function make_thievery(&$objSrcUser, &$objTrgUser, $local_action, $amount_sent, $amount_ops, $stop_on_success) { global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS, $connection; check_to_update($objTrgUser->get_userid()); if ($objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) == 0) { echo "This player has been either deleted or suspended"; include_game_down(); exit; } //frost: global protection routine $global_protection = mysql_query("SELECT global_protection FROM admin_switches"); $global_protection = mysql_fetch_array($global_protection); if ($global_protection['global_protection'] == "on") { echo "<br /><br /><br />Because of a global event all tribes in ORKFiA are under protection.<br />Please read the announcement in the forum."; include_game_down(); exit; } mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); $amount_sent = floor($amount_sent); if (!file_exists("inc/ops/" . $local_action . ".php")) { echo "Missing file: inc/ops/{$local_action}.php"; include_game_down(); exit; } $fn = "inc/ops/" . $local_action . ".php"; include $fn; $kingdom = $objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE); if ($amount_sent <= 0) { echo "Not sending ANY thieves on a thievery mission doesn't accomplish much<br /><br />"; echo "<a href=main.php?cat=game&page=thievery&kd={$kingdom}>Try again</a>"; include_game_down(); exit; } if ($objSrcUser->get_userid() == $objTrgUser->get_userid() && get_op_type() == "aggressive") { echo "You must choose an appropriate target.<br /><br />"; echo "<a href=main.php?cat=game&page=thievery&kd={$kingdom}>Try again ?</a>"; include_game_down(); exit; } if ($objTrgUser->get_user_info(hours) < PROTECTION_HOURS && get_op_type() != "self") { $iRemaining = PROTECTION_HOURS - $objTrgUser->get_user_info(HOURS); $strProtectionMsg = '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . 'It appears that the tribe you wish to target is still ' . 'materializing. The head of our thieves estimates that it will ' . 'take another ' . $iRemaining . ' updates for the area to become ' . 'a stable part of reality.'; echo $strProtectionMsg . "</p><p>"; echo "<a href=main.php?cat=game&page=thievery&kd={$kingdom}>Try again ?</a>" . '</p></div>'; include_game_down(); exit; } if ($amount_ops <= 0) { echo '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . "You didn't do anything..." . "<p><a href=main.php?cat=game&page=thievery&kd={$kingdom}>Try again</a>" . '</p></div>'; include_game_down(); exit; } $credits = $objSrcUser->get_thievery(CREDITS); $op_cost = get_op_cost($local_action, $objSrcUser->get_build(LAND)); if ($credits < $op_cost) { echo '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . "Sorry, every aggressive thievery operation " . "requires thievery points and you don't have enough to perform this type of operation.</p>" . "<p><a href=main.php?cat=game&page=thievery&kd={$kingdom}>Try again</a>" . '</p></div>'; include_game_down(); exit; } // Tried to send more operations than have op-credits if ($credits < $amount_ops * $op_cost) { $amount_ops = floor($credits / $op_cost); } if ($amount_sent > $objSrcUser->get_army_home(UNIT5)) { echo '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . "We don't have enough thieves to send even 1 operation in the way you've requested, please specify a different amount.</p>" . "<p><a href=main.php?cat=game&page=thievery&kd={$kingdom}>Try again</a>" . '</p></div>'; include_game_down(); exit; } if (!clsBlock::isOpAllowed($objSrcUser, $objTrgUser) && get_op_type() != "self") { echo '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . 'Someone else from the same IP has already opped this tribe during the last 8 hours.' . '</p><p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&page=thievery">Return</a>' . '</p></div>'; clsBlock::reportOp($objSrcUser, $objTrgUser, 'Thief op: ' . $local_action, false); free_casting_now($iUserID); include_game_down(); exit; } // Dragon 50% damage reduction. For war-bonusses change this modifier as well, instead of directly editing the ops-files. // -Martel wuz here- (50% reduction works now) include_once 'inc/functions/get.php'; if ($objTrgUser->get_stat(RACE) == 'Dragon') { $modifier = 0.5; } else { $modifier = 1; } // War-check include_once "inc/functions/war.php"; $warmodifier = war_alli($objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE), $objSrcUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE)); if ($warmodifier > 1) { $modifier *= 1.1; if ($objSrcUser->get_spell(DEFIANCE) > 0) { $modifier *= 1.1; } } $target = war_target($objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE)); if ($target != 0 && $warmodifier == 0) { $modifier *= 0.95; } $total_sent = $amount_ops * $amount_sent; // Ugly way of doing it... but here the div for the report starts. Timesaver. echo '<div id="textBig">' . '<h2>' . 'Thievery Report' . '</h2>' . '<p>'; if ($total_sent > $objSrcUser->get_army_home(UNIT5)) { $amount_ops = floor($objSrcUser->get_army_home(UNIT5) / $amount_sent); echo "We don't have enough thieves to send that many operations, we've sent less instead.<br /><br />"; } // GUARDHOUSES // Tragedy: april 20th 2002: // adding a cap of max 80% effectiveness on guardhouses, ergo max 20% of land $guard_percentage = min(0.2, $objTrgUser->get_build(GUARDHOUSES) / $objTrgUser->get_build(LAND)); if (get_op_type() != "self") { $P_guard = $guard_percentage * 3.5; } else { $P_guard = 0; } //THIEVES TRAP //Species 5618: 17-01-2005 //special self-op provides 15% thievery protection if ($objTrgUser->get_thievery(TRAP) > 0 && get_op_type() != "self") { $P_trap = 0.15; } else { $P_trap = 0; } $defthiefs = $objTrgUser->get_army_home(UNIT5); if ($defthiefs < 10) { $defthiefs = 10; } $d_user_tpa = $defthiefs / $objTrgUser->get_build(LAND); //Templars don't have thieves - AI 10/02/2007 if ($objTrgUser->get_stat(RACE) == 'Templar') { $d_user_tpa = 0; } $off_thieves = $objSrcUser->get_army_home(UNIT5); $thieves_lost = 0; $cntOpSuccess = 0; $cntOF_total = 0; $cntOF_tpa = 0; $cntOF_gh = 0; $cntOF_trap = 0; $d_land = $objTrgUser->get_build(LAND); $o_land = $objSrcUser->get_build(LAND); for ($x = 1; $x <= $amount_ops; $x++) { if (get_op_type() == "aggressive") { $o_user_tpa = $off_thieves / $o_land; if ($d_user_tpa > 0.25) { $tpa_vs_tpa = $o_user_tpa / $d_user_tpa / 1.5; } else { $tpa_vs_tpa = 1; } $tpa_vs_tpa = min(max($tpa_vs_tpa, 0.05), 1); $chance = get_op_chance() / 100 * $tpa_vs_tpa; if ($o_land < 0.5 * $d_land || $o_land > 2 * $d_land) { $chance /= 2; } $P_tpa = 1 - $chance; } else { $P_tpa = 1 - get_op_chance() / 100; } $P_success = (1 - $P_tpa) * (1 - $P_guard) * (1 - $P_trap); //Randomly decide wether the op succeeds or fails. //When it fails, randomly choose a reason based on the relative failure-rates of all possible failure-reasons //Don't worry too much about the math behind it. It's correct and assures a fair distribution over the various 'reasons for failure' $P_fail_Total = $P_tpa + $P_guard + $P_trap; $P_fail_tpa = $P_tpa / $P_fail_Total; $P_fail_guard = $P_guard / $P_fail_Total; $P_fail_trap = $P_trap / $P_fail_Total; $random = rand(1, 10000) / 10000; if ($random < $P_success) { $cntOpSuccess++; //Stop-On-Success check if ($stop_on_success == "yes") { $amount_ops = $x; break; } } else { $cntOF_total++; //Why did the op fail ? TPA-diff or GH failure or Thieves Trap? $random = rand(1, 10000) / 10000; if ($random <= $P_fail_trap) { $cntOF_trap++; $thieves_lost += ceil($amount_sent * 0.05 * 1.3); } elseif ($random <= $P_fail_trap + $P_fail_guard) { $cntOF_gh++; $thieves_lost += ceil($amount_sent * (rand(5, 15) / 100)); } else { $cntOF_tpa++; $thieves_lost += ceil($amount_sent * 0.05); } } //Lower amount of thieves so chances are correctly recalculated during the next iteration. $off_thieves -= $amount_sent; } if (get_op_type() == "self" && $local_action != "trap") { $thieves_lost = 0; } //Now call the actual op. //The $opResult return-value is an array consisting of 3 values: //- $opResult["fame"], fame gained/lost //- $opResult["text_screen"], text to be shown on screen //- $opResult["text_news"], text to be shown in enemy tribenews if ($local_action == "ambush" && $cntOpSuccess > 0) { $cntOpSuccess = 1; } if ($cntOpSuccess > 0) { $opResult = do_op($objSrcUser, $objTrgUser, $cntOpSuccess, $amount_sent, $modifier); } else { $opResult["fame"] = 0; } $total_sent = $amount_ops * $amount_sent; if ($thieves_lost > $total_sent) { $thieves_lost = $total_sent; } $plural1 = ""; $plural2 = "was"; if ($amount_ops > 1) { $plural1 = "s"; $plural2 = "were"; } $plural3 = "thief"; if ($total_sent > 1) { $plural3 = "thieves"; } echo "{$amount_ops} operation{$plural1}, a total of {$total_sent} {$plural3}, {$plural2} sent on its way.<br />"; if ($cntOpSuccess == 1) { $plural = ""; $plural3 = "was"; } else { $plural = "s"; $plural3 = "were"; } if ($cntOF_total == 1) { $plural2 = "has"; } else { $plural2 = "have"; } echo "{$cntOpSuccess} operation{$plural} {$plural3} reported to be successful, {$cntOF_total} {$plural2} failed.<br /><br />"; if ($cntOF_tpa == 1) { $plural = ""; $plural2 = "has"; } else { $plural = "s"; $plural2 = "have"; } if ($cntOF_tpa > 0 && get_op_type() == "aggressive" && $d_user_tpa != 0) { echo "{$cntOF_tpa} operation{$plural} {$plural2} failed because the enemy thieves intercepted ours.<br />"; } elseif ($cntOF_tpa > 0 && get_op_type() == "aggressive" && $d_user_tpa == 0) { echo "{$cntOF_tpa} operation{$plural} {$plural2} failed because our thieves got spotted by enemy military.<br />"; } if ($cntOF_gh == 1) { $plural = ""; $plural2 = "has"; } else { $plural = "s"; $plural2 = "have"; } if ($cntOF_gh > 0) { echo "Enemy guardstations caused {$cntOF_gh} operation{$plural} to fail<br />"; } if ($cntOF_trap == 1) { $plural = ""; $plural2 = "was"; } else { $plural = "s"; $plural2 = "were"; } if ($cntOF_trap > 0) { echo "{$cntOF_trap} of our operations were caught by traps the enemy had set for us<br />"; } if ($opResult["fame"] != 0) { $trgFame = $objTrgUser->get_stat(FAME); if ($opResult["fame"] > $trgFame) { $opResult["fame"] = $trgFame; } $newDFame = $trgFame - $opResult["fame"]; $objTrgUser->set_stat(FAME, $newDFame); $newFame = $objSrcUser->get_stat(FAME) + $opResult["fame"]; $objSrcUser->set_stat(FAME, $newFame); } if ($amount_ops != 1) { $plural = "these"; $plural2 = "s"; } else { $plural = "this"; $plural2 = ""; } if ($thieves_lost == 1) { $plural3 = 'f'; } else { $plural3 = 'ves'; } echo "With {$plural} operation{$plural2} we have gained <b class=positive>" . $opResult["fame"] . " fame</b> and lost " . number_format($thieves_lost) . " thie" . $plural3 . ".<br /><br />"; $dplayer = $objTrgUser->get_userid(); $userid = $objSrcUser->get_userid(); $tribe = stripslashes($objSrcUser->get_stat(TRIBE)); $iSrcAid = $objSrcUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE); if ($cntOF_total > 0 && get_op_type() == "aggressive") { if ($cntOF_total > 1) { $plural = 's'; } else { $plural = ''; } $timestamp = date(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT); $ip = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $create['event'] = "INSERT INTO `news` (`id`, `time`, `ip`, `type`, `duser`, `ouser`, `result`, `text`, `kingdom_text`)\n VALUES ('', '{$timestamp}', '{$ip}', '{$local_action}', '{$dplayer}', '{$userid}', 'fail',\n 'We have caught {$cntOF_total} operation{$plural} of enemy thieves from {$tribe} (#{$iSrcAid}) tresspassing on our land.','') "; $created['event'] = mysql_query($create['event'], $connection); //trigger news flag of defender $objTrgUser->set_user_info(LAST_NEWS, $timestamp); } if ($cntOpSuccess > 0) { if (get_op_type() == "aggressive") { // echo name and alli $strTrgTribe = stripslashes($objTrgUser->get_stat(TRIBE)); $iTrgAlliance = $objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE); echo "As your thieves return from {$strTrgTribe} (#{$iTrgAlliance}) the foreman reports the following result:" . '</p>'; } else { echo "The foreman of our thieves reports the following result:" . '</p>'; } echo '<div style="padding: 0 15px">' . $opResult["text_screen"] . '</div>' . '<p>'; if ($opResult["text_news"] != "") { $timestamp = date(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT); $ip = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $create['event'] = "INSERT INTO `news` (`id`, `time`, `ip`, `type`, `duser`, `ouser`, `result`, `text`, `kingdom_text`)\n VALUES ('', '{$timestamp}', '{$ip}', '{$local_action}', '{$dplayer}', '{$userid}', '1',\n '{$opResult['text_news']}','') "; $created['event'] = mysql_query($create['event'], $connection); //trigger news flag of defender $objTrgUser->set_user_info(LAST_NEWS, $timestamp); } } if (get_op_type() == "aggressive" || get_op_name() == "Thieves Trap (SELF)") { $total_cost = $amount_ops * $op_cost; $credits = $objSrcUser->get_thievery(CREDITS) - $total_cost; $objSrcUser->set_thievery(CREDITS, $credits); } $returning = $total_sent - $thieves_lost; $returnTime = 3; if ($objSrcUser->get_stat(RACE) == 'Spirit') { $returnTime = 2; } $col = UNIT5 . "_t" . $returnTime; $thievesout = $objSrcUser->get_milreturn($col); $objSrcUser->set_milreturn($col, $thievesout + $returning); $thievesleft = $objSrcUser->get_army(UNIT5) - $thieves_lost; $objSrcUser->set_army(UNIT5, $thievesleft); obj_test_for_kill($objTrgUser, $objSrcUser); if (get_op_type() != "self") { clsBlock::logOp($objSrcUser, $objTrgUser, 'Thief op: ' . $local_action); } echo '</p>' . '<p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&page=thievery&kd=' . $kingdom . '">Return</a>' . '</p>' . '</div>'; }
function do_all_op($op) { do_op(10, $op, "10"); do_op(10, $op, "010"); do_op(0x10, $op, "0x10"); do_op(0x10, $op, "0x010"); do_op(-10, $op, "-10"); do_op(-10, $op, "-010"); do_op(10, $op, "+10"); do_op(10, $op, "+010"); do_op(10.5, $op, "10.5"); do_op(10.5, $op, "010.5"); do_op(-10.5, $op, "-10.5"); do_op(-10.5, $op, "-010.5"); do_op(10.5, $op, "+10.5"); do_op(10.5, $op, "+010.5"); }
<?php require "example.php"; $a = 37; $b = 42; # Now call our C function with a bunch of callbacks print "Trying some C callback functions\n"; print " a = {$a}\n"; print " b = {$b}\n"; print " ADD(a,b) = " . do_op($a, $b, ADD) . "\n"; print " SUB(a,b) = " . do_op($a, $b, SUB) . "\n"; print " MUL(a,b) = " . do_op($a, $b, MUL) . "\n"; print "Here is what the C callback function objects look like in php\n"; print "Using swig style string pointers as we need them registered as constants\n"; print " ADD = " . ADD . "\n"; print " SUB = " . SUB . "\n"; print " MUL = " . MUL . "\n"; ?>