/** * @return Generator * @throws \Steelbot\TelegramBotApi\Exception\TelegramBotApiException */ function botCoroutine() : \Generator { $api = new Api(getenv('BOT_TOKEN')); $updateId = 1; printf("Waiting for updates ...\n"); while (true) { // waiting for updates from telegram server /** @var Update[] $updates */ $updates = (yield from $api->getUpdates($updateId)); foreach ($updates as $update) { $method = processUpdate($update); if (is_object($method)) { yield from $api->execute($method); } $updateId = $update->updateId; } } }
</p> <?php } else { if (newUpdates($check_updates)) { // Get the update informations $update_infos = updateInformations(); // We can launch the update! if (isset($_GET['p']) && $_GET['p'] == 'update') { ?> <h4><?php _e("Update in progress"); ?> </h4> <?php if (processUpdate($update_infos['url'])) { ?> <p class="info smallspace success"><?php _e("Jappix has been updated: you are now running the latest version. Have fun!"); ?> </p> <?php } else { ?> <p class="info smallspace fail"><?php _e("The update has failed! Please try again later."); ?> </p> <?php } } else {
{ $pwgenURL = "http://androm.ru/pwgen/passwordGenerator.php?"; $curl = curl_init($pwgenURL . $params); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $result = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); return $result; } function debugEcho($string) { echo $string . "\n"; } function logData($data, $flag = True) { if ($flag) { $string = implode(" | ", $data); file_put_contents("./log.txt", $string . "\n", FILE_APPEND); } else { file_put_contents("./log.txt", var_export($data, true) . "\n", FILE_APPEND); } } debugEcho("Starting"); if ($_GET) { debugEcho("It's GET"); processGET($_GET); } elseif ($json = file_get_contents("php://input")) { processUpdate($json); } else { header("Location: https://telegram.me/FlimFlamBot"); exit; }