function forums_news() { require_once AT_INCLUDE_PATH . '../mods/_standard/forums/lib/'; global $db, $enrolled_courses, $system_courses; $news = array(); if ($enrolled_courses == '') { return $news; } $sql = 'SELECT E.approved, E.last_cid, C.* FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'course_enrollment E, ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'courses C WHERE C.course_id in ' . $enrolled_courses . ' AND E.member_id=' . $_SESSION['member_id'] . ' AND E.course_id=C.course_id ORDER BY C.title'; $rows_en_courses = queryDB($sql, array()); if (count($rows_en_courses) > 0) { foreach ($rows_en_courses as $row) { $all_forums = get_forums($row['course_id']); if (is_array($all_forums)) { foreach ($all_forums as $forums) { if (is_array($forums)) { foreach ($forums as $forum_obj) { $forum_obj['course_id'] = $row['course_id']; $link_title = $forum_obj['title']; $news[] = array('time' => $forum_obj['last_post'], 'object' => $forum_obj, 'alt' => _AT('forum'), 'thumb' => 'images/pin.png', 'course' => $system_courses[$row['course_id']]['title'], 'link' => '<a href="bounce.php?course=' . $row['course_id'] . SEP . 'pu=' . urlencode('mods/_standard/forums/forum/index.php?fid=' . $forum_obj['forum_id']) . '"' . (strlen($link_title) > SUBLINK_TEXT_LEN ? ' title="' . AT_print($link_title, 'forums.title') . '"' : '') . '>' . AT_print(validate_length($link_title, SUBLINK_TEXT_LEN, VALIDATE_LENGTH_FOR_DISPLAY), 'forums.title') . '</a>'); } } } } } } return $news; }
public function get_foruns_id($username, $password, $course_code) { if ($this->verifyUserPass($username, $password) == "valid") { $course_db = CourseManager::get_course_information($course_code); $foruns_info = get_forums($id = '', $course_db['code']); $foruns_id = '#'; foreach ($foruns_info as $forum) { if (isset($forum['forum_id'])) { $foruns_id .= $forum['forum_id'] . "#"; } } return $foruns_id; } else { return get_lang('InvalidId'); } }
function forums_news() { global $db, $enrolled_courses, $system_courses; $news = array(); if ($enrolled_courses == '') { return $news; } $sql = 'SELECT E.approved, E.last_cid, C.* FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'course_enrollment E, ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'courses C WHERE C.course_id in ' . $enrolled_courses . ' AND E.member_id=' . $_SESSION['member_id'] . ' AND E.course_id=C.course_id ORDER BY C.title'; $rows_en_courses = queryDB($sql, array()); if (count($rows_en_courses) > 0) { foreach ($rows_en_courses as $row) { $all_forums = get_forums($row['course_id']); if (is_array($all_forums)) { foreach ($all_forums as $forums) { if (is_array($forums)) { foreach ($forums as $forum_obj) { $latest_post = get_last_post($forum_obj['forum_id']); $forum_obj['course_id'] = $row['course_id']; $link_title = $forum_obj['title']; // attached the first 120 characters of the message to the news item if (strlen($latest_post[0]['body']) > 120) { $last_post = substr($latest_post[0]['body'], 0, 120) . '...'; } else { $last_post = $latest_post[0]['body']; } // if this is the only message in a thread, replace parent_id with the post_id if ($latest_post[0]['parent_id'] == 0) { $latest_post[0]['parent_id'] = $latest_post[0]['post_id']; } if ($latest_post[0]['subject'] != '') { $news[] = array('time' => $forum_obj['last_post'], 'object' => $forum_obj, 'alt' => _AT('forum'), 'thumb' => 'images/pin.png', 'course' => $system_courses[$row['course_id']]['title'], 'link' => '<a href="bounce.php?course=' . $row['course_id'] . SEP . 'pu=' . urlencode('mods/_standard/forums/forum/view.php?fid=' . $forum_obj['forum_id'] . SEP . 'pid=' . $latest_post[0]['parent_id']) . '"' . (strlen($link_title) > SUBLINK_TEXT_LEN ? ' title="' . AT_print($link_title, 'forums.title') . '"' : '') . '>' . AT_print(validate_length($link_title, SUBLINK_TEXT_LEN, VALIDATE_LENGTH_FOR_DISPLAY), 'forums.title') . ': ' . $latest_post[0]['subject'] . ' </a> - ' . $last_post); } } } } } } } return $news; }
/** * Creates a list with all the forums in it * * @return string */ function get_forums() { global $charset; include '../forum/'; include '../forum/'; global $table_forums, $table_threads, $table_posts, $table_item_property, $table_users; $table_forums = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM); $table_threads = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM_THREAD); $table_posts = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM_POST); $table_item_property = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY); $table_users = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $a_forums = get_forums(); /* $return .= '<div class="lp_resource_header"' . " onclick=\"if(document.getElementById('forums').style.display == 'block') {document.getElementById('forums').style.display = 'none';} else {document.getElementById('forums').style.display = 'block';}\"" . '><img alt="" src="../img/lp_forum.gif" style="margin-right:5px;" title="" />' . get_lang('Forums') . '</div>'; $return .= '<div class="lp_resource_elements" style="border:1px solid #999999;" id="forums">'; */ $forum_lang_var = api_convert_encoding(get_lang('Forum'), $charset, api_get_system_encoding()); $close_lang_var = api_convert_encoding(get_lang('Close'), $charset, api_get_system_encoding()); $return = '<a href="#" onclick="javascript:popup(\'popUpDiv2\');" class="big_button four_buttons rounded grey_border forum_button">' . $forum_lang_var . '</a>'; $return .= '<div id="popUpDiv2" class="popUpDiv author_popup gradient rounded_10 grey_border" style="display:none;">' . '<span class="title">' . $forum_lang_var . '</span>' . '<a href="#" onclick="javascript:popup(\'popUpDiv2\');" class="close">' . $close_lang_var . '</a>'; // TODO use get_lang() $return .= '<div id="resDoc" class="content" >'; $return .= '<script type="text/javascript"> function toggle_forum(forum_id){ if(document.getElementById("forum_"+forum_id+"_content").style.display == "none"){ document.getElementById("forum_"+forum_id+"_content").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("forum_"+forum_id+"_opener").src = "' . api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH) . 'remove.gif"; } else { document.getElementById("forum_"+forum_id+"_content").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("forum_"+forum_id+"_opener").src = "' . api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH) . 'add.gif"; } } </script> '; foreach ($a_forums as $forum) { $return .= '<div class="lp_resource_element">'; if (!empty($forum['forum_id'])) { $return .= Display::return_icon('pixel.gif', '', array('class' => 'actionplaceholdericon actionforum ', 'style' => 'margin-right:5px;', 'title' => '')); $return .= '<a style="cursor:hand" onclick="toggle_forum(' . $forum['forum_id'] . ')" style="vertical-align:middle"><img src="' . api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH) . 'add.gif" id="forum_' . $forum['forum_id'] . '_opener" align="absbottom" /></a> <a href="' . api_get_self() . '?cidReq=' . Security::remove_XSS($_GET['cidReq']) . '&action=add_item&type=' . TOOL_FORUM . '&forum_id=' . $forum['forum_id'] . '&lp_id=' . $this->lp_id . '" style="vertical-align:middle">' . api_convert_encoding($forum['forum_title'], $charset, api_get_system_encoding()) . '</a><ul style="display:none" id="forum_' . $forum['forum_id'] . '_content">'; } $a_threads = get_threads($forum['forum_id']); if (is_array($a_threads)) { foreach ($a_threads as $thread) { $return .= '<li><a href="' . api_get_self() . '?cidReq=' . Security::remove_XSS($_GET['cidReq']) . '&action=add_item&type=' . TOOL_THREAD . '&thread_id=' . $thread['thread_id'] . '&lp_id=' . $this->lp_id . '">' . api_convert_encoding($thread['thread_title'], $charset, api_get_system_encoding()) . '</a></li>'; } } $return .= '</ul></div>'; } $return .= '<br/>'; $return .= '<div class="lp_resource_element">'; $return .= Display::return_icon('pixel.gif', '', array('class' => 'actionplaceholdericon actionnewlist', 'style' => 'margin-right:5px;', 'title' => '')); $return .= '<a href="' . api_get_path(REL_CODE_PATH) . 'forum/index.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&action=add&content=forum&lp_id=' . $this->lp_id . '" title="' . api_convert_encoding(get_lang('CreateANewForum')) . '">' . api_convert_encoding(get_lang('CreateANewForum'), $charset, api_get_system_encoding()) . '</a>'; $return .= '</div>'; $return .= '</div>'; $return .= '</div>'; // ending div#popUpDiv2 return $return; }
} get_whats_new(); $whatsnew_post_info = Session::read('whatsnew_post_info'); /* TRACKING */ Event::event_access_tool(TOOL_FORUM); /* RETRIEVING ALL THE FORUM CATEGORIES AND FORUMS note: we do this here just after het handling of the actions to be sure that we already incorporate the latest changes */ // Step 1: We store all the forum categories in an array $forum_categories. $forumCategories = get_forum_categories(); // Step 2: We find all the forums (only the visible ones if it is a student). // display group forum in general forum tool depending to configuration option $setting = api_get_setting('display_groups_forum_in_general_tool'); $forum_list = get_forums('', '', $setting == 'true'); $user_id = api_get_user_id(); /* RETRIEVING ALL GROUPS AND THOSE OF THE USER */ // The groups of the user. $groups_of_user = array(); $groups_of_user = GroupManager::get_group_ids($_course['real_id'], $user_id); // All groups in the course (and sorting them as the // id of the group = the key of the array). if (!api_is_anonymous()) { $all_groups = GroupManager::get_group_list(); if (is_array($all_groups)) { foreach ($all_groups as $group) { $all_groups[$group['id']] = $group; } } }
if ($action_forums == 'notify' && isset($_GET['content']) && isset($_GET['id'])) { $return_message = set_notification($_GET['content'], $_GET['id']); Display::display_confirmation_message($return_message, false); } if ($action_forums != 'add') { /* RETRIEVING ALL THE FORUM CATEGORIES AND FORUMS Note: We do this here just after het handling of the actions to be sure that we already incorporate the latest changes. */ // Step 1: We store all the forum categories in an array $forum_categories. $forum_categories = array(); $forum_category = get_forum_categories($_GET['forumcategory']); // Step 2: We find all the forums. $forum_list = array(); $forum_list = get_forums(); /* RETRIEVING ALL GROUPS AND THOSE OF THE USER */ // The groups of the user. $groups_of_user = array(); $groups_of_user = GroupManager::get_group_ids($_course['real_id'], $_user['user_id']); // All groups in the course (and sorting them as the id of the group = the key of the array. $all_groups = GroupManager::get_group_list(); if (is_array($all_groups)) { foreach ($all_groups as $group) { $all_groups[$group['id']] = $group; } } /* CLEAN GROUP ID FOR AJAXFILEMANAGER */ if (isset($_SESSION['_gid'])) { unset($_SESSION['_gid']); }
/** * Creates a list with all the forums in it * @return string */ public function get_forums() { require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH) . 'forum/'; require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH) . 'forum/'; $a_forums = get_forums(); $return = '<ul class="lp_resource">'; //First add link $return .= '<li class="lp_resource_element">'; $return .= Display::return_icon('forum_new_small.gif'); $return .= '<a href="' . api_get_path(REL_CODE_PATH) . 'forum/index.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&action=add&content=forum&origin=learnpath&lp_id=' . $this->lp_id . '" title="' . get_lang('CreateANewForum') . '"> ' . get_lang('CreateANewForum') . '</a>'; $return .= '</li>'; $return .= '<script> function toggle_forum(forum_id){ if(document.getElementById("forum_"+forum_id+"_content").style.display == "none"){ document.getElementById("forum_"+forum_id+"_content").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("forum_"+forum_id+"_opener").src = "' . api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH) . 'remove.gif"; } else { document.getElementById("forum_"+forum_id+"_content").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("forum_"+forum_id+"_opener").src = "' . api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH) . 'add.gif"; } } </script>'; foreach ($a_forums as $forum) { $return .= '<li class="lp_resource_element" data_id="' . $forum['forum_id'] . '" data_type="' . TOOL_FORUM . '" title="' . $forum['forum_title'] . '" >'; if (!empty($forum['forum_id'])) { $return .= '<a class="moved" href="#">'; $return .= Display::return_icon('move_everywhere.png', get_lang('Move'), array(), ICON_SIZE_TINY); $return .= ' </a>'; $return .= Display::return_icon('lp_forum.gif'); $return .= '<a style="cursor:hand" onclick="javascript: toggle_forum(' . $forum['forum_id'] . ')" style="vertical-align:middle"> <img src="' . api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH) . 'add.gif" id="forum_' . $forum['forum_id'] . '_opener" align="absbottom" /> </a> <a href="' . api_get_self() . '?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&action=add_item&type=' . TOOL_FORUM . '&forum_id=' . $forum['forum_id'] . '&lp_id=' . $this->lp_id . '" style="vertical-align:middle">' . Security::remove_XSS($forum['forum_title']) . '</a>'; } $return .= '</li>'; $return .= '<div style="display:none" id="forum_' . $forum['forum_id'] . '_content">'; $a_threads = get_threads($forum['forum_id']); if (is_array($a_threads)) { foreach ($a_threads as $thread) { $return .= '<li class="lp_resource_element" data_id="' . $thread['thread_id'] . '" data_type="' . TOOL_THREAD . '" title="' . $thread['thread_title'] . '" >'; $return .= ' <a class="moved" href="#">'; $return .= Display::return_icon('move_everywhere.png', get_lang('Move'), array(), ICON_SIZE_TINY); $return .= ' </a>'; $return .= Display::return_icon('forumthread.png', get_lang('Thread'), array(), ICON_SIZE_TINY); $return .= '<a href="' . api_get_self() . '?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&action=add_item&type=' . TOOL_THREAD . '&thread_id=' . $thread['thread_id'] . '&lp_id=' . $this->lp_id . '">' . Security::remove_XSS($thread['thread_title']) . '</a>'; $return .= '</li>'; } } $return .= '</div>'; } $return .= '</ul>'; return $return; }
if (isset($_GET['edit'], $_GET['id'])) { header('Location: forum_edit.php?forum=' . $_GET['id']); exit; } else { if (isset($_GET['delete'], $_GET['id'])) { header('Location: forum_delete.php?forum=' . $_GET['id']); exit; } else { if (isset($_GET['delete']) || isset($_GET['edit'])) { $msg->addError('NO_ITEM_SELECTED'); } } } include AT_INCLUDE_PATH . '../mods/_standard/forums/lib/'; require AT_INCLUDE_PATH . ''; $all_forums = get_forums(0); $num_shared = count($all_forums['shared']); $num_nonshared = count($all_forums['nonshared']); $shared_forums = array(); $i = 0; if ($num_shared) { foreach ($all_forums['shared'] as $forum) { $shared_forums[$i]["id"] = $forum['forum_id']; $shared_forums[$i]["title"] = AT_print($forum['title'], 'forums.title'); $shared_forums[$i]["desc"] = AT_print($forum['description'], 'forums.description'); $courses = array(); //create an empty array $sql = "SELECT F.course_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forums_courses F WHERE F.forum_id={$forum['forum_id']}"; $c_result = mysql_query($sql, $db); while ($course = mysql_fetch_assoc($c_result)) { $courses[] = $system_courses[$course['course_id']]['title'];
/** * @param string $user_id * @param int $courseId * @param int $sessionId * * @return array */ function getForumCreatedByUser($user_id, $courseId, $sessionId) { $items = api_get_item_property_list_by_tool_by_user($user_id, 'forum', $courseId, $sessionId); $courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($courseId); $forumList = array(); if (!empty($items)) { foreach ($items as $forum) { $forumInfo = get_forums($forum['ref'], $courseInfo['code'], true, $sessionId); $forumList[] = array($forumInfo['forum_title'], api_get_local_time($forum['insert_date']), api_get_local_time($forum['lastedit_date'])); } } return $forumList; }
?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="pid" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['pid']; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="ppid" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['ppid']; ?> " /> <div class="input-form"> <div class="row"> <?php echo _AT('move_thread_to'); $all_forums = get_forums($_SESSION['course_id']); ?> <ul style="list-style: none"> <?php foreach ($all_forums['nonshared'] as $row) { ?> <li> <input type="radio" name="new_fid" value="<?php echo $row['forum_id']; ?> " id="f<?php echo $row['forum_id']; ?> " <?php if ($row['forum_id'] == $_REQUEST['fid']) { echo 'checked="checked"';
$return_message = set_notification($_GET['content'], $_GET['id']); Display::display_confirmation_message($return_message, false); } get_whats_new(); $whatsnew_post_info = Session::read('whatsnew_post_info'); /* TRACKING */ Event::event_access_tool(TOOL_FORUM); /* RETRIEVING ALL THE FORUM CATEGORIES AND FORUMS note: we do this here just after het handling of the actions to be sure that we already incorporate the latest changes */ // Step 1: We store all the forum categories in an array $forum_categories. $forumCategories = get_forum_categories(); // Step 2: We find all the forums (only the visible ones if it is a student). $forum_list = get_forums('', '', apiGetDisplayGroupsForumInGeneralTool()); $user_id = api_get_user_id(); /* RETRIEVING ALL GROUPS AND THOSE OF THE USER */ // The groups of the user. $groups_of_user = array(); $groups_of_user = GroupManager::get_group_ids($_course['real_id'], $user_id); // All groups in the course (and sorting them as the id of the group = the key of the array). if (!api_is_anonymous()) { $all_groups = GroupManager::get_group_list(); if (is_array($all_groups)) { foreach ($all_groups as $group) { $all_groups[$group['id']] = $group; } } } /* CLEAN GROUP ID FOR AJAXFILEMANAGER */
function get_forums($parentid = -1, &$forums) { global $vbulletin, $db, $foruminfo, $forumperms, $threadinfo, $postinfo, $vbphrase; if (empty($vbulletin->iforumcache)) { // get the vbulletin->iforumcache, as we use it all over the place, not just for forumjump cache_ordered_forums(0, 1); } if (is_array($vbulletin->iforumcache[$parentid])) { foreach ($vbulletin->iforumcache["{$parentid}"] as $forumid) { $forumperms =& $vbulletin->userinfo['forumpermissions']["{$forumid}"]; if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview'])) { continue; } else { // set $forum from the $vbulletin->forumcache $forum = $vbulletin->forumcache["{$forumid}"]; $optionvalue = $forumid; $optiontitle = $forum[title]; $ok = true; if ($forum['link']) { $ok = false; } else { if (!($forum['options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_forumoptions['cancontainthreads'])) { $ok = false; } else { if (!($forum['options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_forumoptions['allowposting'])) { $ok = false; } } } if ($ok) { $forums[] = array('id' => $forumid, 'title' => prepare_utf8_string($optiontitle)); } get_forums($forumid, $forums); } // if can view } // end foreach ($vbulletin->iforumcache[$parentid] AS $forumid) } }
/** * This function gets all the post written by an user * @param int user id * @param string db course name * @return string */ function get_all_post_from_user($user_id, $course_code) { $j = 0; $forums = get_forums('', $course_code); krsort($forums); $forum_results = ''; foreach ($forums as $forum) { if ($forum['visibility'] == 0) { continue; } if ($j <= 4) { $threads = get_threads($forum['forum_id'], $course_code); if (is_array($threads)) { $i = 0; $hand_forums = ''; $post_counter = 0; foreach ($threads as $thread) { if ($thread['visibility'] == 0) { continue; } if ($i <= 4) { $post_list = get_thread_user_post_limit($course_code, $thread['thread_id'], $user_id, 1); $post_counter = count($post_list); if (is_array($post_list) && count($post_list) > 0) { $hand_forums .= '<div id="social-thread">'; $hand_forums .= Display::return_icon('thread.png', get_lang('Thread'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM); $hand_forums .= ' ' . Security::remove_XSS($thread['thread_title'], STUDENT); $hand_forums .= '</div>'; foreach ($post_list as $posts) { $hand_forums .= '<div id="social-post">'; $hand_forums .= '<strong>' . Security::remove_XSS($posts['post_title'], STUDENT) . '</strong>'; $hand_forums .= '<br / >'; $hand_forums .= Security::remove_XSS($posts['post_text'], STUDENT); $hand_forums .= '</div>'; $hand_forums .= '<br / >'; } } } $i++; } $forum_results .= '<div id="social-forum">'; $forum_results .= '<div class="clear"></div><br />'; $forum_results .= '<div id="social-forum-title">' . Display::return_icon('forum.gif', get_lang('Forum')) . ' ' . Security::remove_XSS($forum['forum_title'], STUDENT) . '<div style="float:right;margin-top:-35px"> <a href="../forum/viewforum.php?cidReq=' . $course_code . '&gidReq=&forum=' . $forum['forum_id'] . ' " >' . get_lang('SeeForum') . '</a> </div></div>'; $forum_results .= '<br / >'; if ($post_counter > 0) { $forum_results .= $hand_forums; } $forum_results .= '</div>'; } $j++; } } return $forum_results; }
function private_forums_admin_page() { $forums = get_forums(); $private_forums_options = bb_get_option('private_forums_options'); $private_forums = $private_forums_options['private_forums']; ?> <h2>Private Forums</h2> <form method="post" name="private_forum_form" id="private_forum_form"> <table class="widefat"> <thead> <tr> <th>Forum</th> <th>Restrict to Role</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($forums as $forum) { ?> <tr> <td><label for="private_forums_<?php echo $forum->forum_id; ?> "><?php echo $forum->forum_name; ?> </label></td> <td><?php private_forums_display_role_dropdown('private_forums', $forum->forum_id, $private_forums[$forum->forum_id]); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></p> <h2>Privacy Options</h2> <?php $checked = "checked='checked'"; if ('SHOW_PRIVATE' == private_forums_custom_get_options('hide_show_flag')) { $sp = $checked; } else { $h = $checked; } ?> <p> <input type="radio" id="hide_show_flag_1" name="hide_show_flag" value="HIDE" <?php echo $h; ?> /> <label for="hide_show_flag_1">Hide Private Forums and Topics</label> </p> <p> <input type="radio" id="hide_show_flag_2" name="hide_show_flag" value="SHOW_PRIVATE" <?php echo $sp; ?> /> <label for="hide_show_flag_2">Mark Private Forums and Topics with</label> <input type="text" onfocus="document.private_forum_form.hide_show_flag[1].checked=true" name="private_text" value="<?php $text = private_forums_custom_get_options('private_text'); if (empty($text) && 'SHOW_PRIVATE' == private_forums_custom_get_options('hide_show_flag')) { echo 'private'; } else { echo private_forums_custom_get_options('private_text'); } ?> "/> </p> <p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></p> <h2>Error Options</h2> <p>When a user tries to access a private forum without having access he will be redirected to a error page with the following text.</p> <p><strong>Usage:</strong><br/> <ul> <li>Use '%s' for the context of the error. If the error occurs when the user tries to access a private forum, '%s' will be replaces by 'forum'.</li> <li>Word 'login' will be replaced by a link to the login page.</li> </ul> </p> <textarea name="failure_msg" id="failure_msg" style="width: 98%;" rows="3" cols="50"><?php echo private_forums_custom_get_options('failure_msg'); ?> </textarea> <p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></p> </form> <?php }
if ($wf_curspart == 1) { $start = $wf_perpage * ($_G['page'] - 1); $subperpage = $wf_init_num; } else { if ($wf_curspart <= $wf_spart_num) { $avgloads = intval(($wf_perpage - $wf_init_num) / ($wf_spart_num - 1)); $subperpage = $wf_curspart == $wf_spart_num ? $wf_perpage - $wf_init_num - $avgloads * ($wf_curspart - 2) : $avgloads; $start = $wf_curspart == $wf_spart_num ? $wf_perpage * ($_G['page'] - 1) + $wf_perpage - $subperpage : $wf_perpage * ($_G['page'] - 1) + $wf_init_num + $subperpage * ($wf_curspart - 2); } else { header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); header('status: 404 Not Found'); exit; } } loadcache('stamps'); $forums = get_forums(); $sid = in_array($_GET['sid'], array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) ? $_GET['sid'] : 0; $type = in_array($_GET['type'], array('top', 'hot', 'digest')) ? $_GET['type'] : 'new'; $hc = $block_must_cover_on || !empty($_GET['hc']); $minvalue = $view == 'hot' ? $view_hot_value : 0; $data = array(); if ($view == 'all') { $data[$view]['threadlist'] = getthreadlist(0, $type, $wf_forum_limit, $sid, $hc, 1, $start, $subperpage); $data[$view]['threadcount'] = C::t('#singcere_waterfall#dx')->count_thread($type, $minvalue, $wf_forum_limit, $sid, $hc); $theurl = 'plugin.php?id=singcere_waterfall&mod=stroll&view=' . $view; } else { if ($view == 'forum') { $gid = empty($_GET['gid']) ? 0 : $_GET['gid']; $fid = empty($_GET['fid']) ? 0 : $_GET['fid']; $fids = array(); if ($gid && empty($fid)) {