<?php /** * HAL10K - Bitcoin PHP Trading bot * * After losing some money on Bitcoin exchanges, I decided to develop my own Trading bot/helper. * This bot acts with pre-defined parameters based on statistics/strategies and not with the emotion of the moment, so it's much easier to perform trading operations. * * @package HAL10K * @version 2.2 * @category bitcoin * @author intrd - http://dann.com.br/ * @link https://github.com/intrd/bitcoin-hal10k * @see http://dann.com.br/hal-10k-php-trading-helper-bot/ * @copyright 2013 intrd * @license Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ * */ include "configs.php"; $time = date("i"); if ($_POST['hal'] == "meuovo123654") { setset("kill", '1'); } else { echo "#ERROR1 "; } if ($_POST['i'] == $time) { echo "SUDDEN DONE."; setset("sudden", '1'); } else { echo "#ERROR2"; }
wfilew($lastfile, $transa["type"] . "," . $wallet_amount . "," . $transa["price"] . "," . $transa["datetime"] . "," . $transa["prem"] . ",{$log},\r\n"); } $dt = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); if ($fake == true and $paper == false) { $dt = $ticker["datetime"]; } $hora_new = date("i"); $pre = $transa["prem"]; $vol = $ticker["ticker_vol"]; $type = $transa["type"]; $line = $dt . ",," . $transa["price"] . ",{$type},{$pre},{$vol}," . $lastema["short"] . "," . $lastema["long"] . ",\r\n"; wfilew($datachart, $line); } if ($transa["sudden_mode"] == 1) { $sudden_mode = 1; setset("sudden", '1'); echo "\n*** #SUDDEN MODE stills.."; } else { $sudden_mode = 0; setset("sudden", '0'); } } } } if ($fake == false) { sleep($interval); } if ($paper == true) { sleep($interval); } }