/** * Performs the validation and returns the result * * @param Mixed $value The value to validate * @return \r8\Validator\Result */ public function validate($value) { // Invoke the internal validator $result = $this->process($value); if ($result instanceof \Traversable) { $result = \iterator_to_array($result); } // Normalize the results if it is an array if (\is_array($result)) { $result = \r8\ary\flatten($result); $result = \r8\ary\stringize($result); $result = \r8\ary\compact($result); } elseif ($result instanceof \r8\Validator\Result) { $result = $result->getErrors(); } elseif (is_null($result) || is_bool($result) || $result === 0 || $result === 0.0) { $result = null; } else { $result = (string) $result; } // Boot up the results of the validation process $output = new \r8\Validator\Result($value); // If the internal validator returned a non-empty value // (either an array with values or a non-blank string) if (!\r8\isEmpty($result)) { // If this validator is hooked up with a set of custom error messages, // use them instead of what the result returned if ($this->hasErrors()) { $output->addErrors($this->getErrors()); } else { $output->addErrors($result); } } return $output; }
/** * Converts the given value to boolean * * @param Mixed $value The value to filter * @return Boolean */ public function filter($value) { if (is_bool($value)) { return $value; } else { if (is_int($value) || is_float($value)) { return $value == 0 ? FALSE : TRUE; } else { if (is_null($value)) { return FALSE; } else { if (is_string($value)) { $value = strtolower(\r8\str\stripW($value)); if ($value == "f" || $value == "false" || $value == "n" || $value == "no" || $value == "off" || \r8\isEmpty($value)) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } else { if (is_array($value)) { return count($value) == 0 ? FALSE : TRUE; } else { return $value ? TRUE : FALSE; } } } } } }
/** * Constructor... * * @param String $regex The Regular Expression to compare the value to */ public function __construct($regex) { $regex = (string) $regex; if (\r8\isEmpty($regex)) { throw new \r8\Exception\Argument(0, "Regular Expression", "Must not be empty"); } $this->regex = $regex; }
/** * Constructor... * * @param String $tag The name of the tag to construct * @param Array $attrs Any attributes to add to the created element */ public function __construct($tag, array $attrs = array()) { $tag = trim((string) $tag); if (\r8\isEmpty($tag)) { throw new \r8\Exception\Argument(1, "Tag Name", "Must not be empty"); } $this->tag = $tag; $this->setAttributes($attrs); }
/** * Sets the value of the condition in this instance * * @param String $condition The condition this instance represents * @return \r8\HTML\Conditional Returns a self reference */ public function setCondition($condition) { $condition = trim(\r8\str\stripW($condition, " ")); if (\r8\isEmpty($condition)) { throw new \r8\Exception\Argument(0, "Condition", "Must not be empty"); } $this->condition = $condition; return $this; }
/** * Constructor... * * @param String $name The name of this argument * @param \r8\iface\Filter $filter The filter to apply to this argument's data * @param \r8\iface\Validator $validator The validator to use for checking * this argument's data */ public function __construct($name, \r8\iface\Filter $filter = NULL, \r8\iface\Validator $validator = NULL) { $name = \r8\str\stripNoPrint($name); if (\r8\isEmpty($name)) { throw new \r8\Exception\Argument(0, "Name", "Must not be empty"); } $this->name = $name; $this->filter = $filter ?: new \r8\Filter\Identity(); $this->validator = $validator ?: new \r8\Validator\Pass(); }
/** * Adds a new error to this instance * * @param String $message The error message to add * @return \r8\Validator\ErrorList Returns a self reference */ public function addError($message) { $message = (string) $message; if (\r8\isEmpty($message)) { throw new \r8\Exception\Argument(0, "Error Message", "Must Not Be Empty"); } if (!in_array($message, $this->errors)) { $this->errors[] = $message; } return $this; }
/** * Constructor... * * @param String $message * @param String $level * @param String $code * @param Array $data */ public function __construct($message, $level, $code, array $data = array()) { $code = \r8\str\stripW($code, "_"); if (\r8\isEmpty($code)) { throw new \r8\Exception\Argument(2, 'Code', 'Can only contain Numbers, Strings and Underscores'); } $this->message = (string) $message; $this->level = \r8\Log\Level::resolveValue($level); $this->code = (string) $code; $this->data = $data; $this->time = \microtime(TRUE); }
/** * Cleans and normalizes a flag * * @param String $flag * @param Boolean $require Whether to throw an exception if * this flag is empty * @return String */ public static function normalizeFlag($flag, $require = TRUE) { $flag = trim(str_replace(" ", "-", (string) $flag), "-"); $flag = \r8\str\stripW($flag, "-"); if ($require && \r8\isEmpty($flag)) { throw new \r8\Exception\Argument(0, "Flag", "Must not be empty"); } else { if (strlen($flag) > 1) { $flag = strtolower($flag); } } return $flag; }
/** * Adds a new prefix and where to look for it * * @param String $prefix The class Prefix to look for * @param String $location Where to look for this file * @return \r8\Autoload Returns a self reference */ public function register($prefix, $location) { $prefix = trim((string) $prefix, '\\ '); if (\r8\isEmpty($prefix)) { throw new \r8\Exception\Argument(0, "Class Prefix", "Must not be empty"); } $location = rtrim((string) $location, "/"); if (\r8\isEmpty($location)) { throw new \r8\Exception\Argument(1, "File Location", "Must not be empty"); } $this->map = array($prefix => $location) + $this->map; return $this; }
/** * Constructor... * * @param String $name The name of this command * @param String $description A description of this command */ public function __construct($name, $description) { $name = \r8\str\stripNoPrint($name); if (\r8\isEmpty($name)) { throw new \r8\Exception\Argument(0, "Name", "Must not be empty"); } $description = \r8\str\stripNoPrint($description); if (\r8\isEmpty($description)) { throw new \r8\Exception\Argument(0, "Description", "Must not be empty"); } $this->name = $name; $this->description = $description; $this->forms[] = new \r8\CLI\Form(); }
/** * Validates an e-mail address * * @param mixed $value The value to validate * @return String|NULL Any errors encountered */ protected function process($value) { $value = (string) $value; if (\r8\isEmpty($value)) { return "Email Address must not be empty"; } $atCount = substr_count($value, "@"); if ($atCount == 0) { return "Email Address must contain an 'at' (@) symbol"; } if ($atCount > 1) { return "Email Address must only contain one 'at' (@) symbol"; } if (\r8\str\contains(" ", $value)) { return "Email Address must not contain spaces"; } if (\r8\str\contains("\n", $value) || \r8\str\contains("\r", $value)) { return "Email Address must not contain line breaks"; } if (\r8\str\contains("\t", $value)) { return "Email Address must not contain tabs"; } if (preg_match('/\\.\\.+/', $value)) { return "Email Address must not contain repeated periods"; } if (preg_match('/[^a-z0-9' . preg_quote('!#$%&\'*+-/=?^_`{|}~@.[]', '/') . ']/i', $value)) { return "Email Address contains invalid characters"; } if (\r8\str\endsWith($value, ".")) { return "Email Address must not end with a period"; } list($local, $domain) = explode("@", $value); if (\r8\str\startsWith($local, ".")) { return "Email Address must not start with a period"; } // This is hard to describe to a user, so just give them a vague description if (\r8\str\endsWith($local, ".")) { return "Email Address is not valid"; } if (strlen($local) > 64 || strlen($domain) > 255) { return "Email Address is too long"; } $regex = '/' . '^' . '[\\w!#$%&\'*+\\/=?^`{|}~.-]+' . '@' . '(?:[a-z\\d][a-z\\d-]*(?:\\.[a-z\\d][a-z\\d-]*)?)+' . '\\.(?:[a-z][a-z\\d-]+)' . '$' . '/iD'; // Do a final regex to match the basic form if (!preg_match($regex, $value)) { return "Email Address is not valid"; } }
/** * Constructor... * * @param String $host The host of the Memcache server * @param Integer $port The port to connect to * @param Boolean $persistent Whether to connect with a persistent connection * @param Integer $timeout The connection timeout value in seconds */ public function __construct($host = "", $port = 11211, $persistent = FALSE, $timeout = 1) { if (!extension_loaded('memcache')) { throw new \r8\Exception\Extension("memcache", "Extension is not loaded"); } $this->host = trim((string) $host); if (\r8\isEmpty($this->host)) { throw new \r8\Exception\Argument(0, "Memcache Host", "Must not be empty"); } $this->port = (int) $port; if ($this->port < 0) { throw new \r8\Exception\Argument(1, "Memcache Port", "Must be at least 0"); } $this->persistent = (bool) $persistent; $this->timeout = (int) $timeout; if ($this->timeout <= 0) { throw new \r8\Exception\Argument(1, "Memcache Port", "Must be greater than 0"); } }
public function testIsEmpty() { $this->assertTrue(\r8\isEmpty("")); $this->assertTrue(\r8\isEmpty(0)); $this->assertTrue(\r8\isEmpty(NULL)); $this->assertTrue(\r8\isEmpty(FALSE)); $this->assertTrue(\r8\isEmpty(array())); $this->assertTrue(\r8\isEmpty(" ")); $this->assertFalse(\r8\isEmpty("string")); $this->assertFalse(\r8\isEmpty(1)); $this->assertFalse(\r8\isEmpty("0")); $this->assertFalse(\r8\isEmpty("1")); $this->assertFalse(\r8\isEmpty(TRUE)); $this->assertFalse(\r8\isEmpty(array(1))); $this->assertFalse(\r8\isEmpty("", \r8\ALLOW_BLANK)); $this->assertFalse(\r8\isEmpty(0, \r8\ALLOW_ZERO)); $this->assertFalse(\r8\isEmpty(NULL, \r8\ALLOW_NULL)); $this->assertFalse(\r8\isEmpty(FALSE, \r8\ALLOW_FALSE)); $this->assertFalse(\r8\isEmpty(array(), \r8\ALLOW_EMPTY_ARRAYS)); $this->assertFalse(\r8\isEmpty(" ", \r8\ALLOW_SPACES)); }
/** * Sets the encoding this for should use * * @param String $encoding * @return Object Returns a self reference */ public function setEncoding($encoding) { $encoding = trim((string) $encoding); if (\r8\isEmpty($encoding)) { throw new \r8\Exception\Argument(0, "Form Encoding", "Must not be empty"); } $this->encoding = $encoding; return $this; }
/** * Sets the value of the tag in this instance * * @param String $tag The tag this instance represents * @return \r8\HTML\Tag Returns a self reference */ public function setTag($tag) { $tag = strtolower(\r8\str\stripW($tag)); if (\r8\isEmpty($tag)) { throw new \r8\Exception\Argument(0, "Tag", "Must not be empty"); } $this->tag = $tag; return $this; }
/** * Collapses long words down with elipses * * @param String $string The string to scan for long words * @param Integer $maxLength The maximum length a word can be * @param Integer|Boolean $trimTo How short to make the long words * @param String $glue The delimiter to replace the removed characters with * @return String Returns the string with all the long words replaced */ function truncateWords($string, $maxLength, $trimTo = FALSE, $glue = '...') { $string = (string) $string; if (\r8\isEmpty($string)) { return ''; } $glue = (string) $glue; // Maxlength must be at least 1 $maxLength = max($maxLength, 1); // If they didn't define a trimTo, then default it to 2/3 the max length if (\r8\isVague($trimTo) || (int) $trimTo <= 0) { $trimTo = ceil($maxLength * (2 / 3)); } // The trimTo length can't be greater than the max length // The trimTo must be at least the length of the glue + characters on each side $trimTo = max($trimTo, strlen($glue) + 2); // We now double check to make sure the maxlength is at least equal to the trimTo $maxLength = max($maxLength, $trimTo); $first = ceil(($trimTo - strlen($glue)) / 2); $third = $trimTo - strlen($glue) - $first; $second = $maxLength - $trimTo + strlen($glue); return preg_replace('/\\b(\\w{' . $first . '})\\w{' . $second . ',}(\\w{' . $third . '})\\b/i', '\\1' . $glue . '\\2', $string); }
/** * Parses a query string into an array * * @param String $query The query string to parser * @return Array Returns the parsed string as an array */ public function parse($query) { $query = (string) $query; // Grab everything after the starting delimiter if (\r8\str\contains($this->startDelim, $query)) { $query = substr($query, strpos($query, $this->startDelim) + 1); } // Cut off everything after the ending delimiter if (\r8\str\contains($this->endDelim, $query)) { $query = substr($query, 0, strpos($query, $this->endDelim)); } // Split the query into its pairs $query = explode($this->outerDelim, $query); $result = array(); // Loop through each pair foreach ($query as $pair) { // Skip over empty pairs if (\r8\isEmpty($pair)) { continue; } // split the pair up into its key and value if (\r8\str\contains($this->innerDelim, $pair)) { list($key, $value) = explode($this->innerDelim, $pair, 2); } else { list($key, $value) = array($pair, ""); } // if the key is empty, do nothing with it if (\r8\isEmpty($key, \r8\ALLOW_SPACES)) { continue; } // Apply the filters to the key and value $key = $this->keyFilter->filter($key); $value = $this->valueFilter->filter($value); // parse the list of keys into an array $key = $this->parseKey($key); // Add the branch to the result array \r8\ary\branch($result, $value, $key); } return $result; }
/** * Performs the filtering * * @param Mixed $value The value to filter * @return Mixed */ public function filter($value) { return \r8\isEmpty($value, $this->flags) ? $this->value : $value; }
/** * Recursively builds an XML tree * * @param \DOMDocument $doc The document being built * @param String $parent The tag name of the parent element * @param Mixed $data The data being pieced together * @param Boolean $root Whether the data being parsed is at the root level * This is used during iteration, for example, to ensure lists are * created properly * @return DOMNode Returns the built node */ protected function build(\DOMDocument $doc, $parent, &$data, $root = FALSE) { if (\r8\isEmpty($data)) { return $this->createElement($doc, $parent); } else { if (\r8\isBasic($data) && $data !== NULL) { $node = $this->createElement($doc, $parent); $node->appendChild($doc->createTextNode((string) $data)); } else { if (is_array($data) || $data instanceof \Traversable) { $node = $this->iterate($doc, $parent, $data, $root); } else { if ($data instanceof \r8\iface\XMLBuilder) { $node = $this->createElement($doc, $parent); $node->appendChild(\r8\XMLBuilder::buildNode($data, $doc)); } else { if (is_object($data)) { // If it is an object that supports "toString" if (\r8\respondTo($data, "__toString")) { $node = $this->createElement($doc, $parent); $node->appendChild($doc->createTextNode($data->__toString())); } else { $props = get_object_vars($data); $node = $this->iterate($doc, $parent, $props, $root); } } } } } } return $node; }
/** * Renders the contained page and returns the results * * @return \r8\iface\Template Returns the rendered template */ public function getTemplate() { $context = $this->getContext(); try { $template = $this->getPage()->getContent($context); } catch (\r8\Page\Interrupt $err) { // If an interrupt is thrown, suppress the page load $context->suppress(); } // Pull the redirect URL $redirect = $context->getRedirect(); // If the redirect URL isn't empty, send the appropriate header if (!\r8\isEmpty($redirect)) { $this->getResponse()->setHeader("Location", $redirect); } // If the context denotes a suppressed page, return a blank template if ($context->isSuppressed()) { return new \r8\Template\Blank(); } return $template; }
/** * Sets the escape string * * @param String The new escape string * @return Object Returns a self reference */ public function setEscape($escape) { $escape = (string) $escape; if (\r8\isEmpty($escape, ALLOW_SPACES)) { throw new \r8\Exception\Argument(0, "Escape String", "Must not be empty"); } $this->escape = $escape; return $this; }
/** * Sets the filename for this file * * @param String $filename The new filename * @return \r8\FileSys\File Returns a self reference */ public function setFilename($filename) { $filename = trim((string) $filename); $filename = rtrim($filename, "."); $this->filename = \r8\isEmpty($filename) ? null : $filename; return $this; }
/** * Returns true if the value is boolean or empty * * @param mixed $value The value being tested * @param Integer $flags Any isEmpty() flags * @return Boolean */ function isVague($value, $flags = 0) { return is_bool($value) || \r8\isEmpty($value, $flags); }
/** * Sets the label that describes this form field * * @param String $label * @return \r8\Form\Field Returns a self reference */ public function setLabel($label) { $this->label = \r8\isEmpty((string) $label) ? NULL : (string) $label; return $this; }
/** * Returns the full URL contained in this instance * * @return String */ public function getURL() { $url = $this->getBase() . $this->getRelative(); return \r8\isEmpty($url, \r8\ALLOW_SPACES) ? null : $url; }
/** * Runs a query and returns the result * * @param String $query The query to run * @param Integer $flags Any boolean flags to set * @return \r8\iface\DB\Result Returns a result object */ public function query($query, $flags = 0) { if ($query instanceof \r8\iface\DB\Query) { $query = (string) $query->toSQL($this); } else { $query = (string) $query; } if (\r8\isEmpty($query)) { throw new \r8\Exception\Argument(0, "Query", "Must not be empty"); } if (!$this->adapter->isConnected()) { $this->adapter->connect(); } $result = $this->adapter->query($query); if (!$result instanceof \r8\iface\DB\Result) { throw new \r8\Exception\DB\Query($query, 'Query did not return a \\r8\\iface\\DB\\Result object', 0, $this->adapter); } return $result; }
/** * Helper function that returns whether a given array has key with a * non-empty value * * @param Array $array The array to test * @param String $key The key to test * @return Boolean */ private static function hasKey(array &$array, $key) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $array)) { return FALSE; } if (\r8\isEmpty($array[$key])) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
/** * Recursively removes all the empty values from an array * * @param array $array The array to compact * @param integer $flags Any valid isEmpty flags to use to determine if a value is empty * @return object Returns a compacted version of the current array */ function compact(array $array, $flags = 0) { $flags = max((int) $flags, 0); // Create the callback to apply to each sub-array $compact = function ($array, &$compact) use($flags) { $output = array(); foreach ($array as $key => $value) { // Recurse in to sub arrays if (is_array($value) && count($value) > 0) { $value = $compact($value, $compact); } // Add the value on to the result array only if it isn't empty if (!\r8\isEmpty($value, $flags)) { $output[$key] = $value; } } return $output; }; return $compact($array, $compact); }
/** * Counts the number of rows in a table * * To restrict which rows are affected, pass a WHERE clause through the $where * argument. * * @param String $table The table to update * @param String $where Any WHERE clause restrictions to place on the query * @return Integer Returns the number of counted rows */ public function count($table, $where = FALSE) { $table = (string) $table; if (\r8\isEmpty($table)) { throw new \r8\Exception\Argument(0, "Table Name", "Must not be empty"); } $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM " . $table; $where = trim((string) $where); if (!\r8\isEmpty($where)) { $query .= " WHERE " . $where; } return (int) $this->getField("cnt", $query, 0); }