<?php include "airavata.php"; $projId = createProject("admin", "test"); echo var_dump($projId); $expId = createExperiment("admin", "exp5", $projId, "test", "{\"input1\":\"13\",\"input2\":\"3\",\"input3\":\"true\"}"); // $expId = "exp5_e7b826cf-a429-4b3e-b519-28d859fe4b64"; echo var_dump($expId); $res = launchExperiment($expId); echo var_dump($res); while (($status = get_experiment_status($expId)) != "COMPLETED") { echo "{$status}\n"; sleep(1); } $results = getOutput($expId); echo var_dump($results);
$name = safeString($_POST['experiment_name']); } if ($name == "") { array_push($errors, 'Experiment name can not be blank.'); } $values['name'] = $name; $desc = ""; if (isset($_POST['experiment_description'])) { $desc = safeString($_POST['experiment_description']); } if ($desc == "") { array_push($errors, 'Experiment description can not be blank.'); } $values['description'] = $desc; if (count($errors) == 0) { if ($exp = createExperiment($session->generateSessionToken(), $name, $desc, "")) { $tag_list = array(); // Add tags from description and title $auto_added = array(); $auto_tags = explode(' ', $name . ' ' . $desc); foreach ($auto_tags as $t) { if (!in_array($t, $auto_added)) { $val = safeString(str_replace(",", "", $t)); if (strlen($val) > 0) { $tag_list[] = array('value' => $val, 'weight' => 1); } } } // Add user specified tags to experiment $user_tags = explode(' ', safeString($_POST['experiment_tags'])); foreach ($user_tags as $t) {