public function editcate() { $cateid = $this->segment(4); if (!intval($cateid)) { _message("参数错误"); exit; } $cateinfo = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `@#_category` WHERE `cateid` = '{$cateid}' LIMIT 1"); if (!$cateinfo) { _message("没有这个栏目"); } $cateinfo['info'] = unserialize($cateinfo['info']); $categorys = $this->db->GetList("SELECT * FROM `@#_category` WHERE 1 order by `parentid` ASC,`cateid` ASC", array('key' => 'cateid')); $models = $this->db->GetList("SELECT * FROM `@#_model` WHERE 1", array('key' => 'modelid')); $tree = System::load_sys_class('tree'); $tree->icon = array('│ ', '├─ ', '└─ '); $tree->nbsp = ' '; $categoryshtml = "<option value='\$cateid'>\$spacer\$name</option>"; $tree->init($categorys); $categoryshtml = $tree->get_tree(0, $categoryshtml); $catetype = 'def'; //类型 if ($cateinfo['model'] > 0) { $catetype = 'def'; } if ($cateinfo['model'] == -1) { $catetype = 'danweb'; } if ($cateinfo['model'] == -2) { $catetype = 'link'; } $topinfo = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `@#_category` WHERE `cateid` = '{$cateinfo['parentid']}' LIMIT 1"); if ($topinfo) { $categoryshtml .= "<option value='{$topinfo['cateid']}' selected>≡ {$topinfo['name']} ≡</option>"; } else { $categoryshtml .= "<option value='0' selected>≡ 作为一级栏目 ≡</option>"; } $info = array(); if (isset($_POST['info'])) { switch ($catetype) { case 'def': $info['parentid'] = intval($_POST['info']['parentid']); $info['name'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['info']['name']); $info['catdir'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['info']['catdir']); if (empty($info['name'])) { _message('栏目名不能为空'); } if (empty($info['catdir'])) { _message("地址不能为空"); } $setting = array('thumb' => htmlspecialchars($_POST['thumb']), 'des' => htmlspecialchars($_POST['info']['description']), 'template' => '', 'content' => '', 'meta_title' => htmlspecialchars($_POST['setting']['meta_title']), 'meta_keywords' => htmlspecialchars($_POST['setting']['meta_keywords']), 'meta_description' => htmlspecialchars($_POST['setting']['meta_description'])); $setting['template_list'] = $_POST['info']['template_list']; $setting['template_show'] = $_POST['info']['template_show']; $setting = serialize($setting); $sql = "UPDATE `@#_category` SET `parentid`='{$info['parentid']}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t `name`='{$info['name']}', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t `catdir`='{$info['catdir']}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t `info`='{$setting}' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE (`cateid`='{$cateid}')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t "; $this->db->Query($sql); if ($this->db->affected_rows()) { _message("操作成功!", WEB_PATH . '/' . ROUTE_M . '/category/lists/'); } else { _message("操作失败!"); } break; case 'danweb': $info['parentid'] = intval($_POST['info']['parentid']); $info['name'] = $_POST['info']['name']; $info['catdir'] = $_POST['info']['catdir']; if (empty($info['name'])) { _message('栏目名不能为空'); } if (empty($info['catdir'])) { _message("地址不能为空"); } $setting = array('thumb' => htmlspecialchars($_POST['thumb']), 'des' => htmlspecialchars($_POST['info']['description']), 'template' => $_POST['info']['template'], 'content' => base64_encode(editor_safe_replace(stripslashes($_POST['setting']['content']))), 'meta_title' => htmlspecialchars($_POST['setting']['meta_title']), 'meta_keywords' => htmlspecialchars($_POST['setting']['meta_keywords']), 'meta_description' => htmlspecialchars($_POST['setting']['meta_description'])); $setting = serialize($setting); $sql = "UPDATE `@#_category` SET `parentid`='{$info['parentid']}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t `name`='{$info['name']}', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t `catdir`='{$info['catdir']}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t `info`='{$setting}' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE (`cateid`='{$cateid}')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t "; $this->db->Query($sql); if ($this->db->affected_rows()) { _message("操作成功!", WEB_PATH . '/' . ROUTE_M . '/category/lists/'); } else { _message("操作失败!"); } break; case 'link': $info['parentid'] = intval($_POST['info']['parentid']); $info['name'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['info']['name']); $info['url'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['info']['url']); if (empty($info['name'])) { _message('栏目名不能为空'); } if (empty($info['url'])) { _message("地址不能为空"); } $sql = "UPDATE `@#_category` SET `parentid`='{$info['parentid']}',`name`='{$info['name']}', `url`='{$info['url']}' WHERE (`cateid`='{$cateid}')"; $this->db->Query($sql); if ($this->db->affected_rows()) { _message("操作成功!", WEB_PATH . '/' . ROUTE_M . '/category/lists/'); } else { _message("操作失败!"); } break; } //SWITCH END } //IF POST END include $this->tpl(ROUTE_M, 'category.edit'); }
public function goods_add() { if (isset($_POST['dosubmit'])) { $cateid = intval($_POST['cateid']); $brandid = intval($_POST['brand']); $title = _htmtocode($_POST['title']); $title_color = htmlspecialchars($_POST['title_style_color']); $title_bold = htmlspecialchars($_POST['title_style_bold']); $title2 = _htmtocode($_POST['title2']); $keywords = htmlspecialchars($_POST['keywords']); $description = htmlspecialchars($_POST['description']); $content = editor_safe_replace(stripslashes($_POST['content'])); $money = intval($_POST['money']); $yunjiage = intval($_POST['yunjiage']); $xiangou = intval($_POST['xiangou']); $thumb = htmlspecialchars($_POST['thumb']); $maxqishu = intval($_POST['maxqishu']); $canyurenshu = 0; $goods_key_pos = isset($_POST['goods_key']['pos']) ? 1 : 0; $goods_key_renqi = isset($_POST['goods_key']['renqi']) ? 1 : 0; $goods_key_bannershop = isset($_POST['goods_key']['bannershop']) ? 1 : 0; $renqipos = isset($_POST['goods_key']['renqipos']) ? 1 : 0; $newpos = isset($_POST['goods_key']['newpos']) ? 1 : 0; $posthumb = trim(htmlspecialchars($_POST['posthumb'])); if (!$cateid) { _message("请选择栏目"); } if (!$brandid) { _message("请选择品牌"); } if (!$title) { _message("标题不能为空"); } if (!$thumb) { _message("缩略图不能为空"); } $title_style = ''; if ($title_color) { $title_style .= 'color:' . $title_color . ';'; } if ($title_bold) { $title_style .= 'font-weight:' . $title_bold . ';'; } if (isset($_POST['uppicarr'])) { $picarr = serialize($_POST['uppicarr']); } else { $picarr = serialize(array()); } if ($_POST['xsjx_time'] != '') { $xsjx_time = strtotime($_POST['xsjx_time']) ? strtotime($_POST['xsjx_time']) : time(); $xsjx_time_h = intval($_POST['xsjx_time_h']) ? $_POST['xsjx_time_h'] : 36000; $xsjx_time += $xsjx_time_h; } else { $xsjx_time = '0'; } if ($maxqishu > 65535) { _message("最大雨数不能超过65535雨"); } if ($money < $yunjiage) { _message("商品价格不能小于购买价格"); } $zongrenshu = ceil($money / $yunjiage); $codes_len = ceil($zongrenshu / 3000); $shenyurenshu = $zongrenshu - $canyurenshu; if ($zongrenshu == 0 || $zongrenshu - $canyurenshu == 0) { _message("云购价格不正确"); } $time = time(); //商品添加时间 $this->db->Autocommit_start(); $query_1 = $this->db->Query("INSERT INTO `@#_shoplist` (`quyu`,`cateid`, `brandid`, `title`, `title_style`, `title2`, `keywords`, `description`, `money`, `yunjiage`, `xiangou`, `zongrenshu`, `canyurenshu`,`shenyurenshu`, `qishu`,`maxqishu`,`thumb`, `picarr`, `content`,`xsjx_time`,`renqi`,`pos`,`bannershop`,`renqipos`,`newpos`,`posthumb`, `time`) VALUES ('" . htmlspecialchars($_POST['quyu']) . "','{$cateid}', '{$brandid}', '{$title}', '{$title_style}', '{$title2}', '{$keywords}', '{$description}', '{$money}', '{$yunjiage}','{$xiangou}' ,'{$zongrenshu}', '{$canyurenshu}','{$shenyurenshu}', '1','{$maxqishu}', '{$thumb}', '{$picarr}', '{$content}','{$xsjx_time}','{$goods_key_renqi}', '{$goods_key_pos}','{$goods_key_bannershop}','{$renqipos}','{$newpos}','{$posthumb}','{$time}')"); $shopid = $this->db->insert_id(); System::load_app_fun("content"); $query_table = content_get_codes_table(); if (!$query_table) { $this->db->Autocommit_rollback(); _message("雨购码仓库不正确!"); } $query_2 = content_get_go_codes($zongrenshu, 3000, $shopid); $query_3 = $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_shoplist` SET `codes_table` = '{$query_table}',`sid` = '{$shopid}',`def_renshu` = '{$canyurenshu}' where `id` = '{$shopid}'"); if ($query_1 && $query_2 && $query_3) { $this->db->Autocommit_commit(); _message("商品添加成功!", WEB_PATH . '/' . ROUTE_M . '/content/goods_list/'); } else { $this->db->Autocommit_rollback(); _message("商品添加失败!"); } header("Cache-control: private"); } $cateid = intval($this->segment(4)); $categorys = $this->db->GetList("SELECT * FROM `@#_category` WHERE `model` = '1' order by `parentid` ASC,`cateid` ASC", array('key' => 'cateid')); $tree = System::load_sys_class('tree'); $tree->icon = array('│ ', '├─ ', '└─ '); $tree->nbsp = ' '; $categoryshtml = "<option value='\$cateid'>\$spacer\$name</option>"; $tree->init($categorys); $categoryshtml = $tree->get_tree(0, $categoryshtml); $categoryshtml = '<option value="0">≡ 请选择栏目 ≡</option>' . $categoryshtml; if ($cateid) { $cateinfo = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `@#_category` WHERE `cateid` = '{$cateid}' LIMIT 1"); if (!$cateinfo) { _message("参数不正确,没有这个栏目", G_ADMIN_PATH . '/' . ROUTE_C . '/addarticle'); } $categoryshtml .= '<option value="' . $cateinfo['cateid'] . '" selected="true">' . $cateinfo['name'] . '</option>'; $BrandList = $this->db->GetList("SELECT * FROM `@#_brand` where `cateid`='{$cateid}'", array("key" => "id")); } else { $BrandList = $this->db->GetList("SELECT * FROM `@#_brand` where 1", array("key" => "id")); } $this->ment = array(array("lists", "商品管理", ROUTE_M . '/' . ROUTE_C . "/goods_list"), array("insert", "添加商品", ROUTE_M . '/' . ROUTE_C . "/goods_add")); include $this->tpl(ROUTE_M, 'shop.insert'); }
public function singleinsert() { $member = $this->userinfo; $uid = _getcookie('uid'); $ushell = _getcookie('ushell'); $title = "添加晒单"; $recordid = intval($this->segment(4)); $shopid = $recordid; $shaidan = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_member_go_record` where `id`='{$recordid}' and `uid` = '{$member['uid']}'"); if (!$shaidan) { _message("该商品您不可晒单!"); } $shaidanyn = $this->db->GetOne("select sd_id from `@#_shaidan` where `sd_shopid`='{$recordid}' and `sd_userid` = '{$member['uid']}'"); if ($shaidanyn) { _message("不可重复晒单!"); } $ginfo = $this->db->GetOne("select id,sid,qishu from `@#_shoplist` where `id`='{$shaidan['shopid']}' LIMIT 1"); if (!$ginfo) { _message("该商品已不存在!"); } if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if ($_POST['title'] == null) { _message("标题不能为空"); } if ($_POST['content'] == null) { _message("内容不能为空"); } if (!isset($_POST['fileurl_tmp'])) { _message("图片不能为空"); } System::load_sys_class('upload', 'sys', 'no'); $img = $_POST['fileurl_tmp']; $num = count($img); $pic = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $pic .= trim($img[$i]) . ";"; } $src = trim($img[0]); if (!file_exists(G_UPLOAD . $src)) { _message("晒单图片不正确"); } $size = getimagesize(G_UPLOAD . $src); $width = 220; $height = $size[1] * ($width / $size[0]); $src_houzhui = upload::thumbs($width, $height, false, G_UPLOAD . '/' . $src); $thumbs = $src . "_" . intval($width) . intval($height) . "." . $src_houzhui; $sd_userid = $this->userinfo['uid']; $sd_shopid = $ginfo['id']; $sd_shopsid = $ginfo['sid']; $sd_qishu = $ginfo['qishu']; $sd_title = _htmtocode($_POST['title']); $sd_thumbs = $thumbs; $sd_content = editor_safe_replace(stripslashes($_POST['content'])); $sd_photolist = $pic; $sd_time = time(); $sd_ip = _get_ip_dizhi(); $this->db->Query("INSERT INTO `@#_shaidan`(`sd_userid`,`sd_shopid`,`sd_shopsid`,`sd_qishu`,`sd_ip`,`sd_title`,`sd_thumbs`,`sd_content`,`sd_photolist`,`sd_time`)VALUES\n\t\t\t('{$sd_userid}','{$sd_shopid}','{$sd_shopsid}','{$sd_qishu}','{$sd_ip}','{$sd_title}','{$sd_thumbs}','{$sd_content}','{$sd_photolist}','{$sd_time}')"); _message("晒单分享成功", WEB_PATH . "/member/home/singlelist"); } include templates("member", "singleinsert"); }