// Queries database to get track count for navigational functions // $trackResult = $dbHandle->query($trackQuery); $totalTracks = $trackResult->num_rows; mysqli_free_result($trackResult); // Reconstructs a query for section and page information that may or may not be provided // $trackQuery = "SELECT * FROM track_list WHERE " . getSectionCriteria("track_name"); if (!$noInput) { if (!$albumInfo || !$artistInfo) { $trackQuery .= " AND album_id=0"; $valid = false; } else { $valid = true; $trackQuery .= " AND album_id=\"" . $albumInfo['album_id'] . "\""; } } $trackQuery .= " " . getSortCriteria("track_name") . " " . getPageCriteria($totalTracks, $MAX_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, true); $trackResult = $dbHandle->query($trackQuery); ?> <a id="topofpage"></a> <div id="content"> <div id="breadcrumb"> <?php // Constructs the breadcrumb using global locationinfo // if (!$valid && !$noInput) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $LOCATIONINFO['music'][1]; ?> "><?php echo $LOCATIONINFO['music'][0];
if (!$noInput) { $artistInfo = getSingleRow($dbHandle, "artist_list", "artist_name", $artistName); $artResult = $dbHandle->query("SELECT * FROM artist_artwork_list WHERE artist_id='" . $artistInfo['artist_id'] . "' AND image_size='" . $IMAGE_SIZE5 . "'"); $artReturn = $artResult->fetch_array(MYSQLI_BOTH); } // Constructs the query to get both album info and artwork // $albumQuery = "SELECT * FROM " . getJoinTable("album_list", "album_artwork_list") . " \n WHERE " . getJoinMatch("album_list", "album_artwork_list", "album_id") . " \n AND " . getImageType($IMAGE_SIZE3) . " \n AND " . getSectionCriteria("album_title"); if (!$noInput) { $albumQuery .= " AND album_list.artist_id='" . $artistInfo['artist_id'] . "'"; } $albumQuery .= " " . getSortCriteria("album_title"); // Gets the number of albums // $totalResult = $dbHandle->query($albumQuery); $totalCount = $totalResult->num_rows; mysqli_free_result($totalResult); $albumQuery .= " " . getPageCriteria($totalCount, $MAX_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, true); $albumResult = $dbHandle->query($albumQuery); ?> <a id="topofpage"></a> <div id="content"> <div id="breadcrumb"> <?php // Constructs the breadcrumb using global locationinfo // if ($noInput) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $LOCATIONINFO['music'][1]; ?> "><?php