         if (!isset($relationship['last_update'])) {
             $relationship['last_update'] = array();
         $relationship['last_update']['timestamp'] = $new_timestamp;
         if ($rel_id != "") {
             $relationship["_id"] = $rel_id;
         $upd_criteria = array("subject" => $uuid, "predicate" => $pred);
         $rel_collection->update($upd_criteria, $relationship, array("upsert" => true));
 if (in_array($comp_name, $supported_components)) {
     $collection = $mongodb->{$comp_name};
     $existing_component = getComponentMongoDB($mongodb, $comp_name, $uuid, true);
     if ($existing_component != NULL) {
         $update_timestamp = 0;
         $curr_timestamp = 0;
         if (isset($comp_data['last_update'])) {
             $last_update = $comp_data['last_update'];
             if (isset($last_update['timestamp'])) {
                 $update_timestamp = intval($last_update['timestamp']);
         if (isset($existing_component['last_update'])) {
             if (isset($existing_component['last_update']['timestamp'])) {
                 $curr_timestamp = $existing_component['last_update']['timestamp'];
         if ($curr_timestamp != $update_timestamp) {
             $end_limit = array($end_time['year'], $end_time['month'], $end_time['day'], $end_time['hour'], $end_time['minute'], $end_time['second']);
             $result = find_open_time($schedule, $common_params['min_minutes'] * 60, $start_event, $end_limit, $res_begintime, $res_endtime);
             //Filter POIs from $json_struct that do not fulfill the time constraints...
             if ($result == False) {
     foreach ($common_params['components'] as $component) {
         //skip fw_core, as it hase been already handled...
         if ($component == "fw_core") {
         foreach (array_keys($json_struct["pois"]) as $uuid) {
             //             print $uuid;
             $comp_data = getComponentMongoDB($mongodb, $component, $uuid, false);
             if ($comp_data != NULL) {
                 $json_struct["pois"][$uuid][$component] = $comp_data;
 } else {
     // no view permission, show empty list
     $json_struct['pois'] = array();
 $json_struct['service_info'] = get_service_info(SERVICE_NAME);
 //Language filtering
 $accept_lang = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'];
 $langs = parse_accept_language($accept_lang);
 filter_poi_intl_properties($json_struct, array_keys($langs));
 $return_val = json_encode($json_struct);
     foreach ($core_pois as $core_poi_uuid => $fw_core_content) {
         $poi_data = get_fw_core_intl_properties_for_poi($pgcon, $fw_core_intl_tbl, $core_poi_uuid, $fw_core_content);
         $data[$core_poi_uuid] = $poi_data;
 //Handle other components from MongoDB...
 $mongodb = connectMongoDB($db_opts['mongo_db_name']);
 foreach ($components as $component) {
     //skip fw_core, as it hase been already handled...
     if ($component == "fw_core") {
     foreach (array_keys($data) as $uuid) {
         //             print $uuid;
         try {
             $comp_data = getComponentMongoDB($mongodb, $component, $uuid, $fetch_for_update);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo "*ERROR: Exception when getting " . $uuid . "." . $comp_name . "\n";
             echo "  message: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
             echo "  code: " . $e->getCode() . "\n";
         if ($comp_data != NULL) {
             $data[$uuid][$component] = $comp_data;
 /* Include dynamic data */
 $new_timestamp = time();
 $supported_components = get_supported_components();
 foreach (array_keys($data) as $uuid) {
     $comps_to_update = array();