html .= '<li class="b-pager__back"> <a id="NextLink" class="b-pager__link" href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="document.location.href=\'#lentatop\';; xajax_Lenta_Show(' . ($page - 1) . '); return false;"></a></li>'; } $html .= '</ul>'; $html .= '<ul class="b-pager__list">'; for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) { if ($i == $start && $start > 1) { $html .= '<li class="b-pager__item"><a class="b-pager__link" href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="document.location.href=\'#lentatop\';; xajax_Lenta_Show(1); return false;">1</a></li>'; if ($i == 3) { $html .= '<li class="b-pager__item"><a class="b-pager__link" href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="document.location.href=\'#lentatop\';; xajax_Lenta_Show(2); return false;">2</a></li>'; } elseif ($i != 2) { $html .= "<li class='b-pager__item'>…</li>"; } } $html .= $page == $i ? '<li class="b-pager__item b-pager__item_active"><span class="b-pager__b1"><span class="b-pager__b2">' . $i . '</span></span></li>' : '<li class="b-pager__item"><a class="b-pager__link" href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="document.location.href=\'#lentatop\';; xajax_Lenta_Show(' . $i . '); return false;">' . $i . '</a></li>'; if ($i == $end && $pages - 1 > $end) { $html .= '<li class="b-pager__item">…</li>'; } } $html .= '</ul>'; } echo $html . '</div>'; // Страницы закончились ?> <?php $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $content_js = ''; if ($yt_replace_data) { foreach ($yt_replace_data as $key => $value) { $yt_replace_data[$key] = preg_replace("/^(.*)<script.*\$/sm", "\$1", $value); $content_js .= preg_replace("/^(.*<script type='text\\/javascript'>)(.*)(<\\/script>)\$/sm", "\$2", $value); } $content = preg_replace($yt_replace_id, $yt_replace_data, $content); $objResponse->script($content_js); } $objResponse->assign('lenta-cnt', 'innerHTML', $content); $objResponse->script($content_js); $objResponse->script('spiner.hide();'); $objResponse->script('$$("#lenta_cats_checkboxes input[type=checkbox]").each(function(el) { el.set("disabled", false); });'); $objResponse->script('fix_banner();'); return $objResponse; }
<div><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="commentspoiler">Развернуть</a></div> <div style="border: solid 1px #000;background-color: #FCFCFC; padding:5px;display:none" class="cat"> <?php echo $sTiser; ?> </div> </div><script type="text/javascript">$$('a.commentspoiler').addEvent('click', switchCut);</script> <?php } ?> <?php if ($data['yt'] !== NULL) { ?> <div class="added-video"> <?php echo show_video($data['id'], $data['yt']); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php global $foto_alt; ?> <?php if ($data['attach']) { ?> <?php if (isset($data['attach']['id'])) { $data['attach'] = array($data['attach']);
/** * @brief display unit resources * @global type $tool_content * @global type $langUnknownResType * @global type $is_editor * @param type $info * @return type */ function show_resource($info) { global $tool_content, $langUnknownResType, $is_editor; if ($info->visible == 0 and !$is_editor) { return; } switch ($info->type) { case 'doc': $tool_content .= show_doc($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id); break; case 'text': $tool_content .= show_text($info->comments, $info->id, $info->visible); break; case 'description': $tool_content .= show_description($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'lp': $tool_content .= show_lp($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id); break; case 'video': case 'videolink': $tool_content .= show_video($info->type, $info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'videolinkcategory': $tool_content .= show_videocat($info->type, $info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'exercise': $tool_content .= show_exercise($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'work': $tool_content .= show_work($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'topic': case 'forum': $tool_content .= show_forum($info->type, $info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'wiki': $tool_content .= show_wiki($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'poll': $tool_content .= show_poll($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'link': $tool_content .= show_link($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'linkcategory': $tool_content .= show_linkcat($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'ebook': $tool_content .= show_ebook($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'section': $tool_content .= show_ebook_section($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'subsection': $tool_content .= show_ebook_subsection($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; default: $tool_content .= $langUnknownResType; } }
function Spider_Video_Player_Videos() { wp_enqueue_script('media-upload'); wp_admin_css('thickbox'); require_once "video_functions.php"; // add functions for Spider_Video_Player require_once "video_function.html.php"; // add functions for vive Spider_Video_Player /* ?> <form action="" method="post"> <input type="text" value="asdgadsfg" id="narek" /> <input type="button" onclick="alert(document.getElementById('narek').value);" /> <a href="<?php echo plugins_url("video_function.html.php",__FILE__) ?>?TB_iframe=1&width=640&height=394" class="thickbox add_media" id="content-add_media" title="Add Video" onclick="return false;">Insert Video</a> </form> <?php */ if (isset($_GET["task"])) { $task = htmlspecialchars($_GET["task"]); } else { $task = "default"; } if (isset($_GET["id"])) { $id = htmlspecialchars($_GET["id"]); } else { $id = 0; } switch ($task) { case 'video': show_video(); break; case 'add_video': add_video(); break; case 'published': $nonce_sp_vid = $_REQUEST['_wpnonce']; if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce_sp_vid, 'nonce_sp_vid')) { die("Are you sure you want to do this?"); } published($id); show_video(); break; case 'Save': if (!$id) { check_admin_referer('nonce_sp_vid', 'nonce_sp_vid'); save_video(); } else { check_admin_referer('nonce_sp_vid', 'nonce_sp_vid'); apply_video($id); } show_video(); break; case 'Apply': if (!$id) { check_admin_referer('nonce_sp_vid', 'nonce_sp_vid'); save_video(); } else { check_admin_referer('nonce_sp_vid', 'nonce_sp_vid'); apply_video($id); } edit_video($id); break; case 'edit_video': edit_video($id); break; case 'remove_video': $nonce_sp_vid = $_REQUEST['_wpnonce']; if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce_sp_vid, 'nonce_sp_vid')) { die("Are you sure you want to do this?"); } remove_video($id); show_video(); break; case 'publish_video': $nonce_sp_vid = $_REQUEST['_wpnonce']; if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce_sp_vid, 'nonce_sp_vid')) { die("Are you sure you want to do this?"); } change_video(1); break; case 'unpublish_video': $nonce_sp_vid = $_REQUEST['_wpnonce']; if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce_sp_vid, 'nonce_sp_vid')) { die("Are you sure you want to do this?"); } change_video(0); break; default: show_video(); break; } }
/** * Заменяет теги видое в тексте WYSYWIG редактора на временные макросы * и копирует их в $video * @param $text исходный текст * @param &$video - массив в который будут копироваться оригинальные теги видео * @param $forReformat - если true то вместо img будет видеоплеер * @return string $text * */ function wysiwyg_video_replace($text, &$video, $forReformat = false) { $patt = "#<img[^>]*class=[^>]+wysiwyg_video[^>]+>#si"; $find = preg_match_all($patt, $text, $videos); $text = preg_replace($patt, "WYSIWYG_VIDEO", $text); $video = array(); if ($find) { $videos = $videos[0]; $pattURL = "#(?:video_url=[\\\\]?\")(.*?)(?:[\\\\]?\")#si"; foreach ($videos as $key => $vid) { preg_match($pattURL, $vid, $videoURLs); $videoURL = $videoURLs[1]; if (!$forReformat) { if (video_validate($videoURL)) { $video[] = '<img class="wysiwyg_video" src="/images/video.png" video_url="' . $videoURL . '">'; } else { $video[] = ''; } } else { $video[] = show_video('wysiwyg_video' . $key, $videoURL); } } } return $text; }
echo $tiser; ?> </div> </div><script type="text/javascript">$$('a.commentspoiler').addEvent('click', switchCut);</script> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php include TPL_COMMUNE_PATH . '/poll.php'; ?> <?php echo $top['youtube_link'] ? "<div style='padding-top: 20px'>" . show_video($top['id'], $top['youtube_link']) . "</div>" : ""; ?> <?php if (is_array($top['attach']) && count($top['attach'])) { if ($top['cnt_files'] > 1 && $_GET['site'] != 'Topic') { $top['attach'] = array($top['attach'][0]); } ?> <div class="attachments attachments-p"> <?php foreach ($top['attach'] as $attach) { $att_ext = CFile::getext($attach['fname']); $str = ''; //$str = viewattachLeft($top['user_login'], $attach['fname'], 'upload', $file, commune::MSG_IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT, commune::_MSG_IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH, commune::MSG_IMAGE_MAX_SIZE, !($attach['small'] == 't'), (int) ($attach['small'] == 't')); $is_tn = (int) ($attach['small'] == 't');
if (!$file) { echo $prj_next && $prj_next != $prjid && $proj['pict_ext'] != 'swf' ? "<a href='/users/{$proj['login']}/viewproj.php?prjid={$prj_next}'>{$str}</a>" : $str; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php if ($proj['is_video'] == 't') { ?> <tr class="qpr"> <td style="padding:10px; border-left: 1px solid #C6C6C6; border-right: 1px solid #C6C6C6; border-bottom: 1px solid #C6C6C6;" colspan="3"> <?php echo '<br/>' . show_video($prjid, 'http://' . $proj['video_link']) . '<br/>'; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr class="qpr"> <td style="padding:10px; border-left: 1px solid #C6C6C6; border-right: 1px solid #C6C6C6; border-bottom: 1px solid #C6C6C6;" colspan="3"> <?php $prevLink = $proj['prev_pict'] || $proj['pict'] ? WDCPREFIX . '/users/' . $proj['login'] . '/upload/' . ($proj['prev_pict'] ? $proj['prev_pict'] : $proj['pict']) : $host . "/images/free-lance_logo.jpg"; ?> <div class="b-free-share"><?php echo ViewSocialButtons('viewproj', $proj['name'], true, true, null, null, $prevLink); ?> </div>
$str = viewattachLeft(NULL, $attach["name"], $attach['path'], $file, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $nn); echo '<div class = "b-layout__txt b-layout__txt_padbot_5">', $str, '</div>'; $nn++; } ?> </div> <?php } //elseif ?> <?php if (video_validate($project['videolnk'])) { ?> <?php echo show_video($project['id'], video_validate($project['videolnk'])); ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($project['kind'] != 9) { ?> <div class="b-layout__txt b-layout__txt_fontsize_11 b-layout__txt_bold">Разделы:</div> <div class="b-layout__txt b-layout__txt_fontsize_11 <?php if (!($project['ico_payed'] == 't' || $project['is_upped'] == 't' || $project['kind'] == 4)) { ?> b-layout__txt_padbot_20<?php }
else { ?> Комментариев еще не было <? } */ } ?> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <?php if ($theme['yt_link']) { print '<br clear="all" /><center>' . show_video($theme['id'], $theme['yt_link']) . '</center><br /><br />'; } ?> <div id="thread-reason-<?php echo $theme['thread_id']; ?> " style="margin-top: 10px;<?php echo $theme['is_blocked'] ? 'display: block' : 'display: none'; ?> "> <?php if ($theme['is_blocked']) { $moder_login = hasPermissions('blogs') ? $theme['moder_login'] : ''; $reason = reformat($theme['reason'], 24, 0, 0, 1, 24); print BlockedThreadHTML($reason, $theme['blocked_time'], $moder_login, "{$theme['moder_name']} {$theme['moder_uname']}"); } else {
/** * Один коммент * * @param array $data Массив данных для коммента * @param integer $uid ид пользователя * @param boolean $first TRUE- комментарий является первым в ветке. */ function commentHTML($data, $uid, $attaches, $lvt, $wordlength = 45, $has_child = false, $is_hidden = false) { global $session; ob_start(); $is_author = $data['from_id'] == $uid; $first = $data['parent_id'] === NULL; $parent_id = $data['parent_id']; $is_new = $lvt !== NULL && $lvt < $data['created_time']; ?> <?php if ($is_new) { ?> <a name="unread"></a> <?php } ?> <div class="cl-li-in cl-li<?php echo $first ? '-first' : ''; ?> <?php echo $is_new ? 'cl-li-new' : ''; ?> "> <a name="c_<?php echo $data['id']; ?> "></a> <ul class="cl-i"> <li><a href="#c_<?php echo $data['id']; ?> " class="cl-anchor">#</a></li> <li class="cl-time"><?php echo date('d.m.Y H:i', strtotime($data['created_time'])); ?> </li> <li class="p-edited"> <?php if ($data['modified_id'] && $data['modified_id'] == $data['from_id']) { ?> <img src="/images/ico-e-u.png" alt="Отредактировано пользователем" title="Внесены изменения <?php echo date('d.m.Y в H:i', strtotime($data['modified_time'])); ?> " /> <?php } ?> <?php if ($data['modified_id'] && $data['modified_id'] != $data['from_id']) { $moduser = hasPermissions('articles') ? " ({$data['mod_login']} : {$data['mod_uname']} {$data['mod_usurname']})" : ""; ?> <img src="/images/ico-e-a.png" alt="Отредактировано модератором" title="Отредактировано модератором<?php echo $moduser; ?> : <?php echo date('d.m.Y в H:i', strtotime($data['modified_time'])); ?> " /> <?php } ?> </li> </ul> <div class="cl-arr"> <?php if (!$first) { ?> <a href="#c_<?php echo $parent_id; ?> " class="u-anchor">↓</a> <?php } ?> <a href="#c_3" class="d-anchor">↓</a> </div> <a href="/users/<?php echo $data['login']; ?> " class="freelancer-name"><?php echo view_avatar_info($data['login'], $data['photo'], 1); ?> </a> <div class="user-info"> <div class="username"> <?php $stat = ''; if ($data['is_pro'] == 't') { $stat .= (is_emp($data['role']) ? view_pro_emp() : view_pro2($data['is_pro_test'] == "t")) . " "; } ?> <?php echo $stat; ?> <a href="/users/<?php echo $data['login']; ?> " class="<?php echo is_emp($data['role']) ? 'employer' : 'freelancer'; ?> -name"><?php echo $data['uname'] . ' ' . $data['usurname'] . ' [' . $data['login'] . ']'; ?> </a> </div> <div class="comment-body utxt"> <?php if ($data['deleted_id'] === NULL) { ?> <p> <?php echo reformat($data['msgtext'], $wordlength, 0, 0, 1); ?> </p> <?php if ($data['youtube_link'] !== NULL) { ?> <div class="added-video"> <?php echo show_video($data['id'], $data['youtube_link']); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($attaches) { ?> <?php echo viewattachListNew($attaches, 'upload'); ?> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> Комментарий удален <?php echo $data['deleted_id'] == $data['from_id'] ? 'автором' : 'модератором'; ?> <?php } ?> </div> <ul class="cl-o"> <?php if ($uid && $data['deleted_id'] === NULL) { ?> <li class="cl-com first"><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="commentAdd(this)">Комментировать</a></li> <?php if ($uid == $data['from_id'] || hasPermissions('articles')) { ?> <li class="cl-edit"><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="commentEdit(this)">Редактировать</a></li> <li class="cl-del"><a href="./?task=del-comment&id=<?php echo $data['id']; ?> " onclick="return (confirm('Вы уверены?'));">Удалить</a></li> <?php } ?> <?php } elseif (hasPermissions('articles')) { ?> <li class="cl-del"><a href="./?task=restore-comment&id=<?php echo $data['id']; ?> " onclick="return (confirm('Вы уверены?'));">Восстановить</a></li> <?php } ?> <?php if ($has_child) { ?> <li class="last"><a href="" class="cl-thread-toggle"><?php echo $is_hidden ? 'Развернуть ' : 'Свернуть '; ?> ветвь</a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> </div> <?php $out = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); return $out; }
if (($comment['member_is_banned'] || $comment['user_is_banned']) && !($mod & commune::MOD_MODER)) { // | commune::MOD_COMM_MODERATOR | commune::MOD_COMM_AUTHOR))) print 'Ответ от заблокированного пользователя'; } else { if ($is_deleted) { print '<font class="del-color">'; } if ($comment['user_is_banned'] || $comment['member_is_banned']) { print '<font color="#000000"><b>Пользователь забанен' . (!$top['user_is_banned'] ? ' в сообществе' : '') . '.</b></font><br/><br/>'; } if ($comment['title']) { print '<font class="bl_name">' . reformat2($comment['title'], 25, 0, 1) . '</font><br>'; } print reformat2($comment['msgtext'], 82 - round((($level > 19 ? 19 : $level) - 1) * 1.9), 0, -($comment['user_is_chuck'] == 't'), 1) . '<br/>'; if ($comment['youtube_link']) { print show_video($comment['id'], $comment['youtube_link']); } if ($comment['attach']) { //$commune['attach'] = array_reverse($commune['attach']); foreach ($comment['attach'] as $attach) { $att_ext = CFile::getext($attach['fname']); $str = ''; $str = viewattachLeft($comment['user_login'], $attach['fname'], 'upload', $file, commune::MSG_IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT, commune::_MSG_IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH, commune::MSG_IMAGE_MAX_SIZE, !($attach['small'] == 't'), (int) ($attach['small'] == 't')); print "<br/><br/>" . $str . "<br/>"; } } if ($is_deleted) { print '</font>'; } print '<br/>'; if (!$is_deleted && !$comment['member_is_banned']) {
echo $item['thread_id']; ?> "></span> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <!-- /Questions --> <!-- Youtube --> <?php echo $item['yt_link'] ? "<div style='padding-top: 20px'>" . show_video($item['id'], $item['yt_link']) . "</div>" : ""; ?> <!-- /Youtube --> <!-- Attach --> <!-- /Attach --> </div> <ul class="lo-i"> <?php $post_year = dateFormat('Y', $item['post_time']); ?> <li class="lo-i-c"><a href="/blogs/viewgroup.php?gr=<?php echo $item['commune_group_id']; ?> "><?php echo $item['commune_group_name'];
echo $blog->deleted && hasPermissions('blogs') ? "color:#CCCCCC" : ""; ?> "> <?php echo reformat($sMessage, $maxw_msg, 0, -($blog->is_chuck == 't'), 1); ?> </div><br /> <?php if ($blog->attach) { seo_start(); print "<br />" . $attach_html . "<br />"; print seo_end(); } if ($blog->yt_link) { print '<br clear="all" /><center>' . show_video($blog->id, $blog->yt_link) . '</center><br />'; } ?> <div id="warnreason-<?php echo $blog->id; ?> " style="display: none"> </div> <?php if ($blog->deleted && hasPermissions('blogs')) { ?> </span> <?php } ?> <br />
?> ><nobr><?php echo $aData['virus_msg']; ?> </nobr></span></li> <?php } } ?> </ul> <?php if ($msg['yt_link']) { ?> <br /> <?php echo show_video($msg['id'], $msg['yt_link']); ?> <?php } ?> </div> <b class="b2"></b> <b class="b1"></b> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($this->sbr->isAdmin() || $this->sbr->isEmp() || $this->sbr->isFrl()) { ?> <ul class="cl-o">