  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__administrative__theme_manage_screen()
     $themes = new ocp_tempcode();
     foreach (placeholder_array() as $value) {
         $themes->attach(do_lorem_template('THEME_MANAGE', array('THEME_USAGE' => lorem_phrase(), 'SEED' => '123456', 'DATE' => placeholder_time(), 'RAW_DATE' => placeholder_date_raw(), 'NAME' => $value, 'DESCRIPTION' => lorem_paragraph_html(), 'AUTHOR' => lorem_phrase(), 'TITLE' => lorem_phrase(), 'CSS_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'TEMPLATES_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'IMAGES_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'DELETABLE' => placeholder_table(), 'EDIT_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'DELETE_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'SCREEN_PREVIEW_URL' => placeholder_url())));
     $zones = array();
     foreach (placeholder_array() as $v) {
         $zones[] = array('0' => lorem_word(), '1' => lorem_word_2());
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('THEME_MANAGE_SCREEN', array('TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'THEMES' => $themes, 'THEME_DEFAULT_REASON' => lorem_phrase(), 'ZONES' => $zones)), NULL, '', true));
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__administrative__action_logs_screen()
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('ACTION_LOGS_SCREEN', array('TABLE' => placeholder_table(), 'TITLE' => lorem_title())), NULL, '', true));
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__list_catalogue_products()
     $fields = new ocp_tempcode();
     $fields_table = new ocp_tempcode();
     foreach (placeholder_array() as $v) {
         $_field = do_lorem_template('CATALOGUE_products_ENTRY_FIELD', array('ENTRYID' => placeholder_random_id(), 'CATALOGUE' => lorem_phrase(), 'TYPE' => lorem_word(), 'FIELD' => lorem_word(), 'FIELDID' => placeholder_random_id(), '_FIELDID' => placeholder_random_id(), 'FIELDTYPE' => lorem_word(), 'VALUE_PLAIN' => lorem_phrase(), 'VALUE' => lorem_phrase()), NULL, false, 'CATALOGUE_DEFAULT_ENTRY_FIELD');
     $cart_link = do_lorem_template('CATALOGUE_ENTRY_ADD_TO_CART', array('OUT_OF_STOCK' => lorem_phrase(), 'ACTION_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'PRODUCT_ID' => placeholder_id(), 'ALLOW_OPTOUT_TAX' => lorem_phrase(), 'PURCHASE_ACTION_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'CART_URL' => placeholder_url()));
     $cart_logo = do_lorem_template('CART_LOGO', array('URL' => placeholder_url(), 'TITLE' => lorem_phrase()), NULL, false);
     $rating_inside = new ocp_tempcode();
     $entry = do_lorem_template('CATALOGUE_products_ENTRY_EMBED', array('FIELD_0' => lorem_phrase(), 'FIELD_1' => lorem_phrase(), 'PRODUCT_CODE' => placeholder_id(), 'FIELD_9' => lorem_phrase(), 'FIELD_2' => placeholder_number(), 'PRICE' => placeholder_number(), 'RATING' => $rating_inside, 'FIELD_7_THUMB' => placeholder_image(), 'FIELD_7_PLAIN' => placeholder_url(), 'MAP_TABLE' => placeholder_table(), 'CART_BUTTONS' => $cart_link, 'CART_LINK' => $cart_logo, 'FIELDS' => $fields, 'URL' => placeholder_url(), 'VIEW_URL' => placeholder_url()));
     return array(lorem_globalise($entry, NULL, '', true));
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array                 Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__administrative__logowizard_2_screen()
     $preview = do_lorem_template('LOGOWIZARD_2_SCREEN', array('NAME' => lorem_phrase(), 'TITLE' => lorem_phrase(), 'THEME' => lorem_phrase()));
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('FORM_CONFIRM_SCREEN', array('URL' => placeholder_url(), 'BACK_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'PREVIEW' => $preview, 'FIELDS' => placeholder_table(), 'TITLE' => lorem_title())), NULL, '', true));
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__ocf_member_directory_screen()
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('OCF_MEMBER_DIRECTORY_SCREEN', array('USERGROUPS' => lorem_phrase(), 'HIDDEN' => '', 'MAX' => '30', 'SYMBOLS' => array(array('START' => '0', 'SYMBOL' => 'a'), array('START' => '1', 'SYMBOL' => 'b'), array('START' => '3', 'SYMBOL' => 'c')), 'SEARCH' => lorem_phrase(), 'GET_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'RESULTS_TABLE' => placeholder_table(), 'MEMBER_BOXES' => array(), 'RESULTS_BROWSER' => '')), NULL, '', true));
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__administrative__chat_moderate_screen()
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('CHAT_MODERATE_SCREEN', array('URL' => placeholder_url(), 'TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'INTRODUCTION' => lorem_phrase(), 'CONTENT' => placeholder_table(), 'LINKS' => placeholder_array())), NULL, '', true));
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__file_dump_screen()
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('FILE_DUMP_SCREEN', array('TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'FILES' => placeholder_table(), 'UPLOAD_FORM' => placeholder_form(), 'CREATE_FOLDER_FORM' => placeholder_form(), 'PLACE' => placeholder_id())), NULL, '', true));
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__administrative__block_main_staff_new_version()
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('BLOCK_MAIN_STAFF_NEW_VERSION', array('VERSION' => lorem_phrase(), 'VERSION_TABLE' => placeholder_table())), NULL, '', true));
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__administrative__table_table_screen()
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('TABLE_TABLE_SCREEN', array('TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'TABLE' => placeholder_table(), 'SUBMIT_NAME' => lorem_word(), 'POST_URL' => placeholder_url())), NULL, '', true));
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__administrative__security_screen()
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('SECURITY_SCREEN', array('TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'FAILED_LOGINS' => placeholder_table(), 'ALERTS' => lorem_phrase(), 'URL' => placeholder_url())), NULL, '', true));
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__comcode_mistake_screen()
     $line = new ocp_tempcode();
     foreach (placeholder_array() as $key => $value) {
         $line_content = new ocp_tempcode();
         if ($key == 0) {
             $line_content->attach(do_lorem_template('COMCODE_MISTAKE_ERROR', array()));
         $line->attach(do_lorem_template('COMCODE_MISTAKE_LINE', array('NUMBER' => placeholder_number(), 'LINE' => $line_content)));
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('COMCODE_MISTAKE_SCREEN', array('EDITABLE' => placeholder_table(), 'FORM' => placeholder_form(), 'TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'LINE' => lorem_phrase(), 'MESSAGE' => lorem_phrase(), 'LINES' => $line)), NULL, '', true));
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__administrative__ocf_warning_history_screen()
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('OCF_WARNING_HISTORY_SCREEN', array('TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'MEMBER_ID' => placeholder_id(), 'EDIT_PROFILE_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'VIEW_PROFILE_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'ADD_WARNING_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'RESULTS_TABLE' => placeholder_table())), NULL, '', true));