  * Invoke method, every class will have its own
  * returns true/false on completion, setting both
  * errormsg and output as necessary
 function invoke()
     $result = true;
     /// Set own core attributes
     //$this->does_generate = ACTION_NONE;
     $this->does_generate = ACTION_GENERATE_HTML;
     /// These are always here
     global $CFG, $XMLDB, $db;
     require_once $CFG->libdir . '/ddllib.php';
     /// Where all the tests will be stored
     $tests = array();
     /// The back to edit table button
     $b = ' <p class="centerpara buttons">';
     $b .= '<a href="index.php">[' . $this->str['back'] . ']</a>';
     $b .= '</p>';
     $o = $b;
     /// Silenty drop any previous test tables
     $table = new XMLDBTable('testtable');
     if (table_exists($table)) {
         $status = drop_table($table, true, false);
     $table = new XMLDBTable('anothertest');
     if (table_exists($table)) {
         $status = drop_table($table, true, false);
     $table = new XMLDBTable('newnameforthetable');
     if (table_exists($table)) {
         $status = drop_table($table, true, false);
     /// 1st test. Complete table creation.
     $table = new XMLDBTable('testtable');
     $table->addFieldInfo('id', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, XMLDB_SEQUENCE, null, null, null);
     $table->addFieldInfo('course', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, '0');
     $table->addFieldInfo('type', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '20', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, XMLDB_ENUM, array('single', 'news', 'general', 'social', 'eachuser', 'teacher', 'qanda'), 'general');
     $table->addFieldInfo('name', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '255', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null);
     $table->addFieldInfo('intro', XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT, 'small', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, null);
     $table->addFieldInfo('logo', XMLDB_TYPE_BINARY, 'big', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null);
     $table->addFieldInfo('assessed', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, '0');
     $table->addFieldInfo('assesstimestart', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, '0');
     $table->addFieldInfo('assesstimefinish', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, '0');
     $table->addFieldInfo('scale', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, '0');
     $table->addFieldInfo('maxbytes', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, '0');
     $table->addFieldInfo('forcesubscribe', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '1', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, '0');
     $table->addFieldInfo('trackingtype', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '2', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, '1');
     $table->addFieldInfo('rsstype', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '2', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, '0');
     $table->addFieldInfo('rssarticles', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '2', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, '0');
     $table->addFieldInfo('timemodified', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, '0');
     $table->addFieldInfo('grade', XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER, '20,0', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, null, null, null, null, null);
     $table->addFieldInfo('percent', XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER, '5,2', null, null, null, null, null, null);
     $table->addFieldInfo('warnafter', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, '0');
     $table->addFieldInfo('blockafter', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, '0');
     $table->addFieldInfo('blockperiod', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, '0');
     $table->addKeyInfo('primary', XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY, array('id'));
     $table->addKeyInfo('type-name', XMLDB_KEY_UNIQUE, array('type', 'name'));
     $table->addIndexInfo('course', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('course'));
     $table->addIndexInfo('rsstype', XMLDB_INDEX_UNIQUE, array('rsstype'));
     $table->setComment("This is a test'n drop table. You can drop it safely");
     /// Get SQL code and execute it
     $test = new stdClass();
     $test->sql = $table->getCreateTableSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, true);
     $test->status = create_table($table, false, false);
     if (!$test->status) {
         $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
     $tests['create table'] = $test;
     /// 2nd test. drop table
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $test->sql = $table->getDropTableSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, true);
         $test->status = drop_table($table, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['drop table'] = $test;
     /// 3rd test. creating another, smaller table
     if ($test->status) {
         $table = new XMLDBTable('anothertest');
         $table->addFieldInfo('id', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, XMLDB_SEQUENCE, null, null, null);
         $table->addFieldInfo('course', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, '0');
         $table->addFieldInfo('name', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '30', null, null, null, null, null, 'Moodle');
         $table->addFieldInfo('secondname', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '30', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, null);
         $table->addFieldInfo('intro', XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT, 'medium', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, null);
         $table->addFieldInfo('avatar', XMLDB_TYPE_BINARY, 'medium', null, null, null, null, null, null);
         $table->addFieldInfo('grade', XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER, '20,10', null, null, null, null, null);
         $table->addKeyInfo('primary', XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY, array('id'));
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $test->sql = $table->getCreateTableSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, true);
         $test->status = create_table($table, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['create table - 2'] = $test;
     /// Insert two records to do the work with real data
     $rec->course = 1;
     $rec->name = 'Martin';
     $rec->secondname = 'Dougiamas';
     $rec->intro = 'The creator of Moodle';
     $rec->grade = 10.0001;
     insert_record('anothertest', $rec);
     $rec->course = 2;
     $rec->name = 'Eloy';
     $rec->secondname = 'Lafuente';
     $rec->intro = 'One poor developer';
     $rec->grade = 9.99;
     insert_record('anothertest', $rec);
     /// 4th test. Adding one complex enum field
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Create a new field with complex specs (enums are good candidates)
         $field = new XMLDBField('type');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '20', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, XMLDB_ENUM, array('single', 'news', 'general', 'social', 'eachuser', 'teacher', 'qanda'), 'general', 'course');
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $test->sql = $table->getAddFieldSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = add_field($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['add enum field'] = $test;
     /// 5th test. Dropping one complex enum field
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Create a new field with complex specs (enums are good candidates)
         $test = new stdClass();
         $test->sql = $table->getDropFieldSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = drop_field($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['drop enum field'] = $test;
     /// 6th test. Adding one complex enum field
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Create a new field with complex specs (enums are good candidates)
         $field = new XMLDBField('type');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '20', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, XMLDB_ENUM, array('single', 'news', 'general', 'social', 'eachuser', 'teacher', 'qanda'), 'general', 'course');
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $test->sql = $table->getAddFieldSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = add_field($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['add enum field again'] = $test;
     /// 7th test. Adding one numeric field
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Create a new field (numeric)
         $field = new XMLDBField('onenumber');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '6', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, 0, 'type');
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $test->sql = $table->getAddFieldSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = add_field($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['add numeric field'] = $test;
     /// 8th test. Dropping one complex enum field
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Create a new field with complex specs (enums are good candidates)
         $field = new XMLDBField('type');
         $test = new stdClass();
         $test->sql = $table->getDropFieldSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = drop_field($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['drop enum field again'] = $test;
     /// 9th test. Change the type of one column from integer to varchar
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $field = new XMLDBField('course');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '30', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, '0');
         $test->sql = $table->getAlterFieldSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_type($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['change field type (int2char)'] = $test;
     /// 10th test. Change the type of one column from varchar to integer
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $field = new XMLDBField('course');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, '0');
         $test->sql = $table->getAlterFieldSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_type($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['change field type (char2int)'] = $test;
     /// 11th test. Change the type of one column from number to varchar
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $field = new XMLDBField('grade');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '20', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, "test'n drop");
         $test->sql = $table->getAlterFieldSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_type($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['change field type (number2char)'] = $test;
     /// 12th test. Change the type of one column from varchar to float
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $field = new XMLDBField('grade');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_FLOAT, '20,10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, null, null, null, null, null);
         $test->sql = $table->getAlterFieldSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_type($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['change field type (char2float)'] = $test;
     /// 13th test. Change the type of one column from float to char
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $field = new XMLDBField('grade');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '20', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, 'test');
         $test->sql = $table->getAlterFieldSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_type($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['change field type (float2char)'] = $test;
     /// 14th test. Change the type of one column from char to number
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $field = new XMLDBField('grade');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER, '20,10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, null, null, null, null, null);
         $test->sql = $table->getAlterFieldSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_type($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['change field type (char2number)'] = $test;
     /// 15th test. Change the precision of one text field
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $field = new XMLDBField('intro');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT, 'big', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, null);
         $test->sql = $table->getAlterFieldSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_precision($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['change field precision (text)'] = $test;
     /// 16th test. Change the precision of one char field
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $field = new XMLDBField('secondname');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, null);
         $test->sql = $table->getAlterFieldSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_precision($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['change field precision (char)'] = $test;
     /// 17th test. Change the precision of one numeric field
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $field = new XMLDBField('grade');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER, '10,2', null, null, null, null, null, null);
         $test->sql = $table->getAlterFieldSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_precision($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['change field precision (number)'] = $test;
     /// 18th test. Change the precision of one integer field to a smaller one
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $field = new XMLDBField('course');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '5', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, '0');
         $test->sql = $table->getAlterFieldSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_precision($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['change field precision (integer) to smaller one'] = $test;
     /// 19th test. Change the sign of one numeric field to unsigned
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $field = new XMLDBField('grade');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER, '10,2', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, null, null, null, null, null);
         $test->sql = $table->getAlterFieldSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_unsigned($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['change field sign (unsigned)'] = $test;
     /// 20th test. Change the sign of one numeric field to signed
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $field = new XMLDBField('grade');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER, '10,2', null, null, null, null, null, null);
         $test->sql = $table->getAlterFieldSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_unsigned($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['change field sign (signed)'] = $test;
     /// 21th test. Change the nullability of one char field to not null
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $field = new XMLDBField('name');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '30', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, 'Moodle');
         $test->sql = $table->getAlterFieldSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_notnull($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['change field nullability (not null)'] = $test;
     /// 22th test. Change the nullability of one char field to null
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $field = new XMLDBField('name');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '30', null, null, null, null, null, 'Moodle');
         $test->sql = $table->getAlterFieldSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_notnull($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['change field nullability (null)'] = $test;
     /// 23th test. Dropping the default of one field
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $field = new XMLDBField('name');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '30', null, null, null, null, null, null);
         $test->sql = $table->getModifyDefaultSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_default($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['drop field default of NULL field'] = $test;
     /// 24th test. Creating the default for one field
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $field = new XMLDBField('name');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '30', null, null, null, null, null, 'Moodle');
         $test->sql = $table->getModifyDefaultSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_default($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['add field default of NULL field'] = $test;
     /// 25th test. Creating the default for one field
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $field = new XMLDBField('secondname');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, 'Moodle2');
         $test->sql = $table->getModifyDefaultSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_default($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['add field default of NOT NULL field'] = $test;
     /// 26th test. Dropping the default of one NOT NULL field
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $field = new XMLDBField('secondname');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, null);
         $test->sql = $table->getModifyDefaultSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_default($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['drop field default of NOT NULL field'] = $test;
     /// 27th test. Adding one unique index to the table
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $index = new XMLDBIndex('secondname');
         $index->setAttributes(XMLDB_INDEX_UNIQUE, array('name', 'secondname', 'grade'));
         $test->sql = $table->getAddIndexSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $index, true);
         $test->status = add_index($table, $index, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['add unique index'] = $test;
     /// 28th test. Adding one not unique index to the table
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $index = new XMLDBIndex('secondname');
         $index->setAttributes(XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('course', 'name'));
         $test->sql = $table->getAddIndexSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $index, true);
         $test->status = add_index($table, $index, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['add not unique index'] = $test;
     /// 29th test. Re-add the same index than previous test. Check find_index_name() works.
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $index = new XMLDBIndex('secondname');
         $index->setAttributes(XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('name', 'course'));
         if ($indexfound = find_index_name($table, $index)) {
             $test->status = true;
             $test->sql = array();
         } else {
             $test->status = true;
             $test->error = 'Index not found!';
             $test->sql = array();
         $tests['check find_index_name()'] = $test;
     /// 30th test. Dropping one index from the table
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $index = new XMLDBIndex('name');
         $index->setAttributes(XMLDB_INDEX_UNIQUE, array('name', 'grade', 'secondname'));
         $test->sql = $table->getDropIndexSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $index, true);
         $test->status = drop_index($table, $index, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['drop index'] = $test;
     /// 31th test. Adding one unique key to the table
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $key = new XMLDBKey('id-course-grade');
         $key->setAttributes(XMLDB_KEY_UNIQUE, array('id', 'course', 'grade'));
         $test->sql = $table->getAddKeySQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $key, true);
         $test->status = add_key($table, $key, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['add unique key'] = $test;
     /// 32th test. Adding one foreign+unique key to the table
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $key = new XMLDBKey('course');
         $key->setAttributes(XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN_UNIQUE, array('course'), 'anothertest', array('id'));
         $test->sql = $table->getAddKeySQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $key, true);
         $test->status = add_key($table, $key, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['add foreign+unique key'] = $test;
     /// 33th test. Drop one key
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $key = new XMLDBKey('course');
         $key->setAttributes(XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN_UNIQUE, array('course'), 'anothertest', array('id'));
         $test->sql = $table->getDropKeySQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $key, true);
         $test->status = drop_key($table, $key, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['drop foreign+unique key'] = $test;
     /// 34th test. Adding one foreign key to the table
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $key = new XMLDBKey('course');
         $key->setAttributes(XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('course'), 'anothertest', array('id'));
         $test->sql = $table->getAddKeySQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $key, true);
         $test->status = add_key($table, $key, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['add foreign key'] = $test;
     /// 35th test. Drop one foreign key
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $key = new XMLDBKey('course');
         $key->setAttributes(XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('course'), 'anothertest', array('id'));
         $test->sql = $table->getDropKeySQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $key, true);
         $test->status = drop_key($table, $key, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['drop foreign key'] = $test;
     /// 36th test. Adding one complex enum field
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Create a new field with complex specs (enums are good candidates)
         $field = new XMLDBField('type');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '20', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, XMLDB_ENUM, array('single', 'news', 'general', 'social', 'eachuser', 'teacher', 'qanda'), 'general', 'course');
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $test->sql = $table->getAddFieldSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = add_field($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['add field with enum'] = $test;
     /// 37th test. Dropping the enum of one field
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $field = new XMLDBField('type');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '20', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, 'general', 'course');
         $test->sql = $table->getModifyEnumSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_enum($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['delete enumlist from one field'] = $test;
     /// 38th test. Creating the enum for one field
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $field = new XMLDBField('type');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '20', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, XMLDB_ENUM, array('single', 'news', 'general', 'social', 'eachuser', 'teacher', 'qanda'), 'general', 'course');
         $test->sql = $table->getModifyEnumSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_enum($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['add enumlist to one field'] = $test;
     /// 39th test. Renaming one index
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $index = new XMLDBIndex('anyname');
         $index->setAttributes(XMLDB_INDEX_UNIQUE, array('name', 'course'));
         $test->sql = $table->getRenameIndexSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $index, 'newnamefortheindex', true);
         $test->status = rename_index($table, $index, 'newnamefortheindex', false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['rename index (experimental. DO NOT USE IT)'] = $test;
     /// 40th test. Renaming one key
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $key = new XMLDBKey('anyname');
         $key->setAttributes(XMLDB_KEY_UNIQUE, array('id', 'course', 'grade'));
         $test->sql = $table->getRenameKeySQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $key, 'newnameforthekey', true);
         $test->status = rename_key($table, $key, 'newnameforthekey', false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['rename key (experimental. DO NOT USE IT)'] = $test;
     /// 41th test. Renaming one field
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $field = new XMLDBField('type');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '20', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, XMLDB_ENUM, array('single', 'news', 'general', 'social', 'eachuser', 'teacher', 'qanda'), 'general', 'course');
         $test->sql = $table->getRenameFieldSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, 'newnameforthefield', true);
         $test->status = rename_field($table, $field, 'newnameforthefield', false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['rename field'] = $test;
     /// 42th test. Renaming one table
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $test->sql = $table->getRenameTableSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, 'newnameforthetable', true);
         $test->status = rename_table($table, 'newnameforthetable', false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['rename table'] = $test;
     /// 43th test. Add enum to field containing enum
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Add enum to field containing enum
         $field = new XMLDBField('newnameforthefield');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '20', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, XMLDB_ENUM, array('single', 'news', 'general', 'social', 'eachuser', 'teacher', 'qanda'), 'general', 'course');
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $test->sql = $table->getModifyEnumSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_enum($table, $field, false, false);
         /// Let's see if the constraint exists to alter results
         if (check_constraint_exists($table, $field)) {
             $test->sql = array('Nothing executed. Enum already exists. Correct.');
         } else {
             $test->status = false;
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['add enum to field containing enum'] = $test;
     /// 44th test. Drop enum from field containing enum
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Drop enum from field containing enum
         $field = new XMLDBField('newnameforthefield');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '20', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, 'general', 'course');
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $test->sql = $table->getModifyEnumSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_enum($table, $field, false, false);
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['drop enum from field containing enum'] = $test;
     /// 45th test. Drop enum from field not containing enum
     if ($test->status) {
         /// Drop enum from field not containing enum
         $field = new XMLDBField('newnameforthefield');
         $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '20', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, 'general', 'course');
         /// Get SQL code and execute it
         $test = new stdClass();
         $test->sql = $table->getModifyEnumSQL($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->prefix, $field, true);
         $test->status = change_field_enum($table, $field, false, false);
         /// Let's see if the constraint exists to alter results
         if (!check_constraint_exists($table, $field)) {
             $test->sql = array('Nothing executed. Enum does not exists. Correct.');
         } else {
             $test->status = false;
         if (!$test->status) {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['drop enum from field not containing enum'] = $test;
     /// 46th test. Getting the PK sequence name for one table
     if ($test->status) {
         $test = new stdClass();
         $test->sql = array(find_sequence_name($table));
         $test->status = find_sequence_name($table);
         if (!$test->status) {
             if (!($test->error = $db->ErrorMsg())) {
                 //If no db errors, result is ok. Just the driver doesn't support this
                 $test->sql = array('Not needed for this DB. Correct.');
                 $test->status = true;
         $tests['find sequence name'] = $test;
     /// 47th test. Inserting TEXT contents
     $textlib = textlib_get_instance();
     if ($test->status) {
         $test = new stdClass();
         $test->status = false;
         $test->sql = array();
         $basetext = "\\ ''語 • Русский • Deutsch • English • Español • Français • Italiano • Nederlands • Polski • Português • Svenska • العربية • فارسی 한국어 • עברית • ไทย中文  Ελληνικά • Български • Српски • Українська • Bosanski • Català • Česky • Dansk • Eesti • Simple English • Esperanto • Euskara • Galego • Hrvatski • Ido • Bahasa Indonesia • Íslenska • Lëtzebuergesch • Lietuvių • Magyar • Bahasa Melayu اردو • ئۇيغۇرچه • हिन्दी • नेपाल भाषा मराठी • தமிழ் Հայերեն • Беларуская • Чăваш • Ирон æвзаг • Македонски • Сибирской говор • Afrikaans • Aragonés • Arpitan • Asturianu • Kreyòl Ayisyen • Azərbaycan • Bân-lâm-gú • Basa Banyumasan • Brezhoneg • Corsu • Cymraeg • Deitsch • Føroyskt • Frysk • Furlan • Gaeilge • Gàidhlig • Ilokano • Interlingua • Basa Jawa • Kapampangan • Kernewek • Kurdî  كوردی • Ladino  לאדינו • Latina • Latviešu • Limburgs • Lumbaart • Nedersaksisch • Nouormand • Occitan • O‘zbek • Piemontèis • Plattdüütsch • Ripoarisch • Sámegiella • Scots • Shqip • Sicilianu • Sinugboanon • Srpskohrvatski / Српскохрватски • Basa Sunda • Kiswahili • Tagalog • Tatarça • Walon • Winaray  Авар • Башҡорт • Кыргызча  Монгол • Қазақша • Тоҷикӣ • Удмурт • Armãneashce • Bamanankan • Eald Englisc • Gaelg • Interlingue • Kaszëbsczi • Kongo • Ligure • Lingála • lojban • Malagasy • Malti • Māori • Nāhuatl • Ekakairũ Naoero • Novial • Pangasinán • Tok Pisin • Romani / रोमानी • Rumantsch • Runa Simi • Sardu • Tetun • Türkmen / تركمن / Туркмен • Vèneto • Volapük • Võro • West-Vlaoms • Wollof • Zazaki • Žemaitėška";
         /// Create one big text (1.500.000 chars)
         $fulltext = '';
         for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
             //1500 * 1000 chars
             $fulltext .= $basetext;
         /// Build the record to insert
         $rec->intro = addslashes($fulltext);
         $rec->name = 'texttest';
         /// Calculate its length
         $textlen = $textlib->strlen($fulltext);
         if ($rec->id = insert_record('newnameforthetable', $rec)) {
             if ($new = get_record('newnameforthetable', 'id', $rec->id)) {
                 delete_records('newnameforthetable', 'id', $new->id);
                 $newtextlen = $textlib->strlen($new->intro);
                 if ($fulltext === $new->intro) {
                     $test->sql = array($newtextlen . ' cc. (text) sent and received ok');
                     $test->status = true;
                 } else {
                     $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
                     $test->sql = array($newtextlen . ' cc. (text) transfer failed. Data changed!');
                     $test->status = false;
             } else {
                 $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         } else {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['insert record ' . $textlen . ' cc. (text)'] = $test;
     /// 48th test. Inserting BINARY contents
     if ($test->status) {
         $test = new stdClass();
         $test->status = false;
         /// Build the record to insert
         $rec->avatar = addslashes($fulltext);
         $rec->name = 'binarytest';
         /// Calculate its length
         $textlen = strlen($fulltext);
         if ($rec->id = insert_record('newnameforthetable', $rec)) {
             if ($new = get_record('newnameforthetable', 'id', $rec->id)) {
                 $newtextlen = strlen($new->avatar);
                 if ($fulltext === $new->avatar) {
                     $test->sql = array($newtextlen . ' bytes (binary) sent and received ok');
                     $test->status = true;
                 } else {
                     $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
                     $test->sql = array($newtextlen . ' bytes (binary) transfer failed. Data changed!');
                     $test->status = false;
             } else {
                 $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         } else {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['insert record ' . $textlen . ' bytes (binary)'] = $test;
     /// 49th test. update_record with TEXT and BINARY contents
     if ($test->status) {
         $test = new stdClass();
         $test->status = false;
         $test->sql = array();
         /// Build the record to insert
         $rec->intro = addslashes($basetext);
         $rec->avatar = addslashes($basetext);
         $rec->name = 'updatelobs';
         /// Calculate its length
         $textlen = $textlib->strlen($basetext);
         $imglen = strlen($basetext);
         if (update_record('newnameforthetable', $rec)) {
             if ($new = get_record('newnameforthetable', 'id', $rec->id)) {
                 $newtextlen = $textlib->strlen($new->intro);
                 $newimglen = strlen($new->avatar);
                 if ($basetext === $new->avatar && $basetext === $new->intro) {
                     $test->sql = array($newtextlen . ' cc. (text) sent and received ok', $newimglen . ' bytes (binary) sent and received ok');
                     $test->status = true;
                 } else {
                     if ($rec->avatar !== $new->avatar) {
                         $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
                         $test->sql = array($newimglen . ' bytes (binary) transfer failed. Data changed!');
                         $test->status = false;
                     } else {
                         $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
                         $test->sql = array($newtextlen . ' cc. (text) transfer failed. Data changed!');
                         $test->status = false;
             } else {
                 $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         } else {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['update record ' . $textlen . ' cc. (text) and ' . $imglen . ' bytes (binary)'] = $test;
     /// 50th test. set_field with TEXT contents
     if ($test->status) {
         $test = new stdClass();
         $test->status = false;
         $test->sql = array();
         /// Build the record to insert
         $rec->intro = addslashes($fulltext);
         $rec->name = 'updatelobs';
         /// Calculate its length
         $textlen = $textlib->strlen($fulltext);
         if (set_field('newnameforthetable', 'intro', $rec->intro, 'name', $rec->name)) {
             if ($new = get_record('newnameforthetable', 'id', $rec->id)) {
                 $newtextlen = $textlib->strlen($new->intro);
                 if ($fulltext === $new->intro) {
                     $test->sql = array($newtextlen . ' cc. (text) sent and received ok');
                     $test->status = true;
                 } else {
                     $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
                     $test->sql = array($newtextlen . ' cc. (text) transfer failed. Data changed!');
                     $test->status = false;
             } else {
                 $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         } else {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['set field ' . $textlen . ' cc. (text)'] = $test;
     /// 51th test. set_field with BINARY contents
     if ($test->status) {
         $test = new stdClass();
         $test->status = false;
         $test->sql = array();
         /// Build the record to insert
         $rec->avatar = addslashes($fulltext);
         $rec->name = 'updatelobs';
         /// Calculate its length
         $textlen = strlen($fulltext);
         if (set_field('newnameforthetable', 'avatar', $rec->avatar, 'name', $rec->name)) {
             if ($new = get_record('newnameforthetable', 'id', $rec->id)) {
                 $newtextlen = strlen($new->avatar);
                 if ($fulltext === $new->avatar) {
                     $test->sql = array($newtextlen . ' bytes (binary) sent and received ok');
                     $test->status = true;
                 } else {
                     $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
                     $test->sql = array($newtextlen . ' bytes (binary) transfer failed. Data changed!');
                     $test->status = false;
             } else {
                 $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         } else {
             $test->error = $db->ErrorMsg();
         $tests['set field ' . $textlen . ' bytes (binary)'] = $test;
     /// TODO: Check here values of the inserted records to see that everything ha the correct value
     /// Iterate over tests, showing information as needed
     $o .= '<ol>';
     foreach ($tests as $key => $test) {
         $o .= '<li>' . $key . ($test->status ? '<font color="green"> Ok</font>' : ' <font color="red">Error</font>');
         if (!$test->status) {
             $o .= '<br/><font color="red">' . $test->error . '</font>';
         $o .= '<pre>' . implode('<br/>', $test->sql) . '</pre>';
         $o .= '</li>';
     $o .= '</ol>';
     $this->output = $o;
     /// Launch postaction if exists (leave this here!)
     if ($this->getPostAction() && $result) {
         return $this->launch($this->getPostAction());
     /// Return ok if arrived here
     return $result;
 * Insert a record into a table and return the "id" field if required
 * If the return ID isn't required, then this just reports success as true/false.
 * $dataobject is an object containing needed data
 * @uses $db
 * @uses $CFG
 * @param string $table The database table to be checked against.
 * @param object $dataobject A data object with values for one or more fields in the record
 * @param bool $returnid Should the id of the newly created record entry be returned? If this option is not requested then true/false is returned.
 * @param string $primarykey (obsolete) This is now forced to be 'id'. 
function insert_record($table, $dataobject, $returnid = true, $primarykey = 'id')
    global $db, $CFG, $empty_rs_cache;
    if (empty($db)) {
        return false;
    /// Check we are handling a proper $dataobject
    if (is_array($dataobject)) {
        debugging('Warning. Wrong call to insert_record(). $dataobject must be an object. array found instead', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        $dataobject = (object) $dataobject;
    /// Temporary hack as part of phasing out all access to obsolete user tables  XXX
    if (!empty($CFG->rolesactive)) {
        if (in_array($table, array('user_students', 'user_teachers', 'user_coursecreators', 'user_admins'))) {
            if (debugging()) {
            error('This SQL relies on obsolete tables (' . $table . ')!  Your code must be fixed by a developer.');
    if (defined('MDL_PERFDB')) {
        global $PERF;
    /// In Moodle we always use auto-numbering fields for the primary key
    /// so let's unset it now before it causes any trouble later
    /// Get an empty recordset. Cache for multiple inserts.
    if (empty($empty_rs_cache[$table])) {
        /// Execute a dummy query to get an empty recordset
        if (!($empty_rs_cache[$table] = $db->Execute('SELECT * FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . $table . ' WHERE ' . $primarykey . ' = \'-1\''))) {
            return false;
    $rs = $empty_rs_cache[$table];
    /// Postgres doesn't have the concept of primary key built in
    /// and will return the OID which isn't what we want.
    /// The efficient and transaction-safe strategy is to
    /// move the sequence forward first, and make the insert
    /// with an explicit id.
    if ($CFG->dbfamily === 'postgres' && $returnid == true) {
        if ($nextval = (int) get_field_sql("SELECT NEXTVAL('{$CFG->prefix}{$table}_{$primarykey}_seq')")) {
            $dataobject->{$primarykey} = $nextval;
    /// Begin DIRTY HACK
    if ($CFG->dbfamily == 'oracle') {
        oracle_dirty_hack($table, $dataobject);
        // Convert object to the correct "empty" values for Oracle DB
    /// End DIRTY HACK
    /// Under Oracle, MSSQL and PostgreSQL we have our own insert record process
    /// detect all the clob/blob fields and change their contents to @#CLOB#@ and @#BLOB#@
    /// saving them into $foundclobs and $foundblobs [$fieldname]->contents
    /// Same for mssql (only processing blobs - image fields)
    if ($CFG->dbfamily == 'oracle' || $CFG->dbfamily == 'mssql' || $CFG->dbfamily == 'postgres') {
        $foundclobs = array();
        $foundblobs = array();
        db_detect_lobs($table, $dataobject, $foundclobs, $foundblobs);
    /// Under Oracle, if the primary key inserted has been requested OR
    /// if there are LOBs to insert, we calculate the next value via
    /// explicit query to the sequence.
    /// Else, the pre-insert trigger will do the job, because the primary
    /// key isn't needed at all by the rest of PHP code
    if ($CFG->dbfamily === 'oracle' && ($returnid == true || !empty($foundclobs) || !empty($foundblobs))) {
        /// We need this here (move this function to dmlib?)
        include_once $CFG->libdir . '/ddllib.php';
        $xmldb_table = new XMLDBTable($table);
        $seqname = find_sequence_name($xmldb_table);
        if (!$seqname) {
            /// Fallback, seqname not found, something is wrong. Inform and use the alternative getNameForObject() method
            debugging('Sequence name for table ' . $table->getName() . ' not found', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
            $generator = new XMLDBoci8po();
            $seqname = $generator->getNameForObject($table, $primarykey, 'seq');
        if ($nextval = (int) $db->GenID($seqname)) {
            $dataobject->{$primarykey} = $nextval;
        } else {
            debugging('Not able to get value from sequence ' . $seqname, DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
    /// Get the correct SQL from adoDB
    if (!($insertSQL = $db->GetInsertSQL($rs, (array) $dataobject, true))) {
        return false;
    /// Under Oracle, MSSQL and PostgreSQL, replace all the '@#CLOB#@' and '@#BLOB#@' ocurrences to proper default values
    /// if we know we have some of them in the query
    if (($CFG->dbfamily == 'oracle' || $CFG->dbfamily == 'mssql' || $CFG->dbfamily == 'postgres') && (!empty($foundclobs) || !empty($foundblobs))) {
        /// Initial configuration, based on DB
        switch ($CFG->dbfamily) {
            case 'oracle':
                $clobdefault = 'empty_clob()';
                //Value of empty default clobs for this DB
                $blobdefault = 'empty_blob()';
                //Value of empty default blobs for this DB
            case 'mssql':
            case 'postgres':
                $clobdefault = 'null';
                //Value of empty default clobs for this DB (under mssql this won't be executed
                $blobdefault = 'null';
                //Value of empty default blobs for this DB
        $insertSQL = str_replace("'@#CLOB#@'", $clobdefault, $insertSQL);
        $insertSQL = str_replace("'@#BLOB#@'", $blobdefault, $insertSQL);
    /// Run the SQL statement
    if (!($rs = $db->Execute($insertSQL))) {
        debugging($db->ErrorMsg() . '<br /><br />' . s($insertSQL));
        if (!empty($CFG->dblogerror)) {
            $debug = array_shift(debug_backtrace());
            error_log("SQL " . $db->ErrorMsg() . " in {$debug['file']} on line {$debug['line']}. STATEMENT:  {$insertSQL}");
        return false;
    /// Under Oracle and PostgreSQL, finally, update all the Clobs and Blobs present in the record
    /// if we know we have some of them in the query
    if (($CFG->dbfamily == 'oracle' || $CFG->dbfamily == 'postgres') && !empty($dataobject->{$primarykey}) && (!empty($foundclobs) || !empty($foundblobs))) {
        if (!db_update_lobs($table, $dataobject->{$primarykey}, $foundclobs, $foundblobs)) {
            return false;
            //Some error happened while updating LOBs
    /// If a return ID is not needed then just return true now (but not in MSSQL DBs, where we may have some pending tasks)
    if (!$returnid && $CFG->dbfamily != 'mssql') {
        return true;
    /// We already know the record PK if it's been passed explicitly,
    /// or if we've retrieved it from a sequence (Postgres and Oracle).
    if (!empty($dataobject->{$primarykey})) {
        return $dataobject->{$primarykey};
    /// This only gets triggered with MySQL and MSQL databases
    /// however we have some postgres fallback in case we failed
    /// to find the sequence.
    $id = $db->Insert_ID();
    /// Under MSSQL all the Clobs and Blobs (IMAGE) present in the record
    /// if we know we have some of them in the query
    if ($CFG->dbfamily == 'mssql' && !empty($id) && (!empty($foundclobs) || !empty($foundblobs))) {
        if (!db_update_lobs($table, $id, $foundclobs, $foundblobs)) {
            return false;
            //Some error happened while updating LOBs
    if ($CFG->dbfamily === 'postgres') {
        // try to get the primary key based on id
        if (($rs = $db->Execute('SELECT ' . $primarykey . ' FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . $table . ' WHERE oid = ' . $id)) && $rs->RecordCount() == 1) {
            trigger_error("Retrieved {$primarykey} from oid on table {$table} because we could not find the sequence.");
            return (int) reset($rs->fields);
        trigger_error('Failed to retrieve primary key after insert: SELECT ' . $primarykey . ' FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . $table . ' WHERE oid = ' . $id);
        return false;
    return (int) $id;
文件: util.php 项目: rboyatt/mahara
  * Returns the names of sequences for each autoincrementing id field in all standard tables.
  * @static
  * @return array $table=>$sequencename
 public static function get_sequencenames()
     if (isset(self::$sequencenames)) {
         return self::$sequencenames;
     if (!($structure = self::get_tablestructure())) {
         return array();
     self::$sequencenames = array();
     foreach ($structure as $table => $ignored) {
         $name = find_sequence_name(new XMLDBTable($table));
         if ($name !== false) {
             self::$sequencenames[$table] = $name;
     return self::$sequencenames;