 * Attempts to insert a new row into the Actor or Director table
 * @param $data - array of data to be inserted
 * @return FALSE on error, otherwise the id of either the newly inserted row or the id of an already existing row
function save_person_in_db($data)
    // SQL query defines
    $actor_find_sql = 'SELECT id
		FROM Actor
		WHERE first = :first and last = :last
    $director_find_sql = 'SELECT id
		FROM Director
		WHERE first = :first and last = :last
    $actor_insert_sql = 'INSERT INTO Actor(id, first, last, dob, dod, sex) VALUES (:id, :first, :last, :dob, :dod, :sex)';
    $director_insert_sql = 'INSERT INTO Director(id, first, last, dob, dod) VALUES (:id, :first, :last, :dob, :dod)';
    // Grabs the next row id when operating normally
    $next_id_sql = 'SELECT MAX(id)+1 FROM MaxPersonID';
    // Grabs the next id if the MaxPersonID table is not initialized
    $next_id_sql_failsafe = 'SELECT MAX(id)
		FROM (
			SELECT MAX(id)+1 as id
			FROM Actor


			SELECT MAX(id)+1 as id
			FROM Director
		) as tmp
    // Store an id if there isn't one in the table already
    $next_id_failsafe_insert = 'INSERT INTO MaxPersonID(id) VALUES(:id)';
    // Update the max id when everything is running smoothly
    $update_next_id_sql = 'UPDATE MaxPersonID SET id = :id';
    $find_sql = $director_find_sql;
    $alt_find_sql = $actor_find_sql;
    $person_insert_sql = $director_insert_sql;
    $sql_args = array(':first' => ucfirst(strtolower((string) $data['first'])), ':last' => ucfirst(strtolower((string) $data['last'])));
    // Init the db and check for existing rows
    $dbh = dbHandler();
    $sth = $dbh->prepare($find_sql);
    if (!$sth->execute($sql_args)) {
        return false;
    $id = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
    // Row exists, bail
    if ($id) {
        return $id;
    // Row doesn't exist, check the alt table if person registered there
    // e.g. credited actor has now become a director
    $sth = $dbh->prepare($alt_find_sql);
    if (!$sth->execute($sql_args)) {
        return false;
    $alt_id = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
    $max_id_needs_update = true;
    // We can do this the EasyWay™ or the HardWay™
    if ($alt_id) {
        $new_id = $alt_id;
        $max_id_needs_update = false;
    } else {
        $sth = $dbh->prepare($next_id_sql);
        if (!$sth->execute()) {
            return false;
        $new_id = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
    // Looks like we're going to have to do it the HardWay™
    if (!$new_id) {
        $sth = $dbh->prepare($next_id_sql_failsafe);
        if (!$sth->execute()) {
            return false;
        $new_id = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
        $sth = $dbh->prepare($next_id_failsafe_insert);
        if (!$sth->execute(array(':id' => $new_id - 1))) {
            return false;
    $data_dob = (array) $data['dob'];
    $data_dod = (array) $data['dod'];
    $dob = mktime(0, 0, 0, $data_dob['month'], $data_dob['day'], $data_dob['year']);
    $dod = mktime(0, 0, 0, $data_dod['month'], $data_dod['day'], $data_dod['year']);
    if (-1 == $dob || empty($data_dob['day']) || empty($data_dob['month']) || empty($data_dob['year'])) {
        $dob = NULL;
    if (-1 == $dod || empty($data_dod['day']) || empty($data_dod['month']) || empty($data_dod['year'])) {
        $dod = NULL;
    $insert_args = array(':id' => $new_id, ':first' => $data['first'], ':last' => $data['last'], ':sex' => $data['sex'], ':dob' => $data_dob['year'] . '-' . $data_dob['month'] . '-' . $data_dob['day'], ':dod' => $data_dod['year'] . '-' . $data_dod['month'] . '-' . $data_dod['day']);
    if ($person_insert_sql != $actor_insert_sql) {
    $sth = $dbh->prepare($person_insert_sql);
    $person_status = $sth->execute($insert_args);
    $max_id_status = true;
    if ($max_id_needs_update && isset($new_id)) {
        $sth = $dbh->prepare($update_next_id_sql);
        $max_id_status = $sth->execute(array(':id' => $new_id));
    if ($person_status && $max_id_status) {
        return $new_id;
    return false;
 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php 
echo 'css.php';
require_once 'funCollection.php';
$saved = false;
$error = false;
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    // First, validate...
    if (empty($_POST['title']) || empty($_POST['company'])) {
        $error = 'You must specify all fields!';
    } else {
        // Looks like we're good to go!
        $dbh = dbHandler();
        $mmid_sql = 'SELECT id FROM MaxMovieID';
        $stmt = $dbh->prepare($mmid_sql);
        $mmid = $stmt->fetchColumn();
        // If the MaxMovieID table has not been initialized, do so now
        if (!$mmid) {
            $stmt = $dbh->prepare('SELECT MAX(id) from Movie');
            $mmid = $stmt->fetchColumn();
            $stmt = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO MaxMovieID(id) VALUES(:id)');
            $stmt->execute(array(':id' => $mmid + 1));
        $movie_insert_sql = 'INSERT INTO Movie (id, title, year, rating, company) VALUES(:id, :title, :year, :rating, :company)';
        $stmt = $dbh->prepare($movie_insert_sql);
        $stmt->execute(array(':id' => $mmid + 1, ':title' => (string) $_POST['title'], ':year' => (int) $_POST['year'], ':rating' => (string) $_POST['rating'], ':company' => (string) $_POST['company']));