function renderSubList($lootList) { global $Quality, $lang; if (!$lootList) { return; } $curloot = -1; foreach ($lootList as $loot) { $gtext = ""; if ($loot['groupid'] != $curloot) { echo "<tr><th colspan = 3>{$lang['kill_kredit_group']} {$loot['groupid']}</th></tr>"; $curloot = $loot['groupid']; } echo "<tr>"; if ($loot['mincountOrRef'] > 0) { if ($item = GetItem($loot['item'], "`entry`, `Quality`, `name`, `displayid`")) { $colorname = $item['Quality']; echo "<td width=1%>"; show_item($item['entry'], $item['displayid'], 'reagent'); echo "</td>"; echo "<td class=left><a class={$Quality[$colorname]} href=\"?item={$item['entry']}\">{$item['name']}</a></td>"; } else { echo "<td>-</td><td>{$lang['item_not_found']} {$loot['item']}</td>"; } } else { echo "<td align=center>" . $loot['maxcount'] . "x</td>"; echo "<td class=forsub>{$gtext}<table class=sublist><tbody>"; renderSubList($loot['item']); echo "</tbody></table></td>"; } if ($loot['ChanceOrQuestChance'] < 0) { echo "<td align=center>Q" . -$loot['ChanceOrQuestChance'] . "%</td>"; } else { if ($loot['ChanceOrQuestChance'] > 0) { echo "<td align=center>" . $loot['ChanceOrQuestChance'] . "%</td>"; } } echo "</tr>"; } }
if ($items) { $item = $items[0]; } } echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>{$set['name']}</td>"; echo "<td>"; if ($set['item_1']) { for ($i = 1; $i < 18; $i++) { if ($itemid = $set['item_' . $i]) { show_item($itemid, 0, 'set'); } } } else { foreach ($items as $item) { show_item($item['entry'], $item['displayid'], 'set'); } } if ($item) { $classreq = getAllowableClass($item['AllowableClass']); } else { $classreq = 0; } if (!$classreq) { $classreq = ""; } echo "</td>"; echo "<td align=center>" . $classreq . "</td>"; echo "</tr>\n"; } $pageRefrence = $FindRefrence;
function show_item($channel_sort) { ?> <dl class="accordion" data-accordion> <?php if (empty($channel_sort)) { ?> <h2>暂无子栏目,请先添加!</h2> <?php } else { ?> <?php foreach ($channel_sort as $item) { ?> <dd class="accordion-navigation"> <a href="#panel_<?php echo $item['name']; ?> "><?php echo $item['title']; ?> <?php if ($item['status'] == 1) { ?> <span class="label success right round"> 已启用 </span> <?php } else { ?> <span class="label alert right round"> 已禁用 </span> <?php } ?> </a> <div id="panel_<?php echo $item['name']; ?> " class="content"> <!--sub--> <dl class="accordion" data-accordion> <div class="title"> <h6 class="left">栏目数:<span class="label success"><?php echo count($item['sub']); ?> </span>文章总数:<span class="label success"><?php echo $item['number']; ?> </span></h6> <!--<a href="#" class="label large-offset-1"></a>--> <button data-data="{id:<?php echo $item['id']; ?> }" data-url="delete" class="ajax-submit alert right button">删除</button> <button data-data="{id:<?php echo $item['id']; ?> ,status:<?php echo abs($item['status'] - 1); ?> }" data-url="set_status" class="ajax-submit right info button"> <?php if ($item['status'] == 1) { ?> 禁用 <?php } else { ?> 启用 <?php } ?> </button> <a href="modify/<?php echo $item['id']; ?> " class="secondary right button">修改</a> <a href="<?php echo $item['id']; ?> " class="right warning button">查看文章</a> </div> <?show_item($item['sub']);?> </dl> <!--/sub--> </div> </dd> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </dl> <?php }
$rows = dbrows(dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . DB_UBERPETS_USER_ITEMS . " WHERE uid='" . $userdata['user_id'] . "' AND loc='1'")); //If page is not defined, page is 1 if (!isset($rowstart) || !isNum($rowstart)) { $rowstart = 0; } $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . DB_UBERPETS_USER_ITEMS . " WHERE uid='" . $userdata['user_id'] . "' AND loc='1' LIMIT {$rowstart}," . $uberpets_settings['inventory_items_per_page'] . ""); $counter = 0; $r = 0; $k = 1; echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>\n<tr>\n"; while ($data = dbarray($result)) { if ($counter != 0 && $counter % $uberpets_settings['inventory_items_per_row'] == 0) { echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n"; } echo "<td align='center' valign='top' class='tbl'>\n"; show_item($data['iid'], "inventory"); echo "</td>\n"; $counter++; $k++; } echo "</tr>\n</table>\n"; if ($rows > $uberpets_settings['inventory_items_per_page']) { echo "<div align='center' style='margin-top:5px;'>\n"; makePageNav($rowstart, $uberpets_settings['pound_pets_per_page'], $rows, 3, BASEDIR . "uberpets/inventory"); echo "\n</div>\n"; } ######ITEMS END echo "</center>"; closetable(); ##### //BOTTOM PAGE INCLUDES
Коментарий: <input type='text' name='comment' size='20'> <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Передать" style="cursor:hand"> <?php } ?> </TD> <TD> <table width=100% cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 class="l3"> <?php if ($step == 3) { $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM inv WHERE owner='" . $login . "' and object_razdel='obj' and wear=0 ORDER BY UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) DESC"); while ($dat = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $n = !$n; echo "<tr class='" . ($n ? 'l0' : 'l1') . "'>\n\t\t\t\t<td width=150 valign=center align=center>\n\t\t\t\t<img src='img/items/" . $dat["img"] . "' border=0><BR>\n\t\t\t\t<a href='give.php?action=gift&item_id=" . $dat["id"] . "&to_id=" . $idkomu . "' class=us2>подарить</a><BR>\n\t\t\t\t<a href='give.php?action=give&item_id=" . $dat["id"] . "&to_id=" . $idkomu . "' class=us2>передать</a>\n\t\t\t\t</td><td valign=top>"; show_item($db1, $dat); echo "</td></tr>"; } if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) { echo "<tr><td><b style='color:#ffffff'>У вас нет вешей в рюкзаке.</b></td></tr>"; } } mysql_close($data); ?> </TABLE><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> </BODY>
} else { if ($platform == 'linux') { $x = $linux; } else { if ($platform == 'browser') { $x = $browser; } else { if ($platform == 'web') { $x = $web; } else { if ($platform == 'mobile') { $x = $mobile; } else { boinc_error_page('bad name'); } } } } } } $found = false; foreach ($x as $y) { if ($y[0] == $item) { show_item($y); $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { boinc_error_page('bad item'); }
{ echo "<ul type = 'circle'>"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($news); $i++) { echo "<li>"; echo '<a href="news.php?id=' . ($i + 1) . '">'; echo $news[$i]; echo '</a>'; echo "</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; } function show_item($news) { echo '<a href = "news.php">Вернуться к списку новостей</a>'; echo '<h3>' . $news[$_GET['id'] - 1] . '</h3>'; echo $news[$_GET['id'] - 1] . '<br>'; echo "Рады сообщить Вам, что наш консультационный центр переехал в новый, более просторный и современный офис по адресу - ул. Вице-Адмирала Жукова, 14 (центр города)Так как здание новое, оно есть не на всех картах и навигаторах."; } //Точка входа //Создаем массив новостей $news = array(); $news[0] = '01_Передает кодировку серверу, в которой он должен обрабатывать информацию'; $news[1] = '02_Имя окна, куда будет сервер возвращать результат'; $news[2] = '03_Разрешение автозаполнения формы'; //Был ли передан id новости в качестве параметра? if (isset($_GET['id'])) { show_item($news, $_GET['id']); } else { show_list($news); } mail('*****@*****.**', 'jhghwg', 'wsfwe uhuhrw');
show_item($quest['RewChoiceItemId5']); } if ($quest['RewChoiceItemId6']) { echo $lang['item_sel_or']; show_item($quest['RewChoiceItemId6']); } echo "</td></tr>"; } if ($quest['RewMailTemplateId']) { $MailTime = $quest['RewMailDelaySecs'] / 60 / 60; $ItemMail = getItemMail($quest['RewMailTemplateId']); echo "<tr><td class=mark>{$lang['Rew_mail']} {$lang['Mail_item_time']}" . $MailTime . "{$lang['Mail_time']}"; if ($ItemMail) { echo "<tr><td class=mark>{$lang['Rew_item_mail']}</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td class=reward> "; show_item($ItemMail); } echo "</td></tr>"; } if ($quest['RewSpell'] || $quest['RewSpellCast']) { $learn = $quest['RewSpell'] ? $quest['RewSpell'] : $quest['RewSpellCast']; $spell = getSpell($learn); if ($spell) { $spellName = getSpellName($spell); } else { $spellName = "Spell {$learn}"; } echo '<tr><td class=mark>' . ($quest['RewSpell'] ? $lang['learn_spell'] : $lang['cast_spell']) . '</td></tr>'; echo "<tr><td class=reward> "; show_spell($spell['id'], $spell['SpellIconID']); echo " <a href=\"?spell={$spell['id']}\">{$spell['SpellName']}</a></td></tr>";
<?php include_once "conf.php"; include_once "include/info_table_generator.php"; $entry = intval(@$_REQUEST['itemset']); $set = getItemSet($entry); if (!$set) { RenderError($lang['item_not_found']); } else { $setkey = array_keys($set); echo "<table class=report width=500 border = 1>"; echo "<tbody>"; echo "<tr><td class=head>" . $set['name'] . "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td class=set>"; for ($i = 1; $i < 18; $i++) { if ($set_item = $set['item_' . $i]) { echo " "; show_item($set_item); echo " "; } } echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td class=left>"; for ($i = 1; $i < 9; $i++) { if ($spellID = $set['spell_' . $i]) { echo ' <a class=spell href="?spell=' . $spellID . '">(' . $set['count_' . $i] . ') ' . get_spell_details($spellID) . '</a><br>'; } } echo "</td></tr>"; echo "</tbody></table>"; }
function r_excostItem($data) { global $lang, $dDB; if ($items = $dDB->selectCol("SELECT `item` FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE ExtendedCost = ?d GROUP BY `item`", $data['id'])) { foreach ($items as $itemid) { show_item($itemid, 0, "sell"); } } else { echo $lang['no_found']; } }
function show_vendors($vendors) { page_head("Android task success by vendor"); start_table(); table_header("Vendor<br><span class=note>click for models</span>", "Success", "Failure", "Success rate"); $y = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); foreach ($vendors as $name => $x) { if (!$name) { $name = "not reported by client"; } else { $name = "<a href=android_tasks.php?vendor={$name}>{$name}</a>"; } show_item($name, $x); $y[1] += $x[1]; $y[3] += $x[3]; } show_item("total", $y); end_table(); page_tail(); }
function Spider_Facebook_manage() { require_once "facebook_manager.php"; require_once "facbook_manager.html.php"; if (!function_exists('print_html_nav')) { require_once "nav_function/nav_html_func.php"; } global $wpdb; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = (int) $_GET['id']; } else { $id = 0; } if (isset($_GET['task'])) { $task = $_GET['task']; } else { $task = ''; } switch ($task) { case 'add': spider_facebook_add(); break; case 'Apply': if (!isset($_POST['title'])) { spider_facebook_show(); break; } sp_fb_save(); $xxx = 0; if ($id) { try { $facebook = new seve_or_update_sp('spiderfacebook_params', $_POST); $facebook->update_parametrs($id); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); $xxx = 1; } } else { try { $facebook = new seve_or_update_sp('spiderfacebook_params', $_POST); $facebook->save_parametrs(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } $id = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT MAX(id) FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'spiderfacebook_params'); $_GET['id'] = $id; } if ($xxx) { spider_facebook_show(); } else { Spider_Facebook_edit($id); } break; case 'Save': if (!isset($_POST['title'])) { spider_facebook_show(); break; } sp_fb_save(); if (!$id) { try { $facebook = new seve_or_update_sp('spiderfacebook_params', $_POST); $facebook->save_parametrs(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } spider_facebook_show(); } else { try { $facebook = new seve_or_update_sp('spiderfacebook_params', $_POST); $facebook->update_parametrs($id); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } spider_facebook_show(); } break; case 'edit': edit(); break; case 'remove_Spider_Facebook': remove_Spider_Facebook($id); spider_facebook_show(); break; case 'publish': publish(1); break; case 'show_art': show_art(); break; case 'show_item': show_item(); break; case 'Spider_Facebook_edit': Spider_Facebook_edit($id); break; case "publiah_spider_facebook": cange_facebook_published($id); spider_facebook_show(); break; default: spider_facebook_show(); break; } }
$price = sprintf("%01.2f", $price); $iznos = $DAT["iznos"]; $iznos_all = $DAT["iznos_max"]; echo "<tr class='" . ($n ? 'l0' : 'l1') . "'>\n\t\t \t\t<td width=150 valign=center align=center>\n\t\t \t\t<span style=\"position:relative; width:60px; height:60px;\"><img src='img/" . $img . "' alt='" . $name . "'><small style='background-color: #E0E0E0; position: absolute; right: 1; bottom: 3;'><B>x" . $co . "</B></small>\n\t\t \t\t</span>\n\t\t \t\t<br><A HREF=\"javascript:drop('{$name}', '{$item_id}', '{$name}', '{$img}')\"><img src='img/icon/clear.gif' style='CURSOR: Hand' border=0></a>\n\t\t \t\t</td><td valign=top>\n\t\t \t\t<b>" . $name . "</b> (Масса: " . $mass . ")<BR>\n\t\t \t\t<b>Цена: " . $price . " Зл.</b><BR>\n\t\t \t\tДолговечность:{$iznos}/{$iznos_all}\n\t\t \t\t</td></tr>"; } mysql_free_result($S); } else { if ($otdel == "runa") { $S = mysql_query("SELECT runa.*, as ids,inv.iznos,inv.iznos_max, count(*) as co FROM inv LEFT JOIN runa ON WHERE inv.owner='" . $login . "' and inv.object_type='runa' GROUP by object_id"); if (!mysql_num_rows($S)) { echo "<tr class='l0'><td height=30 align=center>ПУСТО</td></tr>"; } while ($DAT = mysql_fetch_assoc($S)) { $n = !$n; echo "<tr class='" . ($n ? 'l0' : 'l1') . "'>\n\t\t \t\t<td width=150 valign=center align=center>\n\t\t \t\t<span style=\"position:relative; width:60px; height:60px;\"><img src='img/" . $DAT["img"] . "' title='" . $DAT["name"] . "'><small style='background-color: #E0E0E0; position: absolute; right: 1; bottom: 3;'><B>x" . $DAT["co"] . "</B></small></span>\n\t\t \t\t<br><A HREF=\"JavaScript:findwear('" . $DAT["name"] . "','main.php?act=inv&runa_id=" . $DAT["ids"] . "', 'wearname', '5')\" title='Прочитать это заклинание.'>исп-ть</A>\n\t\t \t\t<BR><A HREF=\"javascript:drop('" . $DAT["name"] . "', '" . $DAT["ids"] . "', '" . $DAT["name"] . "', '" . $DAT["img"] . "')\"><img src='img/icon/clear.gif' style='CURSOR: Hand' border=0></a>\n\t\t \t\t</td><td valign=top>"; show_item($db, $DAT); echo "</td></tr>"; } mysql_free_result($S); } } } } } } ?> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td>
} } ##################ВЫСТАВИТЬ НА АУКЦИОН#################### if ($_GET['razdel'] == 3) { $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM inv WHERE object_razdel='obj' and owner='" . $login . "' and wear=0"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($data)) { $n = !$n; echo "<tr class='" . ($n ? 'l0' : 'l1') . "'><TD align=center><IMG SRC=\"img/items/{$row['img']}\" BORDER=0><BR>\n\t\t\t\t<A onclick=\"lot('Выставить лот :', '?sale={$row['name']}&item={$row['id']}', '{$row['name']}', '4')\" style='CURSOR: Hand'>Выставить лот</A>\n\t\t\t\t</TD>\n\t\t\t\t<TD valign=top>"; show_item($db, $row); echo "</TD></TR>"; } $data = mysql_query("SELECT runa.*, as ids, inv.iznos, inv.iznos_max FROM inv LEFT JOIN runa ON WHERE object_razdel='runa' and owner='" . $login . "' and wear=0"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($data)) { $n = !$n; echo "<tr class='" . ($n ? 'l0' : 'l1') . "'><TD align=center><IMG SRC=\"img/{$row['img']}\" BORDER=0><BR>\n\t\t\t\t<A onclick=\"lot('Выставить лот :', '?sale={$row['name']}&item={$row['ids']}', '{$row['name']}', '4')\" style='CURSOR: Hand'>Выставить лот</A>\n\t\t\t\t</TD>\n\t\t\t\t<TD valign=top>"; show_item($db, $row); echo "</TD></TR>"; } } ?> </TABLE> </TD> <td valign=top> <?php $money = sprintf("%01.2f", $db["money"]); $platina = sprintf("%01.2f", $db["platina"]); ?> У вас в наличии: <B><?php echo $money; ?> </b> Зл. <b><?php
<div id="cnt" class="content"> <div class="aheader"> <b>Инвентар</b><br/> <font color='#ff0000'><?php echo $_SESSION["message"]; $_SESSION["message"] = ""; ?> </font> </div> <?php if ($_GET["info"]) { $item_id = (int) $_GET["info"]; $sql_info = mysql_fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM inv WHERE owner='" . $login . "' and object_razdel='obj' and id=" . $item_id)); if ($sql_info) { echo "<img src='" . $sql_info["img"] . "' border='0' /><br/>"; echo show_item($db, $sql_info); } } else { if ($otdel == "obj") { showPlayer_inv($db); echo "<br/>[<a href=\"?act=unwear_full\">Снять все</a>]<br/>"; } else { if ($otdel == "magic") { for ($j = 0; $j <= 1; $j++) { for ($i = $j * 6 + 100; $i <= $j * 6 + 105; $i++) { echo showpic($db, $i, 2); } unset($i); } } }
function showEffectData($spell, $effect) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<th>Effect ' . ($effect - 1) . ':</th>'; echo '<td colspan=3>'; if ($spell['Effect_' . $effect] == 0) { echo 'No Effect'; return; } else { $eff_id = $spell['Effect_' . $effect]; $aura = $spell['EffectApplyAuraName_' . $effect]; $itemId = $spell['EffectItemType_' . $effect]; $triggerId = $spell['EffectTriggerSpell_' . $effect]; $radius = $spell['EffectRadiusIndex_' . $effect]; $amount = getBasePointDesc($spell, $effect); if ($aura == 107 or $aura == 108 or $aura == 109 or $aura == 112) { $spellFamilyMask = $itemId; $itemId = 0; } echo "({$eff_id}) " . getSpellEffectName($eff_id); if ($aura) { showAuraInfo($spell, $effect, $aura); } else { showEffectInfo($spell, $effect, $eff_id); } if ($spell['EffectAmplitude_' . $effect]) { echo '<br>Interval: ' . $spell['EffectAmplitude_' . $effect] / 1000 . ' sec'; } // Спелл if ($triggerId) { $trigger = getSpell($triggerId); if ($trigger) { echo '<table class=no_border><tbody><tr>'; echo '<td>'; show_spell($trigger['id'], $trigger['SpellIconID'], 'spellinfo'); echo '</td>'; echo '<td><a href="?spell=' . $trigger['id'] . '">' . $trigger['SpellName'] . '</a><br>Value: ' . $amount . '</td>'; echo '</tr></tbody></table>'; } else { echo '<br>Err trigger spell id ' . $triggerId; } } else { if ($itemId) { $item = getItem($itemId); if ($item) { global $Quality; $colorname = $item['Quality']; echo "<table class=no_border><tbody><tr>"; echo "<td>"; show_item($item['entry'], $item['displayid'], 'spellinfo'); echo "</td>"; echo "<td><a class={$Quality[$colorname]} href=\"?item={$item['entry']}\">{$item['name']}</a>"; if ($amount > 1) { echo " x" . $amount; } echo "</td>"; echo "</tr></tbody></table>"; } else { echo "<br>Err item id " . $itemId; } } else { if ($radius) { echo "<br>Radius: " . getRadiusText($radius); } if ($amount != 0) { echo "<br>Value: " . $amount; } } } } echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; }
function show_next($iter, $view) { global $refresh, $user, $course; $iter->next(); if ($refresh) { $iter->at(); if (!$iter->xset) { // if we're doing a refresh and are no longer in an xset, // we must have finished the refresh // show_refresh_finished(); $refresh->update('count=count+1'); break; } } if ($iter->item) { $state = $iter->encode_state(); $mode = default_mode($iter->item); $view_id = create_view($iter, $mode, $view->id); show_item($iter, $view_id, $view->id, $mode); } else { // course finished $iter->frac_done = 1; $fin_view_id = create_view($iter, BOLT_MODE_FINISHED, $view->id); $e = new BoltEnrollment(); $e->user_id = $user->id; $e->course_id = $course->id; $e->update("last_view_id={$fin_view_id}"); show_finished_page($fin_view_id, $view->id); } }
<head> <title>WAP.MEYDAN.AZ</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css" type="text/css"/> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="ru" /> <meta name="Description" content="Отличная RPG онлайн игра посвященная боям и магии. Тысячи жизней, миллионы смертей, два бога, сотни битв между Светом и Тьмой." /> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" /> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" /> <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0" /> </head> <body> <div id="cnt" class="content"> <div> <?php if (!$from_inv) { echo "<b>Предмет не найден</b>"; } else { echo "<br/><b>Вещь персонажа:</b> " . $from_inv["owner"] . "<br/><img src='" . $from_inv["img"] . "' border='0' /><br/>"; show_item($db, $from_inv); $from_shop = mysql_fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM paltar WHERE id='" . $from_inv["object_id"] . "'")); echo "<div class=\"sep1\"></div><div class=\"sep2\"></div>"; echo "<br/><b>Вещь из Магазина</b><br/><img src='" . $from_inv["img"] . "' border='0' /><br/>"; show_item($db, $from_shop); } ?> </div> <?php include "bottom.php"; ?> </div> </html>
} } } else { if ($room == 5) { $SQL = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM inv WHERE owner='" . $login . "' AND object_type in ('sword','axe','fail','spear','knife','staff') AND wear='0'"); $at_all = mysql_num_rows($SQL); if ($at_all == 0) { echo "<tr class='l0'><td align=center><b style='color:#ff0000'>У вас в рюкзаке нет оружия!</b></td></tr>"; } else { while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($SQL)) { $n = !$n; echo "<tr class='" . ($n ? 'l0' : 'l1') . "'><td valign=center width=200>"; echo "<center><img src='img/items/" . $data["img"] . "' border=0><BR>"; echo "<a href='?room=5&zatochka=" . $data["id"] . "'><small>Снять Заточку</small></a><br>"; echo "</td><td valign='top'>"; show_item($db, $data); echo "</td></tr>"; } } } } } } } } ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr>
$money_type = "Ед."; } if (!$query["noremont"]) { if ($query["art"]) { $price1 = $pal_price * 1.0 - $query["iznos"] * 0.1; } else { $price1 = $pal_price * 0.75 - $query["iznos"] * 0.1; } //$price1=$pal_price; } else { $price1 = 1; } if ($query["podzemka"]) { $price1 = 1; } if ($price1 < 0) { $price1 = 0; } if ($query["term"] != "") { $price1 = 0; } $price = sprintf("%01.2f", $price1); $db["vip"] = 0; echo "<tr class='" . ($n ? "l0" : "l1") . "'>\n\t\t<td width=180 valign=center align=center><img src='img/items/" . $query["img"] . "'><br>"; echo "<a href='#' onclick=\"prodaja('" . $query["id"] . "', '" . $query["name"] . ($query["is_modified"] ? " +" . $query["is_modified"] : "") . "');\">Продать за {$price} {$money_type}</a>"; echo "</td><td valign='top'>"; show_item($db, $query); echo "</td></tr>"; } } echo "</table>";
} } echo "Фильтр: <a href='?type=edit&otdel={$otdel}'>Все</a> | <a href='?type=edit&otdel={$otdel}&sort=1'>ART1</a> | <a href='?type=edit&otdel={$otdel}&sort=2'>ART2</a> | <a href='?type=edit&otdel={$otdel}&sort=3'>Подземные</a>"; echo '<table width=100%><tr><td nowrap width=100% valign=top>'; echo '<TABLE width=100% cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 bgcolor=A5A5A5>'; $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM paltar WHERE object='{$otdel}' {$str} ORDER BY min_level ASC, price ASC"); while ($res = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $n = !$n; echo '<tr bgcolor=' . ($n ? '#C7C7C7' : '#D5D5D5') . '><td valign=center align=center width=150 nowrap><img src="img/items/' . $res['img'] . '?' . md5(time()) . '"> <br><a href="?type=edit&item_id=' . $res['id'] . '&' . md5(time()) . '">Изменит Рисунок</a> <br><a href="?type=edit&edit_id=' . $res['id'] . '&' . md5(time()) . '">Изменит Данныe</a> <br><br><br><a href="?type=edit&dubl_id=' . $res['id'] . '&' . md5(time()) . '">Дубликат</a> <br>ID=[' . $res['id'] . '] </td> <td>'; show_item($db, $res); echo ' <br>(количество: ' . $res["mountown"] . ')</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table> </td> <td nowrap valign=top> '; include "inc/shop/otdel_edit.php"; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr></table>'; } else { if ($_GET["item_id"]) { $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM paltar WHERE id=" . $_GET["item_id"]); $res = mysql_fetch_array($query);
To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates and open the template in the editor. --> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> </head> <body> <?php //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // 商品一覧の定義 $fish = array("サンマ", "マグロ", "カサゴ", "クエ", "ヒラメ", "フナ", "サバ"); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // パラメータに応じて処理を変える if (isset($_GET["fish"])) { show_item(); } else { show_form(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // 選択したアイテムを表示する function show_item() { $fish = $_GET["fish"]; $fish_html = htmlspecialchars($fish); // HTML変換 echo "魚「{$fish_html}」をゲットだぜ!"; } // フォームを表示する function show_form() {