  * Prepares the items to later display in the table.
  * Should run before any headers are sent.
 function prepare_items()
     global $status, $snippets, $totals, $page, $orderby, $order, $s;
     wp_reset_vars(array('orderby', 'order', 's'));
     $screen = get_current_screen();
     $user = get_current_user_id();
     /* First, lets process the bulk actions */
     $snippets = array('all' => apply_filters('code_snippets/list_table/get_snippets', get_snippets($screen->is_network)), 'active' => array(), 'inactive' => array(), 'recently_activated' => array(), 'admin' => array(), 'frontend' => array());
     /* Filter snippets by tag */
     if (isset($_POST['tag'])) {
         $location = empty($_POST['tag']) ? remove_query_arg('tag') : add_query_arg('tag', $_POST['tag']);
     if (!empty($_GET['tag'])) {
         $snippets['all'] = array_filter($snippets['all'], array($this, '_tags_filter_callback'));
     /* Filter snippets based on search query */
     if ($s) {
         $snippets['all'] = array_filter($snippets['all'], array($this, '_search_callback'));
     if ($screen->is_network) {
         $recently_activated = get_site_option('recently_activated_snippets', array());
     } else {
         $recently_activated = get_option('recently_activated_snippets', array());
     $one_week = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60;
     foreach ($recently_activated as $key => $time) {
         if ($time + $one_week < time()) {
     if ($screen->is_network) {
         update_site_option('recently_activated_snippets', $recently_activated);
     } else {
         update_option('recently_activated_snippets', $recently_activated);
     $scopes_enabled = code_snippets_get_setting('general', 'snippet_scope_enabled');
     foreach ((array) $snippets['all'] as $snippet) {
         /* Filter into individual sections */
         if ($snippet->active) {
             $snippets['active'][] = $snippet;
         } else {
             // Was the snippet recently activated?
             if (isset($recently_activated[$snippet->id])) {
                 $snippets['recently_activated'][] = $snippet;
             $snippets['inactive'][] = $snippet;
         if ($scopes_enabled) {
             if ('1' == $snippet->scope) {
                 $snippets['admin'][] = $snippet;
             } elseif ('2' == $snippet->scope) {
                 $snippets['frontend'][] = $snippet;
     $totals = array();
     foreach ($snippets as $type => $list) {
         $totals[$type] = count($list);
     if (empty($snippets[$status])) {
         $status = 'all';
     $data = $snippets[$status];
      * First, lets decide how many records per page to show
      * by getting the user's setting in the Screen Options
      * panel.
     $sort_by = $screen->get_option('per_page', 'option');
     $screen_option = $screen->get_option('per_page', 'option');
     $per_page = get_user_meta($user, $screen_option, true);
     if (empty($per_page) || $per_page < 1) {
         $per_page = $screen->get_option('per_page', 'default');
     $per_page = (int) $per_page;
     $this->_column_headers = $this->get_column_info();
     usort($data, array($this, 'usort_reorder_callback'));
      * Let's figure out what page the user is currently
      * looking at.
     $current_page = $this->get_pagenum();
      * Let's check how many items are in our data array.
     $total_items = count($data);
      * The WP_List_Table class does not handle pagination for us, so we need
      * to ensure that the data is trimmed to only the current page.
     $data = array_slice($data, ($current_page - 1) * $per_page, $per_page);
      * Now we can add our *sorted* data to the items property, where
      * it can be used by the rest of the class.
     $this->items = $data;
      * We also have to register our pagination options & calculations.
     $this->set_pagination_args(array('total_items' => $total_items, 'per_page' => $per_page, 'total_pages' => ceil($total_items / $per_page)));
  * Prepares the items to later display in the table.
  * Should run before any headers are sent.
 public function prepare_items()
     global $status, $snippets, $totals, $s;
     wp_reset_vars(array('orderby', 'order', 's'));
     $screen = get_current_screen();
     $user = get_current_user_id();
     /* First, lets process the bulk actions */
     /* Initialize the $snippets array */
     $snippets = array_fill_keys($this->statuses, array());
     /* Fetch all snippets */
     $snippets['all'] = get_snippets(array(), $this->is_network);
     $snippets['all'] = apply_filters('code_snippets/list_table/get_snippets', $snippets['all']);
     /* Fetch shared network snippets */
     /* Redirect POST'ed tag filter to GET */
     if (isset($_POST['tag'])) {
         $location = empty($_POST['tag']) ? remove_query_arg('tag') : add_query_arg('tag', $_POST['tag']);
     /* Add scope tags */
     if (code_snippets_get_setting('general', 'snippet_scope_enabled')) {
         foreach ($snippets['all'] as $snippet) {
             if (0 != $snippet->scope) {
                 $snippet->tags = array_merge($snippet->tags, array($snippet->scope_name));
     /* Filter snippets by tag */
     if (!empty($_GET['tag'])) {
         $snippets['all'] = array_filter($snippets['all'], array($this, 'tags_filter_callback'));
     /* Filter snippets based on search query */
     if ($s) {
         $snippets['all'] = array_filter($snippets['all'], array($this, 'search_callback'));
     /* Clear recently activated snippets older than a week */
     $recently_activated = $this->is_network ? get_site_option('recently_activated_snippets', array()) : get_option('recently_activated_snippets', array());
     foreach ($recently_activated as $key => $time) {
         if ($time + WEEK_IN_SECONDS < time()) {
     $this->is_network ? update_site_option('recently_activated_snippets', $recently_activated) : update_option('recently_activated_snippets', $recently_activated);
     /* Filter snippets into individual sections */
     foreach ($snippets['all'] as $snippet) {
         if ($snippet->active) {
             $snippets['active'][] = $snippet;
         } else {
             $snippets['inactive'][] = $snippet;
             /* Was the snippet recently activated? */
             if (isset($recently_activated[$snippet->id])) {
                 $snippets['recently_activated'][] = $snippet;
     /* Count the totals for each section */
     $totals = array();
     foreach ($snippets as $type => $list) {
         $totals[$type] = count($list);
     /* If the current status is empty, default tp all */
     if (empty($snippets[$status])) {
         $status = 'all';
     /* Get the current data */
     $data = $snippets[$status];
     /* Decide how many records per page to show by
        getting the user's setting in the Screen Options panel */
     $sort_by = $screen->get_option('per_page', 'option');
     $per_page = get_user_meta($user, $sort_by, true);
     if (empty($per_page) || $per_page < 1) {
         $per_page = $screen->get_option('per_page', 'default');
     $per_page = (int) $per_page;
     $this->_column_headers = $this->get_column_info();
     usort($data, array($this, 'usort_reorder_callback'));
     /* Determine what page the user is currently looking at */
     $current_page = $this->get_pagenum();
     /* Check how many items are in the data array */
     $total_items = count($data);
     /* The WP_List_Table class does not handle pagination for us, so we need
        to ensure that the data is trimmed to only the current page. */
     $data = array_slice($data, ($current_page - 1) * $per_page, $per_page);
     /* Now we can add our *sorted* data to the items property,
        where it can be used by the rest of the class. */
     $this->items = $data;
     /* We register our pagination options and calculations */
     $this->set_pagination_args(array('total_items' => $total_items, 'per_page' => $per_page, 'total_pages' => ceil($total_items / $per_page)));