function doAuth($info, $trusted = null, $fail_cancels = false, $idpSelect = null) { if (!$info) { // There is no authentication information, so bail return authCancel(null); } if ($info->idSelect()) { if ($idpSelect) { $req_url = idURL($idpSelect); } else { $trusted = false; } } else { $req_url = $info->identity; } $user = getLoggedInUser(); setRequestInfo($info); if (!$info->idSelect() && $req_url != idURL($user)) { return login_render(array(), $req_url, $req_url); } $trust_root = $info->trust_root; if ($trusted) { setRequestInfo(); $server =& getServer(); $response =& $info->answer(true, null, $req_url); // Answer with some sample Simple Registration data. global $portal_cert_file; global $portal_private_key_file; $geni_user = geni_loadUser(); $sreg_data = array(); if ($geni_user) { $sreg_data['nickname'] = $geni_user->username; $sreg_data['email'] = $geni_user->email(); } if (empty($sreg_data)) { error_log("OpenID: Unable to access user information."); } /* $sreg_data = array( 'fullname' => 'Example User', 'nickname' => 'example', 'dob' => '1970-01-01', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'gender' => 'F', 'postcode' => '12345', 'country' => 'ES', 'language' => 'eu', 'timezone' => 'America/New_York'); */ // Add the simple registration response values to the OpenID // response message. $sreg_request = Auth_OpenID_SRegRequest::fromOpenIDRequest($info); $sreg_response = Auth_OpenID_SRegResponse::extractResponse($sreg_request, $sreg_data); $sreg_response->toMessage($response->fields); // Generate a response to send to the user agent. $webresponse =& $server->encodeResponse($response); $new_headers = array(); foreach ($webresponse->headers as $k => $v) { $new_headers[] = $k . ": " . $v; } return array($new_headers, $webresponse->body); } elseif ($fail_cancels) { return authCancel($info); } else { return trust_render($info); } }
// wireless_operations?operation=enable&project_name=X&project_id=XID // enable project X for wireless operations // // wireless_operations?operation=disable&project_name=X&project_id=XID // disable project X for wireless operations // ?> <?php require_once 'user.php'; require_once 'sr_constants.php'; require_once 'sr_client.php'; require_once "pa_client.php"; require_once "pa_constants.php"; require_once "response_format.php"; $user = geni_loadUser(); if (!isset($user) || is_null($user) || !$user->isActive()) { relative_redirect('home.php'); } $ma_url = get_first_service_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::MEMBER_AUTHORITY); $sa_url = get_first_service_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::SLICE_AUTHORITY); // Invoke geni-sync-wireless tool on given project function sync_object($object_type, $object_name) { # Should only provide error information on stderr: put stdout to syslog $cmd = "geni-sync-wireless {$object_type} {$object_name}"; error_log("SYNC(cmd) " . $cmd); $descriptors = array(0 => array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w"), 2 => array("pipe", "w")); $process = proc_open($cmd, $descriptors, $pipes); $std_output = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); # Should be empty
function show_header($title, $load_user = 1, $show_cards = false) { global $in_maintenance_mode; global $in_lockdown_mode; global $has_maintenance_alert; global $maintenance_alert; global $user; if ($load_user) { global $user; if (!isset($user)) { $user = geni_loadUser(); } check_km_authorization($user); record_last_seen($user, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } show_html_head($title); echo '<body>'; echo '<script>'; // For header interactivity echo '$(document).ready(function(){'; echo '$(".has-sub").hover(function(){ $(this).find(\'ul\').show(); }, function(){ $(this).find(\'ul\').hide(); });'; echo '$("#hamburger").click(function(){'; echo '$("#dashboardtools").slideToggle();'; echo '});'; echo '});'; echo '</script>'; echo '<div id="dashboardheader">'; echo '<img id="globe" src="/images/geni_globe.png" alt="Geni Logo" style="height:45px; margin-left: 20px; float: left;"/>'; echo '<img id="hamburger" src="/images/menu.png" alt="optionsicon" style="height:20px; width: 20px; padding:15px; float: left;"/>'; echo '<h2 class="dashtext" style="float: left; line-height: 50px; text-align: center; margin: 0 20px; display: inline; height: 50px; cursor: pointer;" onclick="window.location=\'dashboard.php\'">GENI Portal</h2>'; echo '<ul id="dashboardtools" class="floatright" style="vertical-align: top;">'; if ($load_user) { echo "<li class='has-sub headerlink'>{$user->prettyName()}"; } else { echo "<li class='has-sub headerlink'>User"; } echo '<ul class="submenu">'; echo '<li><a href="profile.php">Profile</a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="profile.php#ssh">SSH Keys</a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="profile.php#rspecs">RSpecs</a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="profile.php#tools">Manage Accounts</a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="profile.php#preferences">Preferences</a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="' . relative_url("dologout.php") . '" >Logout</a></li>'; if ($load_user && $user->isAllowed(CS_ACTION::ADMINISTER_MEMBERS, CS_CONTEXT_TYPE::MEMBER, null)) { echo '<li><a href="admin.php">Admin</a></li>'; } echo '</ul></li>'; echo '<li class="headerlink has-sub"><a href="help.php">Help</a>'; echo '<ul class="submenu">'; echo '<li><a target="_blank" href="">GENI Wiki <i class="material-icons">launch</i></a></li>'; echo '<li><a target="_blank" href="">GENI Help Wiki <i class="material-icons">launch</i></a></li>'; echo '<li><a target="_blank" href="">Outages <i class="material-icons">launch</i> </a></li>'; echo '<li><a target="_blank" href="">Glossary <i class="material-icons">launch</i></a></li>'; echo '<li><a target="_blank" href="">Bibliography<i class="material-icons">launch</i></a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="contact-us.php">Contact Us</a></li>'; echo '</ul></li>'; if ($load_user) { if (!isset($jfed_button_start)) { $jfedret = get_jfed_strs($user); $jfed_script_text = $jfedret[0]; $jfed_button_start = $jfedret[1]; $jfed_button_part2 = $jfedret[2]; if (!is_null($jfed_button_start)) { print $jfed_script_text; } } } echo '<li class="headerlink has-sub">Partners'; echo '<ul class="submenu">'; echo "<li><a href='' target='_blank'>CloudLab <i class='material-icons'>launch</i></a></li>"; echo "<li><a href='' target='_blank'>GEE <i class='material-icons'>launch</i></a></li>"; echo "<li><a href='wireless_redirect.php?site=ORBIT' target='_blank'>ORBIT<i class='material-icons'>launch</i></a></li>"; echo "<li><a href='' target='_blank'>SAVI<i class='material-icons'>launch</i></a></li>"; echo "<li><a href='wireless_redirect.php?site=WITEST' target='_blank'>WiTest<i class='material-icons'>launch</i></a></li>"; echo '</ul></li>'; echo '<li class="headerlink has-sub">Tools'; echo '<ul class="submenu">'; echo "<li><a href='gemini.php' target='_blank'>GENI Desktop<i class='material-icons'>launch</i></a></li>"; if ($load_user && !is_null($jfed_button_start)) { echo "<li>"; echo $jfed_button_start . getjFedSliceScript(NULL) . $jfed_button_part2 . ">jFed<i class='material-icons'>launch</i></button>"; echo "</li>"; } echo "<li><a href='' target='_blank'>LabWiki <i class='material-icons'>launch</i></a></li>"; echo "<li><a href='' target='_blank' title='Omni, Geni-lib, VTS...'>Other Tools <i class='material-icons'>launch</i></a></li>"; echo '</ul></li>'; echo '<li class="headerlink has-sub"><a href="dashboard.php">Home</a>'; echo '<ul class="submenu">'; echo '<li><a href="dashboard.php#slices">Slices</a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="dashboard.php#projects">Projects</a></li>'; echo '</ul></li></ul>'; echo '</div>'; $cards_class = $show_cards ? 'content-cards' : 'one-card'; echo '<div style="clear:both; height: 50px;"> </div>'; if ($in_maintenance_mode) { echo "<center><b>***** Maintenance Outage *****</b></center>"; } if ($has_maintenance_alert) { print "<p class='instruction' id='maintenance_alert'>{$maintenance_alert}</p>"; } echo "<div id='content-outer' class='{$cards_class}'>"; echo "<div id='content'>"; }
function do_security_check($slice_id) { $user = geni_loadUser(); if (!isset($user) || is_null($user) || !$user->isActive()) { exit_with_response("User not logged in."); } if (!$user->isAllowed(SA_ACTION::LOOKUP_SLICE, CS_CONTEXT_TYPE::SLICE, $slice_id)) { exit_with_response("User " . $user->username . " not allowed to access this slice's information."); } }
// Test procedure for request infrastructure for SA, PA, MA require_once 'util.php'; require_once 'rq_constants.php'; require_once 'rq_client.php'; require_once 'response_format.php'; require_once 'sr_constants.php'; require_once 'sr_client.php'; require_once 'pa_client.php'; require_once 'sa_client.php'; require_once 'cs_constants.php'; require_once 'user.php'; error_log("RQ TEST\n"); $sr_url = get_sr_url(); $sa_url = get_first_service_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::SLICE_AUTHORITY); $ma_url = get_first_service_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::MEMBER_AUTHORITY); $signer = geni_loadUser(); function dump_rows($rows) { foreach ($rows as $row) { dump_row($row); } } function dump_row($row) { error_log("Row = " . print_r($row, true)); } function test_requests_for_url($url, $context_type, $context_id) { global $signer; $insert_result = create_request($url, $signer, $context_type, $context_id, RQ_REQUEST_TYPE::JOIN, 'foobar', ''); error_log("IR = " . print_r($insert_result, true));
function get_jfed_strs($user) { global $portal_jquery_url; global $portal_jqueryui_css_url; global $portal_jqueryui_js_url; $jfed_button_start = null; $jfed_script_text = ''; $jfed_button_part2 = ''; $certkey = ''; $browser = getBrowser(); if (strpos(strtolower($browser["name"]), "chrom") !== false and strpos(strtolower($browser["platform"]), "mac") === 0) { //error_log("User browser: " . $browser["name"] . " version " . $browser["version"] . " on " . $browser["platform"]); // While interesting, this message appears every time a Chrome on Mac user displays this page. Too much. //error_log("User running Chrome on Mac. Can't launch jFed. User should try Safari or Firefox."); $jfed_button_start = "<button type='button' onclick='alert(\"jFed cannot run in Chrome on a Mac. Try Safari or Firefox.\")'"; return array($jfed_script_text, $jfed_button_start, ''); } if (!isset($user)) { $user = geni_loadUser(); } if (!isset($ma_url)) { $ma_url = get_first_service_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::MEMBER_AUTHORITY); if (!isset($ma_url) || is_null($ma_url) || $ma_url == '') { error_log("Found no MA in SR!'"); return array('', null); } } // Code to set up jfed button $certresult = ma_lookup_certificate($ma_url, $user, $user->account_id); $expiration_key = 'expiration'; $has_certificate = False; $has_key = False; $expired = False; $expiration = NULL; if (!is_null($certresult)) { $has_certificate = True; $has_key = array_key_exists(MA_ARGUMENT::PRIVATE_KEY, $certresult); if (array_key_exists($expiration_key, $certresult)) { $expiration = $certresult[$expiration_key]; $now = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone("UTC")); $expired = $expiration < $now; } } if (!$has_certificate or $expired) { $jfed_button_start = "<button type='button' onclick='alert(\"Generate an SSL (Omni) key pair to use jFed.\")'"; $jfed_button_part2 = ''; } else { // Print the script tags needed $params = ''; if ($has_key) { $certstring = $certresult[MA_ARGUMENT::PRIVATE_KEY] . "\n" . $certresult[MA_ARGUMENT::CERTIFICATE]; $certkey = base64_encode($certstring); // $params = ", params: {'login-certificate-string' : '" . base64_encode($certstring) . "' }"; } $jfed_script_text = "\n <script>\n var config = {\n java8_jnlp: '',\n java7_jnlp: ''\n };\n var certkey = '{$certkey}';\n //var slice_urn = '';\n var slice_urn = ''; // over-ridden in the onclick of the jFed button with the specific slice URN. launchjFed() uses this global. Tom says Gross!\n </script>\n <script src=\"//\"></script>\n <script src=''></script>\n<div id='java7Dialog' title=\"Old Java version detected\" style=\"display: none\">\n<p>The latest version of jFed is only compatible with Java 8 or higher. We detected that you are using an older version.</p>\n<p>Please upgrade to Java 8 to get access to the newest version of jFed. Otherwise, you can use jFed 5.3.2, which is Java 7-compatible.</p>\n</div>\n\n<div id='noJavaDialog' title=\"No Java detected\" style=\"display: none\">\n<p>jFed requires Java to run. We however couldn't detect a Java installation in your browser.</p>\n<p>Please install the latest version of Java to continue.</p>\n</div>\n"; // Brecht has id of 'start' $jfed_button_start = "<button id='jfed' type='button' onclick='"; //launchjFed()'"; $jfed_button_part2 = " launchjFed()'"; } return array($jfed_script_text, $jfed_button_start, $jfed_button_part2); }
function send_geni_user($server, $info) { $geni_user = geni_loadUser(); $req_url = idURL($geni_user->username); $response =& $info->answer(true, null, $req_url); // Answer with some sample Simple Registration data. global $portal_cert_file; global $portal_private_key_file; $sreg_data = array(); if ($geni_user) { $sreg_data['nickname'] = $geni_user->username; $sreg_data['email'] = $geni_user->email(); } if (empty($sreg_data)) { error_log("OpenID: Unable to access user information."); } // Add the simple registration response values to the OpenID // response message. $sreg_request = Auth_OpenID_SRegRequest::fromOpenIDRequest($info); $sreg_response = Auth_OpenID_SRegResponse::extractResponse($sreg_request, $sreg_data); $sreg_response->toMessage($response->fields); /* * Attribute Exchange (AX) is an OpenID extension to pass additional * attributes. This code was derived by looking at some client * examples and the AX code. No server-side examples of PHP OpenID * AX were found. * * AX seems to be fragile. Small changes to the code below can * result in authentication failures. * * The user URN has '+' characters but these consistently caused * authentication failures in testing. Replacing the '+' with '|' * worked, so that is a necessary transformation below. */ $ax_request = Auth_OpenID_AX_FetchRequest::fromOpenIDRequest($info); if ($ax_request and !Auth_OpenID_AX::isError($ax_request)) { /* error_log("received AX request: " . print_r($ax_request, true)); */ $ax_response = new Auth_OpenID_AX_FetchResponse(); add_project_slice_info($geni_user, $projects, $slices); foreach ($ax_request->iterTypes() as $ax_req_type) { switch ($ax_req_type) { case '': $ax_response->setValues($ax_req_type, $projects); break; case '': $ax_response->setValues($ax_req_type, $slices); break; case '': $urn = $geni_user->urn(); $urn = str_replace('+', '|', $urn); $ax_response->addValue('', $urn); break; case '': $ax_response->addValue($ax_req_type, $geni_user->prettyName()); break; case '': case '': $wimax_name = null; if (isset($geni_user->ma_member->wimax_username)) { $wimax_name = $geni_user->ma_member->wimax_username; } /* Only send wimax name if it exists. */ if ($wimax_name) { $ax_response->addValue($ax_req_type, $wimax_name); } break; case '': /* Get the iRODS username. Do we need to respect the * 'irods_enabled' flag? */ $irods_username = null; if (isset($geni_user->ma_member->irods_username)) { $irods_username = $geni_user->ma_member->irods_username; } /* Only send it if it exists. */ if ($irods_username) { error_log("Returning iRODS username {$irods_username} for user " . $geni_user->urn()); $ax_response->addValue($ax_req_type, $irods_username); } else { error_log("No iRODS username in OpenID for user " . $geni_user->urn()); } break; case '': /* Get the IRods zone for this user. */ $irods_zone = irods_default_zone(); /* Only send it if it exists. */ if ($irods_zone) { error_log("Returning iRODS zone {$irods_zone} for user " . $geni_user->urn()); $ax_response->addValue($ax_req_type, $irods_zone); } else { error_log("No iRODS zone in OpenID for user " . $geni_user->urn()); } break; } } $ax_response->toMessage($response->fields); } // Generate a response to send to the user agent. $webresponse =& $server->encodeResponse($response); $new_headers = array(); foreach ($webresponse->headers as $k => $v) { $new_headers[] = $k . ": " . $v; } return array($new_headers, $webresponse->body); }