function check_current() { $user = get_current(); if (!$user) { render_login_form(); exit; } return $user; }
$openinfoman = array('url' => 'http://localhost:8984/CSD/csr/CSD-Providers-Connectathon-20150120/careServicesRequest/'); $rapidpro = array('url' => '', 'auth_token' => 'xxxxxxxsupersecretxxxxxxxx', 'group_name' => ''); if ($url = getenv('OPENINFOMAN_URL')) { $openinfoman['url'] = $url; } if ($tok = getenv('RAPIDPRO_AUTH_TOKEN')) { $rapidpro['auth_token'] = $tok; } if ($url = getenv('RAPIDPRO_URL')) { $rapidpro['url'] = $url; } if ($group_name = getenv('RAPIDPRO_GROUP_NAME')) { $rapidpro['group_name'] = $group_name; } if (!($contacts_text = file_get_contents($openinfoman['url'])) || !is_array($contacts_json_full = json_decode($contacts_text, true)) || !array_key_exists('contacts', $contacts_json_full) || !is_array($contacts_json = $contacts_json_full['contacts']) || !is_array($current = get_current($rapidpro))) { if (array_key_exists('HTTP_HOST', $_SERVER)) { header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized', true, 401); } die("Could not do it. Sorry."); } $records = generate_records($contacts_json, $current, $rapidpro); foreach ($records as $record) { $data_string = json_encode($record, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); $ch = curl_init($rapidpro['url']); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Authorization: Token ' . $rapidpro['auth_token'], 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data_string))); $result = curl_exec($ch); $result = json_decode($result, true);
$max = find_max($lines, "/{$package}/", "/^.*{$package}-([\\d\\.]*\\d)\\.tar.*\$/"); return $max; } function get_pattern($line) { global $start; // Set up specific patter matches for extracting book versions $match = array(); $match = array(array('pkg' => 'automoc', 'regex' => "/^.*automoc4-(\\d[\\d\\.]+).*\$/"), array('pkg' => 'polkit-qt', 'regex' => "/^.*polkit-qt-1-(\\d[\\d\\.]+).*\$/"), array('pkg' => 'polkit-kde-agent', 'regex' => "/^.*polkit-kde-agent-1-(\\d[\\d\\.]+).*\$/")); foreach ($match as $m) { $pkg = $m['pkg']; if (preg_match("/{$pkg}/", $line)) { return $m['regex']; } } return "/\\D*(\\d.*\\d)\\D*\$/"; } get_current(); // Get what is in the book // Get latest version for each package foreach ($book as $pkg => $data) { $book_index = $pkg; $base = $data['basename']; $url = $data['url']; $bver = $data['version']; echo "book index: {$book_index} {$bver} {$url}\n"; $v = get_packages($book_index, $url); $vers[$book_index] = $v; } html(); // Write html output
$_SESSION['total_items'] = total_items($_SESSION['cart']); $_SESSION['total_price'] = total_price($_SESSION['cart']); header ('Location: index.php?view=product&id='.$id); break; case 'clear_cart': clear_cart(); $_SESSION['total_items']=0; $_SESSION['total_price']='0.00'; header('Location: index.php?view=cart'); break; case 'change_currency': $_SESSION['currency']= get_current($_POST['curr']); echo $_POST['curr']; echo $_SESSION['currency']['name']; // foreach ($_POST['curr'] as $key => $value); // echo "the value of the $key is ".$value; // header('Location:'. $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ); break; case ('update_cart'): update_cart(); $_SESSION['total_items'] = total_items($_SESSION['cart']); $_SESSION['total_price'] = total_price($_SESSION['cart']);
// snap(__LINE__, basename(__FILE__)); do_login(basename(__FILE__)); $do_mu_init = array_key_exists('log_in', $_GET) ? "parent.frames['upper'].mu_init();" : ""; // start multi-user function, 3/15/11 } if ($istest) { print "GET<BR/>\n"; if (!empty($_GET)) { dump($_GET); } print "POST<BR/>\n"; if (!empty($_POST)) { dump($_POST); } } $remotes = get_current(); // returns array - 3/16/09 //snap(basename(__FILE__), __LINE__); // set auto-refresh if any mobile units $interval = intval(get_variable('auto_poll')); $refresh = ($remotes['aprs'] || $remotes['instam']) && $interval > 0 ? "\t<META HTTP-EQUIV='REFRESH' CONTENT='" . intval($interval * 60) . "'>\n" : ""; //10/4/08 $temp = get_variable('auto_poll'); // 1/28/09 $poll_val = $temp == 0 ? "none" : $temp; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US" xmlns=""> <HEAD> <TITLE>Tickets - Full Screen Module</TITLE> <?php
<li class="site-menu-item <?php get_current('workplace'); ?> "><a href="<?php get_url('workplace'); ?> workplace.php" tabindex="5">Workplace</a></li> <li class="site-menu-item <?php get_current('publications'); ?> "><a href="<?php get_url('publications'); ?> publications.php" tabindex="6">Publications</a></li> <li class="site-menu-item <?php get_current('contact'); ?> "><a href="<?php get_url('contact'); ?> contact.php" tabindex="7">Contact</a></li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end container --> <div class="break"> </div>
$start = strtotime($step, $start); } return $dates; } function get_current($period) { return date(get_date_format($period)); } $date_start = strtotime($_GET["date_start"]); $date_stop = strtotime($_GET["date_stop"]); $date_step = $_GET["date_step"]; $metric = $_GET["metric"]; $dates = get_date_span($date_start, $date_stop, $date_step); $dates = array_reverse($dates); $current = get_current($date_step); try { $sys = new ColumnFamily(cassandra_connect("fo"), "systems"); $agg = new ColumnFamily(cassandra_connect("metrics"), "agg"); $sys->read_consistency_level = cassandra_ConsistencyLevel::ONE; $agg->read_consistency_level = cassandra_ConsistencyLevel::ONE; if($_GET["load"] == "all") { $systems = array(); $r = $sys->get_range("", "", $row_count=200, $columns=array("status")); foreach($r as $system => $info) $systems[] = $system; } else { $systems = explode(",", $_GET["load"]); } $keys = array(); $totals = array(); foreach($systems as $system) {