function elluminate_delete_instance($id)
    /// Given an ID of an instance of this module,
    /// this function will permanently delete the instance
    /// and any data that depends on it.
    global $USER;
    global $DB;
    if (!($elluminate = $DB->get_record('elluminate', array('id' => $id)))) {
        return false;
    if (!empty($elluminate)) {
        $participant = false;
        if ($elluminate->sessiontype == 1) {
            //Checks to see if the user is a participant in the private meeting
            if (elluminate_is_participant_in_meeting($elluminate, $USER->id)) {
                //then checks to make sure that the user role has the privilege to join a meeting
                $participant = true;
        } else {
            $participant = true;
        if ($participant == false) {
            print_error('You need to be invited to this private session in order to delete it.');
    if ($elluminate->sessiontype == 2 || $elluminate->sessiontype == 3) {
    } else {
        if (!empty($elluminate->meetingid)) {
            $group_recordings = $DB->get_records('elluminate_recordings', array('meetingid' => $elluminate->meetingid));
            foreach ($group_recordings as $group_recording) {
    $DB->delete_records('elluminate_recordings', array('meetingid' => $elluminate->meetingid));
    $DB->delete_records('elluminate_attendance', array('elluminateid' => $elluminate->id));
    $DB->delete_records('event', array('modulename' => 'elluminate', 'instance' => $elluminate->id));
    $DB->delete_records('elluminate', array('id' => $elluminate->id));
    return true;
 function definition()
     global $CFG, $COURSE, $USER;
     $id = optional_param('update', '', PARAM_RAW);
     if (!empty($id)) {
         if (!($cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('elluminate', $id))) {
             error("Course Module ID was incorrect");
         if (!($elluminate = get_record("elluminate", "id", $cm->instance))) {
             error("Course module is incorrect");
     if (!empty($id)) {
         if ($cm->groupmode != $elluminate->groupmode) {
             elluminate_check_for_group_change($cm, $elluminate);
             if (!($elluminate = get_record("elluminate", "id", $cm->instance))) {
                 error("Course module is incorrect");
             //We're doing a redirect onto itself so that the changes are reflected on the UI
             //redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/course/modedit.php?update=' . $cm->id. '&return=0');
         } else {
     if (!empty($elluminate)) {
         $participant = false;
         if ($elluminate->private) {
             //Checks to see if the user is a participant in the private meeting
             if (elluminate_is_participant_in_meeting($elluminate, $USER->id)) {
                 //then checks to make sure that the user role has the privilege to join a meeting
                 $participant = true;
         } else {
             $participant = true;
         if ($participant == false) {
             error('You need to be invited to this private session in order to edit it.');
     $elluminate_boundary_times = array(0 => '0', 15 => '15', 30 => '30', 45 => '45', 60 => '60');
     $mform =& $this->_form;
     $mform->addElement('header', 'general', get_string('general', 'form'));
     $mform->addElement('text', 'name', get_string('title', 'elluminate'), array('size' => '64', 'maxlength' => '64'));
     $mform->setType('name', PARAM_RAW);
     $mform->addRule('name', null, 'required', null, 'client');
     $sessiontypes = array();
     if ($COURSE->groupmodeforce == '0') {
         $sessiontypes[0] = get_string('course', 'elluminate');
         $sessiontypes[1] = get_string('private', 'elluminate');
         $has_groups = get_records('groups', 'courseid', $COURSE->id, 'name ASC');
         if ($has_groups != false) {
             $sessiontypes[2] = get_string('group', 'elluminate');
         $enablegroupings = get_record("config", "name", "enablegroupings");
         if ($enablegroupings->value == '1') {
             $has_groupings = get_records('groupings', 'courseid', $COURSE->id, 'name ASC');
             if ($has_groupings != false) {
                 $sessiontypes[3] = get_string('groupings', 'elluminate');
     } else {
         if ($COURSE->groupmode == 0) {
             $sessiontypes[0] = get_string('course', 'elluminate');
             $sessiontypes[1] = get_string('private', 'elluminate');
             $enablegroupings = get_record("config", "name", "enablegroupings");
             if ($enablegroupings->value == '1') {
                 $has_groupings = get_records('groupings', 'courseid', $COURSE->id, 'name ASC');
                 if ($has_groupings != false) {
                     $sessiontypes[3] = get_string('groupings', 'elluminate');
         } else {
             if ($COURSE->groupmode > 0) {
                 $has_groups = get_records('groups', 'courseid', $COURSE->id, 'name ASC');
                 if ($has_groups != false) {
                     $sessiontypes[2] = get_string('group', 'elluminate');
                 $enablegroupings = get_record("config", "name", "enablegroupings");
                 if ($enablegroupings->value == '1') {
                     $has_groupings = get_records('groupings', 'courseid', $COURSE->id, 'name ASC');
                     if ($has_groupings != false) {
                         $sessiontypes[3] = get_string('groupings', 'elluminate');
     $mform->addElement('select', 'sessiontype', 'Session Type', $sessiontypes);
     $mform->addElement('select', 'customname', get_string('appendgroupname', 'elluminate'), array(0 => 'None', 1 => 'Only Group Name', 2 => 'Append Group Name to Title'));
     $mform->addElement('text', 'sessionname', get_string('customsessionname', 'elluminate'), array('size' => '64', 'maxlength' => '64'));
     $mform->disabledIf('sessionname', 'customname', 'eq', 1);
     $mform->disabledIf('sessionname', 'customname', 'eq', 2);
     $mform->addElement('text', 'sessionname_state', 'Session Name State', array('size' => '64', 'maxlength' => '64'));
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $mform->addElement('hidden', 'isedit', 'true');
         //This is a placeholder to do disables on.
         $mform->addElement('hidden', 'edit_groupmode', $elluminate->groupmode);
         if ($elluminate->sessiontype == '0') {
             $mform->setDefault('sessiontype', 0);
         } else {
             if ($elluminate->sessiontype == '1') {
                 $mform->setDefault('sessiontype', 1);
             } else {
                 if ($elluminate->sessiontype == '2') {
                     $mform->setDefault('sessiontype', 2);
                 } else {
                     if ($elluminate->sessiontype == '3') {
                         $mform->setDefault('sessiontype', 3);
                         $mform->setDefault('grouping', $elluminate->groupid);
         $mform->disabledIf('sessiontype', 'isedit', 'eq', 'true');
     $mform->addElement('htmleditor', 'description', get_string('description'));
     $mform->setType('description', PARAM_RAW);
     $mform->setHelpButton('description', array('writing', 'questions', 'richtext'), false, 'editorhelpbutton');
     $mform->addElement('checkbox', 'customdescription', get_string('customdescription', 'elluminate'));
     $mform->disabledIf('customdescription', 'sessiontype', 'eq', 0);
     $mform->disabledIf('customdescription', 'sessiontype', 'eq', 1);
     $mform->addElement('date_time_selector', 'timestart', get_string('meetingbegins', 'elluminate'), array('optional' => false, 'step' => 15));
     $mform->setDefault('timestart', time() + 900);
     $mform->addElement('date_time_selector', 'timeend', get_string('meetingends', 'elluminate'), array('optional' => false, 'step' => 15));
     $mform->setDefault('timeend', time() + 4500);
     $recording_options = array(ELLUMINATELIVE_RECORDING_NONE => get_string('disabled', 'elluminate'), ELLUMINATELIVE_RECORDING_MANUAL => get_string('manual', 'elluminate'), ELLUMINATELIVE_RECORDING_AUTOMATIC => get_string('automatic', 'elluminate'));
     $mform->addElement('select', 'recordingmode', get_string('recordmeeting', 'elluminate'), $recording_options);
     $mform->setDefault('recordingmode', ELLUMINATELIVE_RECORDING_MANUAL);
     $mform->setHelpButton('recordingmode', array('recording', get_string('helprecording', 'elluminate'), 'elluminate'));
     /// Don't allow choosing a boundary time if there is a globally defined default time.
     if ($CFG->elluminate_boundary_default != '-1') {
         $attributes = array('disabled' => 'true');
     } else {
         $attributes = '';
     $boundaryselect = $mform->addElement('select', 'boundarytime', get_string('boundarytime', 'elluminate'), $elluminate_boundary_times, $attributes);
     if ($CFG->elluminate_boundary_default == '-1') {
         $mform->setDefault('boundarytime', ELLUMINATELIVE_BOUNDARY_DEFAULT);
     } else {
         $mform->setConstant('boundarytime', $CFG->elluminate_boundary_default);
     $mform->setHelpButton('boundarytime', array('boundarytime', get_string('helpboundarytime', 'elluminate'), 'elluminate'));
     $mform->addElement('checkbox', 'boundarytimedisplay', get_string('boundarytimedisplay', 'elluminate'));
     $mform->disabledIf('boundarytimedisplay', 'boundarytime', 'eq', 0);
     $mform->addElement('modgrade', 'grade', get_string('gradeattendance', 'elluminate'));
     $mform->setDefault('grade', 0);
     //$features = new stdClass;
     //$features->groups = false;
     //$features->groupings = false;
     //$features->groupmembersonly = false;
     //$features->gradecat = false;
     //$features->idnumber = false;
     $features = new stdClass();
     $features->groupings = true;
     $features->groups = true;
     $features->groupmembersonly = true;
     $features->gradecat = true;
     $features->idnumber = true;
     /// Add rules for group name dependent options defined earlier.
     //$mform->disabledIf('customname', 'groupmode', 'eq', NOGROUPS);
     //$mform->disabledIf('customdescription', 'groupmode', 'eq', NOGROUPS);
     $mform->disabledIf('groupname', 'groupsession', 'eq', 0);
     // buttons
                    if ($elluminate->creator == $USER->id) {
                        $isvaliduser = true;
            if ($isvaliduser) {
                $participant = $canjoinmeeting;
    } else {
        $participant = $canjoinmeeting;
    // If the user is not a member of group or groupings, make sure they're not invited as a moderator
    if (!$participant) {
        if (elluminate_is_participant_in_meeting($elluminate, $USER->id)) {
            $participant = $canjoinmeeting;
if ($elluminate->creator == $USER->id || $groupmode && groups_is_member($currentgroupid) && has_capability('mod/elluminate:managerecordings', $context)) {
    $canmanagerecordings = true;
} else {
    $canmanagerecordings = false;
/// Calculate the actual number of seconds for the boundary time.
$boundaryminutes = $elluminate->boundarytime * MINSECS;
/// Determine if the meeting has started yet and also if the meeting has finished yet.
$hasstarted = $elluminate->timestart - $boundaryminutes <= $timenow;
$hasfinished = $elluminate->timeend < $timenow;
/// Print the page header
 function definition()
     global $CFG, $COURSE, $USER, $DB;
     $id = optional_param('update', '', PARAM_RAW);
     if (!empty($id)) {
         if (!($cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('elluminate', $id))) {
             print_error("Course Module ID was incorrect");
         if (!($elluminate = $DB->get_record("elluminate", array('id' => $cm->instance)))) {
             print_error("Course module is incorrect");
     if (!empty($id)) {
         //In Moodle 2.2.2 the groupmodeforce option is not being enforced on objects below the
         //course level. So now we look to see if the force group mode is on or not. If groupmodeforce is not turned on for the
         //course, then we can trust the cm object to have the correct groupmode value. Otherwise, we do not trust the cm
         //object and instead get the value from our existing course.
         if ($cm->groupmode != $elluminate->groupmode) {
             if ($COURSE->groupmodeforce == 0) {
                 $elluminate->groupmode = $cm->groupmode;
             } else {
                 $cm->groupmode = $elluminate->groupmode;
             elluminate_check_for_group_change($cm, $elluminate);
             if (!($elluminate = $DB->get_record("elluminate", array('id' => $cm->instance)))) {
                 print_error("Course module is incorrect");
             //We're doing a redirect onto itself so that the changes are reflected on the UI
             //redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/course/modedit.php?update=' . $cm->id. '&amp;return=0');
         } else {
             //print"<br></br>=============== we're in the esle";
     //print"<br></br>=============== we're in the esle";
     if (!empty($elluminate)) {
         $participant = false;
         if ($elluminate->sessiontype == 1) {
             //Checks to see if the user is a participant in the private meeting
             if (elluminate_is_participant_in_meeting($elluminate, $USER->id)) {
                 //then checks to make sure that the user role has the privilege to join a meeting
                 $participant = true;
         } else {
             $participant = true;
         if ($participant == false) {
             print_error('You need to be invited to this private session in order to edit it.');
     $elluminate_boundary_times = array(0 => '0', 15 => '15', 30 => '30', 45 => '45', 60 => '60');
     $elluminate_max_talkers = array(1 => '1', 2 => '2', 3 => '3', 4 => '4', 5 => '5', 6 => '6');
     $mform =& $this->_form;
     $mform->addElement('header', 'general', get_string('general', 'form'));
     $mform->addElement('text', 'name', get_string('title', 'elluminate'), array('size' => '64', 'maxlength' => '64'));
     $mform->setType('name', PARAM_RAW);
     $mform->addRule('name', null, 'required', null, 'client');
     //These are in place to pull the localized string and use it in the javascript
     $mform->addElement('hidden', 'noGroupString', get_string('groupsnone'));
     $mform->addElement('hidden', 'seperateGroupString', get_string('groupsseparate'));
     $mform->addElement('hidden', 'visibleGroupString', get_string('groupsvisible'));
     $sessiontypes = array();
     if ($COURSE->groupmodeforce == '0') {
         $sessiontypes[0] = get_string('course', 'elluminate');
         $sessiontypes[1] = get_string('private', 'elluminate');
         $has_groups = $DB->get_records('groups', array('courseid' => $COURSE->id), 'name ASC');
         if ($has_groups != false) {
             $sessiontypes[2] = get_string('group', 'group');
         $has_groupings = $DB->get_records('groupings', array('courseid' => $COURSE->id), 'name ASC');
         if ($has_groupings != false) {
             $sessiontypes[3] = get_string('grouping', 'group');
     } else {
         if ($COURSE->groupmode == 0) {
             $sessiontypes[0] = get_string('course', 'elluminate');
             $sessiontypes[1] = get_string('private', 'elluminate');
             $has_groupings = $DB->get_records('groupings', array('courseid' => $COURSE->id), 'name ASC');
             if ($has_groupings != false) {
                 $sessiontypes[3] = get_string('grouping', 'group');
         } else {
             if ($COURSE->groupmode > 0) {
                 $has_groups = $DB->get_records('groups', array('courseid' => $COURSE->id), 'name ASC');
                 if ($has_groups != false) {
                     $sessiontypes[2] = get_string('group', 'group');
                 $has_groupings = $DB->get_records('groupings', array('courseid' => $COURSE->id), 'name ASC');
                 if ($has_groupings != false) {
                     $sessiontypes[3] = get_string('grouping', 'group');
     $mform->addElement('select', 'sessiontype', get_string('sessiontype', 'elluminate'), $sessiontypes);
     $mform->addElement('select', 'customname', get_string('appendgroupname', 'elluminate'), array(0 => 'None', 1 => 'Only Group Name', 2 => 'Append Group Name to Title'));
     $mform->addElement('text', 'sessionname', get_string('customsessionname', 'elluminate'), array('size' => '64', 'maxlength' => '64'));
     $mform->disabledIf('sessionname', 'customname', 'eq', 1);
     $mform->disabledIf('sessionname', 'customname', 'eq', 2);
     $mform->addElement('text', 'sessionname_state', 'Session Name State', array('size' => '64', 'maxlength' => '64'));
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $mform->addElement('hidden', 'isedit', 'true');
         //This is a placeholder to do disables on.
         $mform->addElement('hidden', 'edit_groupmode', $elluminate->groupmode);
         if ($elluminate->sessiontype == '0') {
             $mform->setDefault('sessiontype', 0);
         } else {
             if ($elluminate->sessiontype == '1') {
                 $mform->setDefault('sessiontype', 1);
             } else {
                 if ($elluminate->sessiontype == '2') {
                     $mform->setDefault('sessiontype', 2);
                 } else {
                     if ($elluminate->sessiontype == '3') {
                         $mform->setDefault('sessiontype', 3);
                         $mform->setDefault('grouping', $elluminate->groupid);
         $mform->disabledIf('sessiontype', 'isedit', 'eq', 'true');
     $mform->addElement('htmleditor', 'description', get_string('description', 'elluminate'));
     $mform->setType('description', PARAM_RAW);
     $mform->addElement('checkbox', 'customdescription', get_string('customdescription', 'elluminate'));
     $mform->disabledIf('customdescription', 'sessiontype', 'eq', 0);
     $mform->disabledIf('customdescription', 'sessiontype', 'eq', 1);
     $mform->addElement('date_time_selector', 'timestart', get_string('meetingbegins', 'elluminate'), array('optional' => false, 'step' => 15));
     $mform->setDefault('timestart', time() + 900);
     $mform->addElement('date_time_selector', 'timeend', get_string('meetingends', 'elluminate'), array('optional' => false, 'step' => 15));
     $mform->setDefault('timeend', time() + 4500);
     $recording_options = array(ELLUMINATELIVE_RECORDING_NONE => get_string('disabled', 'elluminate'), ELLUMINATELIVE_RECORDING_MANUAL => get_string('manual', 'elluminate'), ELLUMINATELIVE_RECORDING_AUTOMATIC => get_string('automatic', 'elluminate'));
     $mform->addElement('select', 'recordingmode', get_string('recordingmode', 'elluminate'), $recording_options);
     $mform->setDefault('recordingmode', ELLUMINATELIVE_RECORDING_MANUAL);
     $mform->addHelpButton('recordingmode', 'recordingmode', 'elluminate');
     $mform->addElement('select', 'maxtalkers', get_string('maxtalkers', 'elluminate'), $elluminate_max_talkers);
     if (!empty($elluminate->maxtalkers)) {
         $mform->setDefault('maxtalkers', $elluminate->maxtalkers);
     } else {
         if ($CFG->elluminate_max_talkers == '-1') {
             $mform->setDefault('maxtalkers', ELLUMINATELIVE_MAX_TALKERS);
         } else {
             $mform->setDefault('maxtalkers', $CFG->elluminate_max_talkers);
     $mform->addHelpButton('maxtalkers', 'maxtalkers', 'elluminate');
     /// Don't allow choosing a boundary time if there is a globally defined default time.
     if ($CFG->elluminate_boundary_default != '-1') {
         $attributes = array('disabled' => 'true');
     } else {
         $attributes = '';
     $boundaryselect = $mform->addElement('select', 'boundarytime', get_string('boundarytime', 'elluminate'), $elluminate_boundary_times, $attributes);
     if ($CFG->elluminate_boundary_default == '-1') {
         $mform->setDefault('boundarytime', ELLUMINATELIVE_BOUNDARY_DEFAULT);
     } else {
         $mform->setConstant('boundarytime', $CFG->elluminate_boundary_default);
     $mform->addHelpButton('boundarytime', 'boundarytime', 'elluminate');
     $mform->addElement('checkbox', 'boundarytimedisplay', get_string('boundarytimedisplay', 'elluminate'));
     $mform->disabledIf('boundarytimedisplay', 'boundarytime', 'eq', 0);
     $mform->addElement('modgrade', 'grade', get_string('gradeattendance', 'elluminate'));
     $mform->setDefault('grade', 0);
     $has_groupings = $DB->get_records('groupings', array('courseid' => $COURSE->id), 'name ASC');
     if ($has_groupings) {
         if ($groupings = $DB->get_records('groupings', array('courseid' => $COURSE->id))) {
             foreach ($groupings as $grouping) {
                 $options[$grouping->id] = format_string($grouping->name);
         $mform->addElement('select', 'grouping_id', get_string('grouping', 'group'), $options);
         $mform->addHelpButton('grouping_id', 'grouping', 'group');
         //Set edit grouping id
         if (!empty($id)) {
             $mform->setDefault('grouping_id', $elluminate->groupingid);
     /// Add rules for group name dependent options defined earlier.
     $mform->disabledIf('groupname', 'groupsession', 'eq', 0);